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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Even without logfile the support section would be better for this, moving it over. All I can say is that in the current version A20.2(b2) there is an ammoBunldeBlunderbuss in the code but it is commented out (in other words, it actually doesn't exist in the game) My best guess is that your sister has either loaded an A19 world in her A20 game or still has a mod from a19 installed. To check the first case she should start the game launcher, click on the "tools" tab and select the last item in the list which allows her to delete all worlds and savegames and any old configuration left. Also tell her to always enter a new unique "Game Name" when creating a new game. To check for the latter case she should go into the games program folder (she can find that with the first option in the game launchers tool tab) and delete the "Mods" folder if there is one.
  2. meganoth


    Ah, totally misinterpreted the post. Sorry.
  3. I'm not sure it is sensible to expend effort on a mod that corrects a bug. The bug might get corrected any time and make the mod useless. The other problem is that vehicles can't be picked up when they have anything in their inventory. IF you really want to start rummaging in the c# code to find ways to implement this your time might be better spent searching for the bug itself.
  4. Both, but not like a pure survival or a pure crafting game. Well you can. In a pure crafting game you would craft all guns. In this game you will likely craft some of them. I agree though that the balance is still a bit off, you should find more parts (also as quest rewards) and less complete weapons. What I don't like is the "jumpiness" of the weapon crafting system. Just find a tier2 or tier3 gun recipe and have a few points in the weapon perk and you can immediately craft a gun that is OP for weeks.
  5. meganoth


    Not really a topic for pimp dreams. Maybe use the red banner above and you'll find the bug report section
  6. There are only a few players with console experience left in the forum, hopefully one of them sees your post PS: Please post in english, there are services like DeepL or Google Translate to do that for you.
  7. In the logfile I see two 4x4s already before anything happens in the game: 2022-02-18T20:10:49 65.335 INF 10211 VehicleManager read #0, id 10408, vehicle4x4Truck, (307.8, 46.2, 656.1), chunk 19, 41 2022-02-18T20:10:49 65.336 INF 10211 VehicleManager read #1, id 72691, vehicle4x4Truck, (583.3, 52.0, 301.2), chunk 36, 18 Did you build two? If not, then the copy seems to already exists. If you go through that teleportation place multiple times (without reloading a backup) do you get another 4x4 again and again ?
  8. Please use a translation service (for example DeepL or Google translate) and post in english. Sadly the logfile is from a later run where the bug already happened. A logfile where the bug is triggered could have been more useful. You seem to have lots of external game helpers installed. I see a warning that some xbox library can't be loaded (good, that won't matter) and another warning/error that could come from software like geforce experience: " d3d11: CreateDXGIFactory2(...) not found, fallbacking to CreateDXGIFactory1(...)." . I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the problem, but here is an old discussion on steam about CreateDXGIFactory2 failing: https://steamcommunity.com/app/227300/discussions/0/558746745674471122/ . Since you still have Windows7 and that OS is not supported anymore you should expect problems. It is likely that the problem vanishes if you simply delete the region file or files where this happens, by the way ( https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/19010-guide-how-to-reset-regions-parts-of-the-map/?tab=comments#comment-359622 ).
  9. Try small stones, they work as a distraction.
  10. I would be rich if I had a penny for every player claiming they tried everything but do not even post a logfile. 😉 Back to more seriousness. The picture you provided is useless as it shows only a small part of the crash log. And possibly there is a log from the game as well that could be posted. So please read https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?do=getNewComment and follow its advice on how to post a logfile. If the game creates a logfile before the crash, put it on pastebin and post a link to it in here. And the same for the crash log that seems to be created. Did you use the game launcher to clean your configuration when A20 arrived? If not, that is another thing you could do. It makes sure that no stuff from A19 interferes with the new alpha. Did you use mods in A19? If yes they might still be installed since steam does not touch the Mods directory at all.
  11. If you want to keep local savegames and worlds, simply make a backup of them (or don't delete them, you can select which parts you want to delete. But then you also can't be totally sure you have removed the problem). With servers there is the question whether "PersistentPlayerProfiles" is turned on or off. If turned on you will keep all progress. If turned off you probably need to visit with the same profile you had before. I have not the slightest idea what happens if you previously used a custom profile instead of one of the premade. Is it keyed to the name of the profile, or must all settings be equal in that profile? Probably it is the name I would think
  12. So you have the problem whether you are admin or not, right? Sounds to me as if you still had some mod left over from an older alpha, so when reinstalling the game make sure there is no Mod folder anymore. Furthermore you could use the game launcher to clean your configuration if you haven't done that already (but that wipes progress in many worlds and even local worlds and savegames) Please post your logfile if you want more than guesswork, a HOWTO is in a pinned thread in this forum section
  13. Strangely most users of 7 days don't need to do repairs after every game or upgrade to a new sub-version of the game, eac enabled or not. But most users do not play on windows8.1 and don't use steam as Admin. So I would say either of this has a good chance of being at least partly responsible for your problems.
  14. Don't think so. To have your old base back you need to play your old save (with the old region files), just with new main.ttw. It largely depends on which file is actually damaged. The method I listed is to replace a damaged main.ttw, Beelzybub, your method is for the case something else is damaged, but I don't see how you get your old base back that way, you need the old region files for that
  15. Savegame corruption most often happens when the game is having performance problems. You seem to be playing on a laptop. Laptops often have problems removing the heat when CPU and GPU are under heavy load. So I would suggest checking whether your game really always stays above 20 fps and if not turn down some setttings and especially turn of dynamic meshes for the time being.
  16. So you started steam as administrator? Is that even possible? Anyway, my guess is that you probably now have files in the game directory that can't be written to as normal user. Solution to this would be: Go to your game directory and delete it completely, if neccessary as Admin. Then install the game again with steam started normally. You can turn off easy-anti-cheat in the game launcher. Do that and you'll see if EAC is really the culprit.
  17. Nitrate, coal and lead? A single player can get all the ammo he needs from the trader and quests (at least in A20). Even oil shale is now available from chemist sets in many POIs. So I would agree if you had used "OR" above. All the pois have a way through them that is bashing-free. The few times I need a pickaxe can very well be inefficient without losing me much time.
  18. I would suggest making a bug report. A better solution might be to recount drones from the available data in the game when starting a server. Whatever fix TFP would implement will be too late for your current game though.
  19. Sounds to me like an exploit base. The only true way is to have your horde base styled after medieval castles with a narrow access way where soldiers could send tar or arrows into the closely packed attackers running through that funnel. 😁 Please tell us how high you usually have your miner69er perk? If I don't perk into strength MY miner69er is somewhere around 1 and hacking a reinforced loot chest is testing my patience. Hint: If you perk into lockpicks you usually never are out of lockpicks again.
  20. The best supplementary source of potatoes and corn is not the trader but the farms on the outskirts of any town. Having LOTL1 is a no-brainer for that (you get less produce back from wild plants, but no LOTL gives only 1 and LotL1 gives 2 per plant).
  21. The error happens immediately when the server tries to access the region directory. So first make a complete backup of your savegame, then delete files in the Region subdirectory of your savegame, either one by one sorted by newest access date or multiple files until the game can be loaded again. There is a good chance this will reset your base though. If you know which file or files is the culprit you could try to restore other region files from backup (even all if none of them seem corrupted) If this doesn't help you could check if main.ttw got corrupted. Check the access times of the file main.ttw.bak. If the file is old enough to be unaffected then overwriting man.ttw with that backup may help. If not: Someone recently told me a new trick: Move your savegame to somewhere else. Create a new game with EXA CTLY the same parameters (Worldname, size, etc.). Move that to somewhere else, move back your old savegame, but replace the main.ttw with the one of the new savegame. Obviously many of those fixes will remove part of your progress from the game. If you have to delete too much it may be better to restart completely.
  22. The handcrafted way is by simply copying your game directory to somewhere else and call the shell script in there (7DaysToDie.sh or similar) if you want to play that game. Steam has to run in the background while doing this even though you don't use it. The comfortable way is to install the Mod Launcher for 7 Days to Die, a management utility that handles multiple versions and automatically installs mods as well.
  23. meganoth


    If you are logging into a multiplayer server and have network or performance issues there can be rubberbanding effects that make zombies hit you while standing far off, but I assume you are not talking about that effect. If you just talk about normal single player, yes they have surprisingly long arms and they also always walk into your direction. I'm used to them so may not notice an issue where a new player gets surprised. Still with a club I can hit them from farther away than they can reach. I still have to make a step back after the hit because they usually walk in my direction.
  24. While starting new games with a new major alpha is always mandatory (i.e. A19->A20), changing between minor versions (A19.3->A19.6) is relatively safe. Just use the 19.x that is still available and the chance that anything bad happens is quite low and usually IF any bad happens it still is relatively harmless. You are playing a game in Early Access, the developers only legal requirement is actually to give you access to the latest stable version, so access to older versions is really a bonus. PS: In the unlikely event that your client wasn't updated yet you could also just copy the whole game directory to somewhere else and start the game by calling the script in the game directory directly (steam needs to be running in the background though)
  25. Yes. But finishing a specific book series is as much up to luck and often a larger gamble as finding the silencer schematic and especially silencers themselves. The chance of finding silencer or schematic in a long game should be quite high actually. I often play AGI in single player and I can't remember any game where I didn't have found a silencer (not necessarily the schematic) long before I quit the game. Though, would I really remember it if I didn't have? Now, @ElCabong since you also mentioned the 2x scope, here it gets strange. The scope is one of the mods that drop quite frequently. Since you say you have long games where you can't even find a 2x scope, either you are exaggerating somewhat or your "long" and my "long" are very different things. So I'm not sure this needs changing even though giving it out for urban combat or one of the stealth perks seems like a passable idea. But if someone wants to play the same schtick every time in this game and needs to be "creative" for that in a SP game, he has my blessing.
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