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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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Editing my post repeatedly, woot.


Outside, at night? Heck no, I think I spawned in a wilderness cell, heading towards the map-centre, so it's campsites, small wood-cabins and ah... a empty wolf-den for the nights, suffice to say, luck is not with me.


First ever playthrough of this mod? In a thematic sense... ideal. Spawned in a pine-forest, hid in a old cabin for the night and got a cooking pot, lots of water/meat. Next day, stumbled upon a abandoned residential town surrounded by woodland, first building I see is secure compared to all the burnt/ruined remains and has a Trader opposite, stayed there for a few weeks, starting new game to test out updates/tweaking of environment and stuff.


Sounds like you're having a grand time... could say, a beary grand time?


Agreed, excellent mod, please keep at it, would love to throw suggestions and ideas, like the street-filler, comsens, etc, without coming across as over-bearing at all.


Bear puns.

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For me it seems that i really am having a hard time moving forward. Already day 3 and i don't know where to go (sorta). The little bit excess of wood i gather is constantly used up for wood spikes to kill off groups of ghouls. Yes, groups, which i encounter trying to find a decent lootable POI in the small city i came to.


Best bet for me was a diner, which i have 15 meters away from my "base" (to be looted). Ran east (entered city from south) looking over buildings (and fighting) and a whole day came out with no good POIs present. All of the houses are mostly burnt down, which don't contain much loot. I think i ran into the northern city limit. I suppose it's like that because i spawned in burnt biome (again). The forest ground should already start, perhaps to the west? One respawn (after first death with no bedroll down) was waaaay northeast of city. Guess what, burning biome.


I should be counting the number of deaths i got, but not much helps against the ghouls. Distracting them with animals or zombies help though. Thought of upgrading fighting skills. Club comes in handy to stun them, which i never used, shiv has low damage, but i finish them with it and skin them. Sexual tyrranosaurus on 2nd level, yet i run out of stamina constantly and get hit frequently. Not using arrows much, they are good for finishing them. Got quite a bit of meat and some water, but no cooking pot, no grill and no goldenrod flowers anywhere. Also no medkits, no painkillers, antibiotics... Running around with less than 10 HP is the norm until i die again to "restore full health, fill food and water bars".


In some strange way, this masochistic playthrough makes me want to get things together, find a peaceful place and fortify. It's not easy. I hope i will be prepared for the 7th day horde...


**I think most of what people write here (me included) could be great Zombie Apocalypse stories**

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i think there was an unintentional rollback of a feature of v0.0.9 when v0.0.9b was put out. It looks like the latest file in the original post and the launcher no longer has the rifle/ammo as a quest reward for completion. Is this intended or a oversight?

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i think there was an unintentional rollback of a feature of v0.0.9 when v0.0.9b was put out. It looks like the latest file in the original post and the launcher no longer has the rifle/ammo as a quest reward for completion. Is this intended or a oversight?


hmm, let me check the files..


edit: yep you're right. I'll get on it, TY for the heads up! srry about that.

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For me it seems that i really am having a hard time moving forward. Already day 3 and i don't know where to go (sorta). The little bit excess of wood i gather is constantly used up for wood spikes to kill off groups of ghouls. Yes, groups, which i encounter trying to find a decent lootable POI in the small city i came to.


Best bet for me was a diner, which i have 15 meters away from my "base" (to be looted). Ran east (entered city from south) looking over buildings (and fighting) and a whole day came out with no good POIs present. All of the houses are mostly burnt down, which don't contain much loot. I think i ran into the northern city limit. I suppose it's like that because i spawned in burnt biome (again). The forest ground should already start, perhaps to the west? One respawn (after first death with no bedroll down) was waaaay northeast of city. Guess what, burning biome.


I should be counting the number of deaths i got, but not much helps against the ghouls. Distracting them with animals or zombies help though. Thought of upgrading fighting skills. Club comes in handy to stun them, which i never used, shiv has low damage, but i finish them with it and skin them. Sexual tyrranosaurus on 2nd level, yet i run out of stamina constantly and get hit frequently. Not using arrows much, they are good for finishing them. Got quite a bit of meat and some water, but no cooking pot, no grill and no goldenrod flowers anywhere. Also no medkits, no painkillers, antibiotics... Running around with less than 10 HP is the norm until i die again to "restore full health, fill food and water bars".


In some strange way, this masochistic playthrough makes me want to get things together, find a peaceful place and fortify. It's not easy. I hope i will be prepared for the 7th day horde...


**I think most of what people write here (me included) could be great Zombie Apocalypse stories**


I love the "story" each play-through creates... and enjoy reading the exploits (or tragedies) others relate. It is the struggle that makes the day's survival worth-while. Struggle for struggle-sake is not fun, but to struggle along and then (on day 3 or so), finally find that cooking pot, or wrench, or ____ [whatever if your "it" item], is SOOOO enjoyable. Then, use that to stabilize a bit, and then start the hunt for the next thing I need.

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I love the "story" each play-through creates... and enjoy reading the exploits (or tragedies) others relate. It is the struggle that makes the day's survival worth-while. Struggle for struggle-sake is not fun, but to struggle along and then (on day 3 or so), finally find that cooking pot, or wrench, or ____ [whatever if your "it" item], is SOOOO enjoyable. Then, use that to stabilize a bit, and then start the hunt for the next thing I need.


You have no idea... There are so many things along the way that we are used to and are fairly easy to do in vanilla, but here? It IS frustrating that i can't simply walk out of my base and run through buildings for loot, mainly because it's different and a big challenge in TDL. It is way more realistic and way more satisfying to get that next hurdle and set sights for another. Most people can say playing the mod that you have to think of many new ways of doing things in the game, picking a different approach and try new things. I surely am and love it!

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You have no idea... There are so many things along the way that we are used to and are fairly easy to do in vanilla, but here? It IS frustrating that i can't simply walk out of my base and run through buildings for loot, mainly because it's different and a big challenge in TDL. It is way more realistic and way more satisfying to get that next hurdle and set sights for another. Most people can say playing the mod that you have to think of many new ways of doing things in the game, picking a different approach and try new things. I surely am and love it!


I like reading the trials and tribulations, gives me probably more satisfaction then it should *Tin is worried that he might be becoming an 'S' making this mod* :mask::biggrin-new:

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This kind of sado-masichism is what got me into true survival. Might have to try this out tin:shocked::whip:


hehe thanks! at the least it'll be something a little different and make the A17 wait seem that much shorter.. I think ;)

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I'd like to give a little feedback.


First of all, love the mod, love the challenge, love LOVE the rwg and biome mix!


Mixed feelings about the ghouls. I like the new threat they pose, however they are slightly too fast and their hit box is retarded big...anyway to change that up? They hit me from impossibly far away, it is frustrating to the point of it taking away the fun.


I also think they are a little too prevalent, I'd like to see the number of them toned down just a little.


Also, I got a couple cops as sleepers last night. Was that change rolled back like the rifle quest as well? If so, did you fix that in this newest update?

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I'd like to give a little feedback.


First of all, love the mod, love the challenge, love LOVE the rwg and biome mix!


Mixed feelings about the ghouls. I like the new threat they pose, how ever they are slightly too fast and their hit box is retarded big...anyway to change that up? They hit me from impossibly far away, it is frustrating to the point of it taking away the fun.


Also, I got a couple cops as sleepers last night. Was that change rolled back like the rifle quest as well? If so, did you fix that in this newest update?


yep the cop deal is fixed along with the quest and the extra bloodmoon wave. Probably won't be able to fix the hit boxes but I'm trying. As for the reach, I am trying some things out but if worse comes to worse I'll cheat and make a new hand item for them to use since they are using the same as the zeds and lower their reach some.


Ad ty for trying it out and the kind words and the feedback!

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yep the cop deal is fixed along with the quest and the extra bloodmoon wave. Probably won't be able to fix the hit boxes but I'm trying. As for the reach, I am trying some things out but if worse comes to worse I'll cheat and make a new hand item for them to use since they are using the same as the zeds and lower their reach some.


Ad ty for trying it out and the kind words and the feedback!


Sorry, by hit boxes, I meant the reach. I don't think hitting them is a problem.

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Sorry, by hit boxes, I meant the reach. I don't think hitting them is a problem.


heh no worries. yep I just sent out another update and lowered their reach a touch. So hopefully it's not as bad... Um I actually change a few things and they respond a bit better xD

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So sat down with this mod to play for an hour or 2 and ended up playing all night.


Never knew how much of a crutch the stealth meter was till I kept getting surprised by those glowing green eyed zeds.


Now I'm constantly keeping my head on a swivel because those guys can swarm you.


Might move the difficulty up to warrior and do some edits to slow down leveling.


Looking forward to see where you takes this, well done!

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***Update Feb 9th 2018 V0.0.9d***


  • Minor tweaks:
  • Lowered Ghoul attack range down.
  • Lowered Ghoul run speed down a smidgen.
  • D/L Upated in OP.
  • Already in the launcher for update.


AND .. I thought they were on hyper Speed .. thank you (the reach _ it was a bit much).


Also the fps has gotten a bit better after a couple loads .. that big fps hit could have been getting stuck in Trader .. but I haven't been back yet .. so not sure. Have a Great Weekend and Enjoy

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So sat down with this mod to play for an hour or 2 and ended up playing all night.


Never knew how much of a crutch the stealth meter was till I kept getting surprised by those glowing green eyed zeds.


Now I'm constantly keeping my head on a swivel because those guys can swarm you.


Might move the difficulty up to warrior and do some edits to slow down leveling.


Looking forward to see where you takes this, well done!


Sorry for your lack of sleep and sweet! all at the same time, :cool-new:


- - - Updated - - -


AND .. I thought they were on hyper Speed .. thank you (the reach _ it was a bit much).


Also the fps has gotten a bit better after a couple loads .. that big fps hit could have been getting stuck in Trader .. but I haven't been back yet .. so not sure. Have a Great Weekend and Enjoy


Awesome that it's working a bit better. :thumb:

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Those ghouls are awesome! Almost wet myself the first time one can running at me lol!


I have yet to find a single skyscraper. Are they just really hard to find now? I've found some fair sized cities, but so far only one hotel is the closest thing to any of the tall buildings, and we are pushing day 30 on this world. No pharma, no book store, none of the skyscrapers seem to be found.

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Those ghouls are awesome! Almost wet myself the first time one can running at me lol!


I have yet to find a single skyscraper. Are they just really hard to find now? I've found some fair sized cities, but so far only one hotel is the closest thing to any of the tall buildings, and we are pushing day 30 on this world. No pharma, no book store, none of the skyscrapers seem to be found.


The bigger cities with the skyscrapers are less likely to appear. I'm still tweaking the rwg poi setup here and there but will be awhile till I get something I like better then what it is now atm. Either way, for the stores, what you want to look for mostly is the strips of businesses really close together mostly, The stand alone stores are less likely to spawn.


Grand plan is to make more specialty hubs, like: residential and commercial hub, a downtown and a industrial hub, plus what I have now. Just taking time to get everything placing to how I want it mostly on my test worlds.


and thanks!

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