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Very bad Random Gen


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Skyscrapers are a known bug, and the generation was an intended decision... Tin has a mixer file that solves that.




..spend the time pregeneating to increase performance in game, or generate on the fly to get in faster but performance sucks.


I think they chose wisely.


I totally agree pregenerating is great for performance. Thats not the issue. The issue is that its pregenerating garbage.


I have not seen any dev or mod acknowlwdge missing cities and skyscrapers as a bug, have you?

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Then don't paint it. It's still random.


Some dude was just complaining about having nothing but burnt forest. Others complain about x. Some y. Others z.


Seems pretty random. =)


The classical problem of stuff being so random that it doesn't look random any more. Totally random will never work. For high quality maps it needs to appear random but be controlled enough to make it interesting. Kinda sounds like a16.4 to me.

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Skyscrapers are a known bug, and the generation was an intended decision... Tin has a mixer file that solves that.




..spend the time pregeneating to increase performance in game, or generate on the fly to get in faster but performance sucks.


I think they chose wisely.


Hey ive been looking for this mixer that Tin has. Is it for A17? and would you mind linking the mixer or is there a place i can see what hard work you have done in the way of maps? I was unaware that you coudl handmake maps and I saw you mentioned you made at least 5 in another post :smile-new:

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Yeah but can it be edited without the errors?


I doubt it.


Anyway.... I'm not worried about it.

Clearly TFP have a long way to go with RWG in A17 and wanted to give us something working for A17e.


That's fine.

We just need a little patience.


PS: Tin mentioned some script or something he's running to edit his maps without errors.

That's something I'd be interested in. If only just to add Wasteland to my maps.

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Yeh, I do.


I can paint.net exactly what I want, rather than mess with variables in an xml and HOPE what I want spawns...

That does not work. It creates an error and the world mostly does not load at all (console pops up), and if it does load, the terrain does not properly generate. You see it at the end of your video. Are you using some mod to suppress the console pop up?


If this should ever work properly (or a proper explanation is delivered how to make it work), it'll be great of course.


And the rw-generator is bad atm. It's practically 1 biome. Very boring.

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The only issue I had was with biome painting, and that's mostly solved, so no, you're unsurprisingly wrong.


And since when is 5 practically 1?


I know you're lying to prove a point, but it invalidates ... no, annihilates, your point.


I've seen what tin can do with a17. He hasn't released anything yet, but it's awesome.


And the painting is just icing on the cake.


My next project is understanding gaia, to improve the process.


People just need to learn the new stuff, not baby whine about losing the old stuff.

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Yeah but can it be edited without the errors?


I doubt it.


Anyway.... I'm not worried about it.

Clearly TFP have a long way to go with RWG in A17 and wanted to give us something working for A17e.


That's fine.

We just need a little patience.


PS: Tin mentioned some script or something he's running to edit his maps without errors.

That's something I'd be interested in. If only just to add Wasteland to my maps.


Yes, I did a few test runs without the biome error. And tin was confused about a special script. He works on a different, higher plane of existence than the rest of us. =)


It's about the colors. Biomes are a bit more specific. Beatkidz is also working on some cool stuff, along the same vein as mine.

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The only issue I had was with biome painting, and that's mostly solved, so no, you're unsurprisingly wrong.
What do you mean, I'm wrong..? It generates an error when you paint the biomes. You have it yourself, it shows up in the video when you open the console. For me, the console pops up and the game doesn't even start. And when it starts, there is the hole in the world, that as well is in your video.


I mean...


And since when is 5 practically 1?


I know you're lying to prove a point, but it invalidates ... no, annihilates, your point.

It is "practically" one biome, because snow and desert are small strips on the worlds edge and burnt and wasteland are just little sprinkles. That makes it practically 1 biome, because while in theory there are 5, it feels and plays like only 1.


I've seen what tin can do with a17. He hasn't released anything yet, but it's awesome.


And the painting is just icing on the cake.


My next project is understanding gaia, to improve the process.


People just need to learn the new stuff, not baby whine about losing the old stuff.

What does mean, "just learn the new stuff"? Can the new stuff give me back the old stuff? For example the 6 biomes that seem to be gone for good? Do I get them back somehow? Maybe you did not need them for your mod and don't understand why some people baby whine about the loss.
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I actually need more than the default for medieval, so yeh, I'm going to have more.


It'll just require, as I said, learning new things.
That would be great, as long as I don't have to learn them, because some of us have not dedicated their entire life to modding 7dtd. That's why I tend to be somewhat grumpy when options are taken out of the game, particularly when I have already spent an indecent amount of time modding them.


And read further, the biome painting is solved.
Good. I expect a detailed tutorial asap.
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