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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Not using Windows so I may be wrong, but I would have thought that the typical windows user would backup everything under c:/user/<his name>/ if he had to repair his OS, not only My Documents. And that would include stuff like My Pictures, My Music as well as %appdata%.
  2. "Hon", the short form for "Honored Customer" 😉
  3. If you are playing without mods, upgrading to a new minor alpha (i.e. from 20.5 to 20.6 for example) is a minor risk. If you play with mods, that risk is increased greatly with any further mod you have installed. And even removing mods from a running game can produce new errors. The solution is to freeze your modded game and never update it: Simply copy your modded game to anywhere on your hard disk to be able to run it. Then to run it just start steam, but then instead of using steam start 7dLauncher.exe in the copy with windows explorer (if on windows) . This allows you to have any number of old versions of the game lying around and even an umodded updated version on steam that you can use to log into servers or try out new alphas. Not sure if it would still work, but you might try to go back to A20.5, add the mods you had and try if your save game still works. If not, delete your player files as suggested and try it again. If it works, freeze it.
  4. There was a response. In another thread one of the dev-team (who normally doesn't post here) entered the discussion, asked for some information and (he or Roland) said that they hired a new programmer recently to improve the netcode. Now relevant changes to the netcode to improve the situation are not something you put out as a bugfix into alpha20.6. Those are changes that need lots of time to plan, write and test them, and they have serious implications on security, so you want to make doubly sure you looked at everything twice before you send it out. So any improvements will come with A21, not a second earlier. And since TFP are not very forthcoming with inside information it is not at all surprising to me that you don't hear anything from them. Maybe the improvement, if they come with A21, will be mentioned in a dev stream. But I would not be surprised if you just see some lines in the changelog pointing to the work once A21 is out.
  5. Unlikely. Previous versions of 7D2D allowed more players and every recent alpha and the even the minor update to 20.4 reduced that number.
  6. Have you considered explosives and putting a few points into strength? With the current system you can just invest 7-9 perk points into strength,sexrex, miner69 and mother lode and you are an acceptable miner. Then dig a trench around your hole and use explosives to undermine the center block until the whole thing crumbles down. Sure, still lots of work, but manageable. About the current situation, there are some people who work on bandits, which is (together with the bandit-fueled story) the only barrier to release the game. While they do that other members of TFP's team are free to make improvements to parts of the game that are suboptimal. Crafting and water physics for example. Better than waiting and having a year long coffee break 😉
  7. Steam is showing you a line for private betas, but it always is showing that. Except for the people working for TFP practically nobody is playing A21 yet. Once A21 is ready for playing, streamers will get one weekend of private beta just before A21 experimental gets released, then you can play it as well, without entering any code.
  8. Don't you hate it when your murky water is so random?
  9. I consider myself a "normal" or "balanced" player and I would guess I am somewhere between 1.5 and 2 quests per day on average so that doesn't seem too far off. (Though am I really normal here? I am normal in regards to my co-players at least who would average about the same) If someone then targets specific recipes and succeeds in selecting fitting quests in say 1/3rd of days and also uses quest rewards and dukes to get the right magazines at the trader when available I would assume he would be at the same magazine level or even farther than I would be for that specific magazine. And naturally far behind me in other magazines as I would not need to specialize that much. One unknown variable in this is though what the new meta will be for magazine shopping. Will the new "normal" be that everyone targets hardware shops (which would be rather bad for you as the game would be balanced accordingly) ? Or will Joe Random target gas stations, weapon and hardware shops with equal priority? Or maybe not target anything at all most of the time? My guess is that weapon shops will be the top priority for most players.
  10. Some of you sound like the chimpanzees who can be trapped with a simple nut placed inside a tree hole. The ape grabs the nut but then can't pull out the fist from the tree hole. It is trapped because it can't envision to go away without getting that nut. "I want everything I can see, I want it now, and I want it easy". In a survival game there should be traps and environmental dangers that can kill players. Players need to put reason before greed if they want to survive Note: As far as I know diving is the same speed up and down. It should be possible to notice right away while diving down with that speed whether one might get into trouble going up again. Also distances under water can be very misleading. I haven't had to dive for an air drop lately because rivers and lakes became very seldom, but when they filled half the world it was quite common. It was a risky bussiness in deeper lakes (as it should be) and it was neccessary to carefully evaluate whether it was possible to get to such an air drop or leave it there.
  11. Bug? Bad Luck? Hyperbole? Impossible to say unless you post actual hard numbers. Most importantly that includes the number of harvesting rounds you made to conclude there is something strange going on. I can say that there is a known bug (don't know whether it has been fixed or even acknowledged by TFP yet) that at start of the game the random number generator seem to start with the same sequence of random numbers. Which means that the first thing you do in the game after starting it will always show the same results. So if you always start a new game in the morning of a new day and buy from the vending machine you will always see the same items in there. Or if you always start the game with farming you will always see the same sequence of seeds returned. Could this be happening in your case?
  12. Roland may know more. I can only say that all indications I've seen point to them being satisfied with the system: 1) They added recipes to the system in A18 I think, madmole even asked the forum to send him recipes they could add. That would have been the point to make it more complex if they wanted. 2) Unlike the general perception they don't overhaul systems again and again unless there is a clear indication such a system is not working. The food system is basic but generally working well. They have said that overabundance of food in late and even mid game is correct, food should be a solved problem then. 3) vanilla is the introduction game for beginners and there are lots of beginners who find it hard to get enough food in the first days. They may not be keen to complicate that system even though the fault is mostly on beginners who can't be bothered to read the in-game journal. 4) If my memory isn't faulty here TFP also has said on occasion that they are satisfied with the "amount" of survival in the game, as a genre mix it doesn't need survival mechanisms as intricate as a pure survival game.
  13. What would you consider the lowest loot effort the devs have to consider for balancing? One quest per day (considering that you can always take a lower than max quest and ulitmately can select between almost 25 quests to find one with "hardware store or similar" written all over it) ? A quest every two days? Every 3 days? Once a week?
  14. Personally I don't think adding proteins and carbs alone would make the game better (though I don't have actually played with such a system). Essentially it is just adding another simple bar to hunger and thirst to fill. More memorizing which food helps which bar. Potentially another inventory slot used up for your food/water as well. The few options to take late game would be apparent very fast as well. I would assume most players would select a food with somewhat balanced carbs and proteins and just accept to overeat in one category to be able to take just one food with you. Others would just take two "specialist" food with them and always eat one of each. The determination what to use for food though would be still static, unchangeable and once done, worth no thought anymore. It could be made more interesting by adding a dynamic mechanism like eating high carb food while being higher on carb than protein would even diminish the protein bar and vice versa. That would make it more important for the player to always eat food that mainly increases the lower of the two bars. And overating on one of the categories should result in some debuff or disadvantage. Now you would actually need to think a second before you eat something. Anything less and you just adapt once and always make the same moves in the same static minigame. And I can predict what TFP will be saying to that: Too late in development to replace a system they are satisfied with with another one. And that such a system would be perfect for a mod. (Though are they satisfied internally with the food system? I assume they are but I don't know for sure)
  15. Food isn't that trivial when you play in co-op as more players compete for the limited resources in a small area (like animals, nests and trader/vending machines), only quest kitchens and buried supplies quests are resources halfway growing with number of players.
  16. Please use the Game Modification->Discussions and Requests section or the thread of the mod author for questions. Also you won't get any answers here if you don't say which mod you are talking about. The more information you add the more likely it is that you get a correct helpful answer.
  17. It isn't as if the information he posted hurt you in any way. Maybe you should take into account that everyone posting in such a thread is trying to help you. I have sometimes missed crucial information as well and posted advice that was unhelpful. The game changes continually and with it the bugs and the symptoms and the meaning of symptoms. And dozens of help requests get posted every day and helpful posters have to keep track of multiple cases over multiple days. There is a lot of opportunity to make mistakes. And I'm sure the next mistake in giving advice from anyone in this forum is only a matter of time. Lets hope they don't get discouraged from helping then.
  18. I'd say capping is a small contribution to prevent global warming as well. I would love to turn on vsync in 7D2D but when I do (on Linux) my game starts to stutter and even goes below 60 FPS. I agree with Fox that there must be still some serious bugs in the vsync code (in 7d2d or unity, who knows?).
  19. Naturally they will not resist EA, because everyone expects another 10 years of development 😉.
  20. Yes, exactly. It stayed this way for 4 years and there is no indication at all that it will change now. Sorry, Khalagar, he was complaining in the A21 dev diary just recently that he can't get his "co-op" players to do or bring back anything. He said something about having to plead with them for the smallest favours.
  21. But a group needs to go out now as well. Otherwise they can't get a lot of items (that is true already for many alphas) and (in A21) magazines. They already implemented incentives for people to go out, mission accomplished. Nowhere did they say though that they want to force every single person of a group to go out. And they could easily have done that before magazines if they wanted! Just by making books (and now magazines) readable only by the person who finds it. Would have been a simple change in A17-A20 as well. But they didn't do that in A17-A20 and nobody has said they do that in A21. And/or by making mining and farming and building give no xp at all. Did they do that in A17, A18, A19, A20? It is a simple change. Why didn't they do that already when their goal was to drive every single player of a group to go looting ? Or they could have made the magazine finding bonus of perks huge, and the chance to find any (unperked) magazines almost zero. That would give the same effect, even the miner would have to go out. But EVERYONE from TFP has been emphasizing that the bonus is small, almost imperceptible. Why? TFP seems to miss out on so many chances to really force everyone out. tldr; We have different interpretations of the meaning of Madmoles words. If yours were true, they could have done that easily in the past 4 years. Which makes my interpretation much more likely. I have an answer for that: Khalgar 😁
  22. And that has absolutely nothing to do with MP as a feature in warband and it (presumably) selling well, as far as I can see. Which still does not make anything in that old alpha complex. You are just repeating your argument that because you only had to cushion to poke as comparison you thought moving cubes through quadratic holes was complex. If you were a pre-schooler at that time (or played like one 😉), sure it was complex for you. But it isn't the game that changed into being casual, it is you who changed.
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