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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I know. Got rich from mines I wrenched.
  2. The attributes look exactly like classes in RPGs to me. Why is a cleric in Pathfinder never able to ride a horse as well as a fighter? Why is the druid easily better at sense motive, even though he might be less intelligent than the fighter? A few reasons to do this come to mind: It offers the player structure he can follow, models so to speak. It makes it easier for the player to make a really different character the next time. If you can freely select perks you tend to always use the same ones. And it is easier for TFP to balance classes than the individual perks in a totally open system.
  3. Lets say you build a horde base or change a POI so it looks very different. If you now drive away you will suddenly see your horde base vanish or the POI look like it is unchanged. The reason is that the pictures you see from the distance are prerendered pictures. Since your changes to horde base and POI were done long after the prerendering happened there are no smaller pictures of your horde base or the changed POI. The dynamic mesh feature is dynamically rendering those smaller pictures whenever you change the landscape. It does this as a background job. Effect: You can see your horde base and changes to POIs from the distance. Disadvantage: It seems to use up a lot of resources at the moment You can also read about it in the changelog/announcement of A20.
  4. I'm really not used to you joking 😆. Started up my testworld to get blown up by my own tincan mine
  5. Sneaking doesn't set off traps and mines? Are you sure?
  6. I didn't take their word, I played in the same UL world together with them.
  7. Good that you have found your drug. But don't assume your taste is universal. I know players who don't like it much, especially the encumbrance system.
  8. Starting the launcher is simple: Find the install directory, look for an executable with the string "launcher" in it and start it
  9. Do those drops coincide with the times when you also have problems in the game? For example if too many virtual machines are hosted on one physical server you might see FPS drop at all possible times (i.e. when other virtual machines are under heavy load). But if your own virtual server is hitting hard limits (either set by hardware or the virtual environment) only your own server load determines the FPS and your own actions trigger the drops. The average FPS should be taken into account as well. If you see FPS normally at say 25 it indicates you have no spare resources for the times under heavy load. If you see FPS normally at 60 it could mean the servers hardware is in principle quite capable to run the game but something unexpected (like a bug or an unfortunate setting or a badly optimized mod) kills performance at times. 2 years ago my server hardware was updated (from 2014 server hardware to 2020 server hardware. Interestingly no increase of CPU frequency though, I think both generations had about ~2.1-2.3Ghz). Before I had <30 FPS average and drops below 20 happened. Afterwards I had <40 average and no drops below 20. I remember first being a little disappointed at the small jump of FPS. Until I saw many improvements in actual game play. For example rubberbanding and delayed area load while driving vehicles at high speed was almost gone. Did you test turning off dynamic mesh? This is a test you can easily do in an existing game.
  10. Finally. I was nearly dispairing that none of my more subtle hints in the last weeks seemed to work. Everyone else, expect some juicy reveals now that the pipeline to steam is closed 😎 Thank you. That is definitely easier and faster than the way I suggested
  11. I'd like to remind everyone that the forum has a nice feature: You have an ignore list where you can put forums users with which you don't seem to get along. Ignorance can be bliss 😁 The ignore list is somewhere behind the button in the top right corner.
  12. When you started posting here you immediately crossed some fine lines into a grey area (at least in this forum). Which shows that you and I have different opinions about where those fine lines are. Between polite discussion and flaming there is somewhere a grey area of words and sentences that one person could regard as still acceptable and another person could view as an insult. That is why a moderators job isn't easy. <deleted stuff> There is a rule on this board against openly discussing moderator decisions. If you really really think you have been unfairly banned, contact a moderator (me, Roland or whoever you want) directly, but not with "i said, he said" stuff. Post a link to the discussion for which you were banned (if you know which one) or a list of discussions you were in before you were banned. (Note that moderation can take time, you might have been banned for posts that happened hours or even days ago) I actually did. And let me tell you, on this board some of the people on both sides of the discussion there would have been warned and their posts deleted or edited. Matt115 is quite right, because we here have less posts and more ways to penalize users we can keep discussions much more polite here. Valid point. Though I have seen grey-area insulting posts there yesterday on both sides and nobody was banned simply for his opinion. At least in the short time I was reading there I did not see any bias. But an agressiveness way above anything you will see here. Just to make that clear: I regard or disregard his views like any other views I don't know about. I do not watch youtubers, I don't know Reach or anyone else there. And since I'm not a PR guy of TFP I don't need to. If you are talking about the typically one-liner comments below a video, that is far from a real dialog or discussion. Many people here talked about Reach's video but I haven't heard a single mention of another person besides Reach having been a part of whatever discussion you think happened. Looks very one-way to me.
  13. The loot buff seems to be relatively low, i.e. the friends will find miner-related magazines, they can't avoid it. Trader has magazines as well, quests give magazines (1 specific or a stack of random). Specific pois/ loot chests have themed magazines, so hardware store is the one-stop shop for miners I would guess
  14. Someone who knows streamers told me Lany aka nerdlette would fit the bill
  15. There is a gasser zombie already in the game, in A20. And according to Schwanz9000 there will be no new zombies.
  16. Have you seen the first reply to that post?
  17. That's the rub. Without access to a root shell your options are limited even if I knew where to look. One thing you could do would be to check your servers logfile for the times the FPS go below 20. Generally 20 is an internal limit that shouldn't be underrun regularily. If this happens often then I'd say generally your server hardware runs into some limits and it doesn't matter much which ones. In that case you might try 1) turn off dynamic mesh on the server 2) try a vanilla test game with the same players. If that changes anything then one of the mods is too much for the system
  18. In an old alpha or now? Unless it is a tier5 I don't see how that many could be in a basement in forest
  19. There were discussion about similar ideas, i.e. multiple blocks in the same place. And the answers by devs were usually that the engine would need lots of work to allow this, it would generate lots of special cases to take care of and definitely would get FPS down. The specific suggestion you are making is a bit different. In effect you want dynamic shapes that you can construct from more basis types by combining their shapes. Afterwards there wouldn't be two blocks in the same place but a new block type that just combines the features of both (at least that would be how I imagine it could be done). I think your idea could be done without FPS-hits, only affecting FPS if you generate many new shapes and the memory gets full. But it would never save FPS as the POIs in the game use the traditional shapes and would have to be loaded anyway. And it would not generate new special cases, which is good as well. BUT the engine would need work to allow new shapes to be generated on the fly, and UI for this would have to be generated. It is an interesting alternative idea to the current way of adding more and more shapes for sure, but it would also be a difficult system to handle for the average gamer who doesn't expect to have to do CAD to get his shapes. I doubt they will do that when their main objective is to get finished and release. But I don't know their internal objectives so this is just guesswork
  20. Yes, a good source of hints. What I don't agree with is that he says to turn off occlusion. In my experience that can help or worsen your situation depending on a lot of things. You simply have to try out what works best for you. In my case for example occlusion on is much better than off
  21. Ok. But even if you can politely vent frustration, that is a fine line and in my experience as a mod an angered discussion often turns into a flamewar. Getting emotional is a recipe for losing control over your own words. Banning happens after people cross the line into impolite and it doesn't matter much what happened before or who started it. And being baited can not work as an excuse, because then everybody could violate forum rules and nobody ever could be banned for it. Ok, but I'm hearing only one side here. If you have ever read both sides of a heated dispute you would know that usually both sides have an entirely different view who started it and how that dispute went along. And it is always the other side that started the dispute. But in reality it is a slow deterioration where all are at fault for continually increasing the heat. The sensible thing is to simply stop when you see things get emotional. But that is very hard to do, everyone wants the last word and correct all the wrong things the other side said. I know that too well myself. While moderators in reality can never be completely unbiased, there is usually more than one and everyone comments on the decisions of others. A moderator doing above would likely not be moderator for long, unless all work together to misuse the system If you were banned read the message for which you were banned again. Posters don't get banned for whatever is in a month long series of exchanges, they are always banned for the last message or messages that went too far. Again, I can't judge what is true from only hearing one side of the story. Read the post or posts for which you were banned. If you can honestly say to yourself there is no flaming, no direct attack at other persons in there or any other rules violation, then yes, you were unjustly framed. If not it doesn't matter if someone was coercing you or that some people group reported you. We are community moderators here and on steam, not employees. I never ever pass notes to devs. I have no special line to them. As a moderator I moderate, full stop. And as a normal forum user I have exactly the same ways to talk to a dev, by posting in the dev diary or start a thread anywhere in the forum. Roland is special. He actually can bring up information to them, but AFAIK he will do that only in exceptional circumstances. To my knowledge there are no PR guys employed by TFP at all. Youtube is almost always a one-way street, some influencer posting his opinion, mostly unchallenged. That is what I generally don't like about youtube as a source of information. In a forum a reader sees all sides of an argument and all facts. This is not a comment on Reach though, just generally on Youtube.
  22. What is open or civil about venting frustration? Venting frustration means you turn off your brain and start a rant. You let your negative feelings form your words and you want to hurt with your words. I may be misunderstanding the words though, english is not my first language. I can immediately point you to polite negative views posted here in the forum and nothing desastruous happens. Nothing I can notice. Matt115 is mostly a critic of the overall direction of the game and wants a darker 7D2D. Do people aggressively shout him down? Are his posts deleted? Sal posts overwhelmingly negative comments. Is he shouted down? Are his posts deleted? Is he getting counter-arguments or dislikes? Yes, that can happen. So what do you fear exactly? Getting counter-argument posts? Isn't that what an open discussion is about? Or is it the dislikes? I'm no fan of the dislikes, but they are of no consequence and I can't prevent people using them. Use them yourself. Or make an argument that dislikes should be removed from the forum, I'll happily support you in that. Can't comment on that, I'm not reading the steam forums. I'm only seeing what happens here. Have you been unfairly treated here or is someone calling you names? Then report it (even if the culprit were me, by the way). Simple and effective way to get too aggressive people off your back How do you know it is dismissed? If I or anyone else argues with you it does say nothing about whether a developer has read your post and maybe noticed that many people said the same and it might be a problem. Or he read your post, had a different opinion and dismissed it. Yes, both is possible. It is hard to convince people that they have been wrong about something Keep on saying what you think in a polite way and you might not be the most popular guy on the forum but you won't be thrown out either. And the best thing is that developers usually don't have the time to read any replies to your post. If at all they probably will just read your (initial) post. Case in point: Roland even removes most replies from the Dev Dairy so that devs only see the feedback and not the discussions afterwards. We clearly have a different understanding of those words.
  23. That is exactly the use case for biomes. Go into other biomes, there is more reward for more challenge.
  24. It seems it happens when at least 4 players are online. And a possible culprit could be network.
  25. The current butchered version does not break your ToS since your ToS does not apply retroactively. A new version of your mansion could fall under a ToS though I can see boths sides here: You want your baby to work in all its glory. And that works fine as a seperate mod where anyone downloading it could read in your description text that it has ramped up its difficulty and rewards. But a collection of pois should be uniform in difficulty and reward. Last week my group played a mod that had a tier4 POI that was miles above in difficulty compared to other tie4 or even tier5 pois. Frustrated the hell out of my co-players. And I can remember some POIs in previous compopacks being ridicilous loot bonanzas. Sorry, that doesn't work well, such POI's either have to be balanced or removed from a collection.
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