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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. A21 is not a complete overhaul of the perk system. Though the magazines for crafting made balance adjustments necessary. Your reason for wanting to change the seed ratios is only realism it seems, correct? Well, 5 plants to get 1 seed can easily be rationalized by saying that through all the environmental damage it is very hard to make working seeds out of plants, i.e. most seeds wither away without growing. And even your change is far from realism. Some posters who claimed to know better have said that you can get thousands of seeds out of only one potato. So realism is unattainable anyway. Amounts of items in the game are never specified. 1 piece of meat would not be a full steak, one blueberry cake is maybe one slice, maybe two, but surely not a whole cake. 5 potatoes may not be 5 full potatoes but only 5 cutout pieces of a full potato with all the rotten parts already thrown away. Gameplay reasons were always more important for TFP than realism (they have said something like this in discussions). You will have a hard time convincing them to invest precious dev time into changing this ONLY for realism.
  2. Now we are getting somewhere. So what port does the steam server list show? Your first picture did not show any ip and port numbers. (And yes, I have steam). The most likely problem that you have is that you are hosting the game from home and have not opened all the necessary ports to the internet, either on your PC or on your internet router. The game has two network protocols it can use: litenetlib or steamnetworking. The first one is preferable (much less latency for example) but it needs you to clear the way for some ports to be shown to the internet. Those ports are (at default) 26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UPD. You have to tell your windows firewall (windows defender if you didn't buy one) to open those ports AND you have to tell your router to forward these ports to the internet (which depends on the router you have) If not, you can try steamnetworking, but for that you have to change your serverconfig.xml and edit the line <property name="ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols" value="SteamNetworking"/> to look like this: <property name="ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols" value=""/> Here is a thread where someone had a similar problem, and the answer mentions a way to test your setup if you want the low-latency-solution: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28612-could-not-retrieve-server-information-self-hosted-dedicated-server-set-up-after-the-recent-patch/
  3. I see a photo with supposedly your server highlighted, with players numbers, map and latency columns. I don't see how that can help me understand the problem. You mention a list, where is that list?
  4. What do you mean with query port? There is a telnet and a ControlPanel port beside the game port (26900). Are you talking about them?
  5. There are two types of tools and there is a strong division. Scavenging tools are governed by Salvage Ops, while all other tools are governed by miner69er and motherlode. The only perk influencing practically everything, from melee weapons to mining tools to scavenging tools "was" Sexrex.
  6. Thank you for the new log. It shows nothing unusual, but you also didn't really test the server. The server wasn't even completely finished with initializing when you shut it down again (unless this shutdown was some automatic thing). You have a machine with very low memory. Even on a performant machine a server takes about 30 seconds for startup, with a big mod or on a machine like yours that startup time can take easily more than a minute. So be more patient with that poor old server 😉 I would suggest now that you give the server more time to start up and then try it out. Then come back if anything is still not working and tell us what exactly is not working. If you have an easy way to get more RAM on the server that won't hurt either, but maybe the provider is right and the server is able to run that way???? You can find the client logfiles simply by reading the post linked to by beelzybub, it will tell you that the location changed in A20.4 and where it is now. Or you use the file explorer of the windows OS to search your PC for all files with "output_log" in the name and then look at the dates in the name or the file creation time for the newest files. Another hint: If you want to see the server starting up you can open a shell on the server. Then 'cd' to the directory where the server logfiles reside and enter "ls -alrt". You will get a time-ordered list of the directory with the newest logfile last. Then enter "tail -f output_log__..." and you can see the server starting up just like you can observe the client starting up in the console log. The server is practically finished starting up when you can see a line "... StartGame done". Naturally another sure sign is simply when the server allows clients to log in, so this is totally optional. But it is a good way to learn reading logfiles of this game. For a server operator it is useful to know how logfiles look like and what information they provide. When you know what to expect the unexpected (and sometimes problematic) will be obvious to you.
  7. Nope, in the time I was reading this forum (since A15) bandits were never (sort of) expected to be in any fixed alpha except A21. Starting in A16 though bandits were mentioned as being the eventual target for the AI overhaul work done. And even for A21 it was only said to have a good chance of being included.
  8. Sine the error showed up when the server already was powering down I have my doubt it really is a valid error. I often see rather random error messages after a server powers down because presumably some part of the system is already shut down and another still running part tries to use that part (i.e. a typical race condition)
  9. Or motherlode implies better senses where the veins are, or better skills at filtering. While the physical skill must be part of miner69er, where would the improved damage come from otherwise? It can't be a pure strength increase because that would also help melee weapons the same.
  10. Some notes: 1) Preferably you should not start the game as root. Create a user account and start the game with that account. Just a side comment, this has nothing to do with the issue you have. 2) To post logfiles please use pastebin and just post a link to the pastebin bin here. This is also explained in one of the sticky threads in this forum section 3) The two log files seem to be from different sessions of the game (at least if the clocks of the two machines are correct). Preferably they should be from the same. 4) Your server is underpowered. Only 2G RAM, low CPU clock, I am surprised that the server starts at all. 5) The server session (at about 10 am) shows that you tried to connect while the server was still initializing. And that is what you got back: "Server Still initializing". In other words it is not finished with startup. Serious question here, I am not trying to mock or insult: What about the line "server still initializing" is not understandable? I may be blind to any difficulties someone else may have here as I am used to operating servers. Or did you just forget to try to decipher that message at all? 6) After that the server seems to try to power down but it isn't cleat what happenes next. The server log stops abruptly so either you cut the end when you were copying the logfile or the server crashed (maybe because of low memory) 7) The client log is from a session at 17:00 where you played for half an hour. There are some unusual warnings about coloring blocks but no real errors that would show a problem as far as I see. Did you execute the command "xui close trader" lots of times in the console while playing?
  11. I think he meant that shopping carts on the street should not stop your vehicle but be pushed away. Sadly I don' think they have a feature to "push" blocks in the game and shopping carts are just blocks. They currently have the choice of it blocking or being destroyed by the impact completely. You get mining just cheaper because the effect of sexrex is added to miner69. Two perks for the price of one. Axe and pick are tools. And all tools (except scavenging "tools") are buffed by miner69er, just read the description. I quote: "Maximize your mining efforts by increasing tool damage to bring down rocks and trees faster.". You can build better axes when you perk into miner69er, so axes should also get the other benefits of the perk.
  12. He might not see it that way, Miner69 and motherlode will not go away. He still needs them for mining.
  13. The stamina reduction in A21 is included in the weapon perk. Perk into skullcrusher and you get the stamina reduction (on sledgehammer only) for free.
  14. You are wrong that Pummel Pete (if you meant that) would do anything for a sledgehammer. It didn't in A20 and won't in A21. It is only for clubs. With strength you are able to choose between two different melee weapons. Many players only select one, but you also can select both. But then it makes sense to also perk into both. Use one melee weapon Use two melee weapons A20: Sexrex+Pummel or skullcrusher Sexrex+Pummel+skullcrusher A21: Pummel or skullcrusher Pummel+skullcrusher A clear win-win
  15. They have been using blocks from time to time where the object itself was outside the block limits. Try to place frame blocks around the object, maybe you will find a block above or to the left, right or even in front that can't be placed.
  16. Exactly what I had proposed many months ago and that is what I meant above with "easily be halved"
  17. supercorn is entirely optional. But if you have a game where you absolutely depend on its availability then you should plan ahead and perk LotL3 before planting any of the seeds, then there is no chance of failure anymore, even with only one seed. I agree that the grind to replant everything is needless and could easily be halved. TFP have said that that is intentional because it makes farming more "meaningful", which in my case didn't work, sorry.
  18. Mods available with bananas and banana trees in them: Apocalypse Now, Darkness Falls, Experimental Recipes
  19. Salvage Tools magazine for the w(r)enches
  20. So you confess to theft and gun trafficking? I may offer you a deal if you testify against your fence there, this Rekt guy.
  21. I see it as a reward for people well prepared/punishment for slackers 😉. If I only remember to start crafting on the day of the horde I might have to improvise. Time is a very important resource in the game and this is one of the tasks where you have to manage it. Did you let clay run out in the forge? Did you forget to make darts for your traps? Did you schedule repairs for day 21? Well, too bad, cope with it. Yes, you can make 10 workbenches to get down production times. That is one further way to manage your time. Though you must either be a skyscraper builder or mighty disorganized to need 10 benches On my server with 4 people the max number of workbenches we ever had was one time with 5.
  22. Zombie hunting licence please. Do you have a permit for that rocket launcher in the back?
  23. Actually there is always a chance to get a net negative out of a harvest, it just gets smaller and smaller the larger your farm is. But on the other hand you continually find additional plants (especially corn and potatos in farm POIs) so even extreme bad luck never gets one really in trouble as the found plants can be made into seeds to fill up empty slots. In a recent game I had 8-10 plots for corn and potatoes each and I could supply 4 people with food. For all the other plants I only used around 4 plots each. Sometimes I had to make all plants of one type into seeds for one or two harvests to keep them at 4. But it didn't matter because I could always cook different recipes when one of those plants was in reduced supply for a week. Even corn and potatoes could have a really bad harvest but I don't remember that I ever came into the situation that I didn't have enough plants to replant all pots. Or if it did happen it must have been so easy to correct that I forgot it did happen. I remember there were harvests where I just got a handful of corn or potatoes for cooking though. Each harvest was different. In most harvests at least one of the plant types had a relatively bad harvest, sometimes even the worst case, say 0 out of 4. That meant I kept the whole harvest for seed production, i.e. produced 3 seeds and even kept the 1 remaining plant to bolster the next seed production. But this never had even a chance to go into a downward spiral because I also found seeds and plants in the world or at the trader. As a rule of thumb I would say any plant you consider indispensable should have 8 plots or more.
  24. The need for glue is highly variable. If you want to play as an "explosive" archer on horde night then (before A21 at least) you need a lot more glue than typical. People are adverse to any change for the worse, if they have played with unlimited explosive bolts for a few alphas they expect to be able to make unlimited amounts again. Even without that, in a typical vanilla game my friends and I produced a lot of food and drinks, much much more than was necessary. And that needed a massive amount of bottles as well. Consequently it wasn't really seldom that we made jars in the hundreds and wasted them for food and drinks we just collected in chests to wither away. Not sure if some players even count that subconciously as water they need. But mainly explosive arrows and bolts are mentioned as the area where a constant and high amount of water is needed. If you compare to the nearly umlimited amount of bullets you can produce (since dukes make the only problematic resource unlimited as well) then explosive arrows could be at a disadvantage now depending on balance
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