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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I don't care as long as it is from a time where some malfunction occurs and it is all the logs there are. If you play locally and the malfunction actually occurs then there is only one logfile, if you login into a different machine (dedicated or not) there are two logfiles, server and client. We generally want to see the complete picture. You can simply ask the launcher to show you the gamesave directory and there should be the logs as well in the newest versions of 7d2d. Or you could simply search your hard disk for any files called "output_log_*". Or start a game and then search for files with the current date in the name
  2. Yes, it actually was. I didn't mention where that reason came from because I assumed the MS involvement was generally known. But Microsofts reasons for locking down that folder are very probably those I listed. And partly this is for clean design and stability but mostly for security reasons. Also I am sure that TFP didn't put up much of a fight here because they would have the same reasons for wanting a separation of their install and any additional content, for example for easier support. And security often has a tradeoff with comfort, but hands up if you prefer your PC and mail account getting hacked from time to time. PS: Any of you remember how it was in Windows98 where everyone was installing libraries into the windows system dir, what that did to stability and security?
  3. Huh? All the changes to 7D2D paths in A20 were for one reason: To not need to write into the installation dir (except to install or update the base game) ! The installation dir should only be writable with admin rights. That is why the new path for logfiles is not in the installation dir anymore. And this is also why the Mods folder moved out of the installation dir
  4. It won't kill the game on console because the main focus of the game is on co-op play. But it can't hurt to ask for such an option. (And if it isn't in the first console version that comes out then it can't hurt to ask again, just saying) Though isn't it possible to attach keyboard and mouse on the xbox? Would that give that unfair advantage too? And a PC with controller should not have that advantage, right? In that case the option would better be to turn off keyboard for everyone in the game, no matter the platform.
  5. Please use pastebin.com or a similar service to post your complete logfile. And then just post a link to it here.
  6. I'm very sure it is the same location vanilla stores its worlds and saves. Notice there are world definition files AND gamesaves and they are separate. And you have to backup only the gamesave if you fear crashes, because only the gamesave is written to on a constant basis. In windows you would normally find gamesaves, worlds, even logfiles now, below C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie
  7. I'm pretty sure that Fataal, as head developer, can just follow his creative impulse and try things out. But I would guess that everyone on the TFP team can do that from time to time(?) And as head developer he can shelf that idea again until a raft seems like just the item that is missing from the game or other conditions like better water physics have been implemented. Think of game developers as artists not just production workers, at least if they are on small teams or the person is high in the hierarchy.
  8. Mods work identical in Linux than in windows. Maybe a difference is that in linux lower/upper case is important. The mods folder should have the name "Mods", not "mods" If that is not your problem you have to tell us more. What did you do? Where is your Mods folder, which mod did you install? What does your logfile say?
  9. Ah, ok. I forgot (or never heard of) that UI change. I even looked for the feature on the first page before posting but looked in the wrong place
  10. What is the use of lesser quality levels being easier to be crafted when you absolutely can't because the UI has no way to select a previous quality level? Remember the problem that in A20 you could, by simply advancing your crafting make yourself unable to craft a weapon or tool because it now needed more resources? I can think of two solutions to this without changing the UI: 1) Crafting quality also depends on the amount of resources you have in your inventory or 2) all quality levels need the same amount of resources.
  11. I would guess those solutions are all too much special code for something only sometimes relevant in unsupported configurations. I think the teleport will just not work if all spots are filled. Or the car is teleported out of the compound just like players at night (because the code for that is already there, it just needs to be turned on for vehicles as well)
  12. Just compare it to how you use gasoline or acid in this game. Those liquids are shown to be in containers but you never see or have or craft an empty gas or acid container. The icon is just to tell you this is acid through showing a liquid in a container labeled acid. In other words it is assumed you always have enough containers with you to store liquids. Just like it is assumed you have to "go to the toilet" from time to time, but that detail is just not simulated in the game.
  13. Post your client log of the attempt when you waited one hour. We can then compare it with a successful login. The next line which we don't see is probably mentioning the program part that prevents you from login in Also, if you make a new attempt, after you waited a while, press the return key. If I remember correctly this actually helped me login once. Though, was it just an coincidence? My guess was that there might be a condition where the program tries to read from the console.
  14. I don't think it is similar to the Telltale partnership. I think they could be doing much of the development in-house. That is possible because the new consoles are much closer to PC in terms of performance and architecture. I know of the network guy they hired a year ago doing the work to get registered on the other platforms (including eventually getting cross-platform to work). I don't know who is doing the UI for console but that may be just the same guy who did the PC UI. The publisher they made a deal with now is possibly only a hired service instead of an independent licensee and his job is to talk to Sony and MS and do the management on the console front. They may or may not provide programmers as well, don't know.
  15. Just an idea: One way he could achieve this would be moving calculations to the clients. For example **IF** zombie pathing currently is all done on the server, in his mod each client might do the pathing for the zombies summoned by that clients player.
  16. I would think it is quite possible, but one has to test it to really know. I haven't modded in a long time, so take my words with a grain of salt. The first step is to change qualityinfo.xml to add more quality levels and the colors shown for them. Then change all the items you want with higher quality levels: 1) Check if that item in items.xml has lines like with "tier=..." in it, those lines refer to quality level. Example: <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkMiner69r"/> <!-- tier bonus --> ---> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.9" tier="2,10" tags="perkMiner69r"/> <!-- tier bonus --> Even those where you don't want to have changes for your added quality tiers you should at least specify the tier, otherwise the line would be ignored for your new levels. Example: <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,2,3,4" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/> ---> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,2,3,4" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"/> or <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,2,3,4,4,4,4,4" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"/> AFAIK the two changed lines are equivalent because the last value in "value=..." is just continued, if there are more "tier" than "value" values, but the latter line is safer if you don't want to test it out. Next you need to make sure that the items can be found. Check out loot.xml and add some lines below the line "<!-- *** Loot_Quality_Templates -->" so that starting at a specifc lootlevel you will find your new quality levels, example: <qualitytemplate level="140,149" default_quality="1"> <loot quality="1" prob="0.426"/> <loot quality="2" prob="0.313"/> <loot quality="3" prob="0.33"/> <loot quality="4" prob="0.448"/> <loot quality="5" prob="0.643"/> <loot quality="6" prob="1"/> </qualitytemplate> --> <qualitytemplate level="140,149" default_quality="1"> <loot quality="1" prob="0.426"/> <loot quality="2" prob="0.313"/> <loot quality="3" prob="0.33"/> <loot quality="4" prob="0.448"/> <loot quality="5" prob="0.643"/> <loot quality="6" prob="0.68"/> <loot quality="7" prob="1"/> </qualitytemplate> This means that starting with your lootstage 140 you would have a very small chance finding quality 7 level items. I.e. multiply all previous roll-fails (1-0.426)*(1-0.313)*(1-0.33)... and you have the chance to find a level 7 item instead of a lower level item at that stage If you also want to add it to trader inventories, check out trader.xml and make appropriate changes there too
  17. Yes, but 3 more zombies will not change that perceptibly. You would get 3 lookalikes instead. That is the point I am making: If they don't add dozens of new zombies players will still complain about not enough variation. I am constantly lying to myself. Very healthy, keeps one sane.
  18. If they add 3 more models you will kill only say 800 bikers and Arlenes and 800 of any of the new zombies. Is that a big difference? Some of them simply looked very different when they got replaced with the HD model, for example the prostitute simply got replaced by a less controversial woman in revealing dress. I can only remember the farmer and the nurse that went away without replacement. For many here the constantly changing things are the most important reason why we play each new alpha. TFP has to disappoint either your "group" or mine.
  19. I'm perfectly fine with the low count of zombies, I consider them archetypes and I know exactly that a punch from archetype "granni" hurts more than the one from archetype "Arlene" so I prioritze killing granni while staying out of reach. Much more tactical than hundreds of different zombies I would have to treat equally because I couldn't identify them. Everyone who says he just needs 3 more variants to be happy is practically lying to himself because 3 more variants would not change anything for immersion. You really would need dozens of new zombies to make them look like individuals. And that is something the GTA developers can do easily without adding another 2 years but probably not TFP. Especially not when the new zombies need new animations as well.
  20. Ah, nostalgia. I'm glad it is gone. It was a very unpractical way of separating out a too large part of the goods into an unsorted secondary list. Whenever you went to the trader you wasted time because you always had to check that second list for any stuff you wanted. If you wanted ammo for example you looked in the general ammo category but then had to look up and search the stash for ammo again. If at all, the "secret" items should have been a handful at max and real premium items at a premium price you could only afford if you specifically saved dukes for that purpose.
  21. When a trader gets killed an exclamation mark should appear in his place that can reset the trader POI just like quest POIs. That way a trader + compound could be vulnerable. And the tech to do this is already in the game.
  22. I could not find or access it. But steam discussion board seems to have had problems half an hour ago, maybe that had something to do with it.
  23. A test of resolve. This separates **real** streamers from the streamer-wannabees
  24. There doesn't need to be an error. A program waiting endlessly for some signal that never comes or doing something in a loop without ever reaching the end condition is as broken as one that displays an error. I have problems interpreting the logfile because of all the log entries produced by mods, so the following is half guessing. It is entirely possibly I read something completely wrong as the results are puzzling: In the client logfile I see you trying to connect to the server at 13:03 but immediately failing. Then at 13:31 you try to connect per IP address and seem to succeed, but the logfile stops before important stuff happens. How long have you waited until giving up? Is the client logfile complete, i.e. is " The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'P_Holo_Planet_03') is missing!" really the last line in there if you look at the original? The server logfile seems to indicate that you left the game running overnight but started the savegame at 13:39, so it wouldn't be a surprise that you couldn't connect at 13:03, but a big surprise that the 13:31 attempt seems to go further. But again the logfile stops before the server is even finished loading the world. Are the clocks on both those PCs in sync?
  25. If we look at the way TFP "announces" new pictures we can conclude that when they post something on ANY channel they feel their duty done and leave it to highly skilled web blabbermouths like us to disseminate the news. 😉
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