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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Dismemberent is getting reworked in Vanilla Alpha 20.
  2. I just started watching these videos. My favorite so far is Turn order
  3. I never have enough Mega crushes to be able to use them in place of the bicycle. Typically I have a few that I save for Horde night in case things go South. By the time I get to the point of either 32s run conditions, I am typically at mini-bike so stamina usage is moot for transportation.
  4. Almost makes me think TheNoob is management. "So, can you go ahead and redo the entire code to the latest and greatest Unity updates? Shouldn't take that much time really, seems pretty easy to me" Walks away before Fataal's head explodes 😁
  5. Never Santa. Its those darn gnomes that are doing it.
  6. Pretty obvious. He bashes the intellect guy and steals theirs
  7. To be fair, the drone in 7D2D also is not a consumer sized weapon equiped drone 😉
  8. KingSlayerGM might need help on this. Not that I am doubting his skills, but he is the one that wrote up and code the KingGen. When he uses it, he understands how each item functions and not realize that laypeople like us do not have his thinking skills 😉 This happens all the time, even to me. Sometimes the best thing to do is to have somone else run the program, ask the questions when certain things are not obvious, then go back and update the documentation for the programmer.
  9. So you want a system that accounts for weight, but then want these materials to be weightless............ If you are going to request a system that accounts for weight, everything has to have a weight. Bullets, duke casino coins, vehicles, stones, iron ore, etc etc. Sure, it is within devs reach if they want to overhaul the entire system and go back to scratch. Then they have to add weights to all objects, add additional items to handle the weight, reconfigure SI so now it has to take into account for weight (so when a survivor dumps a ton of ore into a chest, the floor caves in on them). Throw in all the trips back and forth to the mine to haul materials to your vehicle, then from your vehicle to your base because realistically you can only haul about 50 or so lbs at a time. I am fine with the system as it is today, I don't think they need to start all over. If this game was still in the planning stage, sure it could be considered. But asking the devs to go to a different storage / item system at Alpha 20 (when the game is close to going gold) is a bit of a stretch in my opinion.
  10. Sorry I am old. I try to use non-gender pronouns (they) but I do time to time default back to He at times.
  11. which is why I wait until I play the game to see all the elements working together before I form an opinion. Got to remember what we see on the stream is just a snapshot.
  12. Click the link above and follow instructions. It is important that you share information requested if you want any assistance. Otherwise, everyone here is just flying blind trying to help you.
  13. You forgot how worried they were with Fataal and his rocket launcher. 😁
  14. It is already implemented but not sure if they will be sharing the data. For one thing, they may want to keep something in the game that is not widely used and don't want people constantly pointing that out.
  15. In a vanilla game, not really. In modded games where I came across ferals on day 1, distraction
  16. Right? If he was trying to fool us, he would have renamed it Alpha 20 release date details!
  17. T2 and higher is bugged right now and a bug report was issued for it. I should have mentioned in my post about that, and I only use it for T1 animals.
  18. Yes. He also stated in his first post I think he had a mod which broke it, then deleted the mods. WIth the error messages he is getting, my thought is that one of his mods broke his game and now is save is corrupted because he removed the mods and the game is looking for those mods when he loads it up again.
  19. Have you tried playing a vanilla game and see if you get the same issues? Start a test world, give you experience and perk yourself up, then try using the perk to find animals. I get this perk all the time and it always been working for me. My thought is that your issue is being caused by one of your mods (if you are not using the perception glasses and just using perk points to unlock the ability).
  20. What mods are you using? I suspect the issue you are having is related to them. Did you happen to add any mods that changed stack limits?
  21. You have a modded game. What mods are you using?
  22. I'm the same way. Once A20 drops and I played it vanilla a few times, I want to expand on my trader modifications which will be totally different and interesting (haven't playtested yet so it can be a complete bomb). In my vision, traders only sell raw materials (limited quantities) and schematics / perk books. This is critical as I am also removing the ability to perk into a schematic and the ability to find books / schematics in loot. I think this is really going to slow down progression in the game (I am also removing weapons / tools / armor from loot so now you have to make your own equipment) - earning dukes will be slowed down since you won't find equipment (tools / weapons / armor) to see to the traders so you will either need to sell a lot of junk to them or do quests for them to earn dukes to unlock schematics. The trick is making it tough and enjoyable without making it too frustrating.
  23. I am a parent, but I have two sons (no daughters unfortunately). However, neither of my sons are allowed to play this game as they are not mature enough for it. It would be the same if I had a daughter. However, once they reached the age where I believe they are mature enough to play the game, they would be allowed to do so. This is a game that was developed for mature players. If someone wants to make it so their kids can play the game, they are more than able to modify the game to remove any elements that they object to. None of us have an issue with a person modifying the game for their values or morals, and a lot of members here would be more than willing to assist. The issue a lot of people had in this thread was the OP wanting TFP to remove elements he found went against his morals.
  24. Then simply mod it out on your server. It is not hard to do, and if you don't want to learn how, others can assist you if you ask nicely. I see it done all the time in the mods section of this forum. And does it really bother you that someone else on your server might build a drone? Does it really affect your experience that much that you feel the need to dictate that to other players on your server?
  25. If it works for vanilla but not for the mod, that can be one of two things right now: Your mod is using an older version of 7D2D than vanilla so the controller support might be different, or The mod is causing the issue with the controller Have you asked the mod creator?
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