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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I wonder now that they are looking at some of the games physics if we might see some actual projectiles for guns and maybe some work going into the handling of them.


Also with all this work on character models, will we see improvements to player character models and the animations.



Also Roland did a poll a while ago about more advanced movements like grabbing ledges which the community seemed quite positive about, I'd be happy with this as an alternative to zip lines.

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I'd rather have the Mystery Machine.


Then I could teach my domesticated wolf to talk and feed it hugely tall Shamwiches.




this brings me to an idea. You already have the get drunk challenge. So would it be so bad to add weed to the game? Then you can add the "because I got high" challenge lol

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Good stuff! Go ahead and blow me away. I'm still having fun.


Watching the video that Ozzysfang has uploaded, I have noticed that when the corpses are deposited on the ground, being all the same, gives a less realistic look. Why not create a visceral material, which has properties similar to gravel or soil and which is deposited by forming mounds that must be cleaned in the same way as when a collapse occurs?

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Watching the video that Ozzysfang has uploaded, I have noticed that when the corpses are deposited on the ground, being all the same, gives a less realistic look. Why not create a visceral material, which has properties similar to gravel or soil and which is deposited by forming mounds that must be cleaned in the same way as when a collapse occurs?


Like a gore block? As interesting as that was, I believe there were several problem with that, the main one being performance.


It was fun though. :)

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Well, i was talking with my friends on steam and we came with a conclusion: This is like a gay zombie game. And it is because we already have all traders as male npcs and we will have a lot of new npcs, traders and they are all male, just one girl.. So maybe the male npc have sex with another male in their Factions / settlements and traders stations.. Nice gays!

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I thought i don't much care about the pet taming system, but seeing the concept art made me rethink. Look really cool. I guess if the tamed wolf has some cool functionality and controlling/commanding him will be clear and precise... Mom, can i have a wolf please?


Looking forward to gun and vehicle mods, i hope you guys decide to go that way.

And armor mods and new armor buffs as well..

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Well, i was talking with my friends on steam and we came with a conclusion: This is like a gay zombie game. And it is because we already have all traders as male npcs and we will have a lot of new npcs, traders and they are all male, just one girl.. So maybe the male npc have sex with another male in their Factions / settlements and traders stations.. Nice gays!


Sorry to disappoint you young troll, but this is not a game about sex. I can understand that you are at the age where you and your friends have only that on your mind. Recommend one of you get the game and play it as it is really fun.

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Glad to see you finally came out of your bunker and posted a video. :)


Seen your screen shots but videos are much better.


What I would like to know is how these factions will work.


I mean White river has trading post all over Naz. Plus they are hostile with the Duke faction.

Are you planning to rearrange the White river traders then so that they occupy only part of the map while the Duke controls another part?


Will you be able to trade with the Duke's faction?


If you kill a faction NPC can you get all there armor and weapons?


Will your rep change if you do attack just one with no witnesses?


Are you planning other factions as well?


I saw that you guys were planning to add some sort of Cult faction to the game as well. Is that still happening?


Ofc I want to hear bout the other stuff you all are putting out to. :)



It would be great if they are both traders and started of as neutral towards you, then depending on how you work with one or the other you have to side with one for trade and fight the other. This way you can then maybe hire mercs from them and they come by and guard your base. Have an option to mark an area were they watch and guard from.


But for beginners they would all have to be friendly as they would want your trade and for you to join thier side, this also could spark off missions you could get from them, maybe take out a small out post at x. y. z. Also maybe start your own factions for your friends to join so you can fight others on your server.

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It would be great if they are both traders and started of as neutral towards you, then depending on how you work with one or the other you have to side with one for trade and fight the other. This way you can then maybe hire mercs from them and they come by and guard your base. Have an option to mark an area were they watch and guard from.


But for beginners they would all have to be friendly as they would want your trade and for you to join thier side, this also could spark off missions you could get from them, maybe take out a small out post at x. y. z. Also maybe start your own factions for your friends to join so you can fight others on your server.



All cool ideas. :)


I'm looking forward to hearing about what TFP's are going with this.

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Well, i was talking with my friends on steam and we came with a conclusion: This is like a gay zombie game. And it is because we already have all traders as male npcs and we will have a lot of new npcs, traders and they are all male, just one girl.. So maybe the male npc have sex with another male in their Factions / settlements and traders stations.. Nice gays!



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Its going to be a combination of some serious stat mod and some coded in special action stuff. And the system isn't just guns. Its a unified vehicle, weapon and clothing mod system. Tired of broken legs? Wear some legendary boots or mod your boots out with some kind of widget that reduces fall damage or specifically blocks / reduces broken leg chance.


Right now no matter what your skills are and no matter what you are wearing you have the same chance to get infected, bleed, get a broken leg, etc. Once the new system is completed, it will filter all your resistances to damage types after the roll and that will be your chance to get it, which could be 0% with enough gear/skill.


That would be great! I often wondered why Athletic 20,40,60+ did not reduce injuries to legs or increase my ability to dodge a hit.

Can't wait!

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So your PC is slower than a console? I think there are memory leaks and other crap going on, we've tested bikes on minimum hardware and they should keep up with chunk loading under normal rules. Add some mods in or have more than 8 players on a server, or a server that isn't fast enough, and sure there could be problems.


But to answer your question, the old minibike was probably the "top speed" and the new one will be nerfed some so that there is a noticeable upgrade for the motorbike.


Right now we're just hooking up the new stuff. There hasn't been any balance, but nobody has fallen through the world once with the new system, and there are some other very nice surprises I will reveal soon that came with some of the framework changes we made to support real vehicles.


On the servers I run, we ask users to use engines lower than 250. My game server is high end machine with lots of memory and the game runs on an SSDs and we restart the game every 6 hours to deal with memory leaks.


still if you get 4+ minibikes on the game with engines over 400-600 you will notice lag spikes (chunk loading).


as a server owner/admin features in the serverconfig.xml to set speed limits on bikes/vehicles would be really great.

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I mean White river has trading post all over Naz. Plus they are hostile with the Duke faction.

Are you planning to rearrange the White river traders then so that they occupy only part of the map while the Duke controls another part?


Very unlikely I'd say. If a player has his starting location deep inside such a part he might never talk to the other faction(s) and never have a real choice which one to join. Or he would be forced to relocate his base just because there is no trader of his faction anywhere near. Remember games like Fallout 3, you could find settlements of any faction anywhere on the map, it wasn't like there was a front line anywhere.


And especially when the factions have

A) bussinesses, casinos, farms to operate, settlements and shops to guard,

B) not really a surplus of workers and guards to throw into a fullblown war... (apocalypses tend to reduce the work force massively)

C) their prime directive is making money and stay alive

D) to defend against zombies who really own the surrounding land

then it isn't likely that there is anything more than a cold war happening. A "hot" war is bad for bussiness, costs a lot of money to operate and would only be sensible if you are sure you have a massive advantage and can win in a relatively short time.


Sure, they might pay YOU to remove a successfull trader of a different faction, but they also would make sure that nothing leads to them as the culprits.



Will you be able to trade with the Duke's faction?


I think they said something about Duke's Casino. So at a minimum you can use your money to play poker with marked cards :fat:

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I would love a van that could hold the basic work stations (forge and workbench) and 3 or 4 boxes. Then you could have a real nomad experience.


Have like a mini mobile base. This idea is cool but maybe get disabled on the 7th day so you get stuck defending it against the zombie hord night. Also would be good to do a raid on a town or city with a few people. Maybe add a building where you can attach power to the van so you can loot it with lights working or needed power to unlock special doors etc.

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On the servers I run, we ask users to use engines lower than 250. My game server is high end machine with lots of memory and the game runs on an SSDs and we restart the game every 6 hours to deal with memory leaks.


still if you get 4+ minibikes on the game with engines over 400-600 you will notice lag spikes (chunk loading).


as a server owner/admin features in the serverconfig.xml to set speed limits on bikes/vehicles would be really great.


I think some major debugging and memory work is needed but I think that will happen as they approch Beta testing. Alpha is mainly to get content in and to make the game more of a game. I dont know if they have changed to latest version of unity either as I think there was a memory leak. Also new version of unity supports VR better as well.

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My computer is much faster than a console (i5-4690k, 32gb ram, 1080 gpu, SSD drive for the game install, not a potato at all). However when driving looking for towns and new chunks loading it will start to lag up even with vanilla as I had it happening at the beginning of a16 before I did my simple mods. The server was the BGG sub server running vanilla at the time and I just gave up exploring as I was worried I was lagging the other couple of players out. Anyway thanks for the answer. Good to know you are keeping the top speeds. Even though the minibike will go slower to do so.


My computer is pretty beast and I have the same problem while riding the mini bike.

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If there is going to be faction controlled territory I'm sure it will be limited to Navezgane. Random gen will just be random.


It would be nice if they could throw in a kind of "regional faction" system of some sort. So a town gets generated and there is a chance for bandits and the like with most of them in a single faction or a couple of rival factions. That would be a neat feature. :)

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