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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Are you saying the silencer on an ak or shotgun would actually reduce stealth compared to no silencer? It may not be as effective as on a pistol, but the silencer being even detrimental to stealth would surely be a bug
  2. You basically get the same stuff as in quest-tier rewards. Only that you can't select between 5 or more but usually just get a random one (with a low chance for a second one). So the chance for a dud is high when even the 5 trader offerings you can select from only have 0-2 bundles you really want. But even in the long run, when you already have all you need, you can get lucky and get special weapon bundle with a quality 6 weapon.
  3. Maybe get a new OS. W7 is not in support anymore and if it is an incompatibility with the OS waiting will not solve it. I don't know what the stance of the game developers is with W7 support though. Do they still test the game on W7? @Jugginator Do you know? But there is more you can try: I see "ERR Invalid magic bytes in world header" which points to data from previous alphas "interfering" with operation even though it seems to be largely ignored. If you want to keep that old stuff move savegames and worlds to somewhere safe, then use the game launcher and change to tools tab to delete all old configuration. Then try again with a new world. Furthermore there might still be a bug that doesn't free memory after creating a world so you should restart the game completely after creating a new world. You say the game crashes, but in the title you say the PC restarts i.e. crashes. What is it exactly? If the latter there is more to it than a game bug. I would test memory first, then use prime95 to see if cpu or power supply has problems. Then test if maybe the graphics driver has a part in this: Try turning off all graphics features and see if you still get crashes. If not, add features until you experience crashes, then you can identify which graphics feature is the culprit (IF it is a graphics feature at all that instabilizes the game)
  4. No, I assume this is an error message he sees in the console when he starts 7D2D. IF this is a message you see when starting 7D2D, please provide more information, A LOT MORE information. Please read https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?tab=comments#comment-3956 it will tell you how to find the logfile and how to post it here (not directly, but through a site called pastebin).
  5. If you want to rage quit, that is fine, no objection from me. Just as a hint for the future: Providing help on a forum is not an easy task, much more difficult than if the helper can sit at your PC and look up everything for himself and directly ask you. This process needs patience and a bit of tenacity on the part of the one wanting help, as the helpers often are flooded with lots of different cases. Very important is to provide as much info as possible and that includes a logfile (the method to find and post a logfile is described in a few sticky posts and in the link TSBX mentioned). And the other important thing is to accept that helpers can post questions and suggestions that don't directly help but simply cross off possibilities which you might already know to be impossible.
  6. This sounds more like stuff for a bug report. Follow the link in red above, follow the text instructions (forget about searching for the error in the bug database, this seems too new) and post a logfile from such a session (use pastebin as described) Even if you wanted to continue posting here instead, a logfile would have been necessary as well.
  7. Ok. The logfile you posted seems to be the logfile from your singleplayer test, that looks ok to me. Could you also post a logfile from a session where you enter a server. You can look at the dates of the output logfiles to see which one is from what session, or you can create a new one. Also, did you try a second server as well?
  8. It didn't feel that way for us. We built a block to stand in and the zombies came from all sides that looked all alike. "Oh look, they come from the north, shoot northwards. Oh look, now they come from the east, shoot eastwards" 😉. We never knew where they were coming from and it didn't matter. Ah, you also missed the information that traps have to be set up so their tops are level to the ground. Then zombies do not pour through that single path but step on new traps, because they think a level ground is faster to traverse than the step down/step up of the hole of a destroyed trap.
  9. He would start by describing his problem and posting the games logfile in the "General Support" section of this forum. In that section there is also a thread that would tell him exactly how to find and post that logfile. EDIT: Actually the QA team would prefer issues posted in the bug report forum rather than the support forum. Thanks! --Roland
  10. You mean when you reinstalled windows you also deleted all your personal files and your account? I had assumed most people would keep their personal directory at least. If you didn't wipe your whole PC completely then the settings I was talking about were possibly not deleted with your reinstall. And a 7D2D reinstall will not delete the settings either I can only say the phenomen you were describing happened to a lot of people changing from A19 to A20 and it seemed to vanish when the settings were cleared with the launcher. So do this anyway even if it just gives us the certainty that it isn't the most probable cause. If it doesn't help come back and read https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?do=getNewComment . It tells you how to post a logfile and you should do that to give us more information. Also test whether you have the same problems with local games and other servers.
  11. From the description "max mesh processing" setting influences how many meshes are processed in the background and it says that it influences how much ram is used. It might be a bug in the conversion of that setting to internal behaviour. It might mean that mesh processing is finished faster, not running all the time and leads to more stretches of normal performance but also more pronounced stutters(?). Maybe the developer added a routine that gives less time to each mesh processed the higher that setting is, but for some reason the routine is overcompensating. In other words, I don't have a good theory for that behaviour. 😉
  12. Moved this topic to "General Support" where it belongs. Backup any savegames you want to keep. Then start the game launcher, change to the tools tab, select the tool that clears your configuration data, check all buttons and clear away. Then create a new game
  13. Everyone has different subjective limits for FPS... I actually haven't checked how my FPS drop at the moment (i.e. in .2) with the F8-counter but subjectively I don't have the impression I go below some critical value, it runs smooth for me. And it runs smooth since the moment I turned off dynamic mesh. I suspect the difference between us is also coming from me having turned shadows off completely. Gives my machine more headroom in exchange for a too bright world By the way, did you turn off vsync? If not, you absolutely should try it. And if you still have turned down dynamic mesh only, try it completely off.
  14. The quests on paper were removed in A20 (or A19?). Check out A18 (or A17 or A16) again and you can see how TFP did implement them. Search for the string "nailsomechicks" in A18's XML files and you should see an item and a quest at least.
  15. If you want to play lots of different older alphas I also would suggest to use different windows accounts for each alpha, for the simple reason that each game would then have its own configuration settings and possible incompatibilities would not show up. You don't need multiple steam accounts for that, just OS accounts. But if you do that you have to be careful to choose the same "player profile" in all accounts, otherwise you will enter the game as a new lvl1 player.
  16. Solar panels? They are just vanity items like a trophy, why do they turn up on a topic about BB/SS being OP? An interesting question is whether secret stash or daring adventurer has a better chance to get you important items or whether it is just the combo. DA got a veritable boost with the current quest-complete rewards but some things you can't get from there (like the cement mixer). And non-INT players can get the first perk level of DA as well which has the second-strongest boost, right after the final perk level. My opinion is that the trader/quest system is OP. There is no use fixing the perks, you need to change quests rewards and the secret stash. For one thing contents of secret stash should be continuous in higher levels, i.e. if you find X in the lvl 1 stash you should find it in the lvl 2 stash. Not so much because of the glasses exploit but because it naturally doubles the available stash in multiplayer when at least one INT player is part of the group. And the secret stash needs to be smaller. You may find items there you were looking for, but it should be much less frequent.
  17. Two things: Your name is shown as "pocket951♥" in the log. 7days is known to have problems with special characters in player names. The error in the new crash is an out-of-memory error, but at least the memory listed as used by the program is not even 3G. I assume you didn't have some other big program running at the same time as 7 days, right? When different errors occur with each new crash you can't trust what the error itself says, those are just secondary results created by a primary cause. Possible causes could be faulty memory, failing PSU, driver issues, config remnants from previous alphas, your player name, corrupted files, failing disk, maybe even just a corrupted savegame ... Currently I would suggest the following: Make a new player name and create a fresh new game. Check if the problem happens there too. Those are not the most probable causes but they are the easiest to check. Another test could be running multiple instances of prime95 as a cpu and memory stresstest, say first 5 instances, then slowly increasing to 10 (making sure they still work in memory, i.e. there is no heavy disk activity). Every prime95 instance seems to take 1.5G memory (... some random source on the internet said 😉 ) Lastly to test PSU you could run one instance of prime95 and anything that stresses GPU (I don't have any idea what would be good for this though) By the way, did you clear your configuration (i.e. used the last tool in the game launcher to clear old data) when A20 came around? This seemed to have solved some problems when A20 came around, I would have expected problems surfacing earlier in your game if that were the cause.
  18. I had a bear glitch completely through a gate into a walled area in one of the previous alphas. It seems they are working on a feature that zombies can crawl through narrower spaces. The feature seems to have been postponed to A21 (according to Roland), though I see zombies crawling quite often !? In other words, this seems to be an area that is in flux at the moment
  19. This is just a theory: Beside CPU and GPU, who can be easily measured and often seem to be not the bottleneck, I can think of a few possible culprits for fps drops: 1) data paths, between RAM and CPU, CPU and GPU, RAM and disk, GPU and RAM 2) the CPU caches flowing over 3) special CPU instructions getting used too often creating a bottleneck with specific ALUs. 4) garbage collection or some other design problem of the graphics engine I don't have expert knowledge of current CPU design but would think 3 to be rather improbable as TFP are programming their game in a high level language and that should prevent "unhealthy" code combinations being used if they even exist. 4 can be measured with profilers. So I would say Faatal would already know and told us if unity has unexplainable spikes. And the garbage collection he already handled so it is happening at a less unfortunate time and we know its fps drop pattern is different My bet is on 1 or 2. And lets see what dynamic meshes do: They add another background task that needs to access data on disk a lot (disk to RAM cache or data path), and calculates stuff from data that the display routine would have not accessed because of occlusion (CPU data caches). As I said, just a theory.
  20. Make a copy of the old alpha game directory. Then you can always start the old version directly (steam has to be running in the background though) and play the new alpha normally through steam as well.
  21. I have more info on that: In my multiplayer game we had the situation that 2 players saw the targeting interface while I myself didn't see it. At practically the same time!! Our idea was that it might be because of them playing on windows and me on linux. This is a game created in A20.0, could be a reason for the strangeness as well
  22. Your sister is a sly one. Don't believe her about that PvP setting 😁 (PS: There are 4 possible values for the PvP setting, only one is the right one for no PvP at all)
  23. Nobody mentioned dynamic meshes yet so I'll do that now. That option is in a new tab in the video settings and turning it off is currently neccessary for stable framerates on many PCs that aren't top of the class. NOTE: That's dynamic meshes, not dynamic resolution!!
  24. If you are reluctant to manipulate the save game files like B. suggests: You could try to turn on "Persistent Profiles" for the game. 50% chance it works I would say. If not and if you can still access your old game, check which profile you used to play the game there with. (Options->Player Profile). And try to create exactly the same profile on the new computer. Use that profile to play. (This is also an untested idea, might or might not work). (And we would be interested in knowing whether these methods work or not)
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