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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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How do I configure for a distance of 25 to 50 squares??


<property name="HeatMapStrength" value="3"/>

<property name="HeatMapTime" value="1200"/>

<property name="HeatMapFrequency" value="25"/>

I think you ask about:

<property name="ActiveRadiusEffects" value="+heatSource(3)" />

but this work with class = forge, campfire and so on...and when it's turn on.

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Tin, good night. Do you know where I can change the perception of heat in objects, like Tochar, forge etc in the server xml?


heh, what everyone has explained and the radius deal is how n2n1 showed :) It's a class mechanic.

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The right question is how to set the zombie to perceive the heat at a distance, reading a little about the subject each object generates a certain heat and when it reaches 100% ends up generating a horde or a screamer. I thought I would be able to modify that part of the distance of perception of the zombies with the heat would end up going to its base.


I think if you connect the forge, generate 25 to 50 squares of heat and whoever is inside that force perimenor will be attracted to the place.



Changing + heatSource to 50, will it generate a tension of 50 square of heat?


<block id="556" name="forge">

<property name="Class" value="Forge"/>

<property name="Material" value="Mstone_scrap"/>

<property name="MaxDamage" value="800"/>

<property name="StabilitySupport" value="true"/>

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>

<property name="Model" value="Entities/Crafting/forgePrefab"/>

<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacerInverted"/>

<property name="OnlySimpleRotations" value="true"/>

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>

<property name="ParticleName" value="forge"/>

<property name="ParticleOffset" value="0.5,0,0.5"/>

<property name="ImposterDontBlock" value="true"/>

<property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>

<property name="HeatMapStrength" value="3"/> <!-- было 1.5 -->

<property name="HeatMapTime" value="1200"/>

<property name="HeatMapFrequency" value="25"/>

<!-- <property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="burningSmall"/> dont think the forge class supports this -->

<property name="ActiveRadiusEffects" value="+heatSource(50)"/>

<property class="Workstation">

<property name="CraftingAreaRecipes" value="forge"/>

<property name="Modules" value="tools,output,fuel,material_input"/>

<property name="InputMaterials" value="iron,brass,lead,copper,glass,stone,clay"/>


<property class="RepairItems"> <property name="rockSmall" value="30" /> <property name="clayLump" value="30" /> <property name="animalHide" value="5" /> </property>

<drop event="Harvest" name="rockSmall" count="4,8" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="" count="0" tool_category="Disassemble" />

<drop event="Destroy" name="rockSmall" count="10"/>

<drop event="Destroy" name="bellows" count="1" tool_category="Disassemble" />

<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" />

<property name="TakeDelay" value="15"/>

<property name="DescriptionKey" value="forgeDesc"/>


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The right question is how to set the zombie to perceive the heat at a distance, reading a little about the subject each object generates a certain heat and when it reaches 100% ends up generating a horde or a screamer. I thought I would be able to modify that part of the distance of perception of the zombies with the heat would end up going to its base.


I think if you connect the forge, generate 25 to 50 squares of heat and whoever is inside that force perimenor will be attracted to the place.


The heatmap is actually attached to "Cell areas" not really at a specific point. so it's already has a decent sized area that it covers. If the player is in the cell area when the heatmap increases over 100, the screamers when spawn, will goto the point your character was at, at that time.


The AOE "heat" that is produced by a campfire or forge is a buff that increases the characters core temp.

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Bro, slaan/bigc have a pvp server up for dying lands and i must say its been a hoot so far!


Yeah, they did some nice tweaks to accentuate it as well. Glad it's working out well for them and the pvp aspect :)

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Hi, i am playing your mod....it is awesome :) but i got a question, is it normal for zombies to drop no loot at all?


Mostly in the beginning till yous skills improve more (either through perk purchases or just leveling) but even then there's still a chance you won't get anything. Once your skills get better and/or you get better quality items you'll start getting better things from the zeds and at a better pace but mainly I wanted the players to get most of their goods from prefabs instead of the zeds themselves.

And thanks! hope the mod helps get you through till A17 drops :)

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Mostly in the beginning till yous skills improve more (either through perk purchases or just leveling) but even then there's still a chance you won't get anything. Once your skills get better and/or you get better quality items you'll start getting better things from the zeds and at a better pace but mainly I wanted the players to get most of their goods from prefabs instead of the zeds themselves.

And thanks! hope the mod helps get you through till A17 drops :)


Alright just wanted to check if it's intended that way :) tbh i am having a lot of fun with this mod, keep up the good work.

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Will this mod be updated for a17 and future updates?


Eventually I will make a mod that is similar some time after A17 comes out. No time frame as to how long it'll be though.

I'll take some time playing the vanilla version and then a bit more time will be needed to get familiar with all the new modding procedures that are being hinted at.


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Hi Tin. Sorry if this has been asked and answered already but I was wondering if you have a Discord channel for the mod. I haven't looked through the whole thread I will be honest. Thanks in advanced. :D


You can go to GameEdges Discord and I have a channel in there :)


@tin I'm happy to host one if you like.


Either your own channel on mine, or your own server. Lemme know.


Thanks for the offer :)

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  • 5 months later...
There are no instructions on how and where to properly install the folders


Replace with the existing game folders.

Generally: C:\>Programfiles(x86)>steam>steamapps>common>7DaysToDie

It has everything you need to just replace those folders in the game.

If you find you no longer want to play it. Just do a file integrity check.

If you are using the sdx launcher: It's available in that as well along with UI and the bigger backpack versions.


Thanks for trying it out. Hope you enjoy it. If anything, at least it will help a bit on the wait till A17 drops.

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Hi, have been playing with your mod today (first time). I have one issue, how do you get rotting flesh? Normally get it by chopping up zombies, but you get loot instead. Rotting flesh was the best way for fertiliser.


You can still get rotten flesh from chopping them up, it's just not as prevalent as it was. Increase your harvest skills and it'll start becoming more available.

Traveling to the Burnt forest actually has the most plentiful amount of fertilizer that you can find in splotches, which you can shovel up.


And thanks for trying it out!

Hope it helps with the wait till A17 gets released.

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I'll bang out a working file for you. But since I need practice writing SDX packages anyway, and this thing might be useful to other people, I figure I'll just rewrite Pringlz's mod as an SDX package that anyone can use as an add-on to any existing mod.


Did you ever do this? I had literally no idea what I was doing when I made this. I just kept breaking this game till it worked. SDX was scary. :p

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