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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Eh, easy to mod it to how we want to. I been playing Alpha20 vanilla to see how things are going before I start making changes.
  2. How much health did you have? I heard stories of people having 1 hp left and died from a falling piece of cloth ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. If you look at the traders xml file and at each individual trader, you will see these groups. Those are the groups where it pulls for secret stash (this is the generic data file) <tier_items level="1,499" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 0 --> <!-- Bug: The count is overridden by "all" anyway so all probabilities are =1 --> <item group="tools" count="1"/> <item group="weaponsGunsMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="weaponsGunParts" count="1"/> <item group="ammo" count="1,2"/> <item group="groupArmorLightMixed" count="1"/> <item group="groupArmorHeavyMixed" count="1"/> <item group="commonBooks" count="1,2"/> <item group="rareBooks" count="1"/> <item group="perkBooks" count="1"/> <item group="modMeleeT1"/> <item group="modAllT2SecretStash" count="1,2"/> <item group="vehiclePartsMixed" count="1"/> <item name="drinkJarGrandpasForgettingElixir" count="1"/> </tier_items> <tier_items level="3000,3999" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 3 --> <!-- Bug: The count is overridden by "all" anyway so all probabilities are =1 --> <item group="traderElectrical" count="2,3"/> <item name="cntVendingMachine" count="1"/> <item group="tools" count="1"/> <item group="rareTools" count="1"/> <item group="weaponsMeleeMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="weaponsGunsMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="ammo" count="2,5"/> <item group="groupArmorHeavyMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="groupArmorLightMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="commonBooks" count="2,3"/> <item group="rareBooks" count="1,2"/> <item group="perkBooks" count="1,2"/> <item group="vehiclePartsMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="stashOnlyItemsLow" count="1,2"/> <item group="modAllT3SecretStash" count="1,2"/> <item name="drinkJarGrandpasForgettingElixir" count="1"/> </tier_items> <tier_items level="4000,4999" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 4 --> ....... </tier_items> <tier_items level="5000,-1" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 5 -->
  4. I started working on a modlet for myself regarding T0 equipment. For me, I think they should: Not be repairable - you should have to build a new one since the whole idea about them is that they are thrown together out of common items Not be able to go above Q3 - same reason as above Not be able to utilize mods - same reason as above Right now, the stone axe uses slightly more stamina than the bone knife. I think it should be more (not stone sledgehammer levels, but a bigger difference than bone knives right now) I think most of the pipe weapons are fine as is, they are not that great and more of a last ditch effort to save yourself The pipe machine gun is too good IMHO. The only limiting factor is ammo for it (availability). I am looking at either increasing the load time on it or increasing it damage debuff Pipe Baton is a T0 weapon and should be comparable to the other T0 melee weapons (Club, bone knife, stone spear, stone sledgehammer). Not sure if you can simulate an actual misfire. It would be interesting if you could give it a chance for the durability to go to 0 and then you would have to repair it first (to simulate a misfire condition)
  5. Correct. So zombies that spawned further away can now be pulled towards you. It doesn't increase the spawns, but does a great job of utilizing the spawns already in game. Yes, you can increase spawns via xml edits. There are already some zombie increasing modlets in the mods section of this forum if you are interested and don't want to create one yourself.
  6. Assuming based on your title that the issue only occurs (so far in your playthrough) with the same POI? You have done other quests and it works fine? @unholyjoe is part of the QA team and responds back fairly well in the forums. Also have you put in yet a bug report? They will want as much details as possible to try and recreate the issue.
  7. But it was a lucky shot you caught on camera, that makes all the difference. ๐Ÿ˜
  8. FYI This is what I started to do, but you can do it differently. I first grabbed all the items in the trader groups and brought them down. Then I figured out what would be general stock (any trader could have) and made a special trader grouping for those. Then I started working on the individual traders. For example, Jen has a JenPerkBooks group, JenT1Schematics group, etc. I kept those naming conventions the same for each trader (obviously replacing the Trader's name). Then when I redid the specific trader stocks, I could just copy and paste, then replace the names. I replaced the entire trader file with my own. That was the easiest way of doing it since I made such extensive changes to the trader stock.
  9. BFT2020


    Yes, the image I posted is after you click the link you posted. It takes you to what you need to do (instructions) but not how to get to the area with all the bug sub forums. Mine was to get the person to there (probably should have included your picture also). Once you click the link that unholyjoe points out, you see this https://imgur.com/a/o9sMG0m so to get to the bug section from the post that tells you what to do, you click on A20 Bug Database based on my first picture.
  10. Detailed instructions in the pinned topic
  11. BFT2020


    After you click on the blue banner, you need to click on the link at the bottom. Then click on A20 Bug Database at the top https://imgur.com/a/G0cxBIt
  12. I have a feeling that is in the C# code for the game.
  13. So I was working on a specialized Trader mod for Alpha 19 and that is similar to what I did on my approach (the mod is still a WIP since we went to Alpha 20): Trader Jen - Since it references medical, I went for her to be smart overall (so I limited things like chem station and higher level build items to her specialty). I also was looking to distribute weapon / equipment so I figured she was always overlooked which suited her best since she was more of a stealth fighter. So gear to support a hidden strike / stealth build was also her specialty. So think knives and bows Trader Rekt - Farming is his specialty so I aligned that with him. He also comes off rough so unarmed combat and shotguns. It fits the farmer stereotype that way Trader Hugh I saw more of a specialist in terms of hunting and survivalist. He does deal with firearms but more aligned with hunting (so rilfes and pistols) Trader Joel was ex-military so he got the machine guns, explosives, armor, and mods more tied to a military setting (the other mods were distributed based on role so Hugh got scopes while Jen got silencer). Trader Bob like you mentioned construction, handyman, electrician, etc. He got spears and clubs and sledgehammers. I am going all out though with my mod. Things like schematics and perk books are tied more to the traders who you would have to located and purchase from. You couldn't unlock them from perks and find them in loot. So if you wanted to craft a shotgun, you had to track down Trader Rekt. One thing you could do is setup the traders to you have a higher chance of getting items that they specialized in. I think that is the goal for the TFP, but not sure how much of that has been implemented. Or those descriptions could just be fluff ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. I think there was more to your situation than you stated. When I saw your high food usage, I made a mental note on my restart to see what I lost. On Day 1, with no perks into anything, starting at 22:00 - I had full food bar and 3 leftovers. I also was missing 4 hp. I sat in the corner and did nothing the entire night (I was exposed on top of one of the burnt out buildings so I didn't want to draw attention to me and my pipe gun with 5 bullets). I am playing on survivalist setting and 60 minute days (standard day length so 6 hours of night) At 4:00 am, my food bar was now at 91 and my health was full. In that one night, just doing nothing, I only went through 14 units of food (102-91+3 leftovers). What is different in your situation that you were consuming 4X the amount of food I did?
  15. I think that is the trade off for the high regeneration. I don't have any perk points and it took me about 100 in game minutes (from 22:00 to around 23:34) to heal back 4 points. With the accelerated healing, it goes much faster than that. So it is a boon if you got plenty of food and low on medical supplies; but if you are struggling to find food, then it becomes more of a liability.
  16. Clearly an aim bot. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. It depends. If I got it recently, I would have gone helmet light mod as I have a blue pill, one green pill, and 2 honeys in my inventory stash. If I had none of those, I would have gone with the green pills and just use a torch / flashlight for a bit longer
  18. Is that even a requirement in this game? Does there have to be something that can only be crafted?
  19. Sounds like an issue with your friend's setup, but we don't have much to go on to be able to assist Someone might be able to make a stab in the dark about helping your friend, but your odds of assistance increases the more information we have
  20. I am writing up a modlet to change how T0 equipment works in my games. One thing I was thinking of doing was limiting what quality levels you can craft (and of course loot / buy) the T0 equipment. I was looking over the progression file and I see that the the crafting level is tied to the perk that you spec into From miner69r <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="perkMiner69r"/> One thing I thought about doing was appending another line with a modified tag for those cases and then modifying the tag in the items file to match (see example) <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="1,2,2,2,2" tags="perkMiner69rT0"/> However, I realized then I would have to append additional lines for other aspects if I still want the perk69r to apply in those cases (like damage increase based on perk level, etc). Can I do the above, but just change the tag in the recipes instead? My initial thought is that it won't work and I have to do what I said above I know I can try this when I get home, but I been doing coding work when I am stuck in meetings or on breaks so right now everything I am doing is based on theory ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. This is not the Romero mod, but he did update one to increase wandering horde frequencies Near the bottom of his first post. He also explains on how to change the values to your desires.
  22. Yeah that is why I deleted my post. I initially thought it was the same as when you buy bulk items from the trader, but then I checked the files and noticed the economically prices were the same.
  23. I did a playthrough when I could only use the items I crafted. I did not find it unbalanced (Survivalist). Sure I was not able to use any Q6 gear, but I found that didn't hinder me at all. Any items I found in loot were scrapped for parts and rebuilt, then I sold my extra gear to the traders. Use that money to stock up on ammo and any parts they may have. You want to craft Q6 gear and the game doesn't have it, that's fine to state and fine to ask; but to state that the game is completely unbalanced for crafters just because there are items you can't craft is not true.
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