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Random gen or Navezgane?


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If it's been awhile and you're just getting back into things it's good to start on Navez because you can get a MAP of it and it's really helpful.


As soon as you're comfy again then RWG is the way to go.

TFP have done AMAZING things with random gen and it's looking incredible.

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This might depend on whether you want familiarity from play session to play session. Navezgane is always the same (layout, that is) no matter your choice of game seed. If you find a favorite place to have your base you can always go back to that place again in a new game. There are advantages to that, for sure.


In RWG maps you get something new every time, unless you play with the same seed. But even then the worlds are so big that you can find a new place to adventure on the same map over and over again without much overlap. If you play very long games (100's of days) then RWG is probably the way to go since the map size is so much bigger.


As others have said, start in Navezgane and then switch to RWG when you get bored with the same map. Both are excellent choices for fun.

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I don't think I've even looked at Navezgane in a couple of years. I plan on playing it when the game is done and released, so I get the full effect of the tailored map when its ready. I'm still going to run a RWG game overall as I prefer the unknown, but save Navezgane until it is done.

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Prerender Navezgane with visitmap (but i guess reset the time allways to morning Day one before you hit day 2)

Change nothing in the game


Backup the Navezgane Region files


Start a RWG world

Copy the backuped files into the RWG map savegame



This should work

Yes i know brute force tactic^^

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Prerender Navezgane with visitmap (but i guess reset the time allways to morning Day one before you hit day 2)

Change nothing in the game


Backup the Navezgane Region files


Start a RWG world

Copy the backuped files into the RWG map savegame



This should work

Yes i know brute force tactic^^

The problem with that is the radiation border, and severe cliffs at the edges where the RWG mixer doesn't meet up.


I did it once, and it took some work getting a seed that matched decently. Back then, I was also able to cut out most of the outer regions so that there wasn't the radiation zone.

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Navezgane is like waking up in your hometown. Everything is familiar and you know where to go for what you want. Random Gen is like waking up in a completely strange place you've never visited.


I put 500 hours into Navezgane before random gen was implemented so there is plenty of game to be had but I hardly ever play there now because exploration of the unknown beats that familiar hometown feeling every single time.

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I usually play Random Gen, as in a survival game set maps are kinda meh, as once you know where stuff usually is, it becomes far to easy. Its why I dislike Ark: Survival evolved because it relys on preset maps where everything is in the same spot. Well the building is anyway, the loot is randomized so you may not get what your looking for.


I do wonder though if they are ever going to put in a backstory as to how your char just seems to "wake up" in the middle of no where in a zombie apocalpyse in their underwear.

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I'm currently playing Starvation mod and guess what. I'm playing it on Navezgane! Yes, that's right. It may sound boring, but it isn't.


In my opinion Starvation is actually pretty hard mod, maybe the hardest out there, but at the same time it's also one of the most complex ones for this game and things aren't that easy to achieve anymore if you are willing to go with the roleplaying aspect of that mod and follow the quests to fully experience the mod instead of just playing the game in your usual way.


It's a lot of fun and knowledge of where things are in standard game isn't that much helpful, because Starvation mod made some major changes to Navezgane too and that means you will have to discover new things and use new stuff that aren't in the base game! Also relying on known places won't be always possible from the beginning because there are irradiated zones for which you will need to get prepared, that alone forces you to progress further in the gameplay and there are also other things to consider like many new threats you will have to learn how to avoid and later even take advantage of them which changes the basic way how the game is played, not to mention there are survivors and pets too. You can use them to enhance your gameplay and overall even playing on Navezgane feels like playing a whole new game again with this mod.


As for the base game, I believe that Navezgane will change in the final game. Considering that there are still many things that simply aren't in the base game yet and Navezgane is the main map that was supposed to host the singleplayer part of the game, I do believe that there will be some significant upgrades to it by the time they release a finished game.

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