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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Nah, I think the game has gotten much better since Alpha 18. I don't miss Alpha 16 at all.
  2. The concept that madmole was talking about for crafting was encouraging so I am eager to see what TFP do in that regard.
  3. Is this related to mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll error I been seeing in my crash reports (sorry at work so I can't check as they block pastebin)? I am working on reproducing / trying out different things before I make a bug report and saw this so wanting to verify prior to going further if it is already known.
  4. Is this related to mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll error I been seeing in my crash reports (sorry at work so I can't check as they block pastebin)? I am working on reproducing / trying out different things before I make a bug report and saw this so wanting to verify prior to going further if it is already known.
  5. Is this related to mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll error I been seeing in my crash reports (sorry at work so I can't check as they block pastebin)? I am working on reproducing / trying out different things before I make a bug report and saw this so wanting to verify prior to going further if it is already known.
  6. If he is getting the same error as I did, cleaning all the worlds / saves did not make a significant difference. Right now I am doing a complete reinstallment to see if that fixes the issue (installing directly to A20.1 rather than upgrading from A20.0) but I am not confident that this will fix the issue; more doing it so I can issue a proper bug report this week.
  7. Waiting for it to turn into #cornbreadgate
  8. Yes. Irked that I wasn't able to find it, but glad I was remembering correctly 😁
  9. so the easiest thing to do is to add a line to the progression.xml file for that perk. What I would do is insert something like this: <insertAfter xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkLightArmor']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse']"> <passive_effect name="PhysicalDamageResist" operation="base_add" level="0,4" value="0,4" tags="lightArmor"/> </insertAfter> So with this line, the perk for Light Armor will now add an additional 1 point of physical damage resistance for each perk level. If you don't perk into it, it doesn't add one the base value. This will apply to anything with the lightArmor tag. For Heavy Armor, you need to change the tag to heavyArmor and change the perk name. This can be done with several of the effects that you will want to modify. You just need to change the perk name and passive effect name. Creating a modlet is easy. You can download any in the Game Modifications / Mods threads (lots of good examples there). You can also use mine as a reference as I modified the progression file in mine
  10. Are you playing with any mods? I use bows all the time and haven't seen that issue; though not crossbows. I will load up a test game maybe this evening and play around with crossbows to see if I can reproduce the issue on a vanilla game. Fairly certain that your computer didn't care you threaten it with a hammer 😉
  11. I am doing that right now (see my post I started). I was able to reproduce it repeatedly on SP, but I deleted the game this morning and trying a complete reinstall (as A20.1 instead of updating to A20.0). Hopefully when I get home from work, I can load it up to see what goes on.
  12. First stop the BS. If you do have lawyers in your family and you did talk to them, they would explain to you about responsible parties, rights, contracts, intellectual properties, and obligations. In addition, they would probably advise you that the communication you posted comes off as a threat which courts would not look well at (it might even be considered blackmail). You purchased a game that was produced by TellTale games who in this case, would be the responsible party. They produced the 7D2D console version after buying the rights from TFP. They went bankrupt several years ago so any legal proceedings against them today would be thrown out of court. TFP bought the rights back to their game so it couldn't be sold to other companies, but that did not make them responsible for maintaining or updating the console game. The game you bought was the game at that time. At no time did TFP or TTG promised future updates were a guarantee, but instead, would be deployed if and when they could be.
  13. Good to know. I just started modding recently so I have learned a lot, but there is a lot that I still have to figure out. So you could also randomize it even more if you add MoveSpeedAggro to each entity with different ranges (if you are inclined) - so one group of zombies are more varied at a lower level while others are varied at a higher level. What is MoveSpeedPanic for (if you know)? I don't think the zombies panic 🙂
  14. I started to get crashes after updating to Alpha 20.1. The message that pops up is Unexpected mark stack overflow before 7D2D crashes. This occurs when I start a game, then quit that game and start a new one. This doesn't occur when I close out 7D2D completely and restart. Going back to Alpha 20.0, the crashes stop. The map I am using was generated in Alpha 20.0 b238. This method of crashing is very repeatable. Alpha 20.0 I did not see any issues at all. This was my latest output file and the crash file report: https://pastebin.com/q5KrgmST <--Output log https://pastebin.com/VhR2Yx5S <-- Unity Crash Log The crash log is just a small part of it (the file was close to 4 MB large so pastebin didn't like that). I did capture the summary at the beginning and the stack trace of the crashed thread though. I tried deleting that file and having Steam re-validate files to redownload a new copy. Issue did not go away. Going to try a new map generation with Alpha 20.1 to see if that fixes the issue. Use the launcher to clear out all game files and starting a new. Already generating a new map to try out while I am typing up this information. Not a game breaking issue for me as I can simply go back to Alpha 20.0 since it was working fine for me, but wanted to get this out there in case others are having the exact same issue. Will provide an update on what I try and what happens (even if it doesn't fix the issue). So update: After clearing out all the old data and regenerating a new map under A20.1, it changed but not by much. I start a game - no crash Quit that game and started a new one - No crash Quit that game and started a third one - Crashed during loading - Same error message. Makes me wonder if the game is not unloading something when I quit and then when I restart it, it crashes. I don't see this issue if I completely close 7D2D (at least every time I did it never crashed when starting a new game or continuing with an existing game).
  15. Going to need a lot more information, see link on instructions of what you need to do
  16. I started getting the same messages on my games that I see in your husband's file For me though, it started right after I updated my game to 20.1 Exp (but I see he is still on 20.0 b238). I can start up the game, play for a few minutes, close it, and then start a brand new game and it crashes during loading. In my crash log, I see See if he is getting the same error message
  17. the pastebin link is not working nm, ignore me, I just copied and paste it and it worked fine just now
  18. They actually know about it and 20.1 (Exp) has fixes in it that hopefully address the issue
  19. I thought there was a way you can edit the height map after RWG for biomes placement, but haven't found where it was mentioned before (I think it was for the game's RWG but I could be mistaken) I think I remembered a different conversation, I just searched the forums for both RWG and height and didn't see anything close to what you are wanting (except a post wanting this exactly capability 😉 )
  20. From the zombieTemplateMale <property name="MoveSpeed" value="0.08"/> <!-- Just shambling around --> <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.2, 1.25"/> <!-- Chasing a target min/max (like day or night)--> <property name="MoveSpeedRand" value="-.2, .25"/> <!-- Rand added to min aggro speed --> <property name="MoveSpeedPanic" value="0.55"/> It looks like the randomizer just affects Aggro speed (based on the comments) From zombieFatCop <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.2, 1.2"/> So it doesn't look like they are modifying the base speed, just the aggro speed (there might be examples but I looked at 5-6 of them and they only modified aggro speed).
  21. I would report it out as a bug if it hasn't already. Roads are one thing, but in the middle of POIs is another.
  22. I disagree that this is a bug or a serious issue. For vending machines, the contents are randomized every time the container is restocked. Loading up the game itself should not re-randomize the contents of the container. I did a quick test where I loaded up the same map twice, using the same game name (deleted the save so I can use the same name). The contents were exactly the same on both starts. I loaded up a new game and changed the game name from RWG1 to RWG2 and got different results. The same thing applied to non-vending machines (3 trash piles and one car gave me the exact same loot items with RWG1 on both runs, and different loot on RWG2). Randomization is a generic term where it can be applied in different ways. For this game, each world seed / game name seed generates a new randomization that is applied to the containers throughout the world. That is still randomization, and doesn't have to be reset every time a game is loaded. It doesn't matter if the randomization is already determined ahead of time and applied throughout the game (and not redone every time the game is loaded up), that is still randomization (as the world was already randomized during generation).
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