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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Not enough information. Change to that directory in a command shell and post what "pwd" and "ls -al" says. Likely the copied files are not owned by the user starting the server. Maybe the path doesn't exist (though "denied" seems to point to a rights issue)
  2. I'd say make a bug report. Add actual data (FPS at specific settings) and see what comes of it.
  3. I assume you know https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/7653-xpath-modding-explanation-thread ? I'm pretty sure you can specify parameters in the following requirements line, but I would have to search for the exact syntax as well. Delete and replace works too. It seems many modders simply use this method to get around the complexity of xpath.
  4. Disagree on both. You need to turn off dynamic meshes (last tab in video settings) then tier5 are as lagfree as in A19. And group stealth IS principally possible if everyone does it, with a disciplined group... in other words a group almost opposite to yours, OneManStanding 😉
  5. I get that sometimes with my server too. It possibly is a memory leak so more memory could prolong playtime, but a fix for a memory leak will surely surface in experimental at some time. Since you didn't post your full logfile that is just a wild guess.
  6. @broksonic: Please post your full logfile (use pastebin for this!). Incomplete logfile is incomplete information If you have access to the server logfiles, post those as well. If both servers are provided by hosters, maybe it is the same hoster, if you know the name that would be helpful as well. @Worrun These two questions are for you as well
  7. It seems infections are greatly reduced by better armor, you also find more honey/antibiotics in loot, quest rewards, trader, with better vehicles you see more stumps.... So in mid game that problem solves itself without you doing anything special (no INT needed at all). BUT early game I agree that the mild death penalty and missing alternatives pushes players to cheese. A solution would be for the trader to always have some cure around but at a premium price (just like GPU prices in reality). That is sort of a small problem as sell/buy at the trader is a fixed ratio and if you increase price and the item can be looted or even worse produced then it could be used to make money endlessly. Solutions could be: 1) trader always has antibiotics but they are much more expensive and crafted with acid bottles as ingredient 2) There is a special pill for sale at the trader not available as loot or craftable that cures infection 3) There is a trader service to cure anything for a substantial fee. Just another option in his interface (similar to the temple/church services in typical fantasy games) 4) trader always has very expensive honey for sale, but make tree stumps scarce over time.
  8. This is known behaviour that will likely not be changed or fixed. There are so many POIs available, finding unlooted ones is usually no problem, so you hardly get loot that you couldn't get next door as well.
  9. Ah, you could be right. We have something similar with armor values approaching 100%. A reduction of buy prices by 25% is equivalent to an increase in sell prices by 33% A reduction of buy prices by 50% is equivalent to an increase in sell prices by 100% And 75% is equivalent to 200% and so on.
  10. You are really late to the party, we already discussed the effects of those items. And you are also partly wrong (if I understand your statement correctly), since all those items are available to everyone they tend to diminish the relative effect BB has.
  11. My group plays with default distance rules and I don't remember the others ever asking for a change of that. Often someone is a bit behind or ahead in levels but the usual reaction is that the others suggest upgrading of blocks or drinking an xp potion on horde night. If someone is lagging behind and gets into trouble with zombies just give him the best equipment. Problem solved, in a co-op game.
  12. "1/2 + 1/2" and "0.5 + 0.5" are both mathematically accurate ways of saying the same thing, but sometimes one way has advantages over the other. In this case I was of the opinion that transforming the buy/sell bonus into the more common buy bonus all the other bonuses adhered to was an advantage. If we were writing a "Howto play 7D2D" then yes, going into details that much and converting numbers would be the wrong way and confusing to readers. But where is the danger of misinterpreting things when we were just discussing it and both knew what the numbers mean? At least in the wikipedia definition (for what its worth) of "straw man argument" I don't read anything about intent. But straw man is often used as an accusation of intentionally and unfair debating. Let me say again I didn't mean that you were doing it intentionally and I'll take it back. "I don't believe you" is not an insinuation, as well as "I disagree". Perfectly harmless. Notice both sentences are about what you think. But "And trying to cherry pick such an example just demonstrates how far you have to and are willing to reach to 'win' an argument." is a direct attack and interpreting motivations into statements I made. Notice how you claim to know what I thought. And that is not logical as you can not predict from a statement whether it was made with intent to deceive, or from error of judgement, or using wrong facts, and there is even the possibility that it is you who might be wrong. This was not a logical deduction from facts of the topic at hand. Now I'm not perfect as well, I sometimes use imprecise language in argument, especially in a language not my own. It might lead to misunderstandings like ours.
  13. I see that the game protests that it can't connect to steam. Are you starting the game from the command line without starting steam? If yes, start the game directly from steam and see if it changes anything. I also see error messages about Direct3D. Maybe you should check if your D3D installation is working correctly and that you have a recent graphics driver installed. Did the game clear your inventory again when you played the game today and created this logfile ?
  14. And again you need to post a logfile that shows the issue. And please use pastebin just like the pinned thread says.
  15. It seems $MetabolismDuration is the value that is subtracted each second or tick from any buff durations like $buffRedTeaDuration in buffs.xml, this is why lower values are better. When you drink the tea, a line in items.xml for RedTea and Puremineralwater sets $buffRedTeaDuration to 303 (does that mean seconds aka 5 minutes? **The wiki says the duration should be 4 minutes!? Strange fact nr.1** Now each tick or second the value of $MetabolismDuration is substracted from $buffRedTeaDuration. With no Metabolism perk at all 1 would be substracted, making the duration 5 minutes. With fully perked Metabolism that value would be .5 which should double the duration to 10 minutes. In the display the duration is calculated as $buffRedTeaDuration divided by $MetabolismDuration. **The games description of fully perked Metabolism says it makes drugs last 50% longer, not 100% longer!? Strange fact nr.2** So probably I misinterpreted some details here and have to check in detail where I've gone wrong. But apart from those details I think I got the mechanism right. So just decrease those numbers in perkMetabolism further and the duration should go up.
  16. You beat me to it. Don't trust CM. When I tried to test damage values and ranges in A19 I simply used a couple of workbenches (benches and materials through CM) and built the items. That way you can't test quality6 items unmodded, but for a distribution test it should suffice and it is totally vanilla.
  17. You can find the player NAME in the players.xml file: <player platform="EOS" userid="0002e6305738590395739af98e" playername="somenamehecalledhimself" lastlogin="2022-01-23 00:28:15"> The playername can also be found in the Player/EOS......ttp file near the start of the file. If you need a EOS->steam mapping you probably have to look inside the logfile. If you search for the string "PlayerName authorization successful" you get all 3 ids in one line
  18. Arrgh, my fault. It seems I had completely turned off the part of my mind that can read a picture as sideways and not top down 🙄
  19. So how do you do the repairing from 50 blocks away? 😉 Seriously, I assume you think of some secondary outer wall whose inside you might let zombies in and then clean with explosives? Then when cleared, repair again? If you use frag rocket ammo (which you really should if you want to harm zombies at all) it means 20 or perked and with a good weapon about 40 damage per rocket (and I don't know if that diminishes with distance?). At that time you would be using at least concrete blocks with 5000 HPs. Thats a lot of rockets. And if that block breaks the wall isn't even breached. The only danger mentioned by Bisc... is that you might need the SI of that block. But who would be staking the stability of his structures on an outer wall block easily in reach of approaching zombies? It might run counter to the expectation of players though.
  20. I interpret White-Gandalfs post differently: He seems to say that whenever you start the game (not reload the same savegame from a backup) that it also uses the same starting seed for looting. I.e. in a continuous series of normally playing a game the seed is always the same when you start the game on the computer. That is unproblematic in normal use because people tend to start and stop the game at random in-game times. But assume a player who always stopped playing at nightfall or morning and as the first action on starting a new session would always visit the trader in the morning. He would suddenly always get the same stuff in the vending machine because of the same starting seed. Or someone usually logging off immediately at 4 am on a horde night and leaving the bag looting for the next session. He would get the same stuff in the loot bags until his lootstage crosses over to new loot tables. If it does happen that way it definitely is not a serious issue but could be considered a bug.
  21. Opps, sorry, didn't see your reply. I don't know CentOS in detail, but it may be that you simply have to open ports in the machines firewall. to check if the ports are open you can install "nmap" on the centos or any other linux machine and execute nmap -p1-65536 <serverip> in the shell. It should show an open port 26900 if you didn't change the default port number
  22. Thanks for the compliment. As to the cause of the crashes, it isn't anything simple. My friends and I myself did not need to do a reinstall for A20.1. Most people don't. And some other players do have crashes in A20.1 that can't be fixed by a reinstall.
  23. Where are you standing in this picture? If inside the cage then why are you trying to detonate stuff there?
  24. Very well, I'll try one more time. AFAIK straw man arguments do not assume intend by the way, so a misunderstanding is perfectly viable as the basis for a following straw man argumentation. One thing that happened is that I made a limited claim where you then assumed there were no limits. The 66% number is and always was just meant to mean the limited bonus for the case that someone sold and bought items with full BB, it was meant as the basis of a more accurate estimation of the bonus an INT player would get fully perked. I never said it was a general bonus an average player would see. Also that I disagreed with your 25% and said the bonus was more like 50% was me correcting a number I thought did not give the whole picture (more about that below), it did not automatically mean that INT was underpowered at 25% or overpowered at 50%. I got the impression that INT is OP mainly from playing myself and from other posters on the forum or friends who valued INT as good or better as STR, at least for experienced players. So what exactly did I claim: I made the initial claim that the full BB bonus is approximately 50% for an average player. This is actually not true (as I found out when we discussed it) as it needs Daring Adventurer as well. So the correct statement after I did some more accurate estimations I made, would be now that the full INT trade perks bonus would be approximately but definitely less than 50% for an average player. (And yes, I know that daring only gives 20% at full perk, but it also gives two rewards to sell which makes the total bonus more than 20%). Now you are correct that we could call the bonus of say 45% a buy/sell bonus of 22.5% and the game does exactly that with the expection of one pie. BUT a buy/sell bonus is uncommon in the real world where most trade is one-way, we always buy stuff and get a rebate of 3% for example, or some item costs 40% less in a sale. But even more importantly, other bonuses in the game are one way as well, the bonus on mining is say 5% on what you get out of the earth, you don't put stuff back into the earth with a 5% bonus. The bonus on farming is one-way, the bonus of perks on weapon damage or range is one way, ALL other perk advantages (if I haven't overlooked something) are one-way, all resource-getting bonuses especially are all one-way. The only percentage in the game beside BB that is really both ways is the difficulty setting which applies the bonus to both zombie and inversely to player damage. And this is why I made the point of translating the bonus BB gives so that the number is comparable to other bonuses in the game. And sure, a mining percentage bonus still can't be trivially compared to a buy percentage bonus, but it is a better foundation for comparison. This is no spin, no desperate attempt at getting higher numbers, this is my honest opinion, that this is the right way to view it in comparison to other perks. My current answer would be "I don't know". I think the trader generally is too central, important and OP in the game, but as I already acknowledged it is perfectly possible that the trade bonuses INT gives is overkill for utilizing the OP trader. And I myself always put my first point into DA, but seldom one in BB (but I tend to not play the "trader mini game", i.e. I usually don't put much effort in getting best prices and amass lots of money since I prefer to find useful stuff while scrouncing instead of buying). Yes. Too central and OP. For various reasons. I think I answered this above, hopefully. And you repeatedly insinuated lots of motivations to why I say this or that. Is insinuation/innuendo still passive aggressive or already aggressive? It's a bad discussion style at the least.
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