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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. When I tried painting the first time (may have been A15 or A16) it had a range of colors available, I remember painting the walls of a subbase somewhere with a very conspicuous and ugly yellow so I would recognize it immediately. When I tried to paint again recently (notice how often I do this 😁) I saw only textures, no colors anymore. So either it didn't change since then and I just didn't see how to access the colors, or it was really reduced in functionality since A15/A16, for example to make way for something else.
  2. Whoever plays server should find out his public IP address and tell the other player (there are websites to find that out). The other player should use this IP address to connect directly from the game client, not steam. Also the server player should check whether he opened all the necessary ports on the router (26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UDP), it may work without but it helps network performance and stability. crossplay across sales platforms is a relatively new feature, it will take some time for TFP to transform this into a reliable feature.
  3. So you are playing a mod called "General Support"? 😁
  4. Assuming you also want answers to your questions: Not quite so few, read the list of changes on the first page of the dev diary. Coders just a handful I think. A lot more artists. If you start the game, there is an actual list in the credits Don't know, but they changed a lot of final loot rooms to be inside the buildings. For the skyscrapers though the top of the building SHOULD be the final loot room IMHO No (at least none that I know of) Sorry, I like the skill system. So I would assume this must be a subjective dislike in your case More kinds of cars would be just graphical bling with no game-play use. I am not interested in that. There are 5. One of each type (though minibike and motorbike could be called the same type). A tank would be overpowered. A truck would be useless as many players don't even use the additional inventory space of the 4x4 and prefer the motorbike for its better off-road handling. A boat may be in the future after water got an overhaul What else would you propose that would really provide new capabilities? TFP does not like to put in lots of identical things into the game that only look different. It is a design principle. You may not like it, but then there's modding for that. The size of each piece is never specified. It could be 1 gram, 1 ounce, 200 grams... Yes, they don't seem to be fans of that type of gameplay. I fully agree, I hated the fishing minigame in World of Warcraft. As I said, water got overhauled. A benefit of the game still being in development 😉 Mine closes correctly This and your info that your game hangs on closing looks to me like you should clear your settings in the tools tab in the launcher. Sadly TFP didn't put much effort in making the different alphas compatible to each other. Whenever you change between major alphas you should clear your settings in the launcher. Really! This is something where I am dissatisfied with TFP myself. There are more possible causes of random object errors and posting in the General Support section of the forum may help in finding the cause. But I can guarantee you that normally players do not have those object errors all the time. Maps are shared in multiplayer from server to client. Or are you talking about map reveal, i.e. fog of war? Balanced for solo? I would say the game is balanced for group play and the 5 different "classes" you can choose points to that as well. All classes except for agility have a talent that is useful for the group. They have the best excuse, they obviously want to create their own novel solutions to everything. You can see that in all parts of the game. They don't want to make clones of other games or a game that looks like a cross between games A,B and C. If you want to play 10 games that all have the same mechanics in slightly different graphics, then you'll find lots of examples on steam. I never have downloaded an alpha of 7 days to die and thought to myself: "Hey, this part just like game X now". And I consider that a very very good thing.
  5. Last time I tried to paint my base I was shocked myself how few (and ugly) options I had. I opted for maximum cringeworthiness at the time because beauty was not available 😉. I didn't find colors at all, just textures and don't even know if I just missed some menue or this is really all. So I understand the desire to get some good looking alternatives to what is available. I just don't know what compromises have to be taken to make that possible (for example performance or maybe textures lost for the POI designers?) and with my limited knowledge I don't see any obvious flimsy excuse by the developers. The limited knowledge is half me having only vague theoretical knowledge in that area and also me not having knowledge about the constraints of this specific game.
  6. Vanilla is geared heavily to new players whatever you want to call them. And I have heard even old players confess they don't know about some ways to acquire resources. RipClaw just confessed to not knowing about how to get mechanical parts with a stone axe and I didn't know that either. I know I can get pipes from sinks and generally by looting containers, but I would have to look it up to know which other blocks (if there are any) in the game I have to destroy to get a pipe without a wrench. I think you can't disagree with the statement "There are **some** players for which making pipes out of scrap iron would be a difference". By the way, I myself, not at all new player, occasionally had to search for pipes and other resources in any stage of the game because I was trying to build a subbase in another town and was looking through POIs just for a few items I needed. Maybe even at night because I came to that town just before nightfall and (unprepared as I was) I needed the pipes or whatever else to not stand around useless. Scrap iron is literally everywhere (besides scrap iron nodes almost everything made from metal gets you scrap iron). Pipes, glue, mechanical and electrical parts, cloth, leather, paper are all stuff you have to do some looking around for. It is not at all difficult for an experienced player, the knowledge is there for anyone with an open eye. It is the difference between fairly easy and trivial A20 is (almost) history. But even if we consider A20 only there is no telling on what information new players stumble on. Most new players don't read a journal and I would assume lots of them get random bits of knowledge by pure chance. They might get the info where to get pipes a long time before the knowledge how to make a forge or a long time later.
  7. military clothing includes apparelArmyPants and apparelArmyShirt according to the XML. So it is doing what it is supposed to do. So the question is whether armor is a sub-category of clothing in some supported languages.
  8. I have no idea whether their argument is correct. But your logic is faulty here: The option and mods to change zombie numbers does not influence the performance of the default setting. But for example if it is necessary to add more bits to block data to store more textures then that immediately changes default vanilla as well, whether it is used or not. Making something moddable is work. It took about 19 alphas until Localization.txt mods were sent from server to clients. We can definitely conclude texture modding was not high on their agenda.
  9. It is only if you know that pipes come from toilets and sinks (which new players do not) AND have found a toilet or sink (which means entering a potentially zombie-infested house). Getting scrap is easier.
  10. Re progression: Read the changelog of A21 on the first page of the dev diary. Especially read about the recipe change to magazines and think about what that means to RNG. The new recipe system makes real RNG in respect to recipes a thing of the past. You might be a little faster or slower in learning cooking recipes if you find a few magazines more or less, but you will learn them in a specific order and almost automatically. Not much RNG left here and a smooth progression.
  11. Many know of the bug. So? Bugs get fixed eventually and the OPs frustration was NOT about this bug. After you shoot a bow it needs time to reload. If you switch in that time the reload doesn't happen. Which is exactly the same with guns when they have to reload. The disadvantage is obvious, the advantage is though that you can always interrupt a reload when you get into an oh-@%$# situation and for example have to switch to a different weapon immediately.
  12. Likely your character data on the server is damaged. Ask the server operator to delete your player data on the server. Then login again, you will be level 0 again. If you were high level already the server operator can give you xp and items so you are back at the level you were before.
  13. You reached them, they read the forum. But they don't necessarily reply. And I have never seen them reply to offensive posts.
  14. We are from that universe where the developer decides how his game works and from that same universe where 7D2D is not Skyrim. The developer already gave you a hint that this is not a bug, they moved your bug report to the "not a bug" section.
  15. A very important effect of ALL weapons is that they have spread. That spread is displayed through the targetting or aiming circle that shrinks when you aim. If for example you shoot for the head and the circle is twice as big as the head of the zombie then you will only have a 50% chance to hit. You can shrink the spread through aiming but also through perking into that weapon (not 100% sure though), and getting better quality weapons and specific mods. Get yourself a composite bow and you will see that you will be hitting much more consistently than with a primitive bow.
  16. The game is constantly saving data and that makes killing the game a dangerous task. If you are logging in to a server then ask the server operator to delete your player data on the server. Then log in as a level 0 again, the server operator can give you xp and items so you are back at the level you were before. If this doesn't work or you have more questions, please use the "General Support" section of the forum and read the pinned thread that tells you to read it. It tells you how you can provide relevant information.
  17. Whatever your issue is, it doesn't seem to be the same as the other posters in this thread. It would have been wiser to start a new thread. 7D2D has to do some Unity memory housekeeping tasks from time to time. The head developer of 7D2D determined that for gameplay it would be the least disruptive if this happened when trying to access the inventory. This is a delay that can be as long as 2 seconds on older CPUs. I get it as well.
  18. The distance of that version number to 1.0 has no meaning at all. They could release 1.0 tomorrow or in 200 years, no matter how low or high that number is. There are also different types of version numbers. 0.252 could either mean subversion 2, subsubversion 5, subsubsubversion 2. Or it could mean subversion number 252 !
  19. Windows 8? It may have less RAM usage but I doubt TFP is still testing the game with it
  20. A few alphas ago when madmole was still posting frequently I think he often said that they don't want business advice from us. They surely have heard of DLCs before. They surely know their options, including this one. I also agree with Riamus that should they ever think about producing DLCs, they should produce DLCs with real content instead of cosmetic DLC, because even cheap cosmetic DLCs cost money to produce and that money is essentially thrown out of the window and generate discontent among part of the player base. Better to produce a sensible DLC to get the money to produce that same sensible DLC. If you are asking whether they have the money to produce the DLC before getting the money for the DLC, then the answer is almost surely yes. They just hired another team to make a second game, they don't show any signs of scraping banana peels out of garbage cans. This also falls unter the topic: "Not our business"
  21. Usually when the game itself has problems you see something in the log. On the other hand, if you don't see anything in the log it most often is because of "external" problems like windows settings, not enough memory or some anti-virus stuff. In your case nothing is in the logs so you should check windows if there is any error showing up there. The program to check windows errors and warnings is called eventvwr. If you don't find anything in the logs then memory is a likely culprit. Your log shows that you are using 9G of memory for heap (=dynamic data) alone. I looked for a comparable log of another SP game here in "General Support" and he used only 4G of heap (with 20.6). This is far from conclusive, just a hint it might be actually memory-related. You could check by playing a smaller world than 10k but that would mean starting a new game for unknown gain. You should make sure you have no browsers or other programs running while playing the game. You SHOULD specifically check that you have have "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives checkbox" checked in the performance settings of windows and that you have at least a few dozen Gig free space on your main SSD or hard disk (where windows itself is located). And you should check that the games program and savegame folders are excluded from your anti-virus
  22. This suggest you are using a different character encoding than the rest of the Localization file. Are you on Windows, Mac or Linux? Which editor program do you use?
  23. Yes, renaming is one way, but awful if you switch between both games often. My method is to copy the whole game directory to somewhere else (outside steam), add the mods to that directory and start the game directly instead of through steam. Advantage Nr. 1: You can even play different game versions that way. Advantage Nr. 2: You always have a vanilla version in steam that you can safely update and use to make more copies. And what I do manually here is done automatically for you if you use Sphereii's mod launcher http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ Think of mods just like a new alpha of the game. You won't be able to play on an alpha19 server with an alpha20 client, and even if you could you would immediately run into bugs and problems. A mod changes the game just like a new alpha does, only not as much.
  24. Please use the "Discussions and Requests" forum section for this, the "Mods" section is for mod authors to announce their mods. (Thread moved)
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