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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Yes. What you want to do is modify the properties of the vanilla scopes instead of creating new scopes. Properties of scopes are listed in item_modifiers.xml. For example the x2 scope is defined beginning at the line "<item_modifier name="modGunScopeSmall" ..." To change the data from a mod you need to use xpath commands "set" or "setAttribute" for example, see https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/7653-xpath-modding-explanation-thread You only need unity if you also want to change the look of the scopes. Someone else has to help you with that but I would suggest providing more details what exactly you want to do.
  2. Why shouldn't he ? There is a market for simulations.
  3. But the normal player WILL take quests and therefore get the quest reward and it has nearly the same effect as end loot. Roland was talking about the current situation (using present tense all through), not something introduced by any changes and he seems to say that currently end loot and trader rewards fill the same niche (they do almost as not all quests are clear quests). So not sure what you are saying here.
  4. 7D2D ist not a simulation. It does not try to be 100% realistic.
  5. If you ignore parts of the game it is your task to adapt the rest to be balanced again, just saying. And for A20 I would even say that removing the loot rooms would balance the game much much better for experienced players, they would not need to decrease the loot abundance setting anymore.
  6. We don't know the contents of their contract with the producer. TFP is in a different position now than it was with Telltale. With Telltale they were the small developer with not much experience who got an offer from a big publisher. Now they are the established developer and they were the active part in looking for a publisher and finding one whose name I didn't recognize. And they had a bad experience with what happens when you leave the control to someone else. I am pretty sure the new contract is different in a lot of aspects.
  7. Which will almost surely mean that it won't be this year IMHO. That is why they don't promise specific dates. They know they can't keep them if they give quality a higher priority than timeliness.
  8. For playing 7d2d 1080p is an advantage really. Screen resolution is a big factor for performance.
  9. Start the game launcher, change to tools tab, and use the last option there to clean your game settings
  10. Does it seem to be the button on the power supply itself (a button is a mechanical part and often wears out)? If you have more luck pressing it specific ways (like pressing the left side of the button instead of the right side) then it likely is. Or did the problem start immediately after installing the new GPU? In that case the power supply might be insufficient for the initial current draw of that card.
  11. Gern geschehen. Ich weiß nicht, obs Steam's Dateizahl-Anzeige einen Bug hat oder da unterschiedlich gespeichert wird. Ich weiß aber, daß ein vermutlich anderer Download-Bug dazu geführt hat, daß in trouble-shooting Anweisungen hier immer wieder empfohlen wird, gleich nach dem Download einer neuen alpha nochmal zu die Dateien zu verifizieren, damit eventuell fehlenden Dateien nachgeladen werden. Also hab ich kein Problem damit zu glauben, daß die Zahl nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Ich kann selbst auch nichts zur Klärung beitragen. Meine Dateianzahl ist 10383, aber ich spiele die Linux-Version und dadurch sind Unterschiede leicht erklärbar.
  12. Nur so als Hinweis: Es gibt hier in General Support einen gepinnten Thread der einem sagt, daß man ihn lesen soll. Darin wird zum Beispiel beschrieben, daß man pastebin nutzen kann um seinen logfile zu posten. Aber gut, google drive geht ja auch Die Probleme im logfile fangen an, wenn der eigene Character geladen wird, also die Spielerdaten. Auch daß die Probleme erst mittendrin und nicht nach einem Wechsel der Version oder einem Patch aufgetaucht sind, sprechen eher für die Spieldaten (gamesave, world data, player data) als für kaputte Programmdaten Wenn Luminate das Spiel startet, wird sie normalerweise gefragt, ob sie den launcher starten will. Da muss sie ja sagen und beim Launcher auf das Tools-Tab wechseln. Letzte Option unten ist "Säubern der Spieleinstellungen". Das anwählen und mindestens mal Charakterprofile löschen. (Vorsicht, wenn ihr Worlddaten oder savegames mit auswählt, wird auch euer aktuelles Spiel gelöscht). Dann muss sie wahrscheinlich wieder bei level 0 anfangen, aber mit der Konsole und dem Kommando giveselfxp und mit dem Creative Menue lässt sich der alte level, die gelesenen Bücher und Itembestand wiederherstellen. Wenn es ganz schlimm ist, muss eventuell mehr gelöscht werden. Aber erstmal das mit dem Säubern ausprobieren und wenn es nicht klappt, nochmal hier melden Und macht am besten vorher ein Backup eurer Welt- und savegame-Daten.
  13. That somehow reminds me of the other conditions the player can never be cured of completely, hunger and thirst. 😉. At the start of the game in vanilla it would be quite an accomplishment, but later in the game just another stack of items you regularily gulp down. I assume the mod changes the rules a bit to accomodate for that?
  14. I would recommend just selecting Faatals profile and then "See their activity" and reading everything he posted in the last year to get maybe 90% of the official information you are after (i.e. implementation details). If you want to get the last 10% as well, read Rolands post until Dezember and Crator Creators posts starting in January I think, but you will also get a lot of duplicate information this way.
  15. I was trying to convey a simple fact of programming to a non-coder. I was suggesting that the bigger a project gets the more time you need to add or change a part (of the same size).
  16. Which cooks are already on an unfinished ship on the docks? Yes, changing the galley around is much more of a task than changing anything in software. But similarities remain, changing something in software often makes adaptations to surrounding structures necessary and inserting code isn't as easy as starting with that code from the beginning would have been. It costs more time the more the rest of the code already is done. In a vessel you simply wouldn't do most of the changes because of the costs, the magnitude is certainly different. Changing around plans after starting the work is almost never done. But if it were done you would need more time replacing a galley with another one than building that galley from the start.
  17. No. You are presuming that numbers are stored as texts. But internally and in binary data structures on disk all numbers are usually already stored as binary. Only in xml files would numbers be stored wastefully as texts. But check out the POIs for example, there is one xml file and two binary files for each POI and texture data is not in the xml. World data is also stored in binary files and because they have to constantly write to them (in the save game) they can't be stored as compressed data (which is way to store text data efficiently but at the cost of computing power for compressing and decompressing). You get 256 values into a single byte (i.e. 2^8) and 65536 values into 2 bytes of space (2^16). That scheme you are suggesting here is identical to storing color as a separate number. It needs free bits in the block definition, i.e. the problem I was talking about previously. The question you should be asking is how big (in bytes) the atlasses are that 7D2D is using and how many textures are stored in there right now.
  18. Not what I was trying to convey. But I would agree that it is a big alpha, like all the later alphas have been.
  19. It is similar to building a galley of a specific size for a ship: It is just the time to build one when you start out, but if you try to insert a galley once the ship is almost finished you have a lot more work to do. From removing all the stuff of the old galley to putting every part of the new galley at the right place. And it is even more work when the size or location of the new galley is different
  20. I posted the same suggestion a few years ago to TFP (i.e. make 2 or 3 versions of a POI to generally confuse players who think they know a POI). Whatever you all say that suggestion is quite workable because the effort is minimal compared to making a new POI. In effect you just need to make a hole into one wall and close of a path somewhere else. If you have ever played a game with a labyrinth of revolving walls you would know how such a small change can have big consequences about the path. This would be a similar effect. The new path is not totally different, you just switched the sequence of two parts of the path. But you can make almost any room to be end room. On the other hand the effect these 2 or 3 variations would have isn't too big either. If I can remember the layout of 700 PIOs I can remember 3 variations of each POI and would soon know where to look to identify which version it is. I can understand that TFP did not follow this suggestion (if they even noticed my post or thought of it independently that is)
  21. Ok, so my guess was wrong, but memory constraints actually were part of the reason. Thanks CC for the actual facts.
  22. 3. Make a bug report. If the POI with its non-standard size has no chance to be placed in random gen then I would consider that a bug.
  23. Thanks for the information, this mapping stuff I read about maybe once or twice years ago and there usually isn't much left of that knowledge. Just on the chance I didn't explain my point ver well: It isn't difficult to add color to a block graphically, but to have that color permanently on that block in the game needs the color information to be stored in world and savegame data for every block. Adding just 3 colors to a block needs 2 bits more to be stored in each and every block. I don't know how big each block is in storage, but likely 16 or 32 bits. And likely each bit already has a purpose. So adding just 1 bit would mean doubling the size of world data as they would have to jump to 32 or 64 bits per block. This has huge implications for internal RAM and cache usage on CPU and GPU, and the amount of data transfered between disk and RAM or RAM and GPU. In consequence a serious performance hit.
  24. Please do smash. And show us a video how that worked out 😁
  25. Ask the mod author. And don't remove mods when something isn't working, in most cases this will just make it worse. And are you sure you removed mods? The UI in your pictures is still heavily modded.
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