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v0.7 Is Now LIVE!

Residents of Ravenhearst, this Sorcery Update includes a handful of important fixes for you! :)



Sorcery v0.7 Features

  • Stable: Playthrough Ready
  • NEW: Spell Charging (See Notes)

  • NEW: Stack Overhaul (See Notes)

  • NEW: Sorcery Crafting now tied to <Element Mastery>

  • FIXED: Multiplayer Bugs (See Notes)

  • FIXED: DF Sorcery Crafting

  • FIXED: RH Sorcery Crafting

  • FIXED: Certain Entities were immune to Spells (DF/RH/Custom)

  • FIXED: Unreliable Rune Damage / Effects

  • BALANCE: All Spells now properly rely on Stacks (Orbs)

  • BALANCE: Kill XP expires shortly after leaving vicinity of marked foes

  • UPGRADE: Sorcery Framework upgraded for even better performance and compatibility (See Notes)

  • ...there's a very loud thunder in the distance


Spell Charging / Stack Overhaul

  • VISUAL: Stacks are now visually represented by Spellcast Orbs

  • ORBS: The number of Spellcast Orbs visible around the wrist is the number of Stacks you'll add on each hit

  • LASTING: Stacks now persist for 10 seconds for all foes and only expire when you stop casting same element Spells

  • REFRESH: Stacks are refreshed for all foes while casting Same Element Spells

  • Tier 2+ Spells now properly rely on stacks for their impressive damage/effects

  • CHARGING: Spells can now be Charged to Apply Stacks to your foes on impact

  • MAX CHARGING: Tier 1 Spells are the only spells that can Charge Max Stacks, while Tier 2-5 can Charge one

  • SYNERGIES: See the in-game Spell Descriptions within the Sorcery Skill Tree for detailed Stack synergies and usage across Spells


Multiplayer / Dedicated Server

STABLE: The nasty multiplayer bugs have been worked around and exterminated! Sorcery has been extensively tested in P2P and Dedicated Multiplayer environments: Vanilla, Ravenhearst and Darkness Falls to ensure maximum stability and compatibility.

** A very special thank you to Jaga for providing the dedicated server, directly helping with the multiplayer testing and for providing valuable feedback this past week!




Residents of Ravenhearst will no longer run into foes immune to Spells; No one escapes Elemental Annihilation! Additionally, residents may now enjoy higher quality Sorcery Crafting based on <Element Mastery> of the item you wish to craft. Sorcerer Armor will look for your Highest <Element> Mastery level.

NOTE: At least 1 point into Tradesman is required to activate.


NOTE: Please remember not to bother the RH devs with any Sorcery related questions. Instead, refer directly to the Sorcery Thread or Wiki.


Edited by Devrix
Sorcery Crafting is governed by <Element Mastery> (see edit history)
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How do you modify the minibike - I don't see anywhere to make or acquire additional mods but it appears to have 8 slots? Also, how do you modify clothing (not armor) like goggles or the Leather Duster?


Finally - what's best source of twine & acid - seem to be my limiters.


I just started messing with the powered TV. Got it working and tried to add another video to the folder, but it only plays the 3 provided. Is there a limitation on the file size, display resolution, format, etc? Tried a 1280x720 10mb ,mp4 file but it won't cycle to it. Do I have to "Take" the TV down then put it back up to recognize the new folder contents?


*Edit* taking the TV and then placing it again did not solve the issue - anyone?

Edited by Loftus (see edit history)
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Bonus Easter Update!



Patch 5.13 for 17.2 NO Wipes Needed


Happy holiday to all, I went ahead and did a little fixing up as well as added some much requested balancing changes for everyone while you all wait on 5.2. Speaking of, 5.2 is going to be hitting our test team sometime in the next 2 weeks. While there is no release date I can tell you that it will be a 100 percent overhaul in how you play Ravenhearst. New mechanics, tons of content, new classes, deco items, crazy new mechanics designed and developed by w00kien00kie like:


-Disabled vehicles on horde night except for the bicycle. No more running from Blood Moon. You enabled it you fight it! Like a true horror movie where the car breaks down!

-No zombie spawns on day one until 10pm to allow time for safe haven seekers to find a hiding place. The zombies have been ramped up so get that hiding spot!

-Recipes that can include more than 5 ingredients with ability to flip pages on descriptions. Now recipes can be more complex.

-vehicles that can no longer be picked up

-Automatic despawn of Night Walkers at morning for a true night terror only feel

-Trader XP disabled. The next best thing to my desire to remove them lol

-Combine function returns! Now it only repairs your weapons and tools at no quality loss, but will not upgrade its quality. So a way around the 10 level hit on repair beginning game.

-Xp kill pop up disabled for immersive purposes

-Hardcoded Party limit range of 200m. Controversial i know but we are rebalancing how long it takes players to level, and with feedback we received party xp is crushing the leveling process this mod is trying to extend. We never needed it before we do not need it now.

and so many more to come!


We are ten steps closer to the true hardcore experience we envisioned for Ravenhearst. So many more changes that will flip your gameplay experience on its head:


-Craft quality is now dictated by your action skills for each category. Ex: Blunt Weapons Skill leveling controls your Blunt Weapon Crafting Quality

-More stats added to quality and action skills so each weapon and tool feels different

-Rebalanced weapons and tools

-Redone opening quest line as well as new classes and unlocks

-New zombies and terrors! Return of some old favorites like the Butcher and Mechanic

-Prisoner Bandits

-New stations and recipes and over 100 new craftable deco items and blocks

-New weapons and Tools

-Expanded mining to include Tungsten, Chromium and Aluminum with new Blast Furnace and weapons and tools.

-Harsher Drinking and Eating

-New RWG map with more lakes and rivers

-Return of fertilizer! Now you can click on your planted crops with fertilizer and they will take half the time unfertilized ones would to grow.

-Bee Keeping

-New medical recipes made with Lab Tables including things such as death penalty potion

-More complex vehicle crafting

-More schematics that actually teach you recipes to find

-Gun Parts that can be crafted by firearms specialists using the material you get when scrapping guns

-Over a dozen new POIs as well as Sinder reworked older pois for a new feel

-Slower paced leveling and perk unlocks to extend in game playability.

-Linear building path. All with appropriate upgrade kits and tools to use them with like a trowel for stone and concrete.



And that is just the tip of it all. More to be revealed as we get closer.


On to todays patch notes! Resync your launchers to get the latest. The links are still the same.


-Fixed Junction Boxes not being craftable


-Removed Grill Requirement from Smoker and Grill


-Fixed Bats not giving Blunt Skill (Thanks to Khaine for this fix)


-Increased Underground Iron Mining in Stone to compensate for missing Plains biome


-Added Fix for the final step of the journal. Too many ingredients in the recipe cause it to not complete. This seperates it into 2 seperate recipes so it can be properly completed.


-Piston Added to normal Vehicle Harvest


-Fixed Christmas Tree not upgrading properly


-Removed Duplicate Concrete Barrier Recipes


-Removed Insulator from Wine Barrel Craft


-Cupboards, Shelves and Closets no longer destroy to multiple instances of itself


-Updated Description on Rain Catcher. Removed Fertile Ground requirement.


-Add recipe for cans and glue


-Items that were previously tagged incorrectly as can pick up now set to false


-Added storage options to clean Kitchen sinks and cupboards as well as fridge


-Added Grape and Apple Juice to Blender. Does slightly more hydration then Yucca Juice


-Added Fruit and Veggie Juices, does more hydration and food then Yucca Smoothie to blender

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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I just started messing with the powered TV. Got it working and tried to add another video to the folder, but it only plays the 3 provided. Is there a limitation on the file size, display resolution, format, etc? Tried a 1280x720 10mb ,mp4 file but it won't cycle to it. Do I have to "Take" the TV down then put it back up to recognize the new folder contents?


*Edit* taking the TV and then placing it again did not solve the issue - anyone?


In the Farming Journal quest, it says to gather a Butcher's Knife (of which I have several) but the quest description says a Meat Cleaver. I don't have a recipe for either and the knives I have already are not being acknowledged? Hints?

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In the Farming Journal quest, it says to gather a Butcher's Knife (of which I have several) but the quest description says a Meat Cleaver. I don't have a recipe for either and the knives I have already are not being acknowledged? Hints?


I see the Meat Cleaver in Creative mode. I'm on day 45 at level 93 and have yet to find a Meat Cleaver in the world. I don't want to give it to myself if I am missing something.


Can it be confirmed the cleaver is missing from the list of items that can be crafted?

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Bonus Easter Update!



Patch 5.13 for 17.2 NO Wipes Needed





On to todays patch notes! Resync your launchers to get the latest. The links are still the same.

Can you elaborate on "The links are still the same" a bit please. I'm a noob to the RH Overhaul and not sure what this means. I have looked at the links available and I'm not seeing the one to down the vanilla client update for 5.13. Is there somewhere links to updates are posted so I know where to go for future updates?


Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


On a side note, the RH overhaul is living up to its reputation as progression is significantly slowed. The wandering hordes are quite large, are now being accompanied by dogs/vultures as well as zombies that turn feral during a beatdown. It's insane! I was on the minibike driving around and opening up the map. I guess because I wasn't on foot and a wandering horde couldn't pinpoint my location, a squadron of vultures was scrambled. As soon as I slowed down or stopped, those dudes were all over me like ants on a chocolate bar.


I'm lovin it! Great work and kudos to Jax and the team! 5.2 sounds like it's going to be even more insane! Can't wait! :smile-new:

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Can you elaborate on "The links are still the same" a bit please. I'm a noob to the RH Overhaul and not sure what this means. I have looked at the links available and I'm not seeing the one to down the vanilla client update for 5.13....


It means that 5.1 Vanilla Textures is the correct and the new 5.13

You can check the version on the splash screen and ingame pressing esc

Edited by mr.natural (see edit history)
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Sorry my bad english.

The using hdhq main pack and boime pack and flower pack. My game rock, boxes (opened with clawhammer) textures is ugly. Blur and the picture on side is not showing because very blur. Any tips this issue? Hdhq pack is not support this awsone pack? Not problem, delete the hdhq pack, because this modpack is awsome!

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Re the upcoming update - would it be worth considering getting vehicles midgame rather than late game? By the time Ive leveled up enough to make a vehicle, ive pretty much explored the whole map and looted the worthwhile POI's and making a vehicle is the last thing I do before I know its time for a new map. A vehicle would make travel and exploring more fun.


Perhaps consider a vehicle trader? Like the one that has a POI as a car yard? That way those who want to save and purchase one have such an option.

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hi i seem to be having a problem with the latest mod launcher and this mod. i have downloaded the mod through mod launcher and was playing happily yesterday. today it is not showing up in the mod launcher . i have restarted the launcher numerous times but still no ravenhurst. is there a solution or am i missing something?



Edited by rustytop (see edit history)
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It means that 5.1 Vanilla Textures is the correct and the new 5.13

You can check the version on the splash screen and ingame pressing esc


Got it. Thanks for the explanation. I prefer to install directly versus using the launcher. Where do I find the link to download the update for vanilla client side 5.13? I checked the links at the front of the thread and on the RH website. All I see are links for dedicated server files for 5.13, dedicated server files for 5.0 and client side files for 5.0?


I looked on the Gitlab site but couldn't figured out how to download the zip file for the update. Sorry for being a pain in the rear. I'm on day 20 on a current playthrough on 5.12 and want to make sure to update using the correct info so I don't mess up the game.




DISREGARD: Found the link in Discord


Thanks again mr.natural!

Edited by Wicked_SVT_Bolt (see edit history)
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Sorry my bad english.

The using hdhq main pack and boime pack and flower pack. My game rock, boxes (opened with clawhammer) textures is ugly. Blur and the picture on side is not showing because very blur. Any tips this issue? Hdhq pack is not support this awsone pack? Not problem, delete the hdhq pack, because this modpack is awsome!


on a17.1 texture streaming is in the game, but there is no user options to enable/disable it, and it is default enabled.

ravenhearst and hdhq together was too much of a beast, so the texture streaming kicked in and created blurry textures in some places.


on 17.2 you can disable texture streaming, but 5.1 does not have a built in hdhq option.


for rh v5.2 whenever it is ready, you will have the option for hdhq again, and also to be able to disable texture streaming via the game.


we find in testing disabling the texture streaming with rh and hdhq enabled, brings memory use up to near where it was in a16, so some systems may struggle with it. i'm personally on a mid range system (gtx970, amd 8320, 24g ram) and run it great with it disabled.

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I just started messing with the powered TV. Got it working and tried to add another video to the folder, but it only plays the 3 provided. Is there a limitation on the file size, display resolution, format, etc? Tried a 1280x720 10mb ,mp4 file but it won't cycle to it. Do I have to "Take" the TV down then put it back up to recognize the new folder contents?


*Edit* taking the TV and then placing it again did not solve the issue - anyone?


The videos you make have to replace the ones in the folders, with the exact same names. Unfortunately the assets were made with a limited playback of 3 or 5, i forget which. I have no access to them to increase it but it is something i want to do myself one day. As long as they are .mp4 they should work. Make sure the names are the same. To get the tv to work you need to take a wire tool and click on it as if you are running a wire to connect it but it does not need ot stay connected. just the initial wire run will activate it.

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I can make it play as many videos as Jax needs. Also @Jax, the wandering traders work well now if you update sphereiis wandering trader code.


FANTASTIC news on the wandering traders. Im also most likely going to unleash your bandits upon my victims as well :)


I thought the amount seemed pretty decent, but I guess i can see instances where people may want to add to it? Thats a number that you know best about. We have the TV and the Theater Screen, each plays a different set of videos as a placeholder for players who may want to add their own. 5 would be a great number but its by no means a priority thing. I can always slip it in to a future update :)

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I think when I made the radios I increased it to 12. I can move that over to one or more of the video modlets. Risk is folks adding too many large videos and eating up their RAM.


Thanks to you both for your efforts and support.


Incidentally, should the meat cleaver be as rare as it is? now level 100 and day 48 with 2 hours days - no cleaver :(

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