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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Huh? It obviously stacks with perks as shown above and what is flat about 15% ?
  2. No. Just by starting the client you load the dlls and change the program to act differently. Whether you restart or not, you always will have loaded the mods. "Activating" the savegame does nothing special. Note you can wreak your local save game as well if you remove the local mods and then continue to play the previously modded game Server and client are two dancers who have to synchronize their movements to not step on each others toes. When both dance a tango everything is fine. But when one mods his dance to a tango nuevo and the other dances a tango then they will trip up. 😉 The changed dlls do not make changes to hard coded data, they change how the client works. The client might send data that is correct for how it is programmed but that is incorrect for how the server understands the game.
  3. This is probably chrome's HSTS implementation at work. @sphereii: If you ever want to add SSL, you can get a certificate for free from https://letsencrypt.org
  4. Please use the "Discussions and Requests" forum section for this, the "Mods" section is for mod authors to announce their mods.
  5. Please use the "Discussions and Requests" forum section for this, the "Mods" section is for mod authors to announce their mods.
  6. "Vulkan - Out of memory!" Check your SSD. Do you have a partition for swap? And don't start a browser or any other programs while playing DF. I heard it needs lots more RAM than vanilla.
  7. Typically this is because the relevant UDP ports are not open, in your case 25570 to 25573 UDP. Probably your hosting service is blocking random ports. If you have full access to the server then you can test it yourself by using netcat, see the third answer (with a score of 74) here: https://serverfault.com/questions/416205/testing-udp-port-connectivity . If that is the case, ask your provider to open the relevant ports.
  8. That link you posted goes to a webpage with lots of different laptops, it does not tell us which one you have. First you should try to make sure your game files are correct. If you got the game from steam, use steam to verify integrity of game files. If you have previously played different alphas of the game then also start the game launcher and clear everything (this will also clear any old saves you have) If this doesn't help read the pinned thread in this forum section that tells you to read it. It explains how you can post a logfile from a game session so we can read it.
  9. It is possible that it isn't a joke that they make the minibike sound with voice and maybe some other ingredients mixed in and some distortion added. If you didn't know you would probably never guess. I think it is highly likely that quests will show the new names as well. This is one of the task that definitely has to be done before the game can be released.
  10. They began with the hype minibike this time 😉
  11. Please use the "Discussions and Requests" section for questions about mods, or the mod authors own thread. "Mods" is to announce existing mods
  12. I swear I'll return that mug I never bought
  13. By the way, have you considered that the way the minibike sound is made may actually be just like in the video? Probably with some sound shaping afterwards, but it is usual in Foley sound design to fake sounds instead of using the real sounds (one source I found said only 20% of sounds in movies are from the original sound source) Naturally knowing this will forever color out impression when we'll drive the minibike from now on if this turns out to be the real method of creating the minibike sounds 😁
  14. Humor seems a foreign concept to you.
  15. Translation for observationally challenged people: The previous poster was asking for a **concrete** no to some question On the positive side, they finally added real names to the POIs. I am pretty sure it means no "factory_01" in quest descriptions anymore. (Scratch off another accidentially? revealed feature) But yes, I get measles when I think of driving through a city and this THING popping up every few meters.
  16. Please show me how you get more than 20 perk points in 5 seconds? 😁 It isn't a rule anymore to post in english, but it is highly advisable if you want to be understood by the majority of forum users, including the devs.
  17. You know that only one pole of an electric fence gets damaged when a zombie walks through the fence? Since 4 and 5 are a pair, only one of them will get damage.
  18. Remember I was there, I built such a tower. And I saw them destroy ladders during the horde night. I needed to build parallel ladders nearly up to the tower top so they had alternatives. Yes, that looks exploity. That you can show me an exploit with a corridor does not mean every corridor is an exploit.
  19. The gyro can't be used for killing zombies (you can't shoot from it) and on horde night it will be unusable anyway. I don't see a connection with a tower horde base. As I said a tower horde base is still a design where the player is in danger and has to work for the zombies not reaching him. And the ladders get damage, if all ways up are destroyed they will attack the base and try to collapse it. If you don't protect your base, yes. Many players have a separate crafting base and naturally need some protection for it, but usually much much less than for a horde base. The question with all your examples is if they were part of the balance of the game or an unintended exploit that gave the player too much power, but was left in for some other reason. I am pretty sure that a funnel base, a tower design, a large pit are part of the game as it is envisioned by TFP and even if there were very easy ways to make them impossible they would stay in the game. They are not necessarily realistic and if you analyse them with real world logic you will fail and may call them exploits. But they are not. Because they are not designed to be realistic simulations of a battle against zombies. The logic I was argumenting with, by the way, was basic mathematical logic of the kind that A + B will always be greater or equal to A with A and B positive numbers.
  20. Only a foolproof AI is one where all "exploits" do not exist, you specifically said at first that this was only one example of many you could list "That is just the easiest to understand example I can think of". You also first said "The zombie AI does not adapt to the players constructs or methods .... ". Simple randomization of behaviour is not **adapting** to the players constructs, not as I understand that word. But I'm fine with saying I misunderstood you. I'm not sure, but when I implemented such a two-bridge thingy only part of the zombies came over to the other side. Maybe I was just misconstructing the bridges but I assumed this randomization was already in place in A20. That is why I thought you wanted that behaviour completely blocked. I am fine with any randomization as long as it doesn't invalidate the exploit in general. Because for me those are not exploits but the hooks the player can use to make more efficient base designs, i.e. one way of beating the game by intelligent construction. Thats a balance issue between giving newbies enough ammo so they don't get frustrated at having not enough ammo for their M60 and making ammo scarce even for veterans. Almost impossible and why I think the loot abundance setting should automatically be lower in higher difficulties (and include mining returns). Not to make people mine more but to make a veteran save on ammo.
  21. I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. What has that to do with a horde night base? I was not on a ladder when I had built a sniper tower. I was standing on the top of the tower looking down and shooting zombies in the head. Yes, it is a vertical death corridor but since a sniper weapon gives you exactly this capability to shoot through multiple zombies in a line it can hardly be called an exploit. I mean why add this perk power if you are not supposed to use it? By the way, building the tower so it works is not trivial and then using the tower in a horde night is not without danger either. So it isn't just "exploitily" shooting fish in a barrel. But it is effective A demo will go through those wood spikes unhindered and destroy them, and surrounding your base with 30 lines of spikes is a massive amount of boring work. And since the spikes do not do much damage you still have to kill most of the zombies one by one with lots of ammo, especially glowies who will surely heal faster than the damage they get from the spikes. Getting blade traps is not that expensive. It only would get expensive if I would try to plaster the same field with blade traps that you put spikes on. But that's the beauty of making the zombies follow your paths: You know where they run along and you place your traps at choke points. What does a horde night base have to do with normal nights? A 100% automatic system is just a hard to reach possibility if someone really wants to optimize for it, like starting a rocket per second in factorio. I never have built such a base, never even tried. And I didn't even talk about such a base. What I am saying is that you plus a base that is optimized for your weapons and/or has lots of automated damage as well should by logic be more efficient than you alone. And so I just don't believe you when you say that you play the most efficient way. You maybe play the most efficient way that you know.
  22. Oh god, you are so NOT playing the 7D2D I play. What you seem to describe is exactly how a player used to shooters would play the game, and then complain that he has to work 2 out of his 7 days in the mines to get all the ammunition for the next horde night (in later stages) The objective of a good horde base is to either make you kill as many zombies as possible with the lowest effort and ammo waste (i.e. increase effectivity) or make the zombies take as long as possible to get to you so you need to shoot much less (i.e. increase security). You can even get to the point that the traps do all the kills for you. Why would you do that? Well, for example to not work 2 out 7 days in the mines. You really think you are more effective with having to shoot a bullet into every single zombie yourself when a sniper guy for example can headshot 3 or 4 zombies along a narrow passage or down a steep ladder with one bullet? You really think you are more effective than the guy who uses a pusher turret to collect 12 zombies in a pit and throws molotovs and grenades to finish them off, while still shooting inbetween? You think you are as effective as the guy who shoots at zombies like you while the other half of the zombies are being shreddered by blade traps? You think wood spikes are as effective as blade traps or even dart traps? Vultures? You can kill Vultures automatically as well, you don't need to shoot them yourself. This game is pretty good at making automated killing factories, you just have to embrace the complexity instead of thinking your glorified perch is the pinnacle of horde base. You probably have fun playing like you do. That's fine, that is the flexibility 7D2D has to offer. But I have fun with a horde base while planning and building it, for you it probably is just a chore to make that same block of concrete again and again. And horde night is fun too because I hear zombies getting crunched to bits in a various traps while I shoot at them or even attack them in melee from a carefully built place.
  23. I have not claimed that it wasn't harder, I just don't know from first hand because I started in A15. I am talking mostly about complexity and unless farming changed multiple times it was probably the same as in A15. And then I know how farming worked and I don't call that complexity. You needed to till the ground, oh wow (nothing complex about that). I thought it was a nice mechanic that you needed a special tool for it and I personally would have prefered such "gates" to stay in the game, but that was no complexity as well. Thanks for the info. New zombie skins do not add complexity. I agree that complex mechanics would be nice additions to the game. Neither more zombie skins nor skeletons nor more realism would automatically add complexity though. Do you mean the television series? What does the television series have to do with building in 7D2D? This is faulty logic. Logically you play a game that follows different rules than the TV show. in 7D2D you will die if you follow the rules of that TV show. You are perfectly safe from zombies in a barricaded building on ground floor in that show. I have not been talking about beautiful palaces. I should have been more clear here: I was talking about elaborate horde bases with all kinds of traps, pits, funnels, bridges, passages, shooting holes, gaps, fallback positions. THIS is complexity, but you don't need to use it. You can also build a 10x10 concrete block and put boxes filled with ammo and grenades on it.
  24. I don't say anything is impossible. I say it is normally far outside the realm of an indy game to have a foolproof AI. Players will usually find ways to exploit the AI, be it zombies (what we originally talked about) or bandits. Especially in a game where you can change the world freely to confuse the AI. I really don't know what Faatal will make bandits do, or what some modder might do. I don't have the expectation of seeing the bandits act like in a team shooter that cost 80 Mio. to develop and has the advantage of a fixed terrain. But if it happens, I won't protest. I am merely critizising how you look down on the "simple" zombie AI. It is far from simple to program it. And the other thing is that it should be exploitable to an extent. That is part of the fun for a new player (and even some veterans) to find new ways of making the zombies run into their doom. And sometimes die because the foolproof plan didn't go well when the player was too late opening the bridge. Yes, I want zombies to follow clear rules for the most part. That is part of the tower defense genre that you have attackers who follow certain rules. And I want to optimizise your defenses according to these rules. How can I build an interesting "tower" if I don't know well before the attack how the attackers will react? Tell me what you want the zombie AI to do if a bridge on the current path it tries to get to the player is closed and a different bridge is opened?
  25. What you call simplistic AI behaviour is basically what 99% of all games in history had. Even in science you will find very few expert systems that had the capability to learn. Only when neural networks became really powerful in the last few years learning became common as the basic principle of creating a neural network AI. BUT even the typical neural network AIs only learn at creation time when they go through millions of examples taken from the internet and then are static. They do not learn anymore when they are used. You may have seen game AIs that have a few ways to react to a players strategies, but there is no learning involved, those are almost always lists of actio->reactio and if you can find a loop you can exploit you can outmaneuver those AIs just as well as the AI in 7D2D
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