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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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Hey Tin if i wanted to use your Random World Gen, what files would i use?

I kinda have an idea but better ask than breaking my game!


Are We There Yet! :)


It depends on how much of mine you wanted to keep.

In general:

Rwgmixer.xml/ Biomes.xml/ You would need to cherry pick some of the blocks in the blocks.xml. and then prefabs folder. I have landscape prefabs I use in the biomes for decorations as well.

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@Tin Hullo!


Been messing around with the files and such, so much trial and error. XD Experimenting and had a all-pine biome, as there seems to be a lack of choosing what is the probability/size of individual biomes now.


Altered the street-filler mini-mod, could you have a look at it and see if it can be of use for this or some kind of patch please? Happy to throw this here. Been testing thoroughly for density of objects and all that. Sometimes vehicles won't be around, then they appear clumped up. There is a problem where I can't seem to isolate this just to town/hub streets, as the game throws a '-- cannot be included in comments' or 'error parsing file' error upon trying to block non-urban roads, and there doesn't seem to be any way to add gravel to the outside of the streets or roads as you'd see in some places.


Below is the code as before, whole poi-road-concrete section with additions at the bottom for ease of copy/paste. Would like to know opinions.



<!--poi name="Road Concrete" poimapcolor="#3a3020" prefab="road_concrete" surfaceoffset="0" /><poi name="Road Asphalt" poimapcolor="#272f48" prefab="road_asphalt" surfaceoffset="0" /><poi name="Road Gravel" poimapcolor="#806f52" prefab="road_gravel" surfaceoffset="0" /><poi name="crossing" poimapcolor="#f6ff0f" prefab="street_crossing" /><poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" prefab="water_7_wide" surfaceoffset="0" /-->

<!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" blockname="water" ypos="56" old water set method/-->

<!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" prefab="water" ypos="56"/>-->

<poi name="City Asphalt" poimapcolor="#3d3f47" blockname="gravel">


<decal texture="0" face="0" prob="0.0001"/> <!-- 0 == 500 -->

<decal texture="1" face="0" prob="0.0001"/> <!-- 1 == 501 -->

<decal texture="2" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="3" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="4" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="5" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="6" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="7" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="8" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="9" face="0" prob="0"/>

<decal texture="10" face="0" prob="0"/>

<decal texture="11" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="12" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="13" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="14" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<decal texture="15" face="0" prob="0.0001"/>

<blockontop blockname="lootStreetHelper" prob="0.00005" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="randomCarsHelper" prob="0.00005" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="tire" prob="0.00035" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="rock01" prob="0.00035" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="rock02" prob="0.00035" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="rock04" prob="0.00035" rotatemax="4"/>

<!--blockontop blockname="potassiumNitrate" prob="0.02" offset="-1"/-->

<blockontop blockname="treeBrownGrassDiagonal" prob="0.0045" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="treePlainsGrassDiagonal" prob="0.0045" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="treeForestGrassDiagonal" prob="0.0025" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="treeTallGrassDiagonal" prob="0.0025" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="treeDesertShrub" prob="0.0006" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.003" rotatemax="4"/>


[DT Street-Additions]

<blockontop blockname="cntCar03SedanDamage1" prob="0.00125" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="cntCar03SedanDamage2" prob="0.00125" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="randomCarsHelper" prob="0.00125" rotatemax="4"/>


<blockontop blockname="shoppingBasketEmpty" prob="0.000225" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="shoppingCartEmpty" prob="0.000225" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="garbage_decor1" prob="0.002" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="garbage_decor2" prob="0.002" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="garbage_decor3" prob="0.002" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="hubcapNoMine" prob="0.00035" rotatemax="4"/>


<blockontop blockname="ZedGoreGenericZeds" prob="0.0004" rotatemax="4"/>


<blockontop blockname="trapSpikesDamage1" prob="0.000025" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="trapSpikesDamage2" prob="0.00005" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="trapSpikesDamage3" prob="0.0001" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="trapSpikesDamage4" prob="0.00015" rotatemax="4"/>

<blockontop blockname="trapSpikesDamage5" prob="0.0002" rotatemax="4"/>

[DT Street-Additions end]


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You have 2 areas that are giving you the error (I believe)..

This line:

<!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" blockname="water" ypos="56" old water set method/-->

and this line:

<!--blockontop blockname="potassiumNitrate" prob="0.02" offset="-1"/-->


They both need to be like this:

<!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" blockname="water" ypos="56" old water set method/>-->

and this line:

<!--blockontop blockname="potassiumNitrate" prob="0.02" offset="-1"/>-->


I believe.. maybe xD This is just off the cuff so don't take this as gospel. Just what pops out at me atm.


Pretty neat. Currently working on some new types of threats atm. Ill try to remember to come back to this and plug it in and see if it's something I'll add. :)


Oh! you could always copy the vanilla biome generator and plug that in since it's a little more forgiving.

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I just wanted to write you and give you mad props for this mod! I have over 300 hours on PS4 version and then recently came to the PC version, and so glad I did. As some have mentioned before, this mod has just the right changes to make this game even more awesome than it is. Feels much more immersive and like a true zombie apocalypse. I am only through the first day but already see the benefits and I am again excited to play the game. very refreshing. I love what you did with it. Fun Pimps do an amazing job with this game, but I think they should really consider employing you full time! LOL


Keep up the great work and I admire your commitment to a great game! Survive the Nights team (A2ZInteractive) could greatly benefit from your work as well! ;)


I am a huge fan of the survival genre, this mod tops anything I've played!

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I just wanted to write you and give you mad props for this mod! I have over 300 hours on PS4 version and then recently came to the PC version, and so glad I did. As some have mentioned before, this mod has just the right changes to make this game even more awesome than it is. Feels much more immersive and like a true zombie apocalypse. I am only through the first day but already see the benefits and I am again excited to play the game. very refreshing. I love what you did with it. Fun Pimps do an amazing job with this game, but I think they should really consider employing you full time! LOL


Keep up the great work and I admire your commitment to a great game! Survive the Nights team (A2ZInteractive) could greatly benefit from your work as well! ;)


I am a huge fan of the survival genre, this mod tops anything I've played!


Awe Thanks! That means A lot to me. Glad You came out of the shadows and made your fist post in this thread, I appreciate all the kind words. Maybe someday, once I feel I have a better understanding of reading code, Ill gather up the courage to apply at some places. Till then! I'll be here twixing and tweaking whatever TFP give me to play with.:02.47-tranquillity:

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Awe Thanks! That means A lot to me. Glad You came out of the shadows and made your fist post in this thread, I appreciate all the kind words. Maybe someday, once I feel I have a better understanding of reading code, Ill gather up the courage to apply at some places. Till then! I'll be here twixing and tweaking whatever TFP give me to play with.:02.47-tranquillity:


With pleasure my friend!

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You have 2 areas that are giving you the error (I believe)..

This line:

<!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" blockname="water" ypos="56" old water set method/-->

and this line:

<!--blockontop blockname="potassiumNitrate" prob="0.02" offset="-1"/-->


They both need to be like this:

<!--<poi name="Water" poimapcolor="#0063ff" blockname="water" ypos="56" old water set method/>-->

and this line:

<!--blockontop blockname="potassiumNitrate" prob="0.02" offset="-1"/>-->


I believe.. maybe xD This is just off the cuff so don't take this as gospel. Just what pops out at me atm.


Pretty neat. Currently working on some new types of threats atm. Ill try to remember to come back to this and plug it in and see if it's something I'll add. :)


Oh! you could always copy the vanilla biome generator and plug that in since it's a little more forgiving.




Using The Dying Lands Biomes file as-is. XD If it helps, neither the poi-name="Water" nor "potassiumNitrate" are giving errors thankfully, haven't touched them.


Here's what the street-fill looks like; https://i.imgur.com/26rLHnZ.png Perhaps sans shopping cart - set it low enough to get few of them, might bump it up. Not too worried about shopping-baskets spawning - they give about 7 iron each, and can only be used for a late-game vehicle so it's free scrap right now. As before, I don't oblige you to use this at all, admittedly got back into modding due to this however, something extra to bring more life/un-life to localities.


The three things that bug me right now, is;

1] Not being able to force-spawn gravel beneath the grass-blocks growing on roads, seems more logical given the time that has passed, and would make the roads look more decrepit/detailed. I've tried using 'blockontop', 'blockbelow' and just 'block' with no change, or throws a parsing error.

2] Not seemingly being able to have gravel line the edges of the town roads, as it does for between-poi or country roads.

3] Not knowing or being able to have different filler-rates for town streets and between-poi roads, as it stands having filler for the towns, has the same amount for the roads which means either too little in town or too much in the countryside.


Definitely curious to the threats, did recently wonder if it'd be more fitting to use the Feral-type zombies for the feral horde, or wandering hordes at night time, while during the day Fodder mostly spawn. Likewise, the Military zombie or Wights are pretty threatening in areas they spawn as sleepers, had a visit from the latter one night and it was... interesting. XD

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Using The Dying Lands Biomes file as-is. XD If it helps, neither the poi-name="Water" nor "potassiumNitrate" are giving errors thankfully, haven't touched them.


Here's what the street-fill looks like; https://i.imgur.com/26rLHnZ.png Perhaps sans shopping cart - set it low enough to get few of them, might bump it up. Not too worried about shopping-baskets spawning - they give about 7 iron each, and can only be used for a late-game vehicle so it's free scrap right now. As before, I don't oblige you to use this at all, admittedly got back into modding due to this however, something extra to bring more life/un-life to localities.


The three things that bug me right now, is;

1] Not being able to force-spawn gravel beneath the grass-blocks growing on roads, seems more logical given the time that has passed, and would make the roads look more decrepit/detailed. I've tried using 'blockontop', 'blockbelow' and just 'block' with no change, or throws a parsing error.

2] Not seemingly being able to have gravel line the edges of the town roads, as it does for between-poi or country roads.

3] Not knowing or being able to have different filler-rates for town streets and between-poi roads, as it stands having filler for the towns, has the same amount for the roads which means either too little in town or too much in the countryside.


Definitely curious to the threats, did recently wonder if it'd be more fitting to use the Feral-type zombies for the feral horde, or wandering hordes at night time, while during the day Fodder mostly spawn. Likewise, the Military zombie or Wights are pretty threatening in areas they spawn as sleepers, had a visit from the latter one night and it was... interesting. XD


Yeah certain aspects are still in flux so don't know when we'll get to change the roads make up like that. Right now for town/city streets it's a all or nothing type thing. Either make it all asphalt or gravel or dirt etc,. :( I have faith we'll get something at some point though.. I hope xD


pics look nice! imo.

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So, a couple things.


1. Love the mod, the RWG is breathtaking. TFP could learn a few things from this mod!

2. Cops I feel are set a bit high as to spawn in the wilderness.

3. I was looking thru xml to find the range from which a z will see you and come attack and could not find it. I see in vanilla entityclasses they have a "sightrange" of 30 but in the mod this value is missing completely. Does that mean all z's loaded in a chunk know where you are and will approach then the territorial value kicks in at range 10?

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So, a couple things.


1. Love the mod, the RWG is breathtaking. TFP could learn a few things from this mod!

2. Cops I feel are set a bit high as to spawn in the wilderness.

3. I was looking thru xml to find the range from which a z will see you and come attack and could not find it. I see in vanilla entityclasses they have a "sightrange" of 30 but in the mod this value is missing completely. Does that mean all z's loaded in a chunk know where you are and will approach then the territorial value kicks in at range 10?


It's in it, it's just all tied to a couple different templates I use.

<property name="SightRange" value="500"/> <-- 30 default distance in m

<property name="SightScale" value="-5,295"/> <-- This is the light level scale.


Both of these along with what I've done in the AI segment are what help to make the zeds not do the spinning dance. Fool proof? no! but it's the reason why my mods entities rarely get all funky spinning (minus the deer and the vulture right now).


If you plan on making any changes I would first adjust the scale down and this will allow you to sneak a bit better.


I don't use the territorial in my AI as I like the zeds to roam and follow a player for great distances ;)


Anyhow those setting are in my mod :) entityclasses.xml search 'template'.


Oh! I am currently working on a new type of threat for the wilderness entities. So zeds in general will be rare in the wilderness (minus at pois) in the near future.


edit: Oh! and tyvm for the kind words!

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In the 'entityclasses' file, search for 'sightrange'. The sight-range or how far zombies can see in The Dying Lands is set to 500, compared to the default 30.

Same file, search for 'maxviewangle'. In The Dying Lands it is set for 270' degrees, compared to the default 180.


For my personal preference, I tend to lower the values so they generally can see as far as I can see them being rendered (90-100ish range, 45-90' max-view-angle, or forget to do so), while boosting numbers of zombies spawning during the night (or forget to do so, again).


Edit; much late, very ninja'd. XD

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In the 'entityclasses' file, search for 'sightrange'. The sight-range or how far zombies can see in The Dying Lands is set to 500, compared to the default 30.

Same file, search for 'maxviewangle'. In The Dying Lands it is set for 270' degrees, compared to the default 180.


For my personal preference, I tend to lower the values so they generally can see as far as I can see them being rendered (90-100ish range, 45-90' max-view-angle, or forget to do so), while boosting numbers if zombies spawning during the night (or forget to do so, again).


Edit; much late, very ninja'd. XD


hehe it's all good ;)

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Alas, as you were happy for suggestions, may I throw out some mini-poi ideas?


1] Similar to the 'grave sites' or small rock/bush groups you have filling in towns, would it be possible to add one or two of them into the wilderness as a semi-rare spawn? Would be spooky to find a opened burial in the forest, or natural mini-pois.

2] Small pit-poi's, 3-9 blocks wide, 1-3 blocks deep being empty, containing rock, grass, sleepers, genericzedgore blocks, coffins, broken wood-spikes with a corpse in the middle etc. There are multiple small poi-spawns that add a little height to the terrain like rock formations, dens, etc, but not many that act as trip-hazards.

3] Tiny pond poi's? There are docks and ponds, but thinking 1-3 block wide puddle/ponds, adding some bushes or rocks around it to make the water less apparent.


Random zombie idea; What might you feel about night-times having a high chance of spawning tiny wandering hordes? 1-2 individuals that pass through. I saw quite a while ago, a setting that determines how close they might pass - something like 0-30 radius or something, in theory every night you'll see a few zombies moving through the local area, either near-ish or in the background. I remember this way back in alpha... 12-ish or something, playing Navezgane, hiding in a small metal shed in a burnt little town, watching a horde pass by in the distance, their footsteps muffled by distance, but it was quite unnerving despite being harmless.

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Alas, as you were happy for suggestions, may I throw out some mini-poi ideas?


1] Similar to the 'grave sites' or small rock/bush groups you have filling in towns, would it be possible to add one or two of them into the wilderness as a semi-rare spawn? Would be spooky to find a opened burial in the forest, or natural mini-pois.

2] Small pit-poi's, 3-9 blocks wide, 1-3 blocks deep being empty, containing rock, grass, sleepers, genericzedgore blocks, coffins, broken wood-spikes with a corpse in the middle etc. There are multiple small poi-spawns that add a little height to the terrain like rock formations, dens, etc, but not many that act as trip-hazards.

3] Tiny pond poi's? There are docks and ponds, but thinking 1-3 block wide puddle/ponds, adding some bushes or rocks around it to make the water less apparent.


Random zombie idea; What might you feel about night-times having a high chance of spawning tiny wandering hordes? 1-2 individuals that pass through. I saw quite a while ago, a setting that determines how close they might pass - something like 0-30 radius or something, in theory every night you'll see a few zombies moving through the local area, either near-ish or in the background. I remember this way back in alpha... 12-ish or something, playing Navezgane, hiding in a small metal shed in a burnt little town, watching a horde pass by in the distance, their footsteps muffled by distance, but it was quite unnerving despite being harmless.


yeah adding the pois to a biome is no problem..will just take sometime finding the magic prob="" so they don't spawn that often. Not sure about the mini wandering hordes deal. hehe, I just made the night pretty dangerous in a future update... once all the kinks are worked out that is.

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Hey Tin!


Getting deeper into the game and building of a base. Some more comments and thoughts from my side:

1. Found recently that the feral cowboy zombie is lootable in the short time before changing to gore block (happened twice to me recently, with more ferals appearing). You would have to check if any other feral doesn't have the same problem.

2. Horde nights are getting a bit boring. Unlocked recently the machete and i kill zombies too fast, not to mention most of them don't run at me. 21 day horde i didn't even have a cop (like in previous 7D nights). Maybe you could tweak raising of the gamestage or add some more threat for the 7D night?

3. Shifting the search option from dead zombies onto looting them with fists/knife created a specific side effect. If you want better loot you have to invest into Quality Loot skill, but it can be upgraded only when Scavenging is high enough. Scavenging is rising slower thanks to the new loot mechanic (no bonus for searching bodies). Don't know how you all feel about it. Slowly getting used to it, but feels way slower than vanilla.

4. Past day 21 Horde, got a forge with cement mixer (for concrete) working constantly not too far away from base and a forge at base with campfire and workbench. Still, i haven't met any Samaras... *coughs* screamers. Not that i like them, but how much heat would i need to spawn one?


A couple tips for new people in this mod:

- Resource veins can be found on the surface in bigger quantities. If you ever find an iron node, it's a couple blocks high (and deep) and quite big to give you a couple thousand ores later game. For iron seek big black dots on map.

- Clay is hard to find, because the patches are smaller than vanilla, but more common to see. For clay seek small brown stars(?).

- Knife is your best friend. Quickly recover one bone and craft a shiv. Retrieving loot from zombies and killing with it will greatly speed up your proficiency.

- Zombies may be smarter, but you got a big arsenal in your favor. Craft a few spikes and put them in front of zombies walking towards you. Melee up close when you got lots of stamina, bows/crossbows and guns when you're low (you get that a lot). Also, remember you can easily craft Molotov Cocktails, which are great for crowd control. If all fails, get the torch in your hand and hit as hard as you can. If they light on fire, they go down faster.

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Hey Tin!


Getting deeper into the game and building of a base. Some more comments and thoughts from my side:

1. Found recently that the feral cowboy zombie is lootable in the short time before changing to gore block (happened twice to me recently, with more ferals appearing). You would have to check if any other feral doesn't have the same problem.

2. Horde nights are getting a bit boring. Unlocked recently the machete and i kill zombies too fast, not to mention most of them don't run at me. 21 day horde i didn't even have a cop (like in previous 7D nights). Maybe you could tweak raising of the gamestage or add some more threat for the 7D night?

3. Shifting the search option from dead zombies onto looting them with fists/knife created a specific side effect. If you want better loot you have to invest into Quality Loot skill, but it can be upgraded only when Scavenging is high enough. Scavenging is rising slower thanks to the new loot mechanic (no bonus for searching bodies). Don't know how you all feel about it. Slowly getting used to it, but feels way slower than vanilla.

4. Past day 21 Horde, got a forge with cement mixer (for concrete) working constantly not too far away from base and a forge at base with campfire and workbench. Still, i haven't met any Samaras... *coughs* screamers. Not that i like them, but how much heat would i need to spawn one?


Have you turned up your Bloodmoon and the player level in the game .. maybe you need .. Insane


Also in my game .. I'm having No issue in getting Screamers and Cop's on horde nights and I get a couple everyday even not being horde night. Just a thought .. check your settings.

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Yeah, i think i may need to up the difficulty for the horde nights... I lowered to Nomad (default one), because i didn't want to spend most of the time fighting zombies after going into the game (many zombies spawn shortly after) or when exploring (yet i mostly do). Wanted to establish a good base and didn't want to constantly run down and up because i hear some growling...


I think i raised my Bloodmoon level, but i'll have to double check on that. With what i have now, surely the higher difficulty could be better. But does it change the number of zombies that spawn around, especially on Bloodmoon?

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Yeah, i think i may need to up the difficulty for the horde nights... I lowered to Nomad (default one), because i didn't want to spend most of the time fighting zombies after going into the game (many zombies spawn shortly after) or when exploring (yet i mostly do). Wanted to establish a good base and didn't want to constantly run down and up because i hear some growling...


I think i raised my Bloodmoon level, but i'll have to double check on that. With what i have now, surely the higher difficulty could be better. But does it change the number of zombies that spawn around, especially on Bloodmoon?


I play ALL my 7D2D Games on a Setting of Survivalist .. Day 18 .. Bloodmoon at 16 ( But thinking that I might push it up to the next level .. after I get my base built ..lol ) and so far only game that I have had to turn down 1 was Ravenhearst at first .. then back up once I learned the mod. Just a couple of thoughts from the old gamer. .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Difficulty doesnt change the number of zombies that spawn randomly. It does increase both the number and the number of high level spawns in sleepers and bloodmoon hordes, by upping your gamestage. The difference between Nomad and Insane equates to about 2 weeks, effectively. Ie: Day 14 horde on insane == day 28 horde on nomad, in terms of how many and how advanced the spawns are. And of course, higher difficulty makes zombies much harder to kill, as you do less damage to them and they do more damage to you.

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I play ALL my 7D2D Games on a Setting of Survivalist .. Day 18 .. Bloodmoon at 16 ( But thinking that I might push it up to the next level .. after I get my base built ..lol ) and so far only game that I have had to turn down 1 was Ravenhearst at first .. then back up once I learned the mod. Just a couple of thoughts from the old gamer. .. :02.47-tranquillity:


I went with that approach, as my first impressions of this mod were that it's pretty tough... But you just have to adapt to how differently the game plays, that is all :) I usually play on Survivalist and use distance weapons mostly when i'm sneaking to kill sleepers or when i really must. Even so, the most recent cops in TDL i killed with my melee weapon... Killed, not got bloated ;)


Dreamdancer, considering i'm not a newbie anymore, both to the game and this mod, i will definitely raise the bar now. I know 28th day horde will on itself be harder, but i want to see how much with the difficulty changed.


EDIT: Confirmed that i have 32 zombie limit on Bloodmoon, which was for the last horde.

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I also normally play survivalist and 32 bloodmoon (no higher due to performance issues on my mid-level rig), but I also play "dead is dead" so when trying out TDL, I decided my first play through would be Nomad (but kept bloodmoon on 32). Was a nice way to learn the mod. Still had to be super careful (mostly to stay away from the constant grey and black wolves in my biome), but could manage a few POI raids (was lucky to get a few good items in garbage/cars, and sold enough to buy on day 1 a purple barbed club--so I had a bit of advance weaponry to survive).


Day 7 bloodmoon was very manageable. VERY good consistent waves of Zeds. Seemed like I would get a new wave of 32 every hour on the top of the hour. Just enough time for me to kill a wave, settle myself, and then another full wave would appear. Was a bit concerned, not all were running... in fact most would walk to my tower base. Thought that was weird, but was not complaining at all.


In any event, THANKS Tin for a really cool mod, love the world generator... very well done... have explored a bit of my map, and found only VERY isolated instances of weird terrain (also one trader had a back wall missing as it bumped into a crumbled POI... made for a bit of a fright as I excited the trailer and a Zed punched me in the face!!!!).

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I also normally play survivalist and 32 bloodmoon (no higher due to performance issues on my mid-level rig), but I also play "dead is dead" so when trying out TDL, I decided my first play through would be Nomad (but kept bloodmoon on 32). Was a nice way to learn the mod. Still had to be super careful (mostly to stay away from the constant grey and black wolves in my biome), but could manage a few POI raids (was lucky to get a few good items in garbage/cars, and sold enough to buy on day 1 a purple barbed club--so I had a bit of advance weaponry to survive).


Day 7 bloodmoon was very manageable. VERY good consistent waves of Zeds. Seemed like I would get a new wave of 32 every hour on the top of the hour. Just enough time for me to kill a wave, settle myself, and then another full wave would appear. Was a bit concerned, not all were running... in fact most would walk to my tower base. Thought that was weird, but was not complaining at all.


In any event, THANKS Tin for a really cool mod, love the world generator... very well done... have explored a bit of my map, and found only VERY isolated instances of weird terrain (also one trader had a back wall missing as it bumped into a crumbled POI... made for a bit of a fright as I excited the trailer and a Zed punched me in the face!!!!).


awesome and thanks! yeah I've been noticing that every so often with the traders merging with other poi's. IDK if I can do anything about it but I'm looking into it.


V.0.09 will be arriving in the very near future and it'll be a new learning curve.. again ;)

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Can you increase the land with some code?


not exactly sure what you're asking so I'll guess increasing the the play field? if so I already have it set to almost 19k of the play field. If you want to get it bigger.. You'll need to open the rwgmixer.xml file..


1) at the top you'll need to find:

<ruleset name="tinsRules" cell_cache_size="8" cell_size="2100" cell_offset="0" generation_distance="[color="#FFFF00"]21000[/color]" terrain_generator="tinsWorldGen1" biome_generator="tinsBiomeGen2">


2) then towards the bottom of the same file:

<biome_spawn_rule name="radiated">
	<distance_from_center range="[color="#FFFF00"]18900,21000[/color]"/>	


Change the generation_distance="" to desired play field size (world size).


Adjust the radiation biomes max size to the same number you set in the generation_distance=""


That's it! wouldn't set it super big like 60k or something the shakes wouldn't be all that pleasant of a playing experience. That's just my opinion but IDK you may not mind it <shrug>

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awesome and thanks! yeah I've been noticing that every so often with the traders merging with other poi's. IDK if I can do anything about it but I'm looking into it.


V.0.09 will be arriving in the very near future and it'll be a new learning curve.. again ;)


"New Learning Curve" for you, or for us poor souls that have to live in your world? :)


I'ma scared!!!!!

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