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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. @Regaone I thnk JaWoodle is using a custom modlet that he (or someone for him) created. I looked at the first video and it lists the modlet but not available yet. The name of it is Random Giant Hordes mod. Edit: nm, I saw on the last video he has a link for it. You would need to post your console log to see what errors are occurring for someone to help you
  2. That’s a good point. When I made my comment, I was thinking more of the T0 stun baton which will fall in the same category as the stone weapons for the other attribute trees, then I just included thr T0 firearms
  3. Would that also expand to the T0 weapons coming in Alpha20?
  4. You do realize that you bought the game as Early Access and that changes were expected? If you don’t want things to change, I would recommend not purchasing an EA game in the future, and just wait for the final games to be released.
  5. If you are playing Darkness Falls, there are other things you would have to unlock first before you can make certain items. Read the descriptions and it will tell you what you need to do.
  6. Also FYI If you need a cooking pot and see one of the junk yards, you can easily get one. They are usually laying on top of the scrap bins on the outside. You can go in and grab one real quick. I always do that when I come across one as I am finding my base since they tend to be a guaranteed find. Other POIs are the same situation (like several of the house POIs) but these are the easiest ones for me to remember and find.
  7. 3000+ hours so far, hasn't been unplayable for me And with 3000+ hours into it, I must be finding some enjoyment in it 😁
  8. In my mind, I just heard ZOMBIES IN SPAAAAACE!
  9. You are getting a lot of issues with your mod based on thr logfile. I noticed in the mod thread that the creator just released a patch for it. Make sure both versions are correct, would recommend checking the server side first as you stated the mod works fine in sp. Make sure everything is installed correct on the server side.
  10. Jumping on Telric's comment and passing on something he mentioned to me, use notepad++ does make it a ton easier seeing the hierarchy of the nodes. I am at work so I opened up the file via notepad, but if I had opened it up on my home computer using notepad++, I believe I would have caught the missing effect group node
  11. Try this instead, I just learned it myself <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkGreaseMonkey']/passive_effect[2]/@tags">vehicleWheels,vehicleBicycleChassis,vehicleBicycleHandlebars,resourceVehiclesRepairKit</set> The [2] will capture the second passive effect node which is the one you need. I used the same format in the buffs xml file and it worked for me EDIT: I also noticed you missed the root node progression, maybe add progression first and try again
  12. I just started learning Xpath so take anything I say with a grain of salt, but my initial thought is that it is not possible to do it that way. When the game loads up, it first puts into memory the information in the config folder on your computer. Then the mods (either server side or on your computer) will update the information for each xml file in the memory. I don't think xpath can be used to physically download copies of objects and install it on other computers. Probably the best thing to do (at this time - it may change once game goes final) is to generate a zip file with the objects in the folder structure that the end user will need to copy and paste into their game folder. Include readme instructions on what they need to do in the zip file. Then provide a link for them to download it from. Then all they have to do is unzip the file, drag the folder and drop it in their location based on the instructions provided in the readme file. That is fairly easy to do. If they have issues doing that, they probably shouldn't be adding mods to a game in Early Access. Though I did do a search and found this You can download those mods and see how they did it there. I can't do it since I am at work right now
  13. I will keep that in mind. I have some changes I will be making in the loot file that a mass change would be easier to do than changing everything one by one. I got the buff nerf to work and it tested out fine. Nothing like lighting yourself on fire and not being able to instant recover by swallowing a white pill 😁
  14. Thanks I will give it a try tonight if I have the time. Yeah, I went the requirement route as I was trying to make sure it went to the correct effect group. I did not realize that you can simply do the [3] to get it to go to the correct node within that property. And thanks for the reminder to recheck as newer updates get released. That is something I already put in the back of my mind to do, but with TFP wanting to go Gold soon and release a final product, it shouldn't be too many times I would have to do that (plus, doing this coding myself means I am learning it and will be able to understand quickly if I need to make changes to my files after each update). I read your thread in the Tutorials & Guide section, along with watching Max Fox's videos on xpath coding and downloading mods like Darkness Falls to see how others have done it; though nothing replaces just diving in and trying to write the code (and seeing how many red errors you get and yellow warning messages) 😁 I just started using notepad++ (it is what i am using to write these files as it allows me to quickly check to see if I mistyped something as I learn to use this program). However, for some reason, I opened the original file in notepad and had to do the manual snips. Now I am curious about the original file and will open it tonight using Notepad++. I bet if I did it in the first place, that might have been easier to see the code structure than using regular old notepad.
  15. New user, one post, link with no description about it to safely search to see what this link is about..... Nope, not clicking it 😁
  16. Make sure that the right side (the server computer I am assuming) is the exact same as the left side. Make sure that when you click on Bdubs Vehicles that you don't have another nested folder inside of it. On the left side, you clicked the actual mod folder and it shows the files. Make sure you see the same file structure on the right side (and also that there is a ModInfo.xml file in that folder). Your error code is saying that a mod was not loaded properly and these 2 things mention are usually the reason why Also would be great to see the startup logs on both. That way we can see if there are any errors when loading up the mods.
  17. Duct tape is the force. It has a dark side and a light side. With the force, you can do anything.
  18. 7 Day hordes re-done (less game stages so difficulty should ramp up faster and ferals appear sooner). From the front page @KhaineGB sure loves his zombies. So you are going to see more zombies and harder zombies faster. Romero mod also ramps up the numbers of zombies. This is why I went with his Romero mod right now.
  19. Based on your image, one of your mods is causing a conflict with another one. One mod has a specific loot group tied to loot containers. Then another mod probably changed those loot groups.
  20. So been working on some modding (just simple xml changes) that I can upload to new versions and not have to modify the individual xml config files every time the game is updated So far, I got a customize traders file done and a progression file that are working as intended. However, once I started working on a buffs file, I ran into the issue below that I can't figure out what I am doing wrong (though I believe it is a pathing issue on my part) First, here is the error I get in the console The previous times I got this error, it was a path issue (99.9% of the time, I either forgot something, inserted a space it didn't like, or mistyped the node path). Here is the code I am trying to change the painkiller health buff from 40 to 0. I know this is the right location as making the change in the actual config file works. Here is the specific part of the buffs file I am trying to modify If someone could point out my mistake, that would be greatly appreciated.
  21. The simplest thing to do is to modify the existing burning shaft mod and then limit its availability to later in the game. If you want two items (the original mod and this new mod), you will need to create an asset (model) to use for it. You can possibly copy the existing model and just use a different ID number for it, but then it gets confusing.
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