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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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nope not me tin she exploded in my face and i survived that was day 2 ran into 4 more since i 2 shot them now :p i dare you to add the exploding zombie bears from gnamod :p and make the ghouls a little nastier as right now their a joke


hehe I'm not going for total brutal :D Just somewhere In between.


I still have plans for the ghouls but right now I'm redoing the damage system. At some point things are going to get gory ;)

Heads will need to be removed from the zeds in order to kill kill them. Slowing them down will = dismemberment of limbs etc,.

Ghouls will at night get charged up more than just running faster and more of them. ;)

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I had a look (I'm just after my first horde so far, playing 90-minute-days) and have a little feedback if you like:

I really like the ghouls addition, they make the beginning dangerous since they're fast, spawn often and stunned me everytime when hit. But as soon as I got a somewhat decent melee weapon (barbed club), they became easy to handle, maybe a bit too easy one-on-one, they'd ideally need to spawn in groups later on. The deer & boar hordes are basically just constant free food delivery, that aspect is easy enough as it is (plus, I noticed you changed the recipe for grilled meat to only require 1 piece, but the fullness is still like vanilla where you needed 2 - a bit cheaty). How about the occasional ghoul horde? That would make me panic for sure ;) I loved that I was surprised by cops out in the open and cops and a feral on the 7-day-horde. So far so good :)

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I had a look (I'm just after my first horde so far, playing 90-minute-days) and have a little feedback if you like:

I really like the ghouls addition, they make the beginning dangerous since they're fast, spawn often and stunned me everytime when hit. But as soon as I got a somewhat decent melee weapon (barbed club), they became easy to handle, maybe a bit too easy one-on-one, they'd ideally need to spawn in groups later on. The deer & boar hordes are basically just constant free food delivery, that aspect is easy enough as it is (plus, I noticed you changed the recipe for grilled meat to only require 1 piece, but the fullness is still like vanilla where you needed 2 - a bit cheaty). How about the occasional ghoul horde? That would make me panic for sure ;) I loved that I was surprised by cops out in the open and cops and a feral on the 7-day-horde. So far so good :)


TY for the feed back!

Thoughts I am having:

Thinking of limiting the wildlife to only around the water but still have the wandering meat train.


The ghouls are limited in that they're npc and not zeds. To get them in the wandering hordes I'd need to switch them to the zed controllers and that would change how they move :(


The meat deal never made sense to me that grilled needed 2 pieces of meat.

I made the boiled meat the mid tier meat. So charred/boiled/grilled. If I limit the biome spawned deer boar n such to just water areas and wandering it should help in that aspect.


Im in the process of working on how the damage system is done atm and that will change. With the amount of entities I can get in the game now things will change when I implement it.


Right now quality only really means anything in how long the weapon will last. even a 25 quality wooden club is just as good as a 600 quality club in terms of damage potential. Same with all the weapons.

Right now the weapons are based on a 300 quality damage level. and the only way to get more damage to them is build up your skill and buy the perks to bump the damage up.

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hehe I'm not going for total brutal :D Just somewhere In between.


I still have plans for the ghouls but right now I'm redoing the damage system. At some point things are going to get gory ;)

Heads will need to be removed from the zeds in order to kill kill them. Slowing them down will = dismemberment of limbs etc,.

Ghouls will at night get charged up more than just running faster and more of them. ;)


THANK YOU TIN ... for Not going for full Brutal ... it can still be a challenge and I'm Enjoying it .........

IF they want it harder they can go to InSane and max everything ... but for Me I like to enjoy the game.


Thank you again .. from the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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I am looking for a new mod to put on server for next time we restart. So thus I am giving it a run through. I am not getting runners on blood mood is this common?


By the second wave you should get some runners.. well joggers. Not super slow by any means just toned their speed down a little. If you're not getting any at all something might be up. I have separate classes of zeds some walk some run er jog!

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hehe I'm not going for total brutal :D Just somewhere In between.


I still have plans for the ghouls but right now I'm redoing the damage system. At some point things are going to get gory ;)

Heads will need to be removed from the zeds in order to kill kill them. Slowing them down will = dismemberment of limbs etc,.

Ghouls will at night get charged up more than just running faster and more of them. ;)


Heads removed? Gonna need to add a Katana!:smile-new: Great work Tin!

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Thanks, but i only play, not mod ;) Tin, Sphereii and Guppycur need all the attention!


Currently i am expanding at my city base #1, created a few patches to grow plants and went into "i can kill anything" mode... Which is a bit boring in some ways (less ghouls to kill, more time to loot). BUT! I do need to up my skills, because i still can't kill cops with my hunting knife, don't have a minibike, no chemstation and no weapon recipies found yet... 14 Day Horde will be fun.


Point taken, but you have been a friendly gamer to get advice from :)

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Good Day Tin ..


Have a Question for you ......... WHAT the Heck did you do ...... Day 13 .. Pre-Horde .. 13 regular screamers .. 7 Radiant screamers .. 15-19 Radiant Cops along with included regular Zeds .. Kill was around 157 total all in a continues run for about an hour ...


I'm SORRY .. But I had to go into the CM and get a Rocket Launcher and 80 rockets to save myself from dying in the "PRE-Horde" .. OH and I only had 3 rocket left when all said and done. I killed my AK and ran out of repair kits .........


Thank goodness the trader is just down the street and I can make them.


I Don't know if this Old Gamer Heart Can have this Much FUN again ..... Just Kidding .... LOL .. but for sure wasn't expecting anything like that.




PS: AND when I go back into Game .. I will having Day 14 Horde Night in 2 hours game time.

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Good Day Tin ..


Have a Question for you ......... WHAT the Heck did you do ...... Day 13 .. Pre-Horde .. 13 regular screamers .. 7 Radiant screamers .. 15-19 Radiant Cops along with included regular Zeds .. Kill was around 157 total all in a continues run for about an hour ...


I'm SORRY .. But I had to go into the CM and get a Rocket Launcher and 80 rockets to save myself from dying in the "PRE-Horde" .. OH and I only had 3 rocket left when all said and done. I killed my AK and ran out of repair kits .........


Thank goodness the trader is just down the street and I can make them.


I Don't know if this Old Gamer Heart Can have this Much FUN again ..... Just Kidding .... LOL .. but for sure wasn't expecting anything like that.




PS: AND when I go back into Game .. I will having Day 14 Horde Night in 2 hours game time.


haha I said the screamer hordes could be umm intense! ;)

Makes planning your heat map mean something.. but I probably need to adjust it better though >.> especially with the new edition that may be coming soon.

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I'm still building up, so my only radiant screamer blasted itself in front of my front door (around which there were lots of spikes). Got a regular one recently and the kill count was around 25. I just wonder how it will go when i rush into them with my machete (blade skill almost at max, the rest is maxed), having drank beer or megacrush... The last 14th day horde was a ton of fun, but i had to use the sniper rifle in the second half... There are just too many of them running and it's hard to outrun them... >.>


My only concern is that i hope Tin won't be working on the RWG. I already have a concrete base (pun intended) at my disposal and now gathering skill points for chem station.

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*** The Dying Lands: Body Parts (edition) ***

Now available in the main OP.


  • All City/Towns are more prevalent throughout the play field.
  • All Main roads are 2 track roads.
  • All Cities/Towns are over grown and the asphalt is gone (creepy feels stuff)
  • Forest Biome Themed world: Lush/Burnt/Sparce/Waste/Creepy (all resources available like in vanilla)
  • All areas have above ground resource mining nodes:
  • Meaning If you see an Iron node above ground then iron veins will be below ground. Same with lead/potassium etc,. (except in the burnt: Burnt will also have oil shale along with coal).
  • Aloe can be found near clay areas.
  • Yucca can be found near water areas.

  • New damage mechanic. Heads must be removed in order to kill kill zombies (Ghouls are normal). Also have a built in safety mechanic that allows zeds to be killed if enough damage is done (so not a total head shot only deal).
  • Arms/Legs are easier to destroy and dismember.

  • The Quality of Items now only has a meaning to increase the items durability. Each Weapon has a set damage level that mostly increase in damage based on your skill level or corresponding perks ie "Pummel Pete" etc,.

  • Stamina is based partially on skill level and perks.
  • Example: Increasing the melee skill by normal use will naturally decrease the amount of stamina required each level up to 25%. To become more proficient/pro you need to also purchase "Pummel Pete" to get the rest of the stamina decreasing ability by another 25% etc,.

  • Harvest type items: Will work similar to the stamina.
  • Example: Knife skills will naturally as you build it up increase your harvest ability. If you want to be pro at it you need to purchase the related perk yo increase the harvest ability more.


Example average City size (some may be bigger/ some may be smaller): More stand alone stores. ALL store types have a chance to appear along with the strip stores.


2 pics 1 city.


To be added to the mod launcher sometime very soon.

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Launcher news: March 6th 2018

Just want to give a quick heads up but if you loaded the "Body Parts" edition from the launcher, something happened and it only used the original "The Dying Lands" install.

So you'll need to redo the install to get the Body parts edition from the launcher.

pls and ty!

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Probably need to start a new game yea? We had it loaded on the server last night and restarted....it didn't seem any different. That would explain it.


yep. Terribly srry for the inconvenience. :(

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Tin .. hoping you are having a good day


I have a request ..... Could you make Headshots a thing again ... 30 to the head of a "feral" soldier is a bit much .. Even if it is a feral and this is using AK level 256 ... I don't mind 5/6 .. but not a full clip.


Thank you .. the Old Gamer ..:02.47-tranquillity:


Have Fun and Enjoy

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Tin .. hoping you are having a good day


I have a request ..... Could you make Headshots a thing again ... 30 to the head of a "feral" soldier is a bit much .. Even if it is a feral and this is using AK level 256 ... I don't mind 5/6 .. but not a full clip.


Thank you .. the Old Gamer ..:02.47-tranquillity:


Have Fun and Enjoy


Which version? Normal or the "Body Parts" edition?

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Which version? Normal or the "Body Parts" edition?


Either / Both ........ But seriously Normal would be ok ..


I played "Body Parts" for a bit and after spending 2 hours "real time" clearing 1/2 of the school (Nav-game school) forgot exact name. I stopped playing and went back to normal game.


Anyway .. I like to be able to do a horde night without going into the CM and getting more ammo .. My 14 day Horde Night I used up more than 1500 rounds .. I know you want something different in game play .. But when you have to unload a clip into the head of a Zed just to kill one is a bit much.


Have Fun and Enjoy ... I still play and having fun .. but I would like to have More FUN .. LOL ....... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:


PS: of the 8 different 7D2D games that I have played or still playing .. this is the only one that it takes more then 5 shots to the head to kill .. I'm normally 97% 2 shot kill. Just a thought

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Either / Both ........ But seriously Normal would be ok ..


I played "Body Parts" for a bit and after spending 2 hours "real time" clearing 1/2 of the school (Nav-game school) forgot exact name. I stopped playing and went back to normal game.


Anyway .. I like to be able to do a horde night without going into the CM and getting more ammo .. My 14 day Horde Night I used up more than 1500 rounds .. I know you want something different in game play .. But when you have to unload a clip into the head of a Zed just to kill one is a bit much.


Have Fun and Enjoy ... I still play and having fun .. but I would like to have More FUN .. LOL ....... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:


Cool. I can make some adjustments but i'll do it on the "Body Parts" version first since that's newer and won't affect game play that much since long term games haven't been established yet. I'll also only increase the ranged weapon head shot damage though.

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***Update Mar 7th 2018 *** (only for the "Body Parts" edition)


Changed ranged weapons to fully utilize head shot bonuses.

Also did a minor patch to fix fodder class zeds (would have been been a very boring bloodmoon without it).


If you are not using the launcher to update the mod you will need to re D/L for the "Body Parts" to get the fix.

Again this is just for the "Body Parts" edition.

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