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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I love it when my glue and farm plot supplies come to me
  2. Yes Thank you. I didn't know how to convert CST to London when I made my post.
  3. Would be a bad guess. faatal mentioned that they have a meeting today around 12:00 pm CST to discuss which build to release after the Streamer weekend. Roland suggested that the release time might be around 2 - 4 pm CST.
  4. Suggestion would have Codog use an utility program to scan and export a log so they can post it here for us to assist. Long ago, I used a program called Hijack This to do that, but I saw that it is not supported anymore. I got referred to another program called Hijack This Fork, but I have no experience so I don't want to suggest using it at this time. Do you or anyone else have a good, free process scanning program (I know he can use Task Manager, but the default Microsoft tool doesn't find everything). Another thing to check is page file size https://www.tomshardware.com/news/how-to-manage-virtual-memory-pagefile-windows-10,36929.html My gut is saying something is sapping resources away to run this game. Sorry this is taking a long time to troubleshoot, but not easy to do through the forums (I rather be sitting in front of the computer working on it instead).
  5. Some things to check / look into - check to make sure you RAM is good. https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/how-to-test-ram - Make sure you are only running 7D2D, close out all other programs 7D2D is a resource hog, so it will put a strain on your system and find any issues that other games wonโ€™t have.
  6. Crafting doesn't make things worse, it uses the same randomization for the specs. I just got done crafting some T3 steel clubs (Q6) and they ranged from 37 to 43 in the small sample size (base entity damage for the steel club is 39.2). What you are talking about here is the differences between the quality tiers of equipment and how the randomness can at times make a Q5 stats less than a Q4 stats item. For the items, the increase in Quality adds 10% to the base stats for each level. There is also a randomization value of -15% to 15% for each item crafted or looted or bought. So you can come across a Q4 item that is perfect (30% added to base stat, along with 15% randomization) that is better than a crappy Q5 you find (40% added to base state but with -15% from randomization).
  7. If you want to bring back Q6 crafting, just make a modlet with the following lines in it <config> <set xpath="//passive_effect[@name='CraftingTier']/@value">1,2,3,4,5</set> </config> This will unlock Q6 crafting for anything in the game once you unlock the Level 5 perk for those items. However, there is no balance in the game if you go this route. One thing I noticed in all of my playthroughs is that I can craft T3 weapons / tools before I find them in loot, once I have all of the components and found the schematics. So crafting gives you that advantage over looting. I also noticed that you do not craft trash items. I did a playthrough where I only used items I crafted and I didn't notice any differences (other than the slow progression to craft items at higher tiers without the perk investment and no Q6 gear) that really prevented me from being successful. At most, I would just find a way to unlock the Q6 but trying to keep close to the balance and not have them at GS49.
  8. Yes be wary of mods and modlets. For example, loot containers are dropping the ID names so any mod that modifies loot.xml will have issues if it is not updated to Alpha20
  9. Are you sure the video card driver is the latest? I enter that number and it comes back 2020
  10. Username/Appdata/roaming You can also use the launcher tool to delete all that data
  11. you know you are allowed to enjoy the weekend right? Or does your hands shake every time you see a bug in the game and the only cure is to fix it? ๐Ÿ˜
  12. Yeah I did take into account balancing when I said For me (can't speak for anyone else), it feels like the value of crafting weapons at higher tiers is just not there. By the time I have everything unlocked and found the components / workstations to build the item, I have usually found the same level while out looting or available for purchase from the trader. With A20 changes, I don't know how that has changed. Now, I don't speed through the game advancing my character so I can see how someone who just dedicates themself out of the gate to get a Q6 weapon right away can quickly do that.
  13. I got the data files for A19 backup along with my mod files. I am ready! ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. For the exception code you are getting: https://www.minitool.com/news/0xc0000409.html Also notes I seen point to a Stack Buffer Overflow Error One thing you mentioned is that you uninstalled and reinstalled the game. One thing you can try is to uninstall everything 7D2D and then check to see if the registry has removed all instances of 7D2D. If not, those could be causing you an issue. Also should check your system files to make sure none of them are corrupted. Details on how to do that are in the link I pasted below https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system-files-79aa86cb-ca52-166a-92a3-966e85d4094e That is a start, others will chime in some ideas to check. For the registry, instructions in this link pasted. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/how-to-open-registry-editor-in-windows-10-deab38e6-91d6-e0aa-4b7c-8878d9e07b11 Just check if you see any references to 7D2D after you uninstall the game. If it doesn't do a clean uninstall, we can walk you through removing them safely and not crashing your OS. Also here is an example of it on my system https://imgur.com/a/EtnQjgd
  15. That is one option I am looking at myself, though my thought process was that all working weapons have already been looted and all you are left are broken weapons that you can use for parts to fabricate a new one (represented by weapon parts because I am too lazy to bring in broken weapon assets ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
  16. Don't forget you also have to have the necessary components to craft the item. Just getting the max perk level unlocked, you still have to get (for the Autoshotgun in my example): 21 Shotgun parts 105 Forged steel 11 Duct tape 140 plastic 14 springs T3 recipe I think it is possible to re-introduced Q6 crafting back in the game, but it would require balancing like you said and across a lot of different aspects of the game (traders , looting, etc.). I am trying to do that in my mod, but not sure yet how I want to approach it. Just want to point out that we can build 4x4 Jeeps in this game out of raw materials without precision machine tools ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. This was discuss before. Releasing it to the public gives the development team the weekend off before having to address bugs that arise from the public playing the game.
  18. It's not finishing spawning in the player, it looks like you might have gotten a corrupted save file when your vehicle had the issue of falling through the map. Can you start up a brand new game to see if it loads up all the way?
  19. There was a Hitler video. Check Roland's post on this link
  20. That's great. Understanding that your post is a joke is the first step on the road to recovery.
  21. Does the game crash when you are trying to start / join a world (i.e. it would create an output log) or is it crashing while in the menu screen? Based on your post, it sounds like you are crashing after the game starts, but before you start going into a world.
  22. I doubt that they will chamber the 44 magnum though (I can be wrong). Based on what they have done, they stick to one type of round (or two in the case of the pistols) for the guns in the series. All shotguns use the same size shells. One line of pistol weapons use the 9 mm while the other line uses 44 magnum. The rifles and assault weapons all use the 7.62 mm round. I haven't seen the animation yet for the lever action rifle, and the only images I found on it are early designs of it. I can't tell from the pictures if it is a tube fed action or a box mag fed action., but to me it looks like mag fed. madmole stated the rifle was inspired by an old winchester lever action rifle and based on the art, it looks like the 1895 model was the inspiration. It was a box mag fed rifle.
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