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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. (A) You watch a move once, maybe a few times, but the shock of a small child being zombified and biting someone, that feeling you will get only the first time and only if it is still a surprise. In a game, especially one you play for hundreds of hours that "shock" is fast forgotten and you just see another small zombie where you have to aim lower. I played a mod which had a baby zombie. The only difference I felt when I saw it was that it was difficult to spot and shoot in high grass. (B) Many countries do not allow childs to be killed in games because the players is not watcher but actor, HE kills the child. And they think that that will lower the inhibition threshold. Even if that opinion were not correct the minimal gain (see A) is not really worth the big problems (B).
  2. I agree. A description doesn't need to lie to put a positive spin on anything. What would be mediocre about saying it has "survival" included instead of "hard-core survival" included? Especially since at least as many players would be detered by the "hard-core" label as would be attracted.
  3. 5) Contact Roland directly (there is a button at the top of your forum page called "Messages") and tell him your new name.
  4. A normal block right now has all space not filled with material filled with air, right? In A21 there will be two ways, space filled with air OR space filled with water. So all water voxels will be exactly one block in size as water is just an additional property of a block.
  5. I may not understand correctly what you are asking for. But I fail to see what would be solved by your ideas. An option to turn on an option menue seems rather superfluous, why not have those options always displayed anyway, they are already optional And players call for options so they can avoid installing mods, so what use is providing options via a mod?
  6. NO, reading magasines does not increase the chance. Perking increases chance. And currently I don't care how exactly it is implemented, because that is even more speculative. There are dozens of ways how to make some item drop more often, we will find out when we read the xml in A21.
  7. Yes but I was using it to compare to A20. And compared to A20 they could for example have decreased the drop rate for unperked parts so that you got the same droprate as in A20 only after you maxed out the perk. That way you would still see an increase in droprate of shotgun parts after perking into shotguns, but compared to A20 you would find even less parts.
  8. @Matt115: I noticed just now that I have made a wrong conclusion in this argument. I was interpreting that message to mean "more shotgun parts appearing than in the previous alpha", but actually and more likely it could just mean "more shotgun parts appearing after perking into shotguns", without any reference to A20. So, we don't have any direct indication whether parts can be found more often than in A20. The only argument about that is indirect now: That it would be neccessary for TFP to do it because their objective was to give more opportunities for the player to craft intermediate qualitiy steps of weapons and armors.
  9. I would guess they mostly do unit tests, i.e. test a specific feature in artificial test setups without any continuous play. Apart from that I heard hints about them being able to play the game normally too, but whether that is an official task in itself or just happens when it suits whatever they have to test is unclear.
  10. No. Because they didn't say anything about any probabilities increasing, they did not talk about details, they informed us about the RESULT of their changes: More parts dropping for people. There is no way those words can be made true with your specific numbers. It is quite simple: Before magazines the parts and the random drop of the schematic was the way to gate crafting a high-tier weapon. And that didn't work well. Now magazines achieve gating in a much smoother way because magazines drop more often which makes outliers (too early or too late abilitiy to craft a weapon) much less likely. But the important thing in this: The task of gating has been taken over by magazines, which previously was the combined task of schematic and parts. Consequently parts could be removed, or they could just be rebalanced to drop more often. It depends on whether TFP still wants some limit on crafting guns or not. For example to avoid guns being an easy way to generate money. Or avoid guns being produced in masses just to get the best random values for the guns.
  11. Quite right. For a true assessement of the changes we from the outside need also to know the motivation for any changes TFP does. For example I think I know the motivation for the crafting changes from hearing the developers or Roland speak about the reasons and from my own evaluation and experiences with current crafting. One of the mentioned reasons is that you have more opportunity to craft intermediate qualities of your weapons and armor. In view of this it makes no sense for TFP to make other changes or avoid changes that would prevent crafting to occur more often. I also know the motivation for the water changes: They want water to be more survivaly. But I have not heard from them that they think there is too much glue in the world. It follows that they probably want to make your live harder concerning drinking, but not concerning producing glue or anything else that depends or is influenced by water. It is quite possible, even likely, that somewhere they forgot to adjust some detail or that their adjustment is not enough and it will need further balance changes. But it is unlikely that they completely overlooked the impact the water change has on glue or that they did nothing about it.
  12. And again, this is not knowing, "knowing" or ""knowing"" and not even """knowing""". This is conjecture like you said in the first sentence. Did you ever hear an internal tester say anything about availability of beakers? And was it wrong what he said? Finding beakers was not a problem for a big majority of players in all alphas, but there always were the few unlucky guys who never found one. Which is exactly what probability calculus predicts. There is a good chance that TFP decided that the game working well for the big majority of players justified that always a few got the short straw. And did not change the drop chances. TFP always said they put out alphas and experimentals to get feedback from a wider selection of audience than their internal testers. It doesn't mean that their internal testers can't notice bigger changes. If for example they would say that they now craft twice as much as they did in A20, we can conjecture that a large portion of players will probably notice more opportunity for crafting, even if some playstyle will notice much less and maybe some other playstyles much more opportunities for crafting. "Perks now govern the probability of finding like-themed magazines and parts for those recipes" I don't know what you have been reading but clearly you have not been reading or really understanding this sentence. **Perks govern the probability of something and parts". There is no way to interpret that sentence so that the number of magasines you read governs your finding of parts. Sure, but why would they then say "Perk into shotguns and you will notice more shotgun magazines and shotgun parts appearing in the world" when that sentence is directly contradicted by the numbers? Either that sentence they posted is generally true, then the numbers internally have to support that (and yours don't expect in very contrived circumstances) or that sentence is not true for the average case.
  13. "you will notice more ... shotgun parts appearing in the world". This is quite a clear statement of parts appearing more often, while nothing has been said about crafting being made harder. Naturally we have to guess about the end-result, but how idiotic would it be to make parts drop more often but then invalidate this change by making crafting more difficult again? And your number example is directly contradicting the words in the announcement.
  14. There is a world of intermediate steps between not knowing and knowing called suspecting, assuming, suspecting, conjecturing, presuming, hypothesizing. You are using the word "knowing" wrong because knowing is the end point of having a fact. And you prove it yourself: "They are usually right about...". This clearly shows they do not know, they are good at conjecturing, assessing, guessing. TFP internal testers at the moment have a lead in what they know, they still need conjecture when they say crafting will work better for most players or not. But their data basis for predicting is a lot more accurate than that of a random youtuber or you.
  15. "find more ... parts of that specialization". Can you cite a source for this? I don't remember this having been explicitely said, but I do have a bad memory. I fully expect this to eventually happen or the number of parts needed for crafting getting reduced (which would have somewhat the same effect) as part of balancing. But was that information already leaked for A21?
  16. "Broken the rules"? Nonsense. At least if you are speaking about forum rules, you obviously have not. You would know if you seriously broke some rule. But apart from that it is really tiring talking to you while you constantly speak about yourself getting banned or mistreated. You talking about you as the eternal victim, that's a pattern. This is why I said "a fully destroyable voxel game of this graphics quality". I consider Minecraft to be a lot easier case to make performant. Ah, yes, the "Reach is right" speech at the end of every post and "it's all a pattern" pattern. I don't think there is any sense in me disturbing you in your pattern of endlessly posting the same patterns. Happy pattern posting. 😉 He can't. This would be breaking forum rules. He would have to contact a moderator directly and tell him what happened.
  17. You forget that for the planting you also need to put every single type of plant into a belt slot. On top of crafting the new seeds, once for every type! And you have to do that every 3 days, while you can craft a huge amount of ammo in one session and be done with it for a week or two. Just count how much clicks you would need to build 2000 9mm bullets. Usually you need only one type of ammo. I'd say that should be possible with about 50 mouse clicks (a bit more if stack sizes are low, didn't check that) and you are done for 2 weeks. With a farm of (on average) 5 seeds per plant you need 20 clicks per plant type and there are 12 plants types (not counting cotton naturally), so we are talking about up to 240 clicks, every 3 days.
  18. Compared to the freshness and novelty of Kuosimodo's likes and dislikes 7D2D is dead and buried.
  19. Roland may be tight-lipped, but I have no such reservations and a secret inside source. So I can tell you about one new perk: "Bookworm Level 1:" "Reading is second nature to you. Read books and magazines 30% faster." Oh, and here is how they changed Living of the Land: "Living of the Land 1:" "Double the harvest of wild or planted crops. Crouch down and use your keen eyesight to find the tracks of your own farm plots.\nFarm plots cost 30% less to craft." 😇
  20. Definitely not. Not last year in the then latest alpha. If you think this is a bug, make a bug report. There is a red banner above with a link to the bug report section Someone else might look at it as a feature because it tells you that you could swap out an armor pocket mod without losing any comfort and add something else for it.
  21. A lot of people have posted dissenting opinions, so not everyone is happy. But everyone happy is NEVER the case anyway when a feature changes or has its balance changed. In my opinion a seed that I get back should just stay in the plot so the replanting isn't so tedious. But mostly I don't like all the clicking necessary to recraft seeds and put them into the plots again, switching around all the different seed stacks into the toolbelt and out again. Just too many clicks for my taste. But this is critizising the UI, not the harvest returns, which I find quite ok.
  22. And how does that help with "complex path finding". As I explained you have the choice between artificial beeline which is not that expensive though still much more expensive than in a fixed non-voxel word. Or full path-finding, but then it doesn't matter much for complexity if you allow zombies to be intelligently finding ways to you or just going round a stone. And by the way, no matter what people say the zombies are far from "GPS always will find a way" now. I do not understand.
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