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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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Hi, not sure if anyone can help me. But my UI is covered in red and white question marks. I have installed the game from fresh and installed the mods now 3 times. Looked online for answers and tried some things. But nothing has worked. An idea of the problem and how to fix it?




To be honest .. I have Not heard of this issue since it was A15 and that was an install issue.


ARE you using the 7D2D launcher ?? and are you running a current version of 7D2D as a main file. ??


I would recommend you reinstalling 7D2D from Steam and make sure files are good and if you Not using the 7D2D Mod Launcher .. then get it and install it.



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Which UI mod were you trying to play? The red x's indicates it was not able to load the images. Sometimes the images are hosted on imgur, while others should be downloaded as part of the mod.


Thanks for all the replies. I have tried both the UI mods on the Launcher. I guess the only thing I have not tried is installing the launcher again. Everything else has been completely removed and Installed again at least once. The main mod its self works fine and is fun to play. I just like a bigger bag as I'm a terrible hoarder lol And I always like to be nosey and look at oher opyions when they are made available.


And as for Mac or Linux, I suspect my answer should have been Windows? Never really thought about it, untill the obvious was pointed out to me. Even a numbnutz like me knows linux is an OS.

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The ? marks only show up on the big backpack version. I had the same issue, but using the normal version works fine.



My problem with this mod is that every zed I have killed has absolutely zero loot. Is this correct?


ARE you trying to use "E" or are you cutting them up ?? You have to use a knife or shiv to get loot .. better the knife or shiv and higher your skill level will produce better loot. ( You can use your fist .. but loot is much less _ if any. )

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ARE you trying to use "E" or are you cutting them up ?? You have to use a knife or shiv to get loot .. better the knife or shiv and higher your skill level will produce better loot. ( You can use your fist .. but loot is much less _ if any. )


This right here^^ and TY for trying the mod.

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So Im new to mods and don't really know much about them, so I followed the instructions on 7dtd mod loader, had it make a new copy for mods, then I started up the game named it thedyinglands and started up. And it only loads the "grass lands" the rest of the land falls off the map as you get up to it, so in a nut shell I just have a small area to play, is this normal or did I mess something up. If anyone could shed some light it, thanks!

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do you have a link to the server files i have yet to fins them and would like to put your mod on my server


Yep in the OP


The d/l link is for the server or if you don't use the launcher.

Just unpack the .zip and swap the folders :)

If you want the different UIs and Bigger Backpack mods added you'll need to go through the launcher to add them.

And thanks for trying it :)

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...it only loads the "grass lands" the rest of the land falls off the map as you get up to it, so in a nut shell I just have a small area to play...


If that means sheer cliffs emerging at regular angles, it suggests different parts of the map are being generated from different versions of the world generator. In other words it's likely that something else - vanilla, a different mod, or an earlier version of this mod - generated a portion of your map before the current version started generating the rest. To test this theory, you could try a new seed that you're sure you've never used before.

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so the sever files dont have the bigger back pack option?


You'll need the file from the launcher with those. I'm not a launcher person but it can be done. Might want to contact sphereii on how to do so. I just know it can be done because GameEdge has it on his server.

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If that means sheer cliffs emerging at regular angles, it suggests different parts of the map are being generated from different versions of the world generator. In other words it's likely that something else - vanilla, a different mod, or an earlier version of this mod - generated a portion of your map before the current version started generating the rest. To test this theory, you could try a new seed that you're sure you've never used before.


Taken care of. They figured out their issue ;) They accidentally tried to load the mod in nav instead of rng and my mod doesn't play nice in nav.

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Taken care of. They figured out their issue ;) They accidentally tried to load the mod in nav instead of rng and my mod doesn't play nice in nav.


Ah. That's a new one for me. Hope I didn't add to the confusion - I replied largely because I saw Firespawn's post in the moderation queue, and that makes it easier for posts to slip by unnoticed when they're finally approved.

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Ah. That's a new one for me. Hope I didn't add to the confusion - I replied largely because I saw Firespawn's post in the moderation queue, and that makes it easier for posts to slip by unnoticed when they're finally approved.


Nah more info the better. They PMed me and found the issue soon after :) so all's good.

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