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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I must have missed where the game forces you to keep playing if you die. 7D2D does not force you to keep playing the same game if you die, that is the player's choice. Some people play like you do, if you die you start over - The game allows you to do exactly that Some people play where if you die, it resets everything - The game allows them to do exactly that Others like me make the decision based on how I died - glitch, keep playing; do something stupid, start all over - The game allows me to do exactly that The game also allows you to modify the dying penalty if you want to be punished for dying, but keep playing. I have seen a few mods that do that.
  2. Which is exactly what everyone has been saying. Anything added after game is final release (unless TFP does DLC for this game) will have to come from the modding community and they will have to do the work for it. KhaineGB is a good example of a modder in this community. He has two major mods right now, Darkness Falls and Romero mod (along with some smaller modlets). Unless we break the poor guy 🙂 he will release final versions of those mods after the game reaches its final release. He might even do more mods down the road, or he might decide he has done enough mods and now just wants to play the games. If zombie teens is something you want, you will have to wait until someone else does the work (design the models, build the mod, and publish it) or you will have to learn to do it yourself if it something you really want. TFP have discussed about shoring up the modding portion of the game, and have done a lot of work already communicating out about the various things involved in modding the game. Just open up some of the xml files and you will see notes from Gazz in them explaining things.
  3. I think this is true for any mods out there today for any game. Two games I still play that are heavily modded are Skyrim and Fallout 4. Some mods are simple that I installed, while others do a complete overhaul. For example, Sim Settlements and Sim Settlements 2 are mods that affect the game in a major way. Neither of those mods (though both are from the same creation team) are ones a newbie should undertake. And these mods have limitations caused by the game engine itself (if you don't understand what I mean, install SS2 and then build a massive community at Sanctuary, Red Rocket, and Abernathy farm - then get back to me when you are dealing with constant CTDs). XML edits are more for the newbie modders as long as that person is willing to learn the code (not hard) and ask questions to the modding community. Overhauls are more for those with the skillsets to introduce new assets and make changes under the hood. 7D2D is the first game that I have ever started to do my own mod (xml style edits) and I been gaming for some time now. The ease to do this types of changes after learning how to XPath shows how easy it is to jump into modding this game. I never tried to do this with the other games I enjoy in modded states.
  4. Have you checked your registry to see if you got some leftover instances causing the issue? You mentioned you ran SFC and DISM, but did you manually go in there after cleaning them to verify you still don't have any instances for 7D2D? What I would do (I have a bit of experience doing it and confident I am not going to mess it up). Completely uninstall 7D2D from my computer after saving any Saved files or generated worlds I may want to keep. Manually remove any left over references in my Registry to 7D2D. Re-install the game allowing the OS to properly I have had instances like this occur with Steam in the past where I uninstalled the game through Steam but it was still showing up in my registry. That caused issues when I moved everything from my C drive to my new D drive as they were pointing to the wrong location. Typically that occurs when you miss a step in the uninstall process either caused by user error or the system not doing the uninstall properly. There are automatic Registry cleaners out there, but you have to be careful that you are download a safe cleaner. ST might have recommendations on safe ones. Note, what I suggested can cause issues if you delete the wrong Registry references and not recommended for those that are not aware of what they are doing. Also, what messages did you get after running SFC and DISM? Prior to doing this, make sure you save a Restore Point so you can revert back to it if you make a mistake.
  5. This point exactly. When comparing 7D2D to TES and Fallout, everyone is missing a critical difference between them. Those games are fully launched games whose mods came after the launch; though in the case of Fallout 4, mod support occurred even after the release with Bethesda making changes each time they updated their mod store forcing some mods (Like FSE) to have to be updated. 7D2D is in an Alpha state being pre-Released. That means things change as the game changed over time, and how mods interface with the various code in the background has changed. Once 7D2D is in its final release form, maintaining mods will become much simpler. As for lore, with the work being done on bandits, lore for the game will be developed further for the final release. We should know more about what caused the world we are surviving in to occur, and who exactly is this mysterious Duke we heard about. Some of the beliefs that Matt has (and some others) is they are looking at where the game is today which is only a snapshot of where the game is today in its current state. The final version will have these elements in it when they are ready for it to be released. Getting the mechanics down right is what the team is working on today, the fluff will come later.
  6. I converted one of the demolished buildings for my base and was using a bow for the first several horde nights. No dart traps, no electric fences. Just spikes and barbed wire. Perk wise, I had them spread out (one in Master Chef, one in Living off the land, one for salvaging) so I couldn't push to Advanced Engineering 3 for Day 7 (I also took Roland's suggestion and just cancelled the starter quests so I didn't have the first 4 free perks)....but Day 7 hordes are not that difficult to fight against as long as you have a base in progress (at that point, it was mostly wood blocks with cobblestone being critical ones) that you can defend from.
  7. meganoth has an excellent reply to you, but I thought I would chime in at least on this part. Horde nights can be shooter affairs only if you choose to make it so. In one of my last A19 playthrough (I been spending more time working on a mod and waiting for A20), I went intellect build (so perk points into that tree except for survival skills in the other trees). I also made the conscious choice to build and design my horde base where I was relying on the traps to do most of the work and I was going to limit myself to bow and arrows to assist in the defense. I believe I was up to Day 49 (7th horde) and was still using bow and arrows primarily. I did occasionally use my other weapons like the hunting rifle and shotgun when they got too thick (I typically set my settings at max zombies and survivalist), but the majority of the work was being done by my dart traps and electric fences, along with supporting work done by my turrets. I didn't have to mine coal and phosphate to craft gunpowder, I didn't have to run tons of quests to stock up on ammo; I found the normal amount of ammo I gained from looting was outpacing my use of it. If I had kept playing, I am sure eventually I would have to use more and more ammo as the gamestages got harder and Demos started showing up, but it was a great feeling (and a personal accomplishment for me) to using the bow so late in the horde night stages. I can't wait to try that again in Alpha 20.
  8. To be honest, the mod creator specifically stated that the main feature of this mod was to slow down progress quite a bit and turn it into a hardcore time consuming experience 😉
  9. Sometimes a change doesn't have to be huge to make a big impact on something. A small change can have a cascading result. Throw in other changes, and the impact can be felt long after you exit the game 😁
  10. This is actually interesting, as I decided to go a different route with the traders on a modlet I am working on. Instead of getting rid of them, I changed their purpose in the game. I made the traders only sell specific items based on their "histories" and specialties (for example, Jen only has Health related items and Bob only has the construction related items). However, I didn't stop there. You cannot unlock recipes through the perk system anymore, and schematics / perk books are only available for sale from traders. Weapons, tools, etc are now not able to be found in loot or even purchased from the traders, all they have are basic materials and ammo. Quest rewards were also nerfed, so can't stock up on ammo by repeatedly doing quests; however, I am keeping them in so I can earn dukes in order to buy those books and schematics I want...and I didn't cheapen the price for them so you will have to do multiple T1 quests just to purchase your first one. There are other changes I am making under the hood, but it will be interesting when I start using it for Alpha 20. It may be exactly what I want, or it may fall flat on its face (and then I will wonder what the heck I was thinking 😉 ). It doesn't remove traders like your method, but it does force me to explore and find the different traders in order to unlock the ability to craft what I want to. So if I want to start a farm, I have to find Rekt. If I want to build a base and defenses for it, I have to find Bob and Jen to unlock those options. Weapons are spread out among the traders. I might want to go clubs in my playthrough, but if the trader I find only has knives as the schematic, I will either have to adapt until I find the right trader or just live with T0 weapons. However, your method is a lot less work to do 😉
  11. Would the level_requirements work for them like they do in the perks? Check the progression file for examples
  12. Sorry the truth hurts, but that is the case. TFP have a vision on where they want looting to go. Unfortunately, it is not in the direction that the OP or you want. So you can either complain about it in the forums or do something about it like I am doing. Learning to mod this game is not difficult, especially with a modding community that is more than willing to help you out. You don't have to overhaul the entire game like KhaineGB did with Darkness Falls to get changes that you want. I have a different vision on where I think this game should go than TFP or even you (and OP). So what did I do? I started to learn about the xml files and coding in XPath. I downloaded Notepad++ that was recommended by this community. I started making modlets and trying them out on a test game. And I posted questions to the modding community here who have been more than happy to help me learn. Before I started this, I never made a mod in my entire life and I been learning as I go along. But that was an easy choice for me, as I figured I could either A) Learn to mod the files (making those tweaks that I want to see) and play this version of the game that is closer to my vision and desires, or B) complain that the game is not doing what I want and.....complain some more.
  13. They already exist, it’s called not allowing thrm to play a game rated M
  14. okay……so do something about it. Mod it so you get the loot progression you want. It’s not hard to do. You might not like TFP vision, but they gave us the tools to change it the way we want to.
  15. I am going hardcore. My modlet I am working on for Alpha 20, you can't get any guns from looting (just parts), you can't unlock the recipes via perks, and the only weapons that traders have are Q6 weapons at inflated prices. So you are going to have to track down the schematics for the weapons (which by the way only the traders sell and they all don't sell the same ones) and find enough parts to craft them. No more toilet pistols, no more toilet knives. It's going to be interesting to see how brutal it will be once I start playing with it.
  16. Depends on my avatar and how old they are 😁
  17. eh The company name is The Fun Pimps. Should they also change their name since pimps in real life objectify women?
  18. My endgame goal has always been watch the sun set and die of old age in this game. Unfortunately, the zombies never allow me to reach my end goals 😉
  19. Um check your hierarchy on your file. If you open the biomes.xml file, the first layer should be worldgeneration, not biomes. That is why your pathing is not working. I just loaded biomes in notepad++ <set xpath="/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']"> should be <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']"> or you can try <set xpath="//biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']">
  20. Sorry got to ask…If you are adding your block to the biome, would it be easier to just append the new block to the code rather than replace it all like you did in your blocks file?
  21. I am relatively new to modding, but if you are trying to modify the biomes config file, should it be in a file called biomes.xml in your mod, not called vanblam? I made changes to the trader file in my mod, so I created a trader.xml file that starts with <trader> and ends with <\trader>
  22. might be helpful to provide some more information (game version, DF version, screenshots) so that Khaine has more information to help you. Also mods list in case you have a mod conflict going on.
  23. I have had playthroughs were I loaded up my 4x4, drove to a far away town, setup an outpost base with bench and forge, and just started looting the town. Then when it came close to BM night, load everything back up, drive back to my base location, upgrade and prep for the horde. Sometimes I would even just take over a sturdy POI for an one and done BM base.
  24. You need to clone the 7D2D game with the version you want to stay at. ModLauncher does an excellent job of this, but you should be able to manually do it by just copying the current Steam folder for 7D2D into a new folder. Recommend you place the folder in a different location. I have copies of the game folder in D:/7D2D/ along with the original folder in D:/Steam/
  25. logfiles would really help. Otherwise we are just shooting in the dark hoping to get lucky.
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