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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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There is an excellent one on "ignore".com :)




I relish the day when you actually commit to your shunning of players & Ignore my postings, Ignore means never to respond but alas the temptation to troll is too great in this one, the Dark Trolling Force has taken over the bright rainbow.


- - - Updated - - -


The time has come for a spacepiggio translator.


No secret here. I will be enjoying the new South Park game until A 16 is Stable enough for a long term game.

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I'll just add this comment as I've done before... Simply because I'm adamant that people understand the issues they are coursing:


In this A17 developer diary, Madmole has stopped adding things to come on release.

The reason for this was, that people just cant understand that we are in alpha, and that EVERYTHING even patch notes, are subject to change... All the time...


So when you write your post, with the "feel" that you were "promised" zip-lines when you were NEVER! promised this...

Just know that you are one of the reasons, that we no longer get these patch notes...


Good job haters... Good job....


It's equally disingenuous to misquote him too, though.

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It's equally disingenuous to misquote him too, though.


Hey man! You missed quite a lot and i think menace is referring to this:


Yeah time invested thats another good point. Lots of others have kicked off about that too, and quite rightly.


I love the game also, in fact I recommended it and passed it around because it has incredible potential.


They should perhaps consider your point of not making promises. MM said they reworked physics and now bikes ride like GTA.


One could infer that physics is playable since hes already commented on what its like now that physics functions at least with the bike.


We could infer also that since the behemoth is out, ziplines are out, and the trader and and wolf taming is just concept; and MM told us explicitly new crops are down the line but not anytime soon, that the major possible updates are already to be counted out.


Other than the bike and hog w/ physics, and some new wallpaper, it seems like a way off for what is very little.


Of course I come back to the title of this thread because it really is just speculation.


Saying that, they may well have a lot hidden like MM hinted at when he said that if he told us about everything the forum would explode or something haha (not his actual words but not far off).


Perspective :) (never saw a promise myself, but im an old fart with bad eyes, could have missed it)



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This is true to a certain degree but this solution also raises issues.


You'll have to normalise the players position to around 0,0 every 15km or so to prevent the break-down of 32 bit floating point arithmetic as you travel further. Recentralising the player will mean the visible map will have to be regenerated at the new coordinates.


Not only do you have the problem of offsetting everything to the new coordinates but regenerating the map will have a damn near terminal impact on the frame rate. Having the map regenerate when somebody is in the middle of combat may just cause a severe case of rage quit.


With an offset map in place, and assuming you somehow manage to solve the FPS issue, you can then generate around 1,000,000km of fractal terrain before the arithmetic for 64 bit floating point numbers breaks down. You could try and create your own data type and re-write the entire fractal generation library to use it but that's a lot of work and will have a significant impact on the generation speed.


I've actually implemented a system of 1 trillion square kilometres wrap-able terrain using this method... it made my brain hurt :-)


I got to the point of breakdown of floating point numbers and that was enough to hurt my head.


How the main chunk managment on the host can manage to keeptrack of multiple players recentralising at different offsets also hurts my head.


I suppose if you move away from 32 bit FP a lot of optimisations on low level assembly get thrown out the window and would need to start from scratch if that is even feesable.


Interesting to read though but makes me think it is something that is choosen at the very first design stages and not anytime after.

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I have been looking at this video that Madmole put out and was thinking about the traders.


Madmole said that he is going to change each trader to specialize in one thing, weapons, armor eta. But I am hoping that they will still sell other stuff to.

Like Trader Rex selling only crops and you need a gun or a tool and that other trader is clear across the map. Or in random gen's case. You may have not even found that trader yet.


So while each trader specializes in that one area, they still sell a little bit of everything. It would make it easier and ofc other people would be trading with them and not just in that one category.


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I have been looking at this video that Madmole put out and was thinking about the traders.


Madmole said that he is going to change each trader to specialize in one thing, weapons, armor eta. But I am hoping that they will still sell other stuff to.

Like Trader Rex selling only crops and you need a gun or a tool and that other trader is clear across the map. Or in random gen's case. You may have not even found that trader yet.


So while each trader specializes in that one area, they still sell a little bit of everything. It would make it easier and ofc other people would be trading with them and not just in that one category.



I think specialise means primarily but not exclusively but i may have understood this wrong.


Maybe groups of higher tier items will only be available from certain traders.

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We went from screenshots ...to videos(awesome by the way)...to videos of screenshots.

C'mon sills work with me here!






Yes MTFGA but not too much we dont want anyone too excited we have some old uns like myself who frequent the forum.


BTW 724hptpa is currently parasiting in the offtopic is there any news on that secret technolgy you have been working on as recent setbacks have hit us hard and some good news will boost the morale of the team.

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Yes MTFGA but not too much we dont want anyone too excited we have some old uns like myself who frequent the forum.


BTW 724hptpa is currently parasiting in the offtopic is there any news on that secret technolgy you have been working on as recent setbacks have hit us hard and some good news will boost the morale of the team.


Negative ..we were shut down. Blocked shall we say!

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So what does everybody think about irradiated plants and what this can add to the game ?


I was thinking if rad areas where added to the inside of the map area then by using hazmat and planting special plants it would turn that area with the plants in over time to be not radiated.


Not sure what could be in these areas so special to do this but and would be a later game mechanic but it was all i could think of for the momment.

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Being there are broken vehicles lying around there must be some turbochargers.


I have seen turbo chargers used as compressers for homebrew jet engines.


So can we have jet engine power introduced into the game.


We could then build tracks for a fast transport system from a to b using jet propelled minecarts.


As this possible in the real world i dont see it as immersion breaking and the other available powerplants seem inefficent and slow for rails.


Steam is ancient tech and as there is no electrical powergrid across the world that counts this out so only leaves a standard internal combustion engines.


Jet power is not only faster but greater in fun factor.


What do you think ?

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Being there are broken vehicles lying around there must be some turbochargers.


I have seen turbo chargers used as compressers for homebrew jet engines.


So can we have jet engine power introduced into the game.


We could then build tracks for a fast transport system from a to b using jet propelled minecarts.


As this possible in the real world i dont see it as immersion breaking and the other available powerplants seem inefficent and slow for rails.


Steam is ancient tech and as there is no electrical powergrid across the world that counts this out so only leaves a standard internal combustion engines.


Jet power is not only faster but greater in fun factor.


What do you think ?


It really depends on what sort of game`s architecture you are talking about. Steam is not a game engine, 7dtd is voxel based game which makes it different from so many games in a matter of using hardware resourses. This jet engine could be efficient in some game that does not load the level same way as a non voxel game. Loading every cube, chunk and stuff in a speed could cause massive problems with performance.


New vehicle system is behind the corner. Lets see what will bring and then give ideas :) Its a good one though :)

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It really depends on what sort of game`s architecture you are talking about. Steam is not a game engine, 7dtd is voxel based game which makes it different from so many games in a matter of using hardware resourses. This jet engine could be efficient in some game that does not load the level same way as a non voxel game. Loading every cube, chunk and stuff in a speed WILL cause massive problems with performanse.


Fixed that for you. :sneakiness:

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I got to the point of breakdown of floating point numbers and that was enough to hurt my head.


How the main chunk managment on the host can manage to keeptrack of multiple players recentralising at different offsets also hurts my head.


I suppose if you move away from 32 bit FP a lot of optimisations on low level assembly get thrown out the window and would need to start from scratch if that is even feesable.


Interesting to read though but makes me think it is something that is choosen at the very first design stages and not anytime after.


Using SSE2+ already uses the registers which are capable of 64 bit so the instruction set would remain almost identical to that sense. The problem is the rendering as it only accepts floats for its positions. The typical way of avoiding this is called origin rebasing which isn't that hard to implement especially on a system using voxels however there can be other pitfalls such as physics simulation.


Anyway the cube sorting shouldn't harm the server that much, you can just queue the sorting in a thread and push the data out once its ready.

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Being there are broken vehicles lying around there must be some turbochargers.


I have seen turbo chargers used as compressers for homebrew jet engines.


So can we have jet engine power introduced into the game.


We could then build tracks for a fast transport system from a to b using jet propelled minecarts.


As this possible in the real world i dont see it as immersion breaking and the other available powerplants seem inefficent and slow for rails.


Steam is ancient tech and as there is no electrical powergrid across the world that counts this out so only leaves a standard internal combustion engines.


Jet power is not only faster but greater in fun factor.


What do you think ?


Pretty sure this is where this is going....





The more I look at this the more I think our mini bike should be converted into this... I'm in love with this shopping cart.


Then get Guppy's Race track added to the game and we can race our shopping carts.

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Pretty sure this is where this is going....





The more I look at this the more I think our mini bike should be converted into this... I'm in love with this shopping cart.


Then get Guppy's Race track added to the game and we can race our shopping carts.


That motorized cart really should be considered! Also, we have minibikes and blade traps so a weaponized riding lawnmower (or its bigger cousin the combine) needs to happen.


The current state of motorized travel is a tragedy. Hit a boar straight on yesterday and came to an abrupt stop. Either I should have flown over the handlebars or I should have had pork for dinner. Why on Earth were minibikes damaging entities changed?

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