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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Rumor has it there is a "General Support" section in this forum. Just saying ... 😎
  2. You don't need to do quests. You can just loot buildings, craft and build.
  3. "so long as it doesn't affect other players" which it usually does when you change game mechanics. I would say the game as it is balanced now rewards team play when you play in a team. What you seem to propose is balancing it so you can be as effective as a selfish person in a team which would mean there would be no incentive for team play. That would affect everyone. Well sure, if we are talking about min/maxing and perfect play. In reality many players waste hundreds of opportunities for getting XP and still have fun. I usually am up to 10 levels behind our INT/trader/xp whore player in our group by the time we cross level 50. Guess what, it doesn't matter, since we don't play PvP I don't feel any hindrance and usually one of the guys with more levels gets killed a lot more than I do. And I am not sure if you wrote this before reading the rest of my post, but I have shown that a builder would get the better tools at exaclty the same time, independant of who reads the tools magazines. So your point is about xp gain, but not about magazines and cooperation at all. And since you don't get the tool any earlier when the looter brings back the magazines instead of the ability to craft the better tool, that point is not about magazines at all. Ah, so what you really want to say is that you are missing the progression shortcut by putting all points into miner69er and craft a quality3 iron pickaxe on say day 2 or have that lucky find in a trunk? Am I right in assuming this is the issue? Since that is gone you builders have to follow a rather slow tool progression like everyone else (Or do you think the PER player is happy about using a hunting rifle at first?). Well ok, if XP gathering now proves to be much slower for builders than for looters then surely TFP can increase the XP gain from upgrading blocks or hitting blocks until it is balanced for everyone. Nothing to do with magazines. Apart from that you should not be surprised that the game by default wants everyone to follow the progression.
  4. The cookie was created as a negative reaction (AFAIK) but a lot of people don't know or assume differently and I have received it as a positive as well as a negative reaction on occasion. So I ignore it as well. The Prime ones can easily be identified by their hover text. knuckle rub is a Roland original and he should be asked about its exact meaning. The Afraid icon is sometimes used by Blake_ (or Jost Amman?) to probably express shock. No one else seems to be using it, ever.
  5. No surprise, people get testy in your presence. Pun intented 😁
  6. The emojis actually might have helped, there are a lot of foreign language people here who have problems understanding the nature of a comment
  7. Yes. Maybe there will be even groups where the looter just puts magazines in storage chest somewhere and asks the builder to collect them at this place. But generally I think magazines are the "gold" of early scrounging while you don't need lead or brass this early in the game. I'm sure most groups will leave other stuff behind in storage chests and bring back the magazines that the others need. Figuring out what magazine does what is just a learning process of a few hours or days. Similar to books, I don't think anyone who played 7d2d has a problem with immediately associating "The Art of Mining" book icon with the strength player/builder.
  8. Sure, the learning curve may extend to two playthroughs. Replayable games are fun because you can always learn something new and apply it to the next run. And sure there will be a few idiots who won't learn anything from it. Should the game be balanced for them? Or for the majority (probably) who knows how to play co-op and learns how to put down a few storage chests in the streets to combat full inventories. Tools really are a bad example because it **really** doesn't matter who learns to craft them. The builders won't have any disadvantages if the looter simply reads the tools magazines and crafts the new tools as soon as he is able to. There isn't even any additional delay because either the looter comes back with magazines in the evening or with the ability to craft the tool. And since progression is smoother now he will just get a scrap pickaxe of quality 4 when he is already using a quality 3 scrap pickaxe at a minimum. The only person who could feel bad about this is a player who wants to be a crafter as main occupation or wants the satisfaction of crafting his tools by himself. But crafter as main job wasn't really an option in A20 and won't be one in A21. Xp and xp sharing has nothing to do with the topic of magazines and crafting progression. Even idiot looters who don't understand co-op and read all magazines will happily craft the better tools for the builders at home as soon as they come home (which would be the same time as the intelligent looters would return home to drop off the magazines needed by builders for crafting their better tools). Tools crafted by idiot looters are exactly as good and sharp as tools crafted by builders themselves 😉
  9. At least you have the realistic option of flying over the date line and get the game one day earlier 😎😁 In A20 you needed the steel sledgehammer book before you could craft any. Whether you find an item or can craft it was very random but skewed to finding it first in A20. In A21 the progression should be smoother with more steps of upgrade and easier to balance for TFP. So likely you will get to craft better weapons a lot more than in A20. The trader will sell parts more often than complete weapons, so this is another step in the direction for more crafting This is an often discussed topic with many players very much for or against it. TFP seems to have decided to make items easily repairable, but there surely will be a few mods that will provide that game mechanic
  10. What a few forum posters here were saying was that there were players who didn't like how crafting was (actually in response to your "Nobody wanted this" if I recall correctly). What they didn't say was that this change was done **because** of those players not liking it. TFP could see the disadvantages of the old crafting system as well as many players. And so crafting was changed.
  11. You are correct that the looter could as well read the tool books and craft the tools, because that is done in a second. But I don't think the looter will be happy when he his asked back to base every 10 minutes even in daytime because the builder needs a few new traps, someone wants some more meds crafted or the food ingredient box is full and someone needs to start a serious cooking session? Oh, and the farmer asks to come back because he can't craft the seeds and the looter should please come back for that. This may also be the moment when the farmer says to the looter that he'll be looking for a new group where he can actually work as a farmer. Maybe then the looter has learned his lesson. This isn't about social niceness. The looter obviously doesn't want to farm and cook and build but if he doesn't bring back those magazines no one else will do it.
  12. I am sure you do. The first thing you should train your four-legged friend is to remember the forum password for you 😁
  13. [I moved this thread to an appropriate section] It may be better to ask the author of the mod launcher directly. But in any case, without a much better description what is happening you won't have much luck getting a meaningful answer.
  14. I practically put that mod on ignore because I only had relatively weak CPU and GPU in my PC. Now that I upgraded the CPU (and maybe the GPU will follow suit) this mod looks like we will become close friends soon.
  15. That was at a time where occlusion of hidden blocks wasn't built into the game. Theoretically caves should not matter anymore to terrain rendering or at least not much. There was a mod though I assume it cost a lot of FPS. As I am an enthusiastic POI-destroyer at times I would love to have burning blocks. Think of the wooden trap buildings you could build solely to burn them when lots of zombies are inside.
  16. 5800h is a mobile CPU. Even if it is geared towards high-performance there are still physical limits your laptop can't ignore. Heat dissipation just does not allow your laptop to reach the same performance as a full PC and you have to tune your settings accordingly. There is one bug with window blocks costing too much performance in cities that has been fixed in A21. So those drops in cities will likely not happen or not be as strong as in A20. But in my experience even in A20 those drops can easily be avoided if you turn off shadows completely.
  17. Not necessarily. I think his idea was that the game creates new blocks with their own ids on the fly from the basic blocks whenever such a block is created. Afterwards the block would be indistinguishable from a block that had been defined from the start. It would require code to geometrically add together the shapes that define a block (i.e. shape itself and hit boxes), obviously a feature that would require intricate knowledge of how unity defines blocks and I assume a lot of development time. But once there it would cost practically no overhead using the created blocks or complexity in how blocks are represented.
  18. At least for A20 early crops can be very useful. Since you find recipes randomly there is always a chance for you being able to cook advanced recipes. And if you spec into STRENGTH and put points into Master Chef early then you also have advanced recipes relatively early in your game. Note I am just speaking generally. The game offers different solutions for some problems and food is no exception. You can get food from multiple sources and if other sources are sufficient then obviously there is no need for points into LotL. And usually veteran players have much less problems with food than novice players in early game.
  19. I am not saying it isn't a grind. I am just saying there is **also** an element of chance with Lotl1 where you can be surprised by an especially bad harvest. And then you may have to make a small decision whether to just keep waiting for that food type to be available again or maybe switch to a new dish for some time that does not depend on that food type. It might make you check out recipes again, which ones you can do and which ones are wasteful with the food type you have only a few of. All this isn't much but at least it is there, on top of the grind. (And TFP could increase the meaningful decisions if they changed some of the recipes, i.e. so it isn't always 2 corn and 2 potatos for all the higher tier foods. For example have some potato recipe better than grilled potato that uses 1 less corn or even no corn) If you are always playing Fortitude then that is a valid approach as you reach LotL3 relatively soon. I tend to spec into different attributes and at the time I would get LotL3 the game would have been in its last legs already and I definitely don't need a farm anymore. Most if not all potato and corn fields are in quest POIs and every town has them. I don't see any reason saving them up. If you are using LotL1 just to farm wild crops nobody is forcing you to make seeds out of them. That was the point of my remark, you can get lots of food just by gathering crops and then Lotl1 is a cheap way to double your result.
  20. Since I am one of the mods that said something similar you might refer to me in this paragraph. In that case you should know that I was paraphrasing what I heard TFP devs say and may have either be misunderstood by you, or using the wrong words or were even wrong myself interpreting their words (it was a long time ago, I don't know what exact words I used, just like you don't remember who said it). Whatever it was, to my knowledge they never said in any way that they ignore veterans. The only thing they said was that the vanilla game(!) with default settings(!) is always the game with which new players start and therefore has to be balanced around novice players. They never said they don't listen to veteran players and I got the impression they do react to novice and veteran players both, but naturally only as far as it doesn't interfere with their own plans. Yeah and surprise, crafting was just overhauled to be much more relevant. We just will never know how much of that is the result of player input or their own observation.
  21. Whenever you change major alphas you should clean your settings. If you are on steam you need to start the game launcher (steam asks you whether you want to start it or not). Then change to the "tools" tab in the launcher and select the last option there, "Clean ...". You might not need to clean everything to get your games to start, but your configuration at a minimum. For example you can often keep older worlds and savegames, but sometimes you need to remove them as well. Backup any savegames and worlds you like to keep IF you delete them as well.
  22. An accountant would point out that food is a lot more worth to you at the start of the game (as it is harder to come by). As soon as you are more mobile (minibike or motorcycle) the food value (for you) drops strongly as you can scavenge and buy a lot more food. Sort of the built-in inflation because of supply and demand. So 0.5 food at LOTL0 or 1.5 food at LOT1 on average could be more worth to you at the start of the game as 3.5 food from a seed at day 30. By the way, if anyone thinks LOTL1 is useless at the start of the game because he doesn't start a farm early should also take into account that even without a farm you get double the food from wild plants as well. I usually invest one of the 4 points I get from the initial quest into LOTL1. Each potato or corn farm is simply giving you twice as much, that seems worth it alone.
  23. Then let me explain that stupidity. All games except walking sims and cookie clickers give the player challenges to overcome. The only other sources of pleasure the player can derive from a game are graphics/sound, story and what is commonly called Instant Cratification. Those first two can be provided by movies as well, but unique to games are the challenges that directly involve the player by forcing him to react in meaningful ways. When a game developer makes something more difficult or not automatic or trivial to attain for the player may looks like he his working **against** the player. But in general players need those challenges to have prolonged fun with the game. A change to make something more difficult or dangerous for the player is in that way never a player-hostile change. Now it depends how you meant that "player-hostile". If you meant it as "this change works against the player and is therefore hostile to the player" and this is how I read it, then my comment is spot on. If you instead meant "player-hostile change" as a simple alias for "unfun change" and would have called something that makes say higher-tier weapons easier to get or animals easier to shoot as "player-hostile" too then yes, my reply does not fit. But then you invited this by using language that is easy to misinterpret. The return of farming is seed+food. Since food can be and usually some of it has to be converted back into seeds it is two sides of the same coin. Seed chance and food return was carefully balanced so that you get a surplus on average starting at LotL1, but there is still a random chance for some food types to have a bad harvest and getting scarce making you react. For example through cooking of different and maybe even lesser foods you still have the ingredients for, or searching for the missing seeds or searching for ingredients or seeds that help you make different foods for a while. This is also why I don't understand players who keep seeds until they are at LotL3. They practically wait until farming is at its most boring and reduced to a grind. 😉 PS: IMHO realism had a very small part in deciding how to change farming and driving for TFP. They naturally will take any change that makes the game more realistic as a nice bonus on top, but as they said multiple times their main reason for any change is "is it more fun?". ..
  24. When they added zombies to the game, did some forum users complain about player-hostile changes too ? 😎 I had multiple games with farms and I never speced above LotL1 in SP. And all those "worthless" farms were giving me back lots of food. Did I do something wrong? Or is your need for safety and security just a bit too much for a **survival** game?
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