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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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Why are TFP and their fanboys so afraid of negative opinions?


Are they? Hmmm. I haven't seen evidence of that.


People are allowed to post their honest opinion just like anyone else in this community.


Indeed they are! Look at this post of yours which has been allowed.


Just because you don't like what is said means you have to take it personally.


Typo aside (I assume that you meant "doesn't mean."), I would point out that the same is true of those who disagree with the "fanboys."


This community needs a little bit more professionalism especially TFP. Or at least hire someone more professional than Roland to be PR and voice of the team. The only person I've ever seen who was formerly apart of the team be professional is Clare. They could all learn from Clare.


Well, you can't expect professionalism from any of the regular forum users. If that were a requirement, I suspect that there would be very few forum users (fanboys and critics alike). We probably all could learn from Clare.


Censoring people for giving their honest opinion...


Interestingly, honesty is not the problem. First, it has to be paired with civility in most cases. Second, spreading lies/misinformation is why some have been censored.


...and blaming people with negative criticism for the problems of the game are absolutely childish.


I would be interested in seeing the evidence for this statement as well.

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Why are TFP and their fanboys so afraid of negative opinions? People are allowed to post their honest opinion just like anyone else in this community. Just because you don't like what is said means you have to take it personally. This community needs a little bit more professionalism especially TFP. Or at least hire someone more professional than Roland to be PR and voice of the team. The only person I've ever seen who was formerly apart of the team be professional is Clare. They could all learn from Clare.

Censoring people for giving their honest opinion and blaming people with negative criticism for the problems of the game are absolutely childish.


I would expect constructive criticism is welcome, even valuable. For example.


I do not like "this" because of "A, B or C"


Unfortunately there is a bunch of criticism that sounds like this.


OMFG this change is going to ruin the game, are the devs stupid or just to lazy too fix it correctly?


This type of criticism is not only NOT useful but childish. And in m opinion they should be scolded and put in time out accordingly.

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17 hours since Roland's post and 14 hours since your post, Tin


Sorry, but DaVegaNL is actually correct, on steam Roland made an absolute statement (if the quote is correct). Which should be seen as a slip of the tongue or maybe even a bet on a very likely event (If he is right, all is well, if not, a lot of the players who can't stop counting the days will be up on the barricades in January anyway)

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Would you like to back up that statement and quote the misinformation I've posted on this forum?

Most recently you said this in response to Richards post on the Telltale shutdown.


You guys really need to reach out beyond your forums. This is silly. This could be tweeted, published to steam in seconds. I've posted more on twitter taking a dump then you guys do in 6 months.


sorry to be critical, but expecting your audience to come to forums to get news in threads and threads of information just doesn't do it anymore.


you guys have a game with a cult following, it's your responsibility now.

Which was incorrect because it was on Steam and Twitter before it was in this forum.


That was a week ago.


Then two weeks ago you posted this.

Okey then we hope the best thanks. On the subject of the rumor mill says that it is not more: Apparently Telltale was probably responsible and they are broke if you can trust the Internet. Can A17 still come after all?


How has this become a thing? i have over 800 comments on my telltale video and maybe only one or two people commented asking if it'll effect pc development. Was there some sort of big video out there that i missed in my researches?


- - - Updated - - -


Telltale has nothing to do with the PC version of 7dtd. The console versions may have a bit more of a delay for the next update but the loss of a publisher isn't a crippling problem. As far as I know Iron Galaxy are doing the code for the console port and they're fine.


Have any proof, references of this. would love to see it. I've been spending days going over posts by devs / moderators and haven't seen a single thing to confirm this. If I'm wrong, please prove it, I would love to be.

To which I replied...

Why would Telltale have anything to do with the PC version? There was even an entire thread about it when the console news was first leaked because people were afraid that console development would pull from the PC development, and it was clearly explained that it would not.


Real fast, here is the video from madmole.

"Madmole created a video explaining the PC to console porting process and what to expect going forward in regards to current and future PC features making it over to console." ~Roland


You only had to check the sticky thread in the Console section of the forum to find it.

When Will the Console Version Have _______?



You may also have missed finding this thread?

7 Days to Die Console Version Information Thread

Telltale came to TFP with the bid of doing the port. They purchased licensing rights from TFP to do so. No one was hired either way.


You really need to start fact-checking before you post.

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looooooooooooooooooooool it wont be out in October neither in November nor December

As I mentioned before it will be out in 2019 after last season of game of thrones is out and finished :))))))

they announced release date so soon like 2 years earlier so what ?? :)))))))))))

I'm joking I know how hard it is to fix a damn bug its really makes a person go mad, I am not happy about this much delay but at least TFP is working on updates thats good because some other game devalopers dont consider any updates or changes , they even dont listen to their players and fans thoughts so atleast fun pimps is good at that

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Probably i am on a black List or so ... my last 2 Posts was been deleted - 2 or 3 Hours after i wrote them.

But may be this one will survive - who knows.


So. TFP is the Best. 7D2D is perfect. And God himself will distribute A17, becouse its so good.


Is that what you want to read roland ?


At the End - ONLY the Customer will decide - Top or Flop.

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17 hours since Roland's post and 14 hours since your post, Tin


My quote was based on something (completely) different. See below. Please enlighten me on how these words should be differently interpreted.




- - - Updated - - -


Sorry, but DaVegaNL is actually correct, on steam Roland made an absolute statement (if the quote is correct). Which should be seen as a slip of the tongue or maybe even a bet on a very likely event (If he is right, all is well, if not, a lot of the players who can't stop counting the days will be up on the barricades in January anyway)




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What does it matter? A17 coming out this year is in line with that they've been saying...ALL YEAR! Sensationalize something else like rocks and stones, after all they are the same thing.



EDIT: Can you believe TFP did the thing they said they were going to do? Water Wet, film at 11pm EST.

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What does it matter? A17 coming out this year is in line with that they've been saying...ALL YEAR! Sensationalize something else like rocks and stones, after all they are the same thing.



EDIT: Can you believe TFP did the thing they said they were going to do? Water Wet, film at 11pm EST.


As far as I know, TFP haven't given any hard release dates.. Have they? As far as I know, we only got a guestimate (July).


Yes, the statement of Roland of yesterday and the July-guestimate are applicable to the same year, you are correct there. However, a release supposedly taking place within half a year, and one within 2 months are of a different caliber, are they not?

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I advertently stated it would not be out in October which includes the 31st...


Of course not since they are shooting for a November 2nd release, (it's on a Friday). So not October 31, but close.


I'm free to believe whatever I want if it makes me happy... Right Roland? :)


- - - Updated - - -


Check out our new strength perks!



You just made my day! Many thanks Joel. Have a great weekend!!!


- - - Updated - - -


We miss you here Madmole, and I mean that. I know you're busy of course so, no apologies required... Haha!

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you as buyer, have a product. 100% as promised. current state would be a16.4(b8) which is completly playable. enjoy :)


Yep! And now you can enjoy A16.4 with my v1.5 Friendly Animals mod, too! <3


Low chance of wolves and bears spawning to help you fight the zombie hordes, and the zombie spawning has been made a little stronger in response, so it's a fairly balanced mod.






plugplugplug lol


wut...it's a fun mod. :3

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Yep! And now you can enjoy A16.4 with my v1.5 Friendly Animals mod, too! <3


Low chance of wolves and bears spawning to help you fight the zombie hordes, and the zombie spawning has been made a little stronger in response, so it's a fairly balanced mod.






plugplugplug lol


wut...it's a fun mod. :3


That will be moved to the mods section, I'm sure. But thanks for letting us know.

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Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If I gave an approximate date I would have to be insane.


But how about this:


I am reasonably certain that the experimental version will be released before the end of 2018.


I am somewhat certain that the stable version will also be released before the end of 2018.


I am quite certain that the experimental version will NOT be released before the end of October.



Make of that what you will.


I'm going to start working on the fourth release date thread which will NOT include a friggin poll.


/insane since July 2018



What a sneaky way to get the trolls off your back for a couple months lol !

I love Roland's attitude - I don't know if I could ever have the strength to moderate this forum and still be this fun and witty !

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Streamers have their opinions and they are going to share them. The main complaint of Skippy and others is poor communication and a lingering eternal development cycle which screws up their scheduling. The cure for that will be a fun and challenging A17. I spoke privately with Skippy and he says he plans to be honest about his feelings. If A17 is good he'll call it good and he and his viewers will have a grand time of it. If A17 is poor he will call it poor and move on to something good.


I wish some of our more outspoken streaming friends could be a bit more diplomatic when expressing their frustration and I certainly appreciate those who are keeping a cool and collected attitude and helping their viewers be patient as well. But the fact is that we don't control them and we aren't dictating to them what they can or cannot say. We have confidence that A17 is very very good and will show well and that someone like Skippy who is passionate and outspoken in his criticism right now during this time of frustration will be every bit as passionate and outspoken in his delight when he finally gets his hands on it.


There are lots of skeptical people who are wondering whether they are going to get scammed like they have with other unfinished games in the past. I know for a certainty that A17 is coming and it is going to put to rest those fears. Sure, there will be those who don't like certain changes but nobody will be able to look at A17 and say that the pimps are planning to abandon the game. Skippy is honest and outspoken about his feelings and I'm sure he will come around too once he sees the proof.

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