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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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" I'm hoping combining goes away in favor of superior drops at the high end."


My only major issue with this is that I've always envisioned resource gathering and ad-hoc survival as a critical aspect to zombie survival. I really don't want to see 7DTD become a generic dungeon-crawl-for-loot game by removing access to improvement through skills and engineering.


There is no reason that crafting and looting cannot survive together peacefully. There should be reasons to go to harder places and there should be alternatives via crafting (crafting should always produce the best looking things in my opinion, at the high end at least). I'd prefer harder to find resources for the higher tier crafting items. But then I'd also rather have them tier the biomes to some degree as well so that newbies (in level or in spirit) know not to go there until they are ready.

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so basically only 4 people got a key?


Yea, it's too bad. I was too slow. I tried to get one for my friend. He got the PS4 version before he found out it would play on Linux and that multi-player is kind of platform dependent, so we can't multi-play together. He doesn't really want to buy another copy of something he already has.

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Yea, it's too bad. I was too slow. I tried to get one for my friend. He got the PS4 version before he found out it would play on Linux and that multi-player is kind of platform dependent, so we can't multi-play together. He doesn't really want to buy another copy of something he already has.


So remind him of how much more is in the game, and to consider it buying a DLC that completely upgrades everything in the game. Or force him to play it on your computer.


It's not like you can go back to a console version from the PC version. Console version is just not fun at that point, and it makes you sad to try and play it.

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Yea, it's too bad. I was too slow. I tried to get one for my friend. He got the PS4 version before he found out it would play on Linux and that multi-player is kind of platform dependent, so we can't multi-play together. He doesn't really want to buy another copy of something he already has.


Madmole stated in the YT comments that he plans to add more keys to his next videos, so stay tuned :)

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So quick question, why no spears? It's the tool that put us ahead of most predators, it was used to keep teeth and claws away from hunters and could also be used for range. One of the our most primitive and most effective tools yet not included. I figure there must be a reason just wondering why?


This I would agree with. in Bushcraft/Survival a spear is a versatile and primitive/Simple thing to build, useful in so very many situations. now i get that most of those won't be in the game but it's still one of, if not, THE first tool man made and was used up until... well.. it still *is*.. so ya I'm curious as well.

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So quick question, why no spears? It's the tool that put us ahead of most predators, it was used to keep teeth and claws away from hunters and could also be used for range. One of the our most primitive and most effective tools yet not included. I figure there must be a reason just wondering why?


It's because the cop zombies keep using them as toothpicks after they have chawed on my body.

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Tech question for anyone who may know: does Unity have native support for dual wield?


Asking since shields would make a lot of sense in a ZA... and the police still use them for riot control so they would be around right? Not to mention how easy it would be to make one...

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Tech question for anyone who may know: does Unity have native support for dual wield?


Asking since shields would make a lot of sense in a ZA... and the police still use them for riot control so they would be around right? Not to mention how easy it would be to make one...


Shields = You need to make own Animations for most combinations or you get one handed rifles.

So even if "native Support" is not really definable i would say "No"



Btw, hello gentlemen and ladies.

My 7D2D break is nearly over, enough suffered by the pain other games offer.

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Shields = You need to make own Animations for most combinations or you get one handed rifles.

So even if "native Support" is not really definable i would say "No"


Ah, ok, makes sense. Thanks Royal.


Edit: welcome back Royal. Your spidee-sense may need tuning (or you may be a sign...?) since Ravenhearst 3.0 just dropped but seems A17 is still a ways off :smile-new:

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That type of reply is for the birds.


- - - Updated - - -


I was wondering if we will eventually get 'world-building'-tools? As in; before the generation of the RGW, we can determine the percentage of biomes, the occurrence of cities, the level of relief?


I thought that this was already added in in the world generated map.

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I was wondering if we will eventually get 'world-building'-tools? As in; before the generation of the RGW, we can determine the percentage of biomes, the occurrence of cities, the level of relief?


I'd easily bet on the yes column for that as well as those tools also being moddable. :p

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Been looking at shields for my medieval mod, and torches too, for the left hand.


Unless they open up the lefthandjoint no, and like French toast said, they'd need to add an animation, but both would be fairly trivial for them to do *cough*faatal*cough*, so I'm hopeful.


...they need to fix the janky stone axe hold type animation anyway.

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Yeah, but I meant in-game tools. Which are probably a bit more user-friendly. Would be nice to be able to generate maps with a specified amount of biomes (I'm looking at you, waterworld!).


So...bandits on seadoos is your wet dream now?

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Pretty sure he meant as game options and not xml modding. Of course, you knew that.


My view on this, can we realistically expect the Devs to take on a bunch of extra work and delay the next update even longer, over something the end user can already do by simply tweaking a few values in the code, which are both easily accessible and quite simple?


This is the sort of thing more suited to Modders, who have done similar things for many games in the past. And while it is probably impossible to preview a map out of game due to proprietary code of the RWG, it is also extremely difficult/unlikely to be made as an in-game tool due to xml files being loaded before the main menu, meaning any changes made through an in-game interface would require restarting the game unless the Devs changed the code.


The best we can probably hope for on this is if the Fun Pimps decide to make an out-of-game map previewer/editor, so that we can get a preview with the changes we make before they are applied to the XML files.

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