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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. If you can't help it and eventually start to insult people, that is on you. The pattern is very easy: Insult someone and you get a warning or ban. That happens to everyone by the way, so that pattern is global. You constantly claim there is a different treatment between yes-people and no-people, even here. But you haven't reported a single post yet. You haven't shown any evidence. So what can I say to that? "No, it is not that way". And you will reply "Yes". And I'll say "no". 😉. If you just reported a post here in the forum that was clearly ban-worthy by someone who praises TFP and I can't show you a likewise post by a TFP-critic, I would be shown as a hypocrite. I'm talking about moderation generally as I have allowed you to do it, talking generally. But the removed paragraph was talking specifics and even my lenient interpretation of the mod-discussing-rule can not accept that. And you see, it didn't lead to a ban, I just edited out the stuff that went too far.
  2. I don't know. They had to replace the old browser with a new one, but they had not much time to do that. So it is a very basic browser now. Now I guess they will improve it and add features one by one over the course of the next alphas. But I don't know which features they consider necessary.
  3. Making a mod so that a mole could craft magazines out of diamonds is one of the most trivial mods anyone could make. If moles are say 5% of the player base how probable is it that none of them can mod something basic as this and put it into the mod section for others to use? Also nobody said anything about whether those moles are playing co-op MP or are single players. In co-op they get their magazines from their co-op players (at least if we can trust Rolands experience of the magazine bonus being very small). Only if someone wants to play single-player mole he would need to consider installing a mod or using creative mode. So, if the moles are really interested in playing on, they can and probably will adapt. "Oh, but saying they have to mod the game is a cop-out". Since Bethesda was brought up as an example, I never heard of a single player who doesn't mod that game by now. Why shouldn't someone with an "extreme" play-style have to mod the game a bit?
  4. The time frames don't work: The activision deal is being checked now and in much less than a year either accepted or denied. An Epic exclusivity deal of 7D2D 1 would be "hot" in about 2 years when 7D2d comes out. If Epic wants such an exclusivitiy deal it would not only have to pay TFP but also Microsoft to buy them out. Making it even more uneconomic to do such a deal. By the way, Microsoft didn't buy TFP! They just bought rights to have it on xbox store and part of the game pass. like hundreds of other games. Why anyone would object to that you have to explain to me. This is not a takeover and not an exclusivity deal and therefore does not bring any arguments to the Activision takeover. You mean because they now noticed the game and company and didn't before? But Epic is constantly on the lookout for exclusivity deals, and has found new developers easily without them being on the Epic store. Many exclusivity deals are with newcomers because they need up-front money for their development, Epic does find them, why should they haven't noticed 7D2D? Not a pure horror game. But even HL 1 has horror elements and if Valve had wanted they could have labeled it an horror ego-shooter. In my view horror and comedy can mix. One of my favourite movie genres are horror comedies. But LBD is a topic that is always hot, without devs mentioning it. People talk about it continually since A17. Other topics like water physics get a new post regularily without any dev making a topic out of it. Fishing gets a pimp dream post regularily, the old weapon system with quality 1-600 as well, and so do many many other ideas. More skeletons and horror? Nada, nothing. Now this doesn't mean that the 10% you posted is impossible. But we can at least say that LBD,water,fishing,behemoth and other topics are probably much more popular with players.
  5. That wasn't my argument at all. Microsoft would step in preventing Epic from getting an exclusive deal if they still have a contract with TFP by the time it releases. And it doesn't matter that their lawyers have a lot of work with Activision, their law department can handle mutliple things, for example sending a simple "cease and desist" letter. That is probably something even one of their interns could do. I'm not talking about possibilities, I am talking about probabilities. If you buy a lottery ticket today it is entirely possible you are a millionare next week, but I don't expect it, I don't even think about it. In fact I would suggest to you not to worry much about what to do with all that money 😉. In the same vein I say you don't need to worry about 7D2D 1 getting exclusive on Epic. I'm not talking about an exclusivity deal being bad or not. I was contesting your argument that cross-platform was some kind of bad sign. Which it isn't. cross-platform has almost nothing to do with exclusivity It seems it is the language barrier again. I don't know what you get from reading my posts but it seems rather random. I have not been talking about redesigning 7D2D. I was talking about whether the current horror in 7D2D is horror, in the eyes of TFP and the larger public at release. And I would say it sure is. So why change 7D2Ds art at all? That person can also load A16 and see LBD. Does that matter in any way? I can't say anything about Rust. If DR1 is viewed by their developers as horror then I'm sure the developers view DR4 as horror as well. Remember I mentioned your narrow definition of horror above? Fallout definitely has horror inside. Look at this: steam://openurl/https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/22370/ss_be899cfc4b2716f77d0a07737d519895ae0919f2.1920x1080.jpg?t=1634779495 . Sure, this is not an irrefutable fact. Its like modern statistics works. By looking at a subset you try to guess what the larger population thinks. And with hot topics like LBD or farming we have a lot more posts even though it is just 1% of players. Now I'm sure there are more players who would want more horror somewhere. But that he is the lone fighter for his sense of horror in this forum is at least something to think about, lets say a "bad sign" 😁. Can it really be that a sizable percentage of players (say >20%) desperately wants more horror and only Matt115 is here demanding it?
  6. You are randomly switching between talking about 7D2D and their next game here. Those are different cases: 7D2D: Is already on the long tail of sales for PC, i.e. almost everyone who is interested in the genre on PC already has the game. Epic would be idiots if they pay much for the game to be exclusive at release. TFP would be idiots if they accepted a low price for something that will surely alienate many of their customer base. Furthermore there is Microsoft. 7D2D is on game pass, we don't know how long, but if it goes past release (what I would assume) then epic-exclusivity would violate the contract with Microsoft. The next game: Yes, Epic might choose to make them an offer for exclusivity, like they can do with any developer on earth. Though if TFP decides to use Early Access again the chance would be relatively low. Lets assume they don't use EA: A game with a potential of say 2 million sales aka above 40 million revenue would also need Epic to make a substantial offer, lets say it would need to be several millions for sure. Because lost sales on steam would be in the millions of revenue, after exclusivity those sales on steam would be mostly in steam sales at reduced price because the game by that time is old. Nobody on steam buys 1 year old games at full price. Now with several millions from Epic do you think that hiring a programmer for half a year (about 50k costs) to add Epic functionality to the game is any kind of hindrance to such a deal? Yes, I agree it would put a damper on any such plans. But it doesn't seem important to TFP to add edgy controversial things to their games. Since your definition of horror is very narrow and specific you list all those games from 2005-2015 that fit your definition. But I'm sure there were other games that fit that label in that era but do not contain horror in your opinion because it isn't your cup of tea. Even if not, what is to hinder TFP to adopt the current definition? After all the game isn't even released yet, at release people will judge the game with todays sensibilities. Other games do not make a definition. Horror in 7D2D is horror as defined by TFP, and the only problem they would have is if their definition would clash with the majority of their players. You definitely are not the majority, you are a lone fighter for your way of horror, I don't remember a single other forum user ever agree to your complaint. This is the old argument "It was once in the game so it is guaranteed to be in the game". That argument didn't work with behemoth, LBD, ... and it will not work with your definition of horror unless someone inside TFP suddenly gets a taste for adding hands lying around.
  7. It seems you disabled Occlusion in the options. I would guess if you turned it on you would probably see the "!supportsAsyncGPUReadback" line as well.
  8. I really don't see how 7D2D being cross-platform has much to do with their next game being or not being exclusive on EPIC. As you have seen the code to go cross-platform took TFP less than a year, probably less than half a year even. And if I had to guess it was mainly the work of just one programmer, the new network code guy they hired in January(?). So lets assume 7D2D were not cross-platform and they took the network code of 7D2D for their next game, then they would need just a few months to get the epic store code in if they got a good offer from EPIC. So a missing cross-platforminess of 7D2D is no hindrance at all for TFPs next game to be exclusive if they want to do it and epic makes a good offer. Ah, that is a different argument than you first brought up, but a good one. Yes, once the game is on xbox and PS5 TFP will have to conform to their rules. More platforms, and probably a little more rules. You say DL (whatever that is) has child zombies. On what platforms is that game available? I would really roll on the floor laughing if you had to admit it is available on PS.😁 Yes, I've seen some games on steam have a horror tag that were obviously jokes. So I selected a few games I knew would have horror in them. Yes, even don't starve has horror elements (AFAIK, never played it for long), just like a book by Edgar Alan Poe IS horror. Instead of talking about what TFP promised and what 7D2D is, we are back at your favourite subject, how to change 7D2D to your liking. 😁
  9. What kind of argument is that? Microsoft buys some developers so Microsoft buys TFP? Brad Pitt is an actor so all men are actors? Telltale went bankrupt so TFP will go bankrupt? Is NZA 4 cross platform? I think not, after all it is exclusive on EPIC which is the most clear case of a non-cross platform game anyone could find. Are there games on EPIC that are not exclusive? Yes, many. Does EPIC buy out lots of games that already have been years in EA? Not really. I don't know a single example but there may be one or two, who knows? Is it probable that they make a deal with 7D2D who already has been sold in numerous steam deals at a low price and almost everyone interested already has a copy? Not really. It still beats non-cross platform by a mile. Especially since you don't need to play 7D2D with anyone you don't like. Especially since "strange advantage" is hardly important in SP and co-op multiplayer, the central modes of play. Especially since 7D2D is impossible to protect from hacking by architecture and by size of the company (as even AAA developers fail at that). And hacking easily creates advantages multiple times as severe. No, I first misread him as well. But I don't think he wants the game completed faster. He instead does not want TFP to fall into the trap of turning on crunch and mistreating their employees. Cudos for that by the way, not many people would think of that. Like you said below, for a 16 yr old teen this is survival horror. That you or I are used to harder stuff makes the zombies in the game not into teddy bears. How about Grounded from Obsidian? In Steam it got the "horror" label as well. Same as Don't starve, Subnautica, Death Stranding. Is horror only horror if there is an 18+ label on it? Much better argument. But everything here is still very relative. I don't play insane as I don't think I would survive very long. Do you play insane and do you easily survive there? Numerous enemies? There are numerous enemies every horde night. Are they all different? No. Was that promised? I get it. It isn't enough horror for you. But what you propose is partly window dressing that would not be horror either. Lying single hands? Come on, that is kindergarden horror. Once seen a hundred times even 10 year olds will be bored. 😉 Horror can't survive over a playtime of more than 1000 hours even if there were more in 7D2D.
  10. Calling a sensible business decision greedy is like calling a lion bloodthirsty when he eats an innocent lamb. Now I don't know if it was a sensible business decision to enter game pass and epic store, but I see long-term advantages for players (more choice of platform) and you haven't shown how that is so bad for players. In fact generally cross-platform play is on the wishlist of players for a lot of games. Are you the representative of the steam-community that is disappointed other unwashed masses are let in? The bad stuff is all short-term as far as I can see. A percentage of players have to endure a sub-par browser for a while. And new players coming from game pass encounter a few bugs. In essence business as usual, features that get shown in an unfinished state to players and bugs that take a long time to go away. Remember how long players had to endure minibikes sinking into the earth? Two years. If you don't want to see bugs, don't buy a game in EA. If TFP is really greedy and ignores the community, then it always was doing that. I don't see a change. A developer who tries to finish a game after 8 years in EA is a bad thing for you? Meanwhile a part of the community you speak of complains about the game taking too long! What now? Which group should TFP try to please? And did you see any signs of crunch? Wouldn't features and bugfixes come at an accelerated rate if they were in crunch now? What did TFP promise and fail to do, by the way? You mentioned duration but the only promise I heard from them was "Its done when its done". You seem to complain about bugs but did they ever promise to have a bug-free game in EA? You mention gamepass. Did they promise to never enter gamepass or epic store?
  11. And we can assume that the plane has a higher max altitude than vultures.
  12. Did you try out vulkan lately? From A17 to A19 vulkan was fully playable with an AMD card, but I don't know about nvidia users.
  13. Security-vulnerabilities would be must-fix no matter what type of game it is. Attacker might not just want to manipulate the game but take over the server and use it for spam-relay, bitcoin-mining or attacking users trying to connect. Telnet is inherently unsafe if someone is able to listen in (granted that isn't easy). I use telnet only locally so that an attacker has to be on my server already to listen in. I just checked my logfile and commands get listed in the log. You don't have any commands listed, so the attacker seems not to have reached the telnet input prompt (I assume he would have at least tried one of the normal commands before continuing to hack). It also looks to me like he never got past the login. At least there is no evidence to the contrary but I have no access to the code. Though messages like "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" or "The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets" very much sound like he simply failed and was thrown out already at the operating system level. Exceptions are a pretty normal way to handle exceptional and less probable paths through the code and not necessarily a sign of a vulnerability.
  14. Security-vulnerabilities would be must-fix no matter what type of game it is. Attacker might not just want to manipulate the game but take over the server and use it for spam-relay, bitcoin-mining or attacking users trying to connect. Telnet is inherently unsafe if someone is able to listen in (granted that isn't easy). I use telnet only locally so that an attacker has to be on my server already to listen in. I just checked my logfile and commands get listed in the log. You don't have any commands listed, so the attacker seems not to have reached the telnet input prompt (I assume he would have at least tried one of the normal commands before continuing to hack). It also looks to me like he never got past the login. At least there is no evidence to the contrary but I have no access to the code. Though messages like "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" or "The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets" very much sound like he simply failed and was thrown out already at the operating system level. Exceptions are a pretty normal way to handle exceptional and less probable paths through the code and not necessarily a sign of a vulnerability.
  15. You still can input a simply IP address. Click on "Start search" and then "connect to IP"
  16. Higher chance to see clubs magazines does not mean no bows magazines will be found. And the effect is supposed to be small. Whether you act on it and adjust your looting may be situational (i.e. you'll do it if you need a specific magazine right now, you don't if everyone is well supplied with his magazines at the moment)
  17. Hi, a friend of mine is playing on linux with glcore and an nvidia 3060ti. Besides some crash problems he also has random performance problems which I think could be the result of the following lines in the logfiles: 2022-08-14T21:16:51 156.883 WRN Occlusion: !supportsAsyncGPUReadback 2022-08-14T21:16:51 156.883 INF Occlusion: Disabled So Unity reports its asyncGPUReadback feature is not supported. And I suspect this to be a result of nvidias drivers for modern GPUs having only rudimentary OpenGL support. (Or maybe I'm wrong and you need to flip some switch in some nvida tool? We can hope) I too play in linux and currently with openGL, but I have an AMD GPU without performance problems and I never noticed such a line in my logfiles (but note to myself: I should check this when I get back home). So I've got a question for you if YOU are playing on Linux with an nvidia card: Do you use glcore as well and have the same line in the log and the same performance problems? Or do you use vulkan or proton emulation and how well does that work? And are there people on windows still using glcore? I can't imagine why, but it never hurts to ask.
  18. Press R for a longer time to get to the menue. Choose the option that lets you make advanced turns. Afterwards turning should cycle through all possible orientations.
  19. While we are talking about seemingly unfair moderator decisions like banning users on steam: Imagine a world where the law had only the death sentence as instrument for punishment. So they would have to not only apply that to murder but to lots of felonies as well. And the courts would have to find very squishy rules when to apply death sentence or let someone simply go. So lets say someone robbing 2 houses would still get the benefit of the doubt but someone robbing 8 houses would get the death sentence on the vague principle that he is a hardened criminal and serial offender past redemption. To someone getting robbed by one of them those numbers would sound rather arbitrary and they wouldn't see a principal difference between both offenders. Getting back to moderation on steam, make a list of insults. Then try to judge which of these should get a ban (call them red insults) and which do not (call them yellow insults). Its damn difficult to make that list. And someone using an insult on the red list getting a ban could find it very unfair if someone else using a word on the yellow lists gets nothing or a simple word of warning. And even that is simplyfing things because someone stringing two yellow insults in consecutive posts should probably be banned even though someone using the word only once gets off free.
  20. We are a public platform here. If people are blamed without prove and nebulous accusations then that is unfair against them as they can't put up a defense in this court of public opinion. That is why I said: Either make a complaint to a moderator with all the evidence you can find. But don't discuss it here. When you accuse all mods on steam to be in some conspiracy you are accusing specific people. Now you claim that the other way never happens. When I went to read some stuff on the steam forum I noticed a very heated discussion, the exact one that led me to comparing this forum and steam on politeness in my previous reply to you. And it seems that user was banned or at least prevented from posting. Now the thing is he was defending TFP aggressively. When I said "Valid point" I meant your point about moderators being misjudged as representatives of TFP. While looking at the steam forum I did not see any inconsistencies of member treatment. I myself had discussions with two forum members who were heavily critizising TFP, but they were doing it politely and they were neither banned nor assaulted. They got a lot of counter-arguments but so did anyone who posted positive things. The posting bias on this forum is a fact. When you post negative things you get a lot more counter-replies than when you praise. Moderators can't do anything about that, TFP can't do anything about that if it wants this to be a forum. But as a moderator I am pretty sure that you are wrong about moderation here being biased. It is human nature that people who did something wrong try to find the fault in others. Many posters who get banned here think they did nothing wrong and that the ban was unjustified. It probably happens a lot that they then go over to the steam forum and complain they were banned JUST because they were critizising TFP. Hence you hear that this forum is unfair and the consequence of critizising is a ban. Nonsene. There are clear rules in this forum and anyone who was banned here was not an innocent lamb and it didn't matter if he praised or critizised TFP. Then learn how not to fall for psychologicla manipulation on the internet. That is fairly easy and can be summed up in 3 words: "Don't get provoked". Think twice to answer to a provocation. Think twice whether the other is really trying to provoke you. That is why I proposed the ignore list to you as well as to some others. If you have a problem with some posters, put them on the ignore list. Much easier to not respond to an ignored person.
  21. Correct. I don't know why I misread it as an "and". Though your claim that you do not speak to the intent of the individual is a bit strange when you explicitely listed assumptions why Jost did it and used negatively loaded words like "ignorantly". Well, nobody is perfect. 😉 But the discrepancy between SP and MP is not a good example for that. Because all except maybe one of the specific knobs, dials and levers to make SP faster or MP slower are already there. The only one missing would be a trader knob which could be said is handled on the side with the loot abundancy option. Not that more options aren't a bad idea. Just that developers tend to add options preferably right at the end before release.
  22. Supplementary info: I found hints in their forum that the server CPU I got is likely an Epyc 7702.
  23. I do not get an exclamation mark with either dig or treasure(?) quests when I don't have the quest active. Not sure if that is the same thing.
  24. What now? Is Jost willingly or ignorantly misrepresenting? Can't have it both ways. I hope I understand Vics AND Jost posts and both have a point. Jost is simply saying that looting is central to the game while building, mining and farming are second-class. In single player just staying in one place and mining is almost impossible (with the help of the trader probably still doable though). Building, farming and mining are still secondary goals to win the game by the way. To solve your food problems eventually farming is the solution (hunting another), to solve horde night defense building is the answer and for ammo supply mining is the final answer. And Vic is right in asking what about people who want to specialize into mining/building/farming? There were players who liked to do that. And the answer is that yes, they need to depend on their co-players for things like magazines. But that isn't new, in MP the miner or farmer would always get armor and weapons from his friends, couldn't that be part of the specialization as well ? The alternative, especially for single players, is to advance at a snails pace (trader has everything, just not in abundant quantities) 7D2D is far from a 100% sandbox by now and it was (according to kickstarter) never planned to be. Single player had always slower progression than MP, MP always had the advantage of specialization. I don't think this change will make SP players progress slower, it will be the same as before (if TFP finds the right balance). Just don't expect a pure doctor to be a very useful specialization, that never was a thing. Again, this is not a pure sandbox, and this is also not a massively-multiplayer game where someone actually could put up shop as a doctor.
  25. Additional combat perks sound nice but are there really that many parameters left which new perks could influence? I think TFP wants weapons to feel different so for example AOE damage in fortitude guns or a damage over time (like bleed, even if called differently) on a speer or knuckles would make the weapon choice less relevant. And we have a class that would be impossible in your scheme: Select INT and you are the brainy type with gadgets and social skills. BUT he is no fighter and has a harder time in combat. Your separation would make such a weak combat/high social class impossible. You would need to balance all weapons so they are equal otherwise nobody would select the weak ones. I'm not saying your scheme is bad. It is another scheme that would be quite possible, with some advantages and disadvantages. But also lots of work and difficulties to find more combat perks and something that would push release back another alpha. And the ridicule of people who say TFP rehauls too much would increase tenfold not that that matters much 😉 But I'm not TFP. What I say is irrelevant and just guesswork. Just know that other forum posters have proposed similar schemes to TFP already and TFP did not adopt them (yet).
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