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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I just hope that in the spirit of all this extra modability, that The Pimps allow us to change whether or not a specific mod can be removed via an XML setting.


Per item.


Then, nails in a bat can't be removed, but an extended mag or scope can.


Because it just makes sense.


Also make mods weapon specific, for example a scope for a pistol I am sure would be alot diffrent than the type you'd put on a sniper. I also agree mods need to be removable, or at the least overwriteable with a better mod. Also look at it from gameplay, you find mod of godhood, are you going to put that in a tan weap? no your going to stockpile that till you get a tier 6 weapon to put it on, I'd rather be able to freely install and remove mods that make sense to be that way: silencers, scopes, extended magazines, extended barrels etc. This way, we dont't have situations where people are sitting on unused mods. I am assuming since mods and skills/perks are where most of your bonus damage comes from there will be mods with stats like +damage etc on them. Would you really put a nice mod like that which is rare on a low end weapon? probally not. While I guess it is good for balance, its bad for gameplay because you have to artifically restrict yourself.

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Its not a programming issue. It’s a design decision of gameplay over realism. It might not be final. This was a couple of months ago and the reasoning was to keep scavenging relevant. Getting a set of mods that you can just detach and add to a new gun means that part of the game is over once you have them. If they decide to stick with this model for A17 there’s no reason from a programming aspect they can’t change it if they feel the sacrifice of realism is too great.


Regarding earlier, I have no doubt that this is all temporary and is subjected to change; these reactions are simply the first take of players upon the announcement of a feature. I don't see them so much as a knee jerk (as long as they stay


Regarding keeping scavenging interesting, that's a fair concern, but if it comes at the price of redundancy or frustration, then there's gotta be a better way.

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You don’t sound like the average gamer. You sound like someone with quite a bit more gun knowledge than the average gamer. My immersion won’t be affected by whatever they decide because I don’t have enough knowledge to be critical.


It’s like if I read the book before seeing the movie. My wife loves it but I hate it because of my deeper knowledge.


At the end of the day will the average player who doesn’t care about the absolute realism of how gun attachments work feel they can believe the world? Sure they can.


It’s just like the guy who can’t play because all references to ammo uses the word “bullet” and he feels they should be “rounds”. His immersion is spoiled while 99% of the community has plenty of fun despite the text.


I hope attachments dont stay like that or are that way. They are not fused to the weapons. a guns clip comes out a silencer unscrews a sight unscrews and slids off.

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I know I should rage about raiders not being released. And about progression that is XML editable. And also why I don’t need a spoon to eat stew ( devs think all players are very uncouth )


But atleast please give hints about xml mods that are now possible but not before. Not asking for heaven and earth. Just some basic clues.

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I think none removeable attachments are a good idea, yes i think they should have made a 'recipe' where you have to use glue or something to attach it with so these people who favor the immersion will be satisfied a little. All said, the game it way too easy to loot said items and never have to replace them, balance is a big issue when trying to make a game 'feel' immersive, difficult and the fact you have to put a lot of effort into it.


For me, the longevity of every vanilla alpha so far has been very short and i always end up playing a modded version of the game. The progression, crafting and the loot have been too easy so far and getting to the stages of having a minibike and the concrete skill can be completed within the first couple of days.


This game is great and gets better with each alpha version, I, along with my friends, play for fun, for adventure and too survive, immersion has never been a factor for any of us, it's not that type of game imho... Keep up the great work guys and RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! :)

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Just spoke to Kinyajuu and he said that in general mods are planned to be permanent but there is back and forth talk among the team about some mods being detachable.


I’m guessing the discussion is along the same lines as has been had here. So we will just have to wait to see where things fall—on the side of the gameplay design they want or on the side of realism or a bit of both.


Edit: He also just messaged me and said that “able/ not able to be detached” is a setting for each mod that can be changed in the xmls. So there ya go. Gun enthusiasts can go super realistic very easily if it is important for immersion.

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Just spoke to Kinyajuu and he said that in general mods are planned to be permanent but there is back and forth talk among the team about some mods being detachable.


I’m guessing the discussion is along the same lines as has been had here. So we will just have to wait to see where things fall—on the side of the gameplay design they want or on the side of realism or a bit of both.


Edit: He also just messaged me and said that “able/ not able to be detached” is a setting for each mod that can be changed in the xmls. So there ya go. Gun enthusiasts can go super realistic very easily if it is important for immersion.


Awesome news.


Waitng on the "can it be a setting in options" crowd to chime in.

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I think upping skill points per level will tend to put you too far ahead of the difficulty curve. If I felt the need I would increase the level cap.


But I dig specialization and starting over fresh. Can’t imagine playing to day 1000 just to max everything out.


There's the real difficulty setting right there!


Keep the 200 levels as is, but have a difficulty level option at game start.


Easy mode is +2 skills per level,

Hard is -2,

Insane is you gain 1 skill point per level, dead is dead.


You're welcome. :)

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Question: Will there be items that are only for Server or only for SP. Like Points/skill, you can do most or all stuff, just don't get efficient with specialization, but in SP people want to specialize everything so they can really enjoy all benefits. Going in that concept, can XML has item attributes so that Mod author can make a feature available for SP only or Server only. they can do it by having two version. But I am sure mod author love to maintain single XML for it.


- - - Updated - - -


There's the real difficulty setting right there!


Keep the 200 levels as is, but have a difficulty level option at game start.


Easy mode is +2 skills per level,

Hard is -2,

Insane is you gain 1 skill point per level, dead is dead.


You're welcome. :)


Not to exact number, but I do like that Game Mode from Easy to Insane are too easy as of now. All I notice in them is that zombie are hard to kill, and the way I play been safe all time, it really don't matter most of time for me based on game Mode Setting of easy or insane. Having skill point efficiency or even AI difference in level is what actually make that setting worth.

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Guest Rassilon
Awesome news.


Waitng on the "can it be a setting in options" crowd to chime in.


Because its such an absurd question for the normal casual Player that doesnt happen to be an programmer and who want to change the settings in the option-Screen like a normal guy that plays a normal game.


You have a lot of good opinions brought in, but sometimes you and certain others show a really high horse attitude.

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Because its such an absurd question for the normal casual Player that doesnt happen to be an programmer and who want to change the settings in the option-Screen like a normal guy that plays a normal game.


You have a lot of good opinions brought in, but sometimes you and certain others show a really high horse attitude.


Well let's think about it in this case. For an options menu toggle it would have to be either:


1) All Permanent

2) All Removable


because anything more complicated than that would be ridiculous for an options menu. Eventually there will be dozens and dozens of mods and I certainly hope you aren't suggesting that TFP create option pages (yes pages) where players can toggle each individual mod attachment to either permanent or removable.


Also...casual players probably aren't going to care enough about this issue to even want to change it away from whatever the devs decide. Casual players tend to want to play games the way the devs designed it.


Also...those who want to change it presumably want to change it for realism reasons and so doing an option menu for all removable won't be realistic either (provided they are being genuine in their agenda and aren't just wanting to avoid tough choices). So for someone who wants the attachment feature to be realistic they really are going to want to use the xml settings menu already provided to tailor exactly which mods are permanent and which are removable.


I agree that in other areas of the game general menu toggles will be good. But not in this case.


(I had this ready thanks to Jax...)

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I think they don't want the night vision googles to be so good that it doesn't matter anymore if it is day or night.




Remember all those posts about "RNG hell" when wrench, minibike and some other recipe were made so scarce that some people never found one in 80 days while the mass of players still had them in the first two weeks? The chance of this happening is smaller if they are less scarce.


And if someone needs about 10 laser targetting pointers instead of about 2 in a whole game then he will be pleasently surprised 10 times instead of only twice when he finds one.


And even when he found the super dooper laser targetting pointer mark6 very early, he might keep it in a chest for a better weapon and be happy about the mark2 he finds afterwards, because the slot in his quality3 weapon is still empty. This is is a tactical choice he can make. "How good must the weapon be to put in my high quality mod? What mix of mods that I have collected is right for this weapon? Is this my final weapon or do I look for another one and use this as intermediary?"


If mods can be detached the player doesn't need to think anymore. Always put the best mods in the best weapon. Finished. Could be automated because there is practically no choice involved anymore.


I am so glad I read a little more instead of responding to one of the earlier posts... I was itching to do so. I couldn't have said it better myself, meganoth. There is an obvious focus from the devs to create the "hard decisions" aspect of the game. To an earlier point, weapon mods not being detachable is immersion breaking, but carrying 5000 logs in a single slot is not?... Not to a lumber jack. A lumber jack would say, "screw the removable mods, that doesn't break immersion! There is no way in hell a person can carry 5000 logs in one small corner of a backpack! 5 logs max or the imersion is broken".


Coming from a military standpoint, I get the superglued mod confusion, but I get the reason why the devs are doing this (at least from my perspective). Decisions in the game should not come easy. The game is becoming less about the grind and more about the strategy to balance the two out a bit.

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Question: Will there be items that are only for Server or only for SP. Like Points/skill, you can do most or all stuff, just don't get efficient with specialization, but in SP people want to specialize everything so they can really enjoy all benefits. Going in that concept, can XML has item attributes so that Mod author can make a feature available for SP only or Server only. they can do it by having two version. But I am sure mod author love to maintain single XML for it.


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Not to exact number, but I do like that Game Mode from Easy to Insane are too easy as of now. All I notice in them is that zombie are hard to kill, and the way I play been safe all time, it really don't matter most of time for me based on game Mode Setting of easy or insane. Having skill point efficiency or even AI difference in level is what actually make that setting worth.


Right. I have no idea of how many skill points a person gets per level and I'm glad someone saw the intent of my post.


Making the zombies bullet sponges was never a fun thing for me, BUT turn your character into a "Joe Average" and not some "Rambo on PCP" super hero and the only thing between you and death is your own wits! :)

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