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  1. Is it possible to remove a skill, doing the opposite of something like this <property class="Action0"> <property name="Class" value="GainSkill"/> <property name="Skills_to_gain" value="perkASAthletics"/> </property> Instead of GainSkill, is there something like RemoveSkill?
  2. Is it possible to use the GotoPOI objective to select a random poi from a list? Or possibly something like [contains(@name, 'book')] I'm trying to make a challenge/quest to send you to a random or nearest book store. <objective type="GotoPOISDX, SCore" value="5-50000" phase="1"> <property name="completion_distance" value="50" /> <property name="PrefabName" value="[contains]" /> <!--random POI here--> <property name="nav_object" value="go_to_trader" /> </objective> This bit of code is a snippet from Darkness Falls.
  3. Hello, been having some trouble. It's really always been a problem for me and some friends playing. As we're questing through a POI sleepers will spawn right in front of us while were walking, or spawn in behind up after we've cleared a room/floor. This makes it incredible difficult to play a stealth character. What can cause this sort of problem? Is there a way to for a poi to load in it's entirety?
  4. You could make a new item for each book, which is just a bundle of 5 copies of the same book. Or you could make books rereadable.
  5. Hey, got some warnings on loading. Looks like a lootgroup doesn't exist, the randomEliteQuests. I just saw that you plan to test the elite quests. Are these warnings intended as of right now? Really looking forward to the mod.
  6. Hello fellow modders, I've been having some trouble understanding the quests syntax and properties. It all seems a little redundant, and I'd like to know what really matters. I'm looking for some info on the bare basics of creating some simple quests, and what properties are available for the task needed to complete. Thanks
  7. Also it appears you can still eat past 100% and have the food counter go up.
  8. Hey, found a problem in buffs.xml concerning dysentery. buffDysentery01GetBetterDiarrhea, and buffDysentery01UntreatedDiarrhea both modify stat=food. However one modifies 'food' and one modifies 'Food'. I'm fairly certain these stat names are case sensitive, so one of these should not be working. Line 4785 and 4812 in buffs.xml Alpha 20 stable. <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyStats" stat="Food" operation="add" value="-.5"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyStats" stat="food" operation="add" value="-.5"/>
  9. An issue with progression.xml. Editing base health and stamina via perk points was causing connection errors in multiplayer.
  10. Hey everyone, just curious to know if anyone else is experiencing lag spikes during the AI calculating their path to the player. Whenever zombies 'wake-up' and load a path to get to me, I drop frames for a second or two.
  11. I have tried both client and server. Both cause the null reference.
  12. Hey everyone, was testing ways to change base stats when you level agil and fort. I found you can do it easily for singleplayer, but these mods prevent others from connecting to your world, and will throw a null reference error. Any thoughts as to why these would cause that? <append xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute[@name='attAgility']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="StaminaMax" operation="base_add" level="2,10" value="5,45"/> </append> <append xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute[@name='attFortitude']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="2" value="110"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="3" value="115"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="4" value="120"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="5" value="125"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="6" value="130"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="7" value="135"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="8" value="140"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="9" value="145"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="10" value="150"/> </append>
  13. A Mod. In case you're looking for the same thing I'll give you the code. I tested changing base states with base_add and base_set, but neither are working for multiplayer. Both work just fine in singleplayer, and throw no errors or warnings. <!-- Health and Stam Per leavel in Fort and Agil GIVES NULL ERROR WHEN SOMEONE JOINS MULTIPLAYER, Neither work <append xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute[@name='attAgility']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="StaminaMax" operation="base_add" level="2,10" value="5,45"/> </append> <append xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute[@name='attFortitude']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="2" value="110"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="3" value="115"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="4" value="120"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="5" value="125"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="6" value="130"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="7" value="135"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="8" value="140"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="9" value="145"/> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" level="10" value="150"/> </append> -->
  14. Was an error in the progression.xml, thanks though.
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