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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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TFP is still working on developing and optimizing the core engine and mechanics in this Alpha phase. Heck, simply moving from Unity 5 in A16 to Unity 2017 in A17 is a huge step forward in terms of performance and capability. I'm sure they are optimizing what they can as they port the codebase to Unity 2017.


I feel like 7dtd would benefit a lot from the new unity 2018 threading system

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I feel like 7dtd would benefit a lot from the new unity 2018 threading system


If it does then the devs will use it. They are on top of all unity developments and frequent those forums and ask questions of those developers much the same way we do here for the game. They pick and choose the features and modules that work for their game and some that they’ve tried they’ve had to give up on because it didn’t work out. So they are aware of the threading system and if it benefits the game then they will utilize it.

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Hey Roland, question for ya, do you know if the fun pimps have something like a wind turbine on the table for electricity? it wouldnt be that hard to make one outta scrap stuff for a different way of gaining electricity, would be fun, or maybe down the road a water generator that you simply place in water and it generates a small amount of electricity? it would lead people to make hydro electric dams and have them alter the terrain to make them since waterfalls are not a thing yet


I don’t know. But if I did know I’d still have to say “I don’t know”... :p

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+1 in the wandering hordes, perhaps they could be a randomly generated event in which a random chunk is chosen for them to spawn in and a random direction is set, I see the current wandering horde as just another box I need to check on my everyday survival regimen vs it being an unexpected threat that totally sidelines me


A horde that doesn't cross your way is a horde that might as well not exist. A horde outside your sensory range is a non-horde. You are the center of that universe, really :smile-new:


There are easier measures to remove some of the disadvantages. For example spawn them farther away and your chances to spot them will rise. Or make their appearance more random but make them deadlier instead.

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Just a shout out to you for creating the Pimp AI thread, a real flash of genius there. I don't hover here near as much these days, just too busy. So I really appreciate a place to catch up on developments in AI. Keep up the great moderation bud!





Thanks and you're welcome! :)



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haha no doubt no doubt...but what your saying is that if I loot a whole house it wont have weapon mods but if you loot the same house as a quest then there will be weapon mods? That blows. shouldnt the world have what it has no matter what? Maybe a quest clues you in to where something legendary is but if it is there and I find it without a quest I should still get it. how can quests magically put stuff in that not everyone can access? a container should have what it has and not one thing for one guy and something else for a different guy just because he talked to a trader first.


what if you get a quest and the house with the legendary machete that gets spawned there for you is across the map and before you can get there and do your quest I just happen to come upon that house naturally and start looting normally and I have no idea its your quest. Would i get the legendary machete since I got there first or not? if not then this quest idea needs some serious rethinking cuz thats stupid as ♥♥♥♥ right there.


What I meant, and hope is planned, is that you will find mods and such during normal looting but at a lower success rate. Taking on a quest will increase the possibility of better mods and legendary items to such a degree that the quests will be well worth taking.

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What I meant, and hope is planned, is that you will find mods and such during normal looting but at a lower success rate. Taking on a quest will increase the possibility of better mods and legendary items to such a degree that the quests will be well worth taking.


And "quality Joe"?

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If we have looting skills and quests, would we need Quality Joe?


I dunno, it depends on how they balance it all, you may not "need" quality joe but I always like to have at least a couple levels of it.

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If we have looting skills and quests, would we need Quality Joe?


So your thinking this skill goes away?

That's certainly one way to fix it...

The quality system is gone for the firearms... But what about clothes and tools?


I guess the quality increase you got from QJ could be reworked into the looting skill. But then we have the same issue...


1. Either you find really crappy mods from loot in the beginning, making quests essential!


2. You find semi ok mods from loot in the beginning, making quests useless in endgame.


Maybe it could be balanced, but a tall order I think.

Perhaps that's why A17 is so long in development?


Let's cross fingers ;)



Perhaps the mods are like the firearms? That is, not affected by the quality system?

Doh, it just dorned on me...

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I don’t know. But if I did know I’d still have to say “I don’t know”... :p


I know you don't know, but by saying you don't know then saying you have to say you don't know means you do know and even though we don't know we know you will know and not know to know to tell us that you know so we know you know....


but i still think it would be fun, since electricity is basic right now im just hoping for more fun things in the future, like the automated floors that can flip up and smack a zombie over, now that would be fun.

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They've hired more people, purchased new and powerful editing tools, and are still working feverishly every day. Alpha 17 is up to build #70 now.


So lots of effort and resources but not as much communication. That's probably where your upset is coming from.


Is Madmole gonna do his Let's Plays once they're in content lock again? I hope he does, they were hilarious.

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Have you read MadMoles posts? I've never seen him be overly generous with GA♥, it's what I like about the man :-)


- - - Updated - - -




I really hope so, preferably with his loudest keyboard and most profane language :-)


I hope he drops his bow again, but it probably won't happen since he moved the drop button after the last time.

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A horde that doesn't cross your way is a horde that might as well not exist. A horde outside your sensory range is a non-horde. You are the center of that universe, really :smile-new:


There are easier measures to remove some of the disadvantages. For example spawn them farther away and your chances to spot them will rise. Or make their appearance more random but make them deadlier instead.


Could easily have more than one as long as they stayed a good distance away from each other horde. Since line of sight is so far now, could easily use a nice LOD model to specifically draw a horde rather than the individual zombies. It would be cool if there were some hordes that were trapped in buildings, and opening the door to the wrong building would unleash the horde. Seems more realistic that you would notice a wandering horde before it was literally on top of you. It's not like zombies are stealthy.


The obvious issue is that you don't want a bunch of ai wandering around, so you would just set a location in code that moves around and spawns the individual ai when in range of a player.

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Guest Rassilon


Early in the A16 Discussion it was said by MM that the Landclaim-System will get an Overhaul in the Future.

Any Chance if this will be in A17 or rather A18? And any details what is planned in this Overhaul?

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Early in the A16 Discussion it was said by MM that the Landclaim-System will get an Overhaul in the Future.

Any Chance if this will be in A17 or rather A18? And any details what is planned in this Overhaul?


whats wrong with current landclaim system? its perfect

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Roland, do you know, will we can edit our point on map in Alpha 17, or we will must deleted it and creating new point as it is now? Thanks.


I guess google translate messed up there. At least, i wouldnt have any idea what you just asked. Bet that goes for Roland too :)



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