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Testing AI, Let's see what we are going to face it.


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he show cased the right things.. excellent


lots more stuff to see and learn yet. :)


Yeah I watched the whole video after just the part that was linked. I like that helm mod. The one that purifies any water you drink as long as its installed. I do feel still that alot of the guns feel underpowered, namely the pistol and shotgun still feel under-powered to me.

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OMG that is so Dope!!! Well done TFP well done!


I don't understand how people are so excited about this. It basically makes base building redundant because as soon as the AI decides the zombies can't path to you they will go berserk and destroy everything around them reducing the base to rubble in seconds. The only thing walls do now is slow zombies down, but you're much better off building a field of traps and barbed wire to do the same thing.


Is there any way to turn this nonsense off?

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I don't understand how people are so excited about this. It basically makes base building redundant because as soon as the AI decides the zombies can't path to you they will go berserk and destroy everything around them reducing the base to rubble in seconds. The only thing walls do now is slow zombies down, but you're much better off building a field of traps and barbed wire to do the same thing.


Is there any way to turn this nonsense off?


(this is not meant in an objective manner and i hope it helps)

you wont like my answer but there are options. if you create your own game or rent a dedi, then their are 3 options are available.


1. mod the game yourself (but not everyone knows how to... this would be as simple as zeroing or commenting out some lines in an xml file)

2. turn enemy spawns off in start up options (then there will not be any zombies at all, this affects blood moon as well) ***

3. kill zombies before they wreck the base

4. or find a server that someone has done what you are looking for




*** i tested this again because some people on forum are saying that the option to turn of enemy spawns doesnt control the blood moon horde and i say it does and proved it -





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(this is not meant in an objective manner and i hope it helps)

you wont like my answer but there are options. if you create your own game or rent a dedi, then their are 3 options are available.


1. mod the game yourself (but not everyone knows how to... this would be as simple as zeroing or commenting out some lines in an xml file)

2. turn enemy spawns off in start up options (then there will not be any zombies at all, this affects blood moon as well) ***

3. kill zombies before they wreck the base

4. or find a server that someone has done what you are looking for




*** i tested this again because some people on forum are saying that the option to turn of enemy spawns doesnt control the blood moon horde and i say it does and proved it -






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I don't understand how people are so excited about this. It basically makes base building redundant because as soon as the AI decides the zombies can't path to you they will go berserk and destroy everything around them reducing the base to rubble in seconds. The only thing walls do now is slow zombies down, but you're much better off building a field of traps and barbed wire to do the same thing.


Is there any way to turn this nonsense off?


To add in what unholyjoe said, try to direct them through a well defended spot. Base building still matters - it's just not the panacea. And it shouldn't be because this game is supposed to also be a TD/survival game.

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I don't understand how people are so excited about this. It basically makes base building redundant because as soon as the AI decides the zombies can't path to you they will go berserk and destroy everything around them reducing the base to rubble in seconds. The only thing walls do now is slow zombies down, but you're much better off building a field of traps and barbed wire to do the same thing.


Is there any way to turn this nonsense off?


we are excited because it was just way to easy. any kind of challenge is welcome.

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(this is not meant in an objective manner and i hope it helps)

you wont like my answer but there are options. if you create your own game or rent a dedi, then their are 3 options are available.


1. mod the game yourself (but not everyone knows how to... this would be as simple as zeroing or commenting out some lines in an xml file)

2. turn enemy spawns off in start up options (then there will not be any zombies at all, this affects blood moon as well) ***

3. kill zombies before they wreck the base

4. or find a server that someone has done what you are looking for




*** i tested this again because some people on forum are saying that the option to turn of enemy spawns doesnt control the blood moon horde and i say it does and proved it -





5. Build a better base. :)

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To add in what unholyjoe said, try to direct them through a well defended spot. Base building still matters - it's just not the panacea. And it shouldn't be because this game is supposed to also be a TD/survival game.


I guess I'll play around on creative to see how it goes. Standing around for 1/2 an hour mindlessly plinking arrows into a horde of zombies is not my idea of fun - tower defense is supposed to be about traps, turrets and smart placement. If the AI is predictable then it would be fun to lead zombies into pit traps and spike traps, and later blade and electricity traps. What I don't want to see is all my work being wasted because the pathing algorithm is not able to find a convenient route and sends the zombies into random destruction mode and they just lay waste to everything around them. We all know the structural physics is super janky in this game and I anticipate we're quickly going to have a lot of people complaining of POIs and bases falling down around their ears because a raging zed decided to hit an apparently load-bearing toilet.

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actually this is a very weak attempt to stop underground bases.


1. Never stay in your underground base on blood moons.. I never stay in my base.. I make a long road to usually a city from underground.. and on horde night 22:00 i run that underground tunnel under a huge building. Let those zombies tear up the city. I dont care... They never touch my base.. When horde night is over.. I just simple walk back to my base..


@fun pimps.. you truly want to stop underground buildings? you are going about it the wrong way. Being underground for that long would cause someone to sufficate, no clean air. So you need to just give players a buff to where if they are 10 blocks or lower they start losing air like in water. That would fix it.

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actually this is a very weak attempt to stop underground bases.


1. Never stay in your underground base on blood moons.. I never stay in my base.. I make a long road to usually a city from underground.. and on horde night 22:00 i run that underground tunnel under a huge building. Let those zombies tear up the city. I dont care... They never touch my base.. When horde night is over.. I just simple walk back to my base..


@fun pimps.. you truly want to stop underground buildings? you are going about it the wrong way. Being underground for that long would cause someone to sufficate, no clean air. So you need to just give players a buff to where if they are 10 blocks or lower they start losing air like in water. That would fix it.



The plan isn't to stop underground bases. From how you describe running to the city with a long road you could just very well have an above ground base 3 miles away. In your example it would make 0 difference.

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It makes zero difference because you are more focused on not understanding than taking the time to actually read it. Yes I would definitely take the time to tunnel under a city building. Again.. this is the part you skipped over. I would rather them tear up something else than my base. Now your next thing you will say is how much of a better player you are because I dont play the way you do, typical response from troller banners.. but anyways.. again it was a weak attempt to stop it but there is really no way can be stopped.

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It makes zero difference because you are more focused on not understanding than taking the time to actually read it. Yes I would definitely take the time to tunnel under a city building. Again.. this is the part you skipped over. I would rather them tear up something else than my base. Now your next thing you will say is how much of a better player you are because I dont play the way you do, typical response from troller banners.. but anyways.. again it was a weak attempt to stop it but there is really no way can be stopped.


I never built underground before. Now I will. To me they didn't stop it. They have enabled it to be fun.

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I never built underground before. Now I will. To me they didn't stop it. They have enabled it to be fun.


Great way to look at it.. never thought of that :D though my bases have always been the same, build underground my main base.. surround the top with 5-6 rows of log spikes upgraded to steel.. put a wall with head blockers .. i havent seen any zombie that can get through that yet. If i have to .. Ill build a trench after the wall with log steel spikes if they manage to bust through the wall.

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