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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I am sure some people would like that, but as part of the vanilla game? Maybe more in a mod. If it were to become part of the vanilla game, hopefully it is easy to mod out.
  2. Not sure if I understand you correctly, but this is how crops work in vanilla (Alpha 19) When you plant a crop seed, you can get 1-3 at harvest depending on Living off the Land perk level (1 at no perk, 2 at perk level 1, and 3 at perk level 3). When you harvest it, the plant goes back to seedling at no cost to player. Yes it takes 5 plants to craft into one seed so this is how it goes (if you simply harvest and turn into seeds) at Perk level 0 Plant 1 seed - 1 plant Harvest 5 times, convert into seed, plant this new seed - Now you got 2 plants Harvest 5 times, get 10 crops, convert into 2 seeds, plant both seeds - Now you got 4 plants Harvest 5 times, get 20 crops, conver into 4 seeds, plant all those seeds - Now you got 8 plants So yes you can get to sustainability
  3. Thanks, nice to have confirmation before I went too far. Another quick question: I understand the symbols needed for comments. If I want to organize my groups by item types (inside the group), but don't want to comment those, does a space in-between cause any issues or will it run fine? I am assuming no issues as long as I don't insert any hidden characters into that line <item name="meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnucklesSchematic"/> <item name="thrownAmmoPipeBombSchematic"/> <item name="thrownGrenadeSchematic"/> <item name="thrownAmmoPipeBombSchematic"/> <item name="thrownDynamiteSchematic"/> <item name="thrownGrenadeContactSchematic"/> <item name="resourceMilitaryFiberSchematic"/> <item name="armorMilitarySetSchematic"/> <item name="armorSteelSetSchematic"/> </trader_item_group>
  4. First, my apologies if this was already asked and I missed the topic. I search in this sub-forum for trader and secret; none of the posts popped up to answer my question. I am making some small modifications to the trader.xml file, which is basically limiting what the traders offer based on their specialty. For example, in Jen's section, the only items in the first part are this <trader_info id="2" full_reset="true" min_inventory="30" max_inventory="70" min_items_swapped="20" max_items_swapped="20" reset_interval="7" open_time="4:05" close_time="23:50"> <trader_items count="all"> <item group="rareMedicine" count="2" prob="1"/> <item group="medicine" count="2,5" prob="1"/> <item group="traderAlways"/> <item group="traderGeneral" count="4,8"/> <item group="generalResources" count="9,14"/> <item group="modAllT1SecretStash" count="1,2"/> </trader_items> I am still going through all the groups so I want to see what traderAlways, traderGeneral, and traderResouces have in those groups. My goal is to make it medical supplies for her and basic resources (for the others, I will doing the same thing but based on their specialties). What I don't 100% understand are the next groups: <tier_items level="1,499" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 0 --> <tier_items level="3000,3999" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 3 --> My assumption is those are the ones tied to the secret stash? My end goal is that if I want specialty items like solar cells and banks, I would have to travel to Bob and see if he has them in stock, no-one else would. Thanks, Amateur modder
  5. OP said he crashes any computer they join, not just hers I am not an expert, but this seemed weird to me -force-feature-level–10–0 Should this be -10-0 instead? Seems like it was encoded incorrectly (search seems to indicate this is Windows-1252. Using an online decoder to UTF-8 gave me -10-0 2021-08-28T18:20:51 7.039 INF Command line arguments: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7daystodie.exe -force-feature-level–10–0 -force-d3d11 -logfile C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__2021-08-28__18-20-26.txt -eac_executablename 7daystodie.exe
  6. Play Romero mod if you want more zombies. Nothing like going to a trader and having to take down a 40+ wandering horde just so you can turn in your quest and get your sweet sweet rewards. I like having more zombies, but I understand TFP's position. They are optimizing the game around the normal default setting and lower spec computers so more people can enjoy this game, not around those of us that can spend the extra money on a new machine.
  7. Like every other thread asking this question, it will be announced in the announcement sub forum when they are ready to do so.
  8. If it is too easy, adjust the settings or use a mod to make it more difficult Also A20 will probably increase the difficulty, especially if you got feral sense on
  9. It’s a survival game, you don’t automatically heal injuries just because you completed a quest. I don’t see TFP doing this.
  10. Boiled meat and grilled meat match the benefits of vanilla. However, it is not simply A vs B. Sure you get 10 water from boiled meat, but grilled meat with a tea gives you more water and a stamina boost. So you can choose between boiled meat (prepackaged water, one less slot, less water recovery, no stamina recovery boost) vs grilled meat/tea (2 slots vs 1, more water, stamina recovery boost). Yes, it is worth it to get the advanced recipes - you are going to have to gather a lot more food with his changes if you don't advance further on the food chart - plus some of the more advanced recipes will give you a temporary stat boost.
  11. Not sure how people miss the pinned threads
  12. Nuclear explosions don’t stop the planet from creating rain clouds…..
  13. Of course, this also ties into another question that was asked. That 4X4 in your backpack is why you can't crawl through 1 meter holes in walls 😉
  14. Not a developer but.... Based on the feedback from TFP over the last year or so, you won't be seeing an update for the console game for the following reasons: Alpha 16 and below used the LBD method. Alpha 17 and higher now uses a perk system. Additional changes were made to the game also. These changes would break the saves on the game which Sony and Microsoft are not allowing for console games. The hardware for XBox and PS4 cannot run the game as it is today. The current version of the game would require the next generation hardware. Updating the old version would require hiring a console developer to do the work. Since the console game was released back 2016, there is not a lot of interest to tackle that project as the profits are not there. There might be interest after the game has gone gold and launched for the next gen consoles.
  15. Can you post your output logs into pastebin and link them here? That will be helpful
  16. Is that correct or a typo? If not, it is looking for something called 7DaysaToDie. There is an extra a in there. Hope your Covid is the minor type.
  17. Oh come on. It will be released, there is no if. If you been following along, Alpha 20 is currently being tested and tweaked. Oh ye of little faith. If you can't patiently wait for the drop, maybe an early release is not your thing,
  18. Haha I am doing that in my next playthrough. I am going to build a big garage, and then just place a storage crate inside of it to place my vehicles 🙂
  19. Same here, but I got tired of the vehicles disappearing on me. Nothing like waking up in the morning and finding your minibike has decided to tunnel downward 100 meters. Since then, I put them in storage crates (yes, I know I can just use CM and spawn me a new one if it does, I hate the leftover marker from it though).
  20. Thanks, I couldn’t find one so I thought I would ask first. I believe the mod I am looking at does change progression so I will have to be careful merging the two
  21. Check to see if the first letter needs to be capitalized - WanderingHordeStageGS1 vs wanderingHordeStageGS1 (and also check to make sure you got it correct). The game is looking, but can't find the object. That makes me believe you might have an issue with the change you made (does not match up to the group name).
  22. You can survive Horde nights without having to use a ton of ammo (or very little at all). I did a recent playthrough where I was set at Survivalist, Intelligence Build, max zombies. I did use a mod that greatly decrease the amounts of materials you got looting and harvesting. For the first 4 Horde nights, I just used arrows and my traps / melee. The only time I brought out the guns is if I needed to thin the crowd some or had to deal with an annoying vulture (and this was more around Horde #3). Even after I started using guns more often (mostly hunting rifle for headshots), I did not go through a lot of ammo to defend myself. The playstyle you are playing, you might need a ton of ammo to survive.; but it is not a requirement to do so (or specifically a need).
  23. When we bought the game in Early Access, it was just a chance to play the game in a working state as the developers continued working on the game. No where in the agreement or even mentioned by TFP was the right to dictate where they were going in the development of the game. They can (and have) listened to feedback about this game, but they are not obligated (either lawfully or ethically) to implement ideas / feedback submitted by the community. As for people complaining about how long it has been (and still not a finished game), that is their right to complain. I haven't been around as much as some people with this game, I believe I got in around Alpha 16 (I don't recall ever having to fight the hornets and I know I had at least once Alpha before 17). However, for an unfinished game, I have put in 3k+ hours into it, and just started looking at mods now to change some things up. If TFP released it today as is, I would have no real gripes as I have easily played this game more than any finished game in my library. If it takes them another 10 years to finish it, again no gripes.
  24. I would like for them to finish this game first before doing a sequel. By clarification, I mean work involving diving deep into the project of creating a sequel. Brainstorming ideas on how they would like to approach a 7D2D sequel is fine by me, but I would hate for coding work to be done before the game goes Gold and finishes with all the updates. Pulling model designers and animators to other projects if there is still work to be done on 7D2D in those areas - not cool. Doing the former when all the model design work and animation is done, sure no problems. We are on Alpha 20, but there will be at least one more Alpha if not more depending on how the work goes on to finish TFP vision on 7D2D. And yes, I would prefer a sequel not DLC as I don't think DLC will really work with this game IMHO. Based on my enjoyment of this game, I would prepay a sequel for 72D2 and would jump into Early Access in a heartbeat.
  25. First time using this mod and so far impressed. Simple changes, but it has made a big difference in how I play and approach. Though I am only on Day 2 and my opinion can change in the future 😉 I do have a question though. One thing I like about this mod is that you made it simple to reduce conflicts with other modlets. In future playthroughs, I was thinking of adding some additional changes to ramp up the survivability difficulty. I was looking through the install folder hoping that you may have a Readme file indicating what was changed (and even what xml files). I didn't see one so I am wondering if there was one and I just missed it, or if this mod doesn't have that info readily available. I did find a ReadMe.md file but when opened it just states # Romero Mod - A19 Client Romero Mod for 7DTD A19 If this information doesn't exist, that is okay as I can take the description on the front page and start making edits myself in the various xml files. My goal right now is just to figure out what to do in the future and if I will need to make manual edits not to mess up this mod. Thanks!
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