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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Ripclaw got a point because XP is not the only progression in the game. And unlike A20 **item** progression is now unobtainable with XP alone. In A21 you won't get a workbench if you play a pure builder in SP. He actually may have to mod the game in the future.
  2. I think this will stay a possible way to fight horde night, at least in early and mid-game. TFP could put weak blocks into its most sturdy building. Either as damaged blocks or fake-blocks (i.e. wood blocks that look like concrete). That would make this take a little more work. I don't see how TFP could change this any other way without changing the rest of the game fundamentally. It would be a fix similar to the horde-night vultures attacking players on vehicles (with probably the same level of complaints about "destroying my playstyle")
  3. His point is probably about pulicity, not about playing them.
  4. Sure. But when TFP changes a feature to something else there is always a group of players crying over the lost old feature. Many of the voices you tried to represent wanted quite different features to stay, TFP could only avoid this by not changing anything and only adding. In other words, TFP has to step on some shoes whenever they change something, just the shoes change. You may not have meant to say that ONLY things should be added, but that is the only way TFP could fullfill your wish for ALL the people you try to give a voice to.
  5. What you want is a development model where only stuff is added and never changed. That is possible if developers know exactly what features they want and how each fature should work. This is the easier the less you need to provide playable versions in the interim (like in closed development) and the more the game is following established trends and genre conventions (like if you are just making the next installment of a series or a copy of a successful game). If the developers want to create something new and need to experiment and also have to provide playable versions all the way because of EA then sorry, they have no choice. They added a lot of gameplay features as placeholders so they could provide early adopters with a playable game. Change is inevitable when those placeholders are replaced. They also have to adhere to some limits imposed by the engine they are using or earlier programming choices. This sometimes makes it necessary to trade one feature for another because both features together would go past the limit.
  6. The situation has not changed with more POIs, even in A15/A16 taking over a POI at first was the easiest path, but the trader was less important. From A17 on the trader was OP so it usually would have been a POI near the trader. But the veteran players changed. For example I took over POIs in A15 and A16, but started building bases in A17 because it was the first time it made a noticable difference how you built a base. I cycled through many ways of building a base until I practically had tried out all general types of base I could think of at least twice. And now I am back at taking over POIs again, unless I can think of something new I want to try out. There were concrete buldings in previous alphas too. You just need one in your starting town to do lazy building. Whatever floats anyone's boat.
  7. I agree with your first half. But I don't think bandits were an afterthought, they were planned to be in the game from the start. But a lot of code (for example the first AI) was merely a placeholder because they needed one asap. Effectively (AFAIK) they started implementing the AI from the ground up at the start of A17 development, And when I say "they" I really mean one person that had a few other tasks to do in parallel. Terrain change can be done by simply shooting with a shotgun. You can have 8 guys on a horde night, changing terrian 8 times a second 😁 . Plus up to 64 zombies doing some terrain changing as well
  8. Sylen is not an employee of TFP, so he tramples nowhere. He gave you a solution, what you read between the lines is likely just your imagination. If the site blocks VPNs then it is likely because of Spammers using VPNs to post their Spam messages. Wrong person to tell it to. There is a "Support" button on the top line, maybe you have more success there.
  9. You don't like to watch streamers? Welcome to the club, I don't watch streams or youtubers as well. Not only for 7d2d, I don't watch any streamers. But I understand the bussiness decision TFP made to attract attention and word of mouth. For a 10 year old game they need streamers and something of a release event so the game is not forgotten
  10. The streamers have something TFP wants, and TFP has something the streamers want. Seems a fair deal. 😉 Many people can't accept that streamers are now what games journalists were 10 years ago. Does it matter that streamer don't have a press ID-card? Not to a company in want of some publicity. And the streamers need exclusive content just like the games journalists who get shown a game before release. Do you think it unfair that games journalists get to play games earlier than you?
  11. The game is at the end of its development and just a few specific features need to be added to be ready for release. Currently shooting from vehicles is not in the game and a horse would be a somewhat bigger new feature and not add anything significantly different to the game (basically it brings people from a to b like any other "vehicle"). So no, I don't see them adding a horse, at least not before gold.
  12. Seriously, you are imagining problems where none are. There may be some outlier maps you would be able to generate (though I don't know if the final RWG won't fix that, who knows) that are minimally different because one type of trader is missing. But every trader has the chance to have all items, he is just specialized to have much more of one type of items. And even if that were not the case, neither trader rewards nor trader stock is essential to playing the game and never was. But looting is and looting provides everything you need, randomly. In the case of armor you might run around with only a quality 3 steel armor in end game because of bad luck at looting, but thats all there is. No destroying of playstyles, no impossibilities.
  13. According to TFP there is a small story with a finale planned for Navezgane at least and it involves fighting down either the Duke or White River. That will be essentially all for 7D2D 1. Remember that they have made every effort to make the game easy to mod so that modders can jump in and provide continued fun for veteran players. Vanilla is essentially to introduce new players to the game and "get them addicted" 😉
  14. You act like a player couldn't survive if no trader had any armor for example. You may not have heard of crafting or looting but I assure you such mechanics are in the game 😉 There are players who play without trader. Apart from missing out on the free loot on top of loot missions that just means the loot and equipment is a bit more random than usual.
  15. Don't want to sidetrack the subject but it occured to me that the quest rewards should be skewed to the trader specialization as well. That way looking for a trader and relocating to the right one when you are looking for something specific would be even more important
  16. Please use the correct section for your question next time. I moved it from "Mods" to "General Support". If you just want to change settings you can access in the menue in SP, then the corresponding file on the server is called serverconfig.xml. If thats not what you are asking then you need to provide more information.
  17. The line you posted would not work because it still is commented out. Remove "<!--" and "-->" and check if you are admin now
  18. I read that AMD has confirmed that it can happen on all 7000er CPUs and is currently distributing a bios fix to mainboard partners. By the way, I upgraded my ryzen 5 2600x to ryzen 7 5800x3d a few days ago and FPS increased from 66 to over 90 because of this. Not a comment to anything you said, I mention this if someone is wondering about what to expect from such a change.
  19. Check your logfile. Maybe your edits break the xml and the serveradmin.xml gets reset to default(??)
  20. Sure, there is more to this than just applying a fixed texture. the software needs to be able to handle very big textures and resize them without artifacts or pixels appearing. Such algorithms need CPU power that wasn't available in 2000. When I said any engine I meant current engine. Just checked and it seems Unity can do photogrammetry as well and it looks realistic as well. Though I'm sure that "realistic" has a multitude of quality levels as well and I don't doubt that UE can reach a better quality than any other engine on the market currently.
  21. I don't know about the lighting, but the realism of the walls and rooms is probably due to photogrammetrie. That can be done with any engine, as it just uses textures made of photographs essentially.
  22. It depends. **IMHO** If they only bring 7D2D to the current consoles then they will be far more hamstrung by older PCs they also still want to support. If they want to support the older generation of consoles too then yes, I can't imagine that it doesn't have some influence on the game. And 7D2d 2 might be a different case altogether. Personally, as long as the UI on PC is not harmed I am fine with it.
  23. There should be a creative menu you can access but I have no idea how on console. @II Blittz II , can you answer that? Also, the motorcycle could be teleported just a few meter underground or high in the sky or to the last location you were getting on it.
  24. The evil mastermind behind this forum. He makes the rules you live by. When you see a glimpse of him it means you are doomed. But even if you never see him you are doomed. Net result, you ARE doomed.
  25. Not anymore. You might have missed that he retired from the job and Crator Creator now is the super moderator
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