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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Interesting thing is that the vehicle mods and the drone mods are never offered as a chance of a mission reward for the tier completion (same thing with armor mods). The only potential mods you can get as rewards are ranged and melee weapons. I think part of this is how much work has to go into the loot / trader rewards system as it has been a patchwork over the years and schwanz9000 is working on updating / clearing out legacy code that system so we can expect changes.
  2. For me, it is always about what I need. Even though it is not guaranteed to get all the parts necessary to build a minibike or a motorcycle, I will take the kit if I Don't have wheels and need them (guaranteed to get 2 from the bikes, 3 from the gyro, and 4 from the 4x4) Have a chance to get what I need on the remaining two items I don't feel that we need to have a guarantee to get all the parts just because we took the bundle as a mission reward. There are ways to get to the motorized vehicles besides getting a bundle that has all the parts we would need Loot drops for the parts Sold by traders Loot drops for recipes Unlock the recipes via the Grease Monkey perk line The nail gun is always a quality of life improvement for me, but I never felt the need to go get it right away if I already have or can make a hammer myself. One thing about the these bundles is that you can have multiple chances of getting it. Since you now have to clear out lower tier quests for new (different) traders, you have another opportunity of selecting the minibike kit if it is offered to you after completing the T1 quests for that new trader. The only thing is that (from a quest standpoint) those are the only opportunities and you have to be lucky twice (once to have it offered and once to have the parts inside that you need). One thing you could do is offer it as a chance in completing the higher tier mission rewards. So for example, the minibike bundle could be offered as a T3 mission reward since it is one of the reward options once you completed 7 T2 quests for the trader. However, none of this would be acceptable if one wants a guarantee to get all the parts.
  3. If I was buying (or receiving) a kit, my assumption would be that I have everything in that package necessary to build the item. Bundle just means that I am going to get parts that are needed to build one, but not necessary have all the parts in that bundle to do so.
  4. In my agility playthroughs, it is my backup melee weapon if my knife needs repairs and I don't have the time to click through menus to do it 😉
  5. That I admit I didn't know. It gets hard to remember who owns which developer studios nowadays
  6. It's random You will always get tires And the rest of the parts there will be two but evenly randomized <item name="questRewardMinibikePartsBundle"> <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="bundleVehicleMiniBike"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFFFF"/> <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="bundle"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="questRewardVechileBundleDesc"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Create_item" value="vehicleWheels"/> <property name="Create_item_count" value="2"/> <property name="Random_item" value="smallEngine,carBattery,vehicleMinibikeChassis,vehicleMinibikeHandlebars"/> <property name="Random_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1"/> <property name="Random_count" value="2"/> <property name="Unique_random_only" value="true"/> </property> </item> <item name="questRewardMotorcyclePartsBundle"> <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="bundleVehicleMotorCycle"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFFFF"/> <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="bundle"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="questRewardVechileBundleDesc"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Create_item" value="vehicleWheels"/> <property name="Create_item_count" value="2"/> <property name="Random_item" value="smallEngine,carBattery,vehicleMotorcycleChassis,vehicleMotorcycleHandlebars"/> <property name="Random_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1"/> <property name="Random_count" value="2"/> <property name="Unique_random_only" value="true"/> </property> </item>
  7. Nope, I prefer the new models as they feel right in any biome
  8. Check your configDump file (in the Saves folder for the worlds, each saved game will generate this folder and it exports what the code for the game is seeing, so you can open the blocks.xml file and you will see what the base game loaded and what your mod is trying to do). One thing that might be happening is where the game is appending your code. When I do it, I typically use insertAfter So for your first block example, I would go <insertAfter xpath="/blocks/block[@name='oreIronBoulder']/drop[@event='Harvest']"> and then add your new code followed by </insertAfter> That way I know the game will insert my code right after the last drop event in that block node. I would also then go to the configsDump blocks file and do a search for my mod name to see where the code was inserted or changed.
  9. I bet your log file would tell us a lot more..... If I was a betting man, I would expect a lot of errors in it referencing A19 prefabs not loading up. But this is just a guess on what we have seen before.
  10. Wait...TFP are introducing horses into the game? Wow. Heard it first from meganoth - Horses are coming to 7D2D (why else would they be talking about a horse skin DLC....) Come on, there are two parts to that rage - wrong type of magazine or the wrong type of ammo - TFP just hedge their bets and introduced two sided rage with the lever action rifle j/k 😁
  11. Wondering You said you played for hours on Saturday. Did you by chance upgrade the video drivers before or after Saturday as the driver listed in your logfiles was released January 14th. Might not be it.
  12. anything with the melee tag is what I was thinking
  13. No worries, it is not like you got A19 and A20 data files mixed up 😉 Seriously though, I wonder if you can mess with them so it is always snowing in the snow biome, always extremely hot in the desert biomes, and always raining in the other biomes. If the zombies don't get cha, the miserable weather will 😁
  14. As long as the container does not pull from the groupApparelClothesNoShoes lootgroup though
  15. BFT2020


    They do have buckets in the game 😉
  16. We need @Boidster to run a bunch of tests to see how the numbers fall out 😉
  17. Also Don't forget that perks add to the damage (though I am not sure if that is displayed in the UI or not) From Archery perk <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value=".1,.5" tags="perkArchery"/>
  18. <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="13.5" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- damage offset --> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- random EntityDmg --> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- tier bonus --> All of these determine the damage value once you factor in the type of ammo you are loading
  19. The seed chance is actually in the blocks file <block name="plantedPotato3HarvestPlayer"> <property name="Extends" value="plantedPotato3Harvest"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="plantedPotato3HarvestDesc"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="plantedPotato1"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="foodCropPotato" count="2" tag="cropHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="foodCropPotato" prob="0.5" count="1" tag="bonusCropHarvest"/> <drop event="Destroy" name="plantedPotato1" count="1" prob="0.5"/> <!-- <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="plantedPotato1"/> --> </block> drop event Destroy is where you have a 50% probability of getting a seed back. You might be able to append / add a line in the LoTL progression portion to add to the base of the probability but I never did that before. Maybe by simply adding a tag to the drop event (like tag="bonusSeedChance") Then in progression file have a line like (though I am not sure the name="DestroyProb" works, that might be a variable set in c# that you would have to define. <passive_effect name="DestroyProb" operation="base_add" level="2,3" value="0.1,0.2" tags="bonusSeedChance"/>
  20. Not sure if you tried these steps yet: 1) Open up Steam and click on the link at the upper right (labeled Steam). Select Check for Steam Client upgrades and see if it needs to download an update 2) Shutdown steam and relaunch it. And by shutdown, I mean shut the program down. Don't minimize it, select Exit. Open up Program Manager and make sure all instances of Steam have closed.
  21. 1 - we are not the military, we are one (or a few if Co-Op) person/people trying to survive the end of the world....and the lever action rifle was the rifle of the common person. 2 - The US has several signature weapons besides the AR15/M16. The M1911 pistol was a very popular sidearm in the US before being replaced by the Glock series. Remington was known as a very good manufacturer of shotguns and the Remington 870 pump action was popular. Lever action rifle was requested by a lot of players and it's signature feel / animation distinguishes it from the single shot rifles and assault rifles in the game already. Replacing it with just another assault rifle will cause us to lose something that is unique in this game (and replace it with something else we can play with in countless FPS out there). Lets just keep the weapons we have today in vanilla and maybe a modder will introduce weapons that you want down the road.
  22. In my mind, yes. In anyone else's, probably not 😉
  23. Remember to wipe all your old data files when going to Alpha 20 😉
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