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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. You could ask a new player (lots of them turn up in the forum and some say they are). Just ask him how much money he had on day 2. You would be surprised.
  2. He might be saying that all survival games try to make the resources scarce (at least the ones that are in the game). And according to MM that was one of the reasons for this change. So water scarcity for the first 5 days is full survival game and drought simulator for you? To me it still feels like survival light. Even some of the critics have complained, I quote, "it is trivial"
  3. Can you explain why it is backing off and not simply balancing that was done?
  4. Xpath is how you change the xml files without changing them 😁. The rest is trivial to find out: Where to put your files and what to call them you can easily find out by looking at some other mod.
  5. It may be trivial to a veteran player but it isn't something you can just ignore. My group is at day 5 and we have enough to drink finally but not enough for our glue demand yet. And before that I was running around at 25% water and seriously avoiding combat because my stamina regen was low and we didn't find enough water in the POIs for the 4 of us. Then I bought a vitamin and filled myself up at a pond. And frankly that is all what TFP tried to accomplish. A problem to overcome in the first days and a solved problem afterwards. Getting enough to eat, getting a wrench, a beaker and a crucible are other built-in mini-quests you solve eventually. And I expect many new players to have a lot of problems with water and food at the start of the game.
  6. Two posts I have never read in the forum: "gas cans disappearing after using them isn't very immersive or real feeling to me" "setting up a workbench, then having it produce stuff without anyone operating it is immersion breaking and just weird" What I am saying is that the invisible jars and the dew collector seem only strange because they are new. The game already had lots of invisible containers (for gasoline, acid, oil, ...) and machinery operating without operator and electricity. There may be some misunderstanding here: Water stacks up to 10 (like it did for a long time). So simply take a stack of 10 water with you when you go out 3 days. Better yet, make tea and take a stack of that with you
  7. Help can be found in the "General Support" section. Be sure to read the thread that tells you to read it before posting
  8. You did but hundreds of others had to pay for a filter. I think TFP is fine with the occasional hamster escaping the treadmill 😁
  9. If a zombie got the first shot then he was better at stealth than you. 😁
  10. What you want is a hardware store. Garages main boost would probably be for vehicle magazines.
  11. The RPG-style progression was always "in the cards" for this game. If your goal in building is to survive the bloodmoon horde then cobblestone is quite on par with the horde you get at that time and not useless. And since it is upgradable it also isn't a dead-end. If your goal in building is artistic though you should turn on creative menu. The same goes if you are megalomaniac builder without time 😉
  12. Sorry, my mistake. I always misread "drone" as an alias for all the robotic weapons. I actually called up wikipedia just now to educate me what "drone" really means. But when that weapon has subpar damage what is the difference to an unperked rifle or shotgun then? If INT is really underpowered then the perk advantages for the turret should be slowly increased until it fits. But I don't think it is. You seem to want that the INT player is on par with other attributes in combat. But that is not the goal for INT: INT plays differently and in most alphas INT was the absolute killer attribute because of the trader perks. INT combat may not be balanced but the attribute as a whole is very much balanced with the other attributes if not actually OP.
  13. There was no change to healing factor compared to previous alphas. Also healing factor does not give hit points for free: You are paying each regained health point with food, i.e. you are actually getting hungry faster if you have healing factor and are below max health.
  14. Drinking murky water will damage you, the vitamin is only preventing the dysentery. You should have a first aid kit with you when you do this
  15. I think that isn't cast in stone. Sure, MP will always have some advantage. The synergy of finding something only the other needs is always there (this includes items and books and magazines). And the ability to pool money for expensive stuff is also something the single player will never have. But apart from that looting by itself is quite balanced between SP and MP. A single player can loot about as much as someone in a group in MP. He is slower in clearing a POI but he got all loot for himself, and the group of 8 players would need to clear 8 POIs in the same time to get the same loot amount as the single player **per player**. If it weren't for the quest rewards and the shared XP the group of 8 players might only catch up to the SP if they split up and each would do his own quest! In my own experience with 4 players we are naturally faster at clearing a quest POI than a single player, but not at 4 times the speed. So the task of SP/MP balancing for TFP is to tune the quest rewards and shared XP so that it still gives an incentive to quest together but that synergies and the boost of quest rewards together are just a bit better than what a single player would get.
  16. Can happen when people need to guess. Maybe provide some details: What day is it in your game? (And are you playing on normal daylength?). What is the average level of you guys? What is the highest number of a specific magazine read by anyone of you? What is the number of magazines read for the respective main melee weapon for each of your 8 guys? Tell us details and everyone here can either tell you that there is either something bugged, that the game is truely imbalanced or that your expectations are wrong or ....
  17. Well, I did not get that it was sarcasm. And it should have been clear from my attempts at making sense of it that I wasn't. That is the danger of employing sarcasm or irony. If the other doesn't get it you should be prepared to clear it up, half the discussion was only about this misunderstanding
  18. You were warned that experimental ist not for the squeamish. 💪 😎💪 😁
  19. If I remember correctly there is a command, givexp. Added in one of the later A20 versions
  20. The game is setup for 1 to 8 players. If the players actually cooperate then 8 players will probably be ~5 times faster at crafting progression than a single player. And a major reason is that 8 players get 8 times the quest rewards for a quest than a single player and in each quest reward is a guaranteed magazine pack. While the amount of magazines they found in the POI is fixed no matter how many players there are. I am playing in a group of 4 and we hardly had any time in the game. We are just on day 4 or 5 and I can craft tier 1 quality 5 weapons while loot is somewhere at tier0 quality 3. Though the progress is very random, it seems I was lucky with the drops. So for me the conclusion is that TFPs decision to put less magazines into the quest reward is absolutely correct and severly needed. And I except they need to reduce it even further. My suggestion would be to change the magazine reward into showing the specific magazines you get, because then players in large groups will more often select a different reward that benefits them directly instead of picking the magazines that someone else wants.
  21. The shrinking circle you see when you aim is the actual circle of possible hit locations (though in the case of bows the ballistic flight path comes into play as well) . This is similar to shooters who have accuracy as a weapon stat.
  22. [I moved this topic out of the console section. Please check where you are posting] Don't try to find a filter in loot, it is a very rare find. Save up 1500 Dukes and buy it from the trader.
  23. Not sure if you are aware that hitting in this game is also governed by RPG rules. I.e. in a pure shooter game only player skill comes into play. If your mouse points correctly at the head you hit the head, always. In a pure RPG hit or no hit is determined by the roll of a dice, the player only can influence the likelyhood of hitting by getting better weapons or skills. 7D2D is a mix. You really have to point your arrow or gun at an enemy or you won't have any luck at all. But then the game randomly determines where in a circle around the location you are pointing to the arrow really hits. The primitive bow at quality 0 is an absolute atrocity and you have to be fairly close to the target to have a chance. But that will make it only sweeter when you find or craft better quality bows or higher tier bows. I am saying this in case it wasn't a bug you are experiencing.
  24. Many players can only fight and do quests in the daytime at first because running zombies are a big challenge at start. There are a few activities they can still do in the night, even without a workbench. * Dig a mine shaft to ground level. When I do that I often light the path with torches which I setup in nooks. * Sort the findings of the day, cook the food that I can, cook the water. * One trick I sometimes do is clear a (quest) POI from zombies in daylight but leave the loot, then hack away any accessways to the first floor and loot the building in the night. If you take a few torches with you and leave lights alone that are already installed you should be able to do that as well * If you are a builder, making your (probably temporary) crafting base look nicer is another way to do something useful in the night. I usually need quite some time to create enough space for all the containers and workstations I want to place. * Farming can be done in a garden, or on top of a POI. As I always use a POI as (first or permanent) crafting base I often have to clear away the roof of that POI to make a level platform for my farm plots. Placing torches in your case would make this possible for you as well. Workstations and farm plots can later be moved to somewhere else, so even if this place is only temporary you can start immediately with a farm without having to craft the plots again in your new location PS: If I had a severe case of night blindness I might actually choose to turn on creative mode to give me night vision googles (or a helmet light mod) without feeling I had cheated myself to them.
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