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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I checked the logfiles, vanilla says "INF Block IDs total 13640, terr 44, last 13848", so it uses up 42% of the available block id space.
  2. You mean the point I commented "Good post" on? Notice I was only saying your EDIT2 asks a senseless question because there is a very obvious answer. Now this is another point where you now might be shooting for the wrong target. Who from TFP did deny any controversy? Or commented at all (yet)?
  3. No. I think one of the modders who reached the limit would know best. I can only guess that with over 1000 shapes in the building menu the value likely is 2048, 4096 or 8192.
  4. Bugfix. No additions. Read the first post in this thread
  5. Yes, tested it as well and it doesn't work. So the 6 quality levels seem to be hardcoded. To change that you would need to change the underlying code (written in C#) with the help of Harmony (a tool to inject code into the game libraries). Quite a bit more complicated than changing the xml If you still want to go forward I would suggest checking out the code of an overhaul mod who added quality levels as well, I think I remember there was at least one.
  6. Ok, then it actually is different on windows than on linux. I checked on my linux client (v 20.6) and it still was stored in the program folder.
  7. it is the number of different blocks that can be defined in the game.
  8. Sure, "some people" don't need to concern themselves with politics. A game developer that distributes worldwide can't entirely ignore that topic though
  9. I'm lucky, I only wasted 10 seconds reading yours. 😉 Seriously, for any topic there are millions of people not interested in that topic and I don't much care to know what topic forum poster X doesn't care for. The internet is stacked to the hilt with uninteresting topics for each individual, if you can't filter for your interests you should not go there.
  10. As @Beelzybub said your logfiles will tell you exactly the location used. And the logfiles currently are still saved in <program folder>\7DaysToDie_Data. All the logfiles also have the current date in their name so you could just start the game, then search your hard disk or SSD for a file with the current date in the form "yyyy-mm-dd" in its name and should find the logfile that was just created. Look into the logfile and search for a line with "... INF Started thread SaveChunks ...". It will show you exactly where your current save IS stored (and I would bet it will be in %appdata%, not somewhere else).
  11. This is just guessing on my part, but since this isn't a new problem in 7D2D I would assume the block limit is a rather hard limit, not easy to circumvent. It isn't just an arbitrary number someone put in the code just for kicks but very likely a number that can't get higher because block ids are stored somewhere in a specific number of bytes. It may even be that TFP can't change that at all if Unity for example is dictating the number of bytes to use. Or simply because TFP used up all the bits and bytes in their block data already so there simply is no way for the block id to grow. That may be a dilemma for TFP as they don't want to constrain their own designers or the feature list of their vanilla game, but they still want to make the game mod-friendly. IMHO they have to reserve some space for mods, but that space might be less than the biggest mods might want.
  12. Aren't pictures of military stuff sort of the pinups pictures for military fans? This would be likely a picture ripped out of "Jane's" or some other publication. Just like some people have models of military airplanes hanging from the ceiling without ever having flewn one themselves or even been in the military. So I don't see a problem explaining it. Naturally the choice is not a good one at the moment for world politics reasons even though only very very few people will actually recognize it.
  13. Lets make sure we are on the same page: The required ports to forward are default 26900(TCP) and 26900-26903(UDP). Also please post a server AND client log from the same session.
  14. Also you can make a full copy of your A20.7 programm folder right now. Then, provided you have steam started (if you bought the game on steam) you can always start that copy by executing the 7DLauncher executable there, even if you have otherwise updated to the newest version.
  15. I did not test the code, it is quite usual that code only works after some debugging. And debugging works by observing the game and seeing what changed and what didn't but should have and using this to find the bug or problem. So, first question, what did you do? Where did you change or insert what lines? (Did you use XPath for this? Hint: If you don't know what that is you didn't use it). How did you test that it doesn't work? For example did you try to find the higher quality item in the creative menue? Or did you just play around and hope that it drops for you? Did you use a test game or the game you all are playing? Did you check the logfiles for new errors that seem to occur because of your mod? (IF you are using XPath you should also locate your savegame (use the launcher for example) and look into the directory ConfigDumps. There are your config files as the game has read them. Check if your changes done per xpath have actually been applied)
  16. Good post, but sorry, EDIT 2 is posing a very uninteresting question because doh, it was to make an obvious homage to Lara Croft. If this was just a random female figure you would have a point. I would have given the artist extra points if he had made the male dressed like Lara as well, not for fear of repercussion but exactly to lampoon the image of Lara while still paying homage to it.
  17. There are laptops you can't turn on at all (even though you have electricity). There are refrigerators you can't use. There are busses on the road but you will never be able to use or repair one for no reason at all. There are lakes but you can't even make a simple raft float on it. Do you question all that every time you play? I would assume you actually questioned all those limitations at least once. But then forgot about them completely for hundreds of hours of playtime and had no problem at all with accepting that for example there are just 5 vehicles you can build. That you can't have two people ride a minibike. That you can't just take a picture from a wall and move it to your base. That you can't trip a zombie. There are so many limitations in this game and you will question them from time to time or make a joke about it. And a minute later have forgotten about them and simply accept them for the next hundred hours of playtime. Another example: You may say (in talk with your friends for example) you filled up your minibike with gas **cans**, not with gas. But lets look at it more closely. To fill a minibike you need (??) 50 or 100 or 500 units of what the game shows as gas cans. It obviously can't be 500 gas cans you fill that single minibike with. Does that constantly throw you out of immersion? Surely not, in actual gameplay you simply think of **units** of gas you fill up the bike with. You don't **think** of there being gas cans, you only think of (units of) gas. You will never again notice jars as an existing entity, let alone Schrödinger Jars that disappear. You will simply think of water, just like you only think of gas or acid that you need to operate a vehicle or build a battery. I am not talking about circumvention by experienced players looking for loopholes. I am talking about everyone simply having no water scarcity at all without any effort. Maybe you did not specify your ideas in detail. Maybe in your mind you did all the other changes so that one of your ideas could really work to limit water sensibly. Maybe not. Just as listed by you the changes you listed in your first idea for example won't work, not without some other changes, maybe not at all. If you want we can make a simple test. Just take your first idea and list all the changes you would do to make it work for A20. If what you would have changed is all listed in that paragraph of yours above, say so. Otherwise add whatever else needs to be changed. Then if I find something so water is not limited at all, or limited to unplayability, or anything else that does not align with what we know the devs want, I win the argument. If not, you win it. Whether it will be fun for you that water is made scarce is quite a different matter. Net positive? No idea, that depends on the tastes of the majority of players this game has.
  18. Just try to think a few minutes about ways to circumvent your own scheme (and your others). Maybe you will find holes large enough for a truck to drive through. You have been using gas cans and acid bottles in very similar systems for years now without noticing anything jarring I would guess.
  19. Then you'll find the logfiles in the old location inside the programs folder in 7DaysToDie_Data
  20. "More and more people" does not matter when TFP needs or wants to support old hardware, and now also consoles where time practically stands still for years.
  21. Clothes variations look very good. Faces have lots of room for improvement 😎
  22. Which is security 100%, exactly my point. You make a distinction between "friendly" hackers (only MS is interested in keeping them out) and unfriendly hackers (both MS and players are interested in keeping them out) but they are two sides of a coin. I was speaking about the reasons for the change. That doesn't mean that there can't be other solutions, but all solutions have in common that they MUST add locations for logfile and mods outside of the program folder on some platforms at least.
  23. Why should I? Actual experience from actually seeing it was just what I was demanding. 😉 Each person is different, I look at the 15 zeds in this game as archetypes or classes (the same happens in many RPG games on PC) and I have practically zero problems with the sameness of each type. Just like I would look at the few different NPCs in minecraft as archetypes, same principle. As such I would **probably** value a new zombie more than clothing variations on all zombies though this is just an uninformed guess.
  24. I don't think different skins (i.e. color of skin+color of clothes) makes entirely new zombies. Our brain works wonders in identifying similarities. In other words two identical Marlenes with diffferent outfits will still register as largely the same person. Also randomly mixing skin colors and clothes colors often produces combinations that look weird. Or at least very unfashionable 😉. My guess is that skin variation would work much better with nondescript featureless zombies than with the high quality recognizable zombies of this game. So in summary I'd say without actually seeing that feature in the actual game we won't know what would be better, a few new zombies or a lot more skin variations.
  25. That is a design for example: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strichmännchen#/media/Datei:Simple_Stick_Figure.svg Now I'm sure Madmole went more specific with his designs, but the thing is he can be as specific or non-specific as he wants and just leave the rest to his designers. Which practically means any new zombie is "just more work" away.
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