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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Technically they are neither alive nor dead. 😁
  2. Once I went there, I remembered seeing them before; but didn't make the connection as I have just been playing vanilla 7D2D before I recently got in the mood to do some modding. I don't know why, but seeing those xml files that I can load into Notepad++ and see where my mod is making the changes....... πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘
  3. Are you getting any errors when the game loads up the mod? Also, have you looked at the ConfigDumps files to see what your mod is doing to the original files after it loads up? I might try copying and pasting this into a file when I get home tonight and see what it does on my end with a vanilla game of no mods.
  4. Similar to how I go about it. Once I get solar banks / batteries / cells going, I stop using the generators so I don't have to fuel them anymore (and reduce my gas consumption). Early game, once I have battery banks I recharge them using generators until I get solar up and running.
  5. Even better. See, I was fine with 7 days and you promised us 2.5 days later πŸ˜‰ In my latest post, I did get the wait period correct; though I still think it doesn't matter if it is just a few days later or 7 days later. The amount of time to wait is minuscule compared to life as a whole.
  6. You and I got early access. I been playing since Alpha 16, not sure when you purchased the game. However, when you and I purchased the game, it was at that stage of the game. There were no guarantees as to what the final product was going to be or when it was going to be released. It was the same with development patches throughout the Early Access phase of this game. I don't know about all of the streamers, but your a-h streamers comment was way out of line. I can name several that seriously play the game - Capp00, Glock, Max Fox, KhaineGB, Kage848, GameEdged, and Skippy0330 are the ones I follow and they are passionate about the game. A lot of people on that list that Roland posted have been playing this game for awhile. But I don't think you made your argument based on facts or even research on your part, it was just a way to take a cheapshot on those that are streamers who will be getting the game 2 - 3 days ahead of everyone else. Does it matter that someone plays the game differently than you? I see the developers play the game differently than I do, but I never think that they "don't know how to play the game." I just chuck it up as people playing the game differently than I do which is their prerogative. You and I will get the game 2-3 days after the streamers weekend, it is not a total disrespect of paying customers. Again, you already paid for the game when it was at Stage X. Anything else after that is a bonus (which you are not paying for anything after your initial payment for the game). Nothing prevents them from buying the game today and playing it today. Even if they buy it while the streamers are streaming the game, they get Alpha 19 with Alpha 20 just around the corner. I don't see any fatal flaw there. By the time we get the game, there are typically not any bugs that will break the game. And typically, the streamer would mention that bug as an early access issue - which when they buy it, there are notices on the store page about that very issue. Besides which, I can think of recent final release games that came out with serious bugs....... Again, it is a marketing decision that TFP have made for their game. They are not disrespecting their paying customers as none of us are technically paying customers. We paid for the product that they already delievered to us when we made that purchase, now TFP are adding more elements and improving what we already paid for.
  7. I am fine with them releasing it first to streamers and then everyone else a week later. In the scheme of life, what is one additional week to wait? It’s not the end of the world just to wait one more week…..
  8. Not a planned feature. They are not intending to make 7d2d a factorio or satisfactory type pf game
  9. subscribes through 7D2D site, only been watching his Darkest Dungeon series so far. πŸ˜‰
  10. Is there a thing as ConfigsDump folder in SP? Because I have been thinking it would be great to have a file that is generated after I have my modlet loaded and modify the values / attributes the base game loads in first..... Now I am going to hunt for something like this when I get home tonight from work πŸ€”
  11. In the blocks file, you can adjust the mines attributes in there: Not sure what this does unless I try it out, but I think this is for the explosion effect How far the mine explosion effects blocks around it How far the mine explosion effects entities around it (i.e. the player, zombies, animals) Damage to the blocks in the area after the mine explodes Damage to entities in the area after the mine explodes Modifications to damage applied to certain blocks
  12. First thing to do when playing an Int only build Say - I am not Rambo, I am not the terminator. I am not a strong person or a fast person or a durable person.
  13. This would only work during world generation, as that is when the mines are placed in the area. If you don’t want to deal with the mines in a world already generated, you got two options: 1) Go to CM and gift yourself the perk book that prevents you from setting off landmines or 2) disable the effects of the landmines through xml The first one means you don’t trip them but still can take damage if something else does and you are close to one while the second option disables all mines in the game
  14. Create a biomes.xml file and include the following: It loaded fine, but I couldn't find a wastelands area to check. Let me know if this works for you.
  15. Peep all you want. Nobody has told me to be quiet yet πŸ˜‰ I ended up building a new computer back in November of last year and I spent more than I intended, around $2200 I believe once I was done. However, this was a completely new computer and replacing a previous one that was over 10 years old (and I think I spent $1500 back then for it). I typically get 8+ years out of my computer every time I build it myself so I spread the money over the life of the computer. It's a mental trick, but if this new one lasts 10 years, it doesn't hurt as much to say I spent $220 a year for the computer rather than the lump sum πŸ˜‰ It seems to work with the wife. She (not a gamer) does get the initial sticker shock when I informed her how much it ended up costing, but after explaining how much it is per year based on life expectancy (she is an engineer), it goes much smoother (not so if I have to spend another 2 grand in a few years πŸ˜’ ).
  16. Never done this before but try this: Go to biomes.xml file Find all instances in the Wasteland biomes selection and remove these lines You can create a modlet that would remove these items automatically using <remove xpath> commands. Then if the game updates, your modlet will always remove those items from the biomes file I am currently at work so I can't write up something real quick for you (don't have access to Notepad++ or the ability to verify I did it correctly) so I will see what I can do this evening unless someone else beats me to it.
  17. I went with an Asus TUF gaming VG259 monitor myself. I deal with keratoconus so I don’t benefit either from the more expensive monitors.
  18. Was I the only one that looked at Gazz's spikes and was looking for locations where the game wouldn't allow him to place spikes? πŸ™‚
  19. But I thought we needed those cookie crumbs to get that full sensation of traveling over rough ground and broken roads πŸ˜‰
  20. What about a log from the client side? Also, have you answered what SylenThunder asked previously? Have you verified (do not just say yes it is so- I lost count of the times someone has told me one thing only to go out and verify that it wasn't the case) that the conditions specified below by ST has been setup and working as intended?
  21. Not sure if you need to do this change also, but I would recommend it based on looking through the loot file some more <qualitytemplate level="0,999999" default_quality="1"> Should probably be changed to <qualitytemplate level="0,999999" default_quality="6"> It might not make a difference as the only option is for a Q6 loot item. I might do some quick coding to see if both ways work, but not sure when I will get to it.
  22. To add onto what Boidster said, you would modify the following groups: lootqualityTemplates. Keep going through them until you start seeing loot quality="6". Just delete the 6's from the qualitytemplate levels and you should not get any Q6 loot in normal loot. The file is loot.xml. Then create a custom loot group and custom loot quality group for your custom containers and make sure those are set for Q6 gear. So for custom loot quality group as an example: For the loot group, then you would do something like this Creating a modlet to do this would be ideal as you can code xPath to look for all the references and remove them automatically rather than doing them one by one. However, this is all theory right now as I am at work and can't try it out; but the logic makes sense to me πŸ™‚
  23. Would be usefull if you could pastebin your log file so we can see what is happening during bloodmoons. Your logfile would tell us exactly what is happening.
  24. And if no slider comes along, we can always tweak those settings ourselves to get what we want
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