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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Dear Devs,


is there are chance that you reactivate the static entity spawns for prefabs in A17? I mean it still works on Navezgane but for some reason you've deactivated it for RWG maps (not sure if this is was intended). Sleepers are nice but sometimes you want to spawn the entities directly or you want to place them independently of the voxel grid and use arbitrary rotations (not just multiples of 90° or 45°).


So it would be nice to have both systems available, sleepers and direct spawns, for a17 prefabs.


You can already sort-of do this yourself.


Have a look in blocks.xml for the SpawnTrader block. Just use that as a base and make several blocks with different entities and then place however you like in prefabs.


A17 is going to make this a LOT more viable since the block ID limit is being removed. :) Sadly we're still restricted to the rotation degrees, but it's better than nothing.

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Are you guys working in other games?

Why it takes so long ?


Think of it this way. The longer it takes, the more features there will be in A17. If they take longer but are able to squeeze bandits or significant AI updates into A17 we wont have to wait another year to finally get them. Id rather wait a few extra months now... then waiting another year or so from A17 release.


I know everyone is biting their nails waiting for release... im biting my nails hoping they dont say its feature locked without bandit/AI improvements. Please take longer, but make it worth it :)

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Some questions for devs from rus speaking community of Youtube channel Survager:


1. What do you hear about Steam Workshop? Will she be at 17 Alpha? What are the chances?


2. What do you hear about the editor of POI? Particularly interesting is the installation of several blocks at a time. People complain that in the global construction they have broken so much mice)))


3.According to statistics, no one uses other hats other than the miner's helmet. Will it be possible to attach a flashlight to any headgear in 17 Alpha?


4. Will there be any other decorative vehicles in the game besides the sedans? You could add a military hammer, crashed helicopters or planes for example.


5. What do you hear about electricity 2.0? Will it be possible to combine two powerbanks or generators in parallel to increase power? Will it be possible to turn on the generator with a button or a pressure plate in 17 Alpha?


6. Will there be changes in how to mount the optical sight to AK47. For example, it could be a system of "dovetail", Weaver Rail or Picatinni Rail. In the past, the video showed that the sight was attached over the standard one.


Thanks for answer, if it's will be )))

I love this game!

I want to this game will be best of the best!!!



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Are you guys working in other games?

Why it takes so long ?


Well, they make a lot of sub games within 7d2d:

-Bunge jumping (without Bunge cord).

-Wack-a-mole within the game and Flame-a-Madmole in the forums.

-Mini bike landmine madness in the wasteland biome.


The games TFP work on are almost endless.

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1) Releasing it after A17 would be pointless so yes, it will be released first.

2) No. There are some features that have progressed to the point that the developers have asked the internal testing team to start poking at it but most is still in progress and as a whole there are too many parts still under construction to be able to do gameplay testing.

3) I don't know. It's a selectable option in the launcher menu and that is the extent of what I know about it.


1. Well yeah but how long before the experimental drop I wonder? At 1/4th HP bar? X3


2. At the rate the XP bar is going down, if it were to continue at the same rate (something that obviously can't be counted on, hence the devs doing it this way instead of guessing at an ETA), there's what, 2-3 months remaining? With the XP bar 1/2 way down you'd think a feature freeze wouldn't be too far off! Not that I want there to be a feature freeze yet with so many juicy features coming but that means a LOT of things to play test, debug, and balance!


3. Will be interesting to see if they make Vulkan the default or not. For certain much older gfx cards it can't be, but I think those are so old now that Vulkan, should their core renderer run well, could probably be the default. GFX card detection could take care of that too. Even though it's an early implementation I can't wait to se what the Vulkan performance and rendering quality will be like!

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I have a vision of Joust.


I want to import an ostrich or emu, have them rideable, then add a joust... and whoever hits higher wins. =)


- - - Updated - - -


2. At the rate the XP bar is going down, if it were to continue at the same rate (something that obviously can't be counted on, hence the devs doing it this way instead of guessing at an ETA), there's what, 2-3 months remaining? With the XP bar 1/2 way down you'd think a feature freeze wouldn't be too far off!


The "health bar" is total hogwash, I wouldn't put any stock into it whatsoever other than it being a conversation piece.

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Rust has been in development about the same time as 7d2d (from what I can see on the internet) and was released Feb this year.


...and is such a hot mess (IMO) I couldn't stand to be in it for more than a few minutes. I prefer TFP's approach.

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Some questions for devs from rus speaking community of Youtube channel Survager:

5. What do you hear about electricity 2.0? Will it be possible to combine two powerbanks or generators in parallel to increase power? Will it be possible to turn on the generator with a button or a pressure plate in 17 Alpha?



Regarding electricity I've created a fully automated system that powers up everything. A little bit offtopic but can be useful for electricity nerds like me.


So the build:


Solar bank, with as much cells you can buy.

It connects to the 1st timer relay, that is set to 4:00 - 19:30, connected to a 2nd timer relay that is set to 4:00 - 20:00. This little trick is required to skip the game's logic, should be easily done by one relay, but if I leave the 1st timer out, than the system doesn't powers up at nighttime, I need to start/stop the solar bank to make it work. So it's kind of workaround because of the game's logic, it just completely separates the networks.


The 2nd timer connects to the 1st battery bank which charges during daytime and connects to the 3rd timer that was set to 20:00 to 4:00. This is the "night grid", that powers up the sensors that switches the lights up in the house. This night network cuts of at 4 when the sunlight is enough to see easily and save power. Also this was connected to the 2nd battery bank that's output is the "24/7" network. During daytime it powers up the traps around the house (while the 1st is being charged by the sun), and at night the 1st battery pack charges up the 2nd.


This system fully works without any touch, of course you have to check your watt usage and get the best batteries you can. Of course you can play with the times but this is what works best for me.


So in schematic:


Solar bank --> timer relay 1 (4:00-19:30) --> timer relay 2 (4:00-20:00) --> 1st battery bank --> timer relay 3 (20:00-4:00, nightpower grid) --> 2nd battery bank --> 24/7 grid.


Sorry for offtopic, but I just wanted to add something to the community :)


Also can't wait for A17 and hope for upgrades in every aspect of the game. C'mon TFP team, you are the best! I'm really happy that I've found your little gem game. Keep it up!

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The advantage 7d2d still has over most other games is voxel. Being a voxel game opens up potential features that very few other game can compete with.


The underground has not been touched due to frame rate concerns, but this is most likely a strategic error. Mine craft is great because of its interesting underground.


A possible solution is to "pre-bake" the Navazgane map using point of views very high up. This would stop any rendering of most blocks below the surface.


Allowing the user an option to pre-bake parts of their random map might be something to look into.


Yep, I agree with all that. I was just saying that the average gamer who gives it a quick try, could make a wrong judgement, not realising it's a voxel game.


it would be nice (not sure if I requested this before or not) if the Nav map could be placed into a random world. I appreciate the difficulty of where Nav meets the random world, but I think if it could be achieved, it could be awesome.


I will give it another go when A17 releases, I'm already up to 953 hours on this, more than any other game ever (well maybe EQ2 or LOTRO was played more, but I'm not counting mmos) that's a good indication to the games staying and replay value.

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...and is such a hot mess (IMO) I couldn't stand to be in it for more than a few minutes. I prefer TFP's approach.


Honestly, as long as I have a mostly working game to play I don't care if its early access, and TFP meets this easly, I have very little issues with the game, if anything I do wish foir a few things.


1: Randomized zombies with looks/stats randomized, for example nurse zombie can have between 70-130 health, do 8-18 damage, but have pretty much infinite looks for physical looks as the only thing thats static is either a male or female nurse outfit. Zombies should not be carbon copies of each other, its lore/immersion breaking for me.


2: Since Navez got nuked, we need more mutated enemies, we got dogs, then bears, and some wolves, but we need more things, I myself want those hornets back, I loved killing those things. If not more monster-like enemies more zombies or rare spawn variations that have abilitys, like the ability to jump, climb, run, shoot things, or even use melee weapons.


3: Bigger inventory space, please, this is needed badly as more and more clutter gets added to the game yet we never get any bag space increases. I'd even be fine if the bike/motorbike/minibike/jeep have alot bigger storage.


4: Stuff to do after you get established, in A16, once your established with food/water there is almost no point to keep playing anymore, as there is just a lack of things to actually ya know.. do. I love killing zombies, but it gets boring fast in small numbers and with them all looking the same.


5: I know this is EA but some optimization needs to be done, having alot of items in the recipie window shouldn't cause the game to soft lock for a few seconds when any inventory window is opened. The reflections also need a overhaul, as there are many sufaces that have reflections on them, that aren't reflective. They seem to use a global thing for it, if you shut reflections off you'll notice the world suddendly is alot darker. The game has been in EA for a while, so it would be nice if it in A17 some work was done on this aspect. 7dtd should have alot better performance than it does when you consider how its not all that great graphically. Shadows also need some work done, and so does Structral intergrity, I notice when it caculates it, the game sometimes locks up pretty hard depending how big the structure is. I notice this mostly when a horde of zombies with like 6+ are all beating on a building, it lags the entire game.


6: More weapons, we need a blade equivlent to the sledghammer, maybe a Sword of some kind, complete with gore that lets you cut off limbs, heads, or even slice them in half.


- - - Updated - - -


Yep, I agree with all that. I was just saying that the average gamer who gives it a quick try, could make a wrong judgement, not realising it's a voxel game.


it would be nice (not sure if I requested this before or not) if the Nav map could be placed into a random world. I appreciate the difficulty of where Nav meets the random world, but I think if it could be achieved, it could be awesome.


I will give it another go when A17 releases, I'm already up to 953 hours on this, more than any other game ever (well maybe EQ2 or LOTRO was played more, but I'm not counting mmos) that's a good indication to the games staying and replay value.


1269 hours here, its easly my most played on steam, I also play dead is dead so I do alot of restarting at times lol.

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He's an enema trapped inside of a paraplegic within the framework of an euphemism.


Well, that's the theory at least. Nobody really knows for sure. :p


Saying things like that puts the cream in my bacon wrapped Twinkie....

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