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Testing AI, Let's see what we are going to face it.


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actually this is a very weak attempt to stop underground bases.


1. Never stay in your underground base on blood moons.. I never stay in my base.. I make a long road to usually a city from underground.. and on horde night 22:00 i run that underground tunnel under a huge building. Let those zombies tear up the city. I dont care... They never touch my base.. When horde night is over.. I just simple walk back to my base..


@fun pimps.. you truly want to stop underground buildings? you are going about it the wrong way. Being underground for that long would cause someone to sufficate, no clean air. So you need to just give players a buff to where if they are 10 blocks or lower they start losing air like in water. That would fix it.


This doesn't stop underground building.


How about layers above you with spikes and electricity?

Maybe some turrets.


I'm thinking in three dimensions.

We now have one more wall to protect. Above.


I'm looking forward to the challenge of building underground just to prove I can do it.


I guess the question is, why aren't you?

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This doesn't stop underground building.


How about layers above you with spikes and electricity?

Maybe some turrets.


I'm thinking in three dimensions.

We now have one more wall to protect. Above.


I'm looking forward to the challenge of building underground just to prove I can do it.


I guess the question is, why aren't you?


we stayed underground and it was badass, when they breached we fell back into a hallway, blocking the floor one block high, shooting zombies in the head and replacing blocks as we fall back.


it was getting boring being a moleman underground

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This doesn't stop underground building.


How about layers above you with spikes and electricity?

Maybe some turrets.


I'm thinking in three dimensions.

We now have one more wall to protect. Above.


I'm looking forward to the challenge of building underground just to prove I can do it.


I guess the question is, why aren't you?


I've always made room underground for at least 1 layer of reinforced ceiling, eventually upgrading it to steel. Now I might just allow for another room above my underground areas, to put turrets in. Then again, I don't plan on spending horde night underground in my base. Early game, I might just have a long tunnel that I run back and forth in until I'm ready to face the storm.

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I've always made room underground for at least 1 layer of reinforced ceiling, eventually upgrading it to steel. Now I might just allow for another room above my underground areas, to put turrets in. Then again, I don't plan on spending horde night underground in my base. Early game, I might just have a long tunnel that I run back and forth in until I'm ready to face the storm.


What if we, instead of fearing diggers, used this to our advantage?


What if our defense WAS letting them dig down into our traps?


Hehehe I've got some ideas.


Bring em on!



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he show cased the right things.. excellent


lots more stuff to see and learn yet. :)


Weren't the zombies supposed to path through the cabin to the hatch and down that way? Why did they just decide to dig straight down?


For one, they ruined the landscape and made a giant hole which is annoying, but second it would have been much faster for them to have just busted the wood door and hatch and go straight to where the player was.


Is that how it's supposed to be, or was that just a side effect of the streamer having noclipped through the ground (making it so the zombies couldn't path to him)?

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What if we, instead of fearing diggers, used this to our advantage?


What if our defense WAS letting them dig down into our traps?


Yup. That makes you only have to build 1 wall (ceiling), but pretty thick one.


That would make a 3x3 shaft, filled with traps, concrete etc a decent defense.

Unless the zombie decide to dig around (least resistance).


Building underground is FAR from dead.:)


And of course, you can use zombies to dig the first shaft....

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Yup. That makes you only have to build 1 wall (ceiling), but pretty thick one.


That would make a 3x3 shaft, filled with traps, concrete etc a decent defense.

Unless the zombie decide to dig around (least resistance).


Building underground is FAR from dead.:)


And of course, you can use zombies to dig the first shaft....


Yeah exactly!


I think this digging thing is going to be great!

Just have to adjust our thinking.


I wonder how Blade Traps are going to fit into this. [hehe]



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What if we, instead of fearing diggers, used this to our advantage?


What if our defense WAS letting them dig down into our traps?


Hehehe I've got some ideas.


Bring em on!




The same thing I thought the day I found out that they prefer to use doors.

And they told me: -Dont put doors because it's the first thing they break and enter ...

-Oh yeah?? then I'm waiting for them ...





And it works because they dont touch the walls.

I want to try it now with wooden door, hmmm ...

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