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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Saveslocal ist just a location for caches used when connected to a server (AFAIK) and can be deleted, it will just be reloaded from the server.
  2. 1) The seed is simply used to generate the starting number for the random number generator that is used to construct the world. There are two effects: Selecting a different string is guaranteed to generate a different world. And selecting the same string should always generate the same world. 2+4). In 2 you say biome percentages don't do anything, but in 4 you say they do, just not completely !?
  3. Learn to read the logfiles, as a server operator your first look with any problems should always be the logfile. Everything the game does is in there, including the full paths it reads savegames and config files from. Logfiles are in 7DaysToDie_Data/ If you are still 3 years old, you could also post the last logifle into pastebin and a link to it here and then we will tell you 😉. But it will save you losts of time later if you acquire the skill to read logfiles yourself. Reading a few logfiles posted here in general support and reading what experienced users say about the contents can also help you notice what is important in there and what isn't.
  4. A limitation of steam, it doesn't allow unlimited versions
  5. Moved. Please use either the "Discussions and Requests" section for questions, or ask questions directly in the thread of the mod author
  6. The most famous Brutus was one of the senators(?) who stabbed Caesar. So the first idea would be it is about the knife. I normally would disregard this since weapons are not the focus right now. But the bible says in Matthew 7:5: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.". And now it makes sense as graphics designers are working on kill gore. You can cut out the eyes of zombies with a knife. Which would "Denied" the zombie his eyesight, make him blind.
  7. I assume Roland gave us the new katniss everdeen hint.
  8. Moved. Please use the section "Discussion and Requests" for questions
  9. The ultra setting is independent of resolution. As far as I heard from others it is perfectly playable with todays hardware if you play on 2k or 3k. And if we ignore some bugs and inconsistencies for the moment that seem to plague some but not all high-end players. Did anyone specify that 4k (or maybe even 8k) at ultra would be playable? There is no argument that TFP has to purge those bugs and inconsistencies before release. But you get triggered by totally irrelevant problems like an ultra setting that is in fact a suggestion that nobody needs to take, in an unfinished game. Look who is immature here? Another point is that technologie advances all the time and by the time the game releases the ultra settings will be less ultra than they are today, even more so with any year following release. And there is a history of AAA games that had unrealistic or lets say futuristic ultra settings even at release, the most famous one being Wing Commander I think. Play that game with ultra now and you'll probably get laughably high FPS. Now TFP could adapt and balance the ultra setting every alpha to changing hardware and changing game loads. Lots of wasted time that I frankly don't expect to be done in an unfinished game. I expect them to fix the traders, I would like for them to be more forthcoming with information and surely the general performance needs more work. But what you are now expecting is handholding to a degree that it is silly. "Whoah, my super PC can't handle ultra in this game. I'm lost, what can I do?". Are there really idiots like that out there?
  10. My advice would be to post more information, we are not mind readers. What mods did you want to put into which weapons of which quality?
  11. The game is played worldwide, you probably need to specify in which time zone it is "late" 😉
  12. And now we know who the next player is that will be singled out 😇
  13. Two comments: 1) The game uses up to 4 cores, it just doesn't use them equally well. And that is because there is a main loop that feeds Unity and there seem to be no more easy tasks to move to other threads. And I think Fataal also said that for example path finding for AI is already in a separate thread 2) Ultra settings are just settings on an endless scale. If there were better PCs available, Ultra setting could have for example an increased viewing range and easily overburden those PCs as well. And if TFP wanted to appease the "I want Ultra settings" crowd, they could just decrease available options (lower max viewing range, lower shadow quality, less reflection quality,...) and make Ultra setting easy to reach for any powerful PC. Good for their reputation, but bad for any player who wants more viewing range or better quality, i.e. more options.
  14. Moved the topic. Please use the "Discussions and Requests" section for posts like this
  15. Currently skyscrapers (I think you are talking about them, right?) have a problem because they use a lot of bulletproof windows and those windows seem to suck FPS like crazy. One of the programmer said this was fixed for A21. You still might need to turn down some settings if you want to increase zombie count. This game is unusual in that it is CPU bound and because of voxels needs a lot of power.
  16. 1. Sure, the problem could be dropped on the player, but travelling say 5km even with a bike is quite a boring and time-consuming endeavour. Your advice with the buddy works once you have a 4x4 with a passenger mod, but if he was there with you when you died he won't be happy about driving 5km back and forth to ferry you. I would say I don't like the idea simply because it would discourage people from discovering the map and travelling around. There is already so much incentive to just stay in the home town, it doesn't need more. 4. Realistically car batteries are reloaded while driving. Gameplay wise there is already a "fuel" you have to pay for driving, a battery to reload would just be a secondary redundant "fuel" type. 5. LotL1 gives you back 1.5 produce per farm plot per 3 days. If I crudely estimate this, I'd say a single player needs maybe 2 meat stews and 2 teas per day, that would be 10 produce per day, 30 per 3 days. So a single player needs 20 farm plots and a little hunting to be totally self-sufficient with just one perk point in LotL. That looks ok to me, especially since I didn't even take into account that you loot food as well. If I remember corretly LotL3 gives you back even more than the old LotL3 of A19. In a 3 player vanilla game I am the cook and someone else has LotL3 and I think about 15-20 farm plots as well. We are absolutely overflowing with food on day 60. I have a full ingredients box and a full food box. So the question is: Is harvesting 20 farm plots every 3 days too much work in your estimation? 14. There is no difference between lootable and scrapable zombies in regards to the grind you have to do if you want the resource they offer. In previous alphas that proved to be slightly detrimental to FPS on horde nights (AFAIK) and a grind even when just looting pois, so the devs removed it and I don't think they will reconsider. Yes, it can be balanced but that is not why it was removed. 16. Exactly. No blueberry cake recipe (in reality) ever said "4 eggs, 750 blueberries, ...". And we also need to ask what should a quantity of 1 meat amount to? Sure, you could just say that anything is measured in multiples of 100g, except for eggs. That would be a good solution to a problem not even any of the overhaul modders has seen as one yet (AFAIK, except maybe UL). Gameplay wise it would not change anything. Feel free to make a mod yourself, the number of downloads will tell you if there is a demand for this. I doubt it though.
  17. G is talking about the ARL problem with mods using an RVS scheme. Could be solved similar to how ZEW did it with QLMP ! 😉
  18. 1) Since you have to take the vehicle out of the workstation and set it down somewhere where you can drive off I see a UI problem with this. There is also the problem what to do with a vehicle that you use to go back to some location where you died. Now there are two vehicles there (a deconstruct button for the vehicle could be the solution, but then you still could put a vehicle in your backpack, just in parts. 4) I don't see the problem, all vehicles except bicycle have a car battery as ingredient. 5) If you harvest 10 farm plots then you get 5 seeds on average, not 2-3. Maybe you are just noticing it when you are unlucky and only get 2-3 but never when you are lucky and get 7-8 ? If you doubt this then make a real statistic analysis and average the number of harvesting 100 farm plots. 8 ) I'm pretty sure TFP themselves consider weapons and ammo finished, they won't add another ammo type this late. And I don't like that idea either because each ammo type already has 3 variants (usually normal, HP, AP). What use is another ammo type besides taking up 3 more slots in inventory and ammo chests? I often see more ammo types in overhaul mods and they add nothing interesting, no new decisions to make, no new strategies, just redundant stuff behind a different icon. 13) If you accept a realism argument then a gyro is probably optimized for minimal weight. Maybe adding a fast reverse gear would increase the weight inacceptably. Also do planes have reverse gear at all? The only times I see planes go backwards (in TV documentaries or movies) is when they are pushed by people or towed by special vehicles. 15) I agree that food is strangely balanced, but maybe that is a concession to realism this time. Chili needs peas just like in reality even though peas are in use in too many other recipes as well while pears have not much use in recipes just like in reality. 14) Zombies would be an everflowing resources of rotten meat and bones, where would the balance be? Also we have seen in older alphas that lootable zombies just leads to endless loot-grind especially at horde night, harvestable zombies would lead to exactly the same problem. 16) Noted. But where is the rationale why this would be good? I mean, if you want comments or even TFP to comply you need to give us a good argument why this should be done. 17) My guess is that they wanted to add a mod eventually to do damage (no free lunch here). 18+19) Always? Definitely not on horde night as vultures are the guarantee you have to do a little more work to survive the main battle event of the game. And personally I like vultures as a random danger element and would prefer they attack even more often outside of horde night. Actually you normally outrun them easily when you hold shift while driving motorbike or flying gyro (did you maybe increase zombie speeds in the config?)
  19. I think he answered it, 4 harvests and 7 farm plots with super corn. Getting just 1 seed every time is already a very improbable series hinting at a problem. Ripflex, did you always harvest at the start of a new play session? If yes, it could be the bug I mentioned. Mathematically speaking you can start with planting and harvesting as soon as you have the LotL level you expect to have until the end of the game. No matter how many seeds you have at the moment. Just don't use any produce for anything else than seed-production until you have the number of seeds you finally want.
  20. Moved. Please use "Discussion and Requests" for questions.
  21. I have often voiced my suspicion that the real bottleneck may be some data path as 7D2D has to shift a lot of data around. Cache size could also be a hidden factor. There is a new AMD CPU with a huge cache, I hope that eventually someone with that CPU turns up and can tell us if the game runs much better on his rig.
  22. (I'm not sure this still works:) If you want to tank your FPS, just try to grow a massive forest of tightly packed trees and look at it. Now do the same in Call of Duty? You can't? That is one reason why Call of Duty does not have this problem. Trees have been optimized some time ago, the new "trees" are windows right now in A20. I heard that they got optimized for A21 so if you have seen the FPS drops when looking at a packed city you should see improvements in A21. Another one is that 7D2D (unlike other games which run beautifully on your setup) is CPU-bound. In other words, you could throw out your 3090s and stuff a 3060 into your PC and the game would probably run with the same FPS. Your GPU is bored to death. And most of the cores of your CPU are not used as well.
  23. Both of you should post your screen resolution.
  24. I have my (private) server only running when we are playing. Since we always play at the same time I even automated startup and shutdown so I don't have to do anything myself. Having the server not run for days on end is advisable anyway, AFAIK the server gets unstable after running for a long time, how long may depend on the specific alpha.
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