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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. You are not providing enough information. 1) You posted this in the modding section of the forum. Do you use mods? If yes which ones? If no, "General Support" would be the right section 2) Always post a logfile to pastebin and provide a link to it. This is explained in more detail in a pinned thread in the "General Support" section
  2. Fun Pimps say they didn't get the sources of the console version, only the rights. So they can't fix it. I heard exiting the game every hour seems to prevents resets.
  3. Interesting, never heard anyone put a number to it. Where did you get the $11 million figure from? Nope. They said the will look into what they can do. They never gave a definite promise to update
  4. Surely Calculating such a transition in real time would be possible but would take a lot of processing power to do. Not sure if there exists any game that does this, AAA-games probably just use a lot more intermediate pictures to make the transitions less noticable. And with that blow up the size of the game and the memory footprint. 7D2D has the problem of being a voxel game so it needs a lot more processing power to start with. And TFP is a small developer who can't spend the same resources on graphical quality as a big developer.
  5. But if you succeed at getting more hits and headshots than the average player you are increasing damage and save ammo.
  6. Ever wonder where the gas cans go after you filled up your motorbike ? The same place.
  7. It is actually very true that forums tend to collect people with a positive opinion about the developers game. I for example wouldn't be here for such a long time and would not have taken the job as moderator if I wasn't largely pleased with the general direction of the game. It follows that someone gets more dissenting posts when he posts critical stuff than if he were praising something. You say somewhere "But even if you are polite...". "EVEN IF". You do realize that it should idealy be "ONLY IF". Some people are used to or think it is necessary to be rude to get heard (partly that is a cultural thing). Whether that is true or not they should not be surprised to get likewise replies back in an otherwise friendly forum. And this should not be the place to vent frustration either.
  8. That is a principle that should be true for different actions in the same game. You go into a tier5 instead of a tier1 POI, you risk more, you get more. But when we talk about the difficulty setting you are not comparing two actions, you are comparing players and their qualities. And both those players have a desire to be challenged. If you don't feel challenged at normal difficulty (for example because you can make headshots out of 50% of your shots) but another player is dying twice per week (because his shots just hope to hit the body somewhere), then you are taking a lesser risk than he is to die. The problem is that if you get better loot as compensation your power level rises faster as well. Hence after a very short time you will not be challenged anymore again. You run around with Marksman Rifle while that other player still shoots with a mediocre AK and does much less damage per shot. In result you make less damage because of the difficulty setting but you make more damage because of marksman instead of ak
  9. If you are level capped then you are far past any end game TFP or any modder will include in vanilla. Because once you mastered one "class" aka "attribute" learning other attributes does not increase your power level by very much. What you can do as a lvl300 you probably could have done as a lvl80 already
  10. Stack size of an item is done with "count=1,2" , directly in the items line. "<item name="resourceMetalPipe" count="1,5"/>" would give you a stack of 1 up to 5 metal pipes
  11. We don't know details, but we can pretty well guess which perks will need a boost, all those that provided free schematics in A20.
  12. Yes. There is a new company that has entered a contract with TFP to port the eventually finished and released PC game to the new consoles. This will be a new game that has no links and nothing in common with the old console version made by telltale. They might also try to port the game to the old consoles as well but in my opinion that is a pipe dream.
  13. Lots of definitions to choose from, wikipedia for example says that sarcasm can be without irony, another definition says sarcasm is just "irony to mock" . I would side with wikipedia here since I can easily construct sarcastic comments without irony. I read it again, and Outhous was clearly mocking your statements and even when he referenced you directly in the second parapgraph and implied that you must be clearvoyant to know this, it was attacking your statement, not attacking you. And it would be perfectly fine to reply likewise. Just one caveat: Not sure if it is possible but if someone overdoes the sarcasm he might not be fined for flaming but instead for trolling (see the official forum rules for definitions if you are interested). This is a tier5 forum with lots of trap doors 😁
  14. That is great. I'm friends with everyone here 😉 "Genius" is irony (fine) and a weak insult. The irony is not the problem. I think you'd agree that insults can be summed up in assessing a post, right? The sum of both insults you used still was below MY threshold to act (can't speak for other moderators). Note that sarcasm can be used to attack the opinion of a poster or a poster himself. The former is no problem, the latter is again problematic since it is an insult cloaked by sarcasm.
  15. No. If a container uses groupJunk01 then he will always have only one stack of items in it. There is no repeat unless explicitely specified in the XML with for example a "count=4" or "count=all". But I would guess many loot container don't use groupJunk01 but instead groupJunk which in turn calls groupJunk01 02 and 03. Notice the count="all" which means it should pick one item out of 01 and with a lesser probability items out of 02 and 03. At least that is how I assume "force_prob=true" works, i.e. it picks groupJunk02 only with a probability of exactly "low" aka 20% instead of the 100% one would expect from the "count=all".
  16. There were technical reasons for the "improvement" according to the developers.
  17. There are two versions of templates. Some depend on player loot level, some represent just a fixed percentage (the latter are the ones that have the short forms med, low, verylow...). When they are used somewhere they usually are in a list with other items that either don't have a lootprobabilitytemplate or a different one. For example rareOres: <lootgroup name="rareOres"> <item name="resourceSilverNugget" count="1,5"/> <item name="resourceGoldNugget" count="1,4" loot_prob_template="medLow"/> <item name="resourceRawDiamond" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/> </lootgroup> If you find a rareOre then the program looks at this table. A silvernugget is probability 1 (or 100% if you think about probabilties as percentages, the default), gold 0.35 and diamond 0.05. But these are not the real percentages because they would sum up to more than 1. So the program sums up those probabilities: 1+.35+0.05 = 1.4 . Then it divides all probabilties by 1.4 so they sum up to 1 or 100% again. And then picks one line randomly according to those probabilities. In this case silver would have a probability of 71%, gold a probability of 25% and diamond of 3.5% only. Loot level dependant probabilites work the same, but the raw percentage value they have changes with the loot level. So they might have a very low probability with a low-level player and gain probability with time. In consequence other items in the same list lose some probability.
  18. Exactly. Another problem is that you may be prevented from crafting your Q4 Magnum because you suddenly can craft Q5 but you don't have enough parts for the Q5. The new system doesn't tackle that directly (as far as we know), but after you find a few more magazines you will be able to craft a Q1 vulture instead of the Q5 magnum and that should be craftable with less parts again. I'm not sure they will keep this mechanism as is though. While somewhat improved it is still wonky to be prevented from crafting because you are too good at it. In practice the biggest failure of the old crafting system was that you almost always stepped over much of the progression. After you could craft a Q4 pistol and found a higher tier recipe, the next step would not be Q1 magnum/mp5/vulture but Q4 already. And in practice everyone would have waited one perk point and only crafted a Q5 magnum/mp5/vulture by that time.
  19. He used sarcasm. There is no forum rule against that and you can use that as well. Your reply also had direct insults/ad hominems (genius, raging fanboi) so I actually was thinking about stepping in as moderator. By the way, I edited my reply to you shortly before I read this new post, and I did give you credit for the second part of your complaint. As a normal forum user I can side with anyone I want and give my opinion about anything. If I ever act in my capacity as a moderator you will notice the difference. 😉
  20. The first sentence outhouse was quoting had no "if" in it at all. The "if" came much later. And I fail to find the "small minority" in outhouses post. But you may be right that the critique against the second quote went too far. This is no reason for insults though.
  21. Check out the info in the red banner above.
  22. The healthy male WILL not look her in the eyes. So eye contact is a clear sign of sickness 😁
  23. Documents would be easier but also very much a hack. People using that folder for the designated use would not be happy about it. (The final solution for the worst case user will be steam workshop anyway)
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