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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Honestly, with regards to the hp bar being in game, i think it will work well for if we have different levels of zombies, and i mean like how they do it in some fighting games where colors will be over top of the red bar and we have to deplete those in order to get to the final hp bar, i wouldnt mind that in the slightest, would let us know which zombies are going to require more focus lol

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They could rename the jeep to the "Hawking" and have it speak to us in his voice, just like Knight Rider!


I laughed out so damn loud I feel I owe you a beer :lol: Then I thought, too soon? But just laughed some more.

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Mr. Mad Mole, when is it possible the water collector from the rain, the pipes to deliver water to the base and ressurect crops ?


Do not forget to place the back packs and perks, if player is heavier the stamina will drain more faster instead less items on back pack.


If I can build clothes for the player, why I can't build a better back pack to place it on my player and have more room ? Please solve that please.


Repply ASAP


Keep up the good work

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Mr. Mad Mole, when is it possible the water collector from the rain, the pipes to deliver water to the base and ressurect crops ?


Do not forget to place the back packs and perks, if player is heavier the stamina will drain more faster instead less items on back pack.


If I can build clothes for the player, why I can't build a better back pack to place it on my player and have more room ? Please solve that please.


Repply ASAP


Keep up the good work





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He will be missed. Its been a priviledge to be part of his lifetime.


I partially read a book on Quantum Mechanics that he contributed on called: "The Dreams That Stuff Is Made Of".

I couldn't have made a better title for Quantum Mechanics, where an 8 dimensional universe is whats real and everything else might not be anything but shadows (My location description is accurate in QM). One can say that QM is where science meets something that could be called spiritual.


It makes me want to run for Einstein's relativity theories where time is flexible, but it's there at least. QM: "Time is for punks".


His thoughts were mostly well beyond me as I don't completely even have my mind around Einsteins stuff.

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I partially read a book on Quantum Mechanics that he contributed on called: "The Dreams That Stuff Is Made Of".

I couldn't have made a better title for Quantum Mechanics, where an 8 dimensional universe is whats real and everything else might not be anything but shadows (My location description is accurate in QM). One can say that QM is where science meets something that could be called spiritual.


It makes me want to run for Einstein's relativity theories where time is flexible, but it's there at least. QM: "Time is for punks".


His thoughts were mostly well beyond me as I don't completely even have my mind around Einsteins stuff.


His books are actually like a tales, sometimes the most complicated thing is explained with few words, just as he did. QM is the next level, maybe the word spiritual went out of the road, with the time passing. For me it is just a word that describes the unknown, that is yet to be discovered. In the same way we didnt know about other humans around the Globe, just because we didnt found them. Same is with quantium particles. They are there and they do their job perfectly. Just as us.


Best part is.. man , all you read in his books is actually life tips. Its all about choises. :)


- - - Updated - - -


Gazz got Roland pregnant and that's how faatal came to the forums.




Damn he grows fast :D

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I tried to ignore a screamer once...but then hotel security showed up and it was rather embarrassing...


Torches. When I was a noob, I would really light up my base. And every building I cleared out. (Seriously. Towns were pretty kewl looking at night.) Ignore a screamer? Not intentionally! Cuz then you get another. And then a couple more. And then you have 15-16 of them with a lot of other security minded folk. I know I have had more than 50 zombies at once. AND I DO have a $6000 gaming rig (although it is getting a little dated. and will be replaced when 7D2D goes gold... what kind of rig will that be?!) and it does get a little sllloooowwwww..... (you would think it would help with aiming. um - nope, crosshairs jump around a little bit. oh, and while you're aiming - more screamers & security show up!

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pvp is clearly the most important part of the game bring back 5000m sound radii open traders 24/7 take out all of the game options we have now and add this giant list of options i want in my own server, everyone else can just make a mod for whatever they want but i want my settings to be vanilla


take out the starting land claim block in multiplayer, turn up the rain chance to at least 90% of the time, and make it so the weather survival is so extreme that no set of clothes lands you in the comfort zone, but we constantly have to switch back and forth to keep ourselves in the comfort zone more often than not (since putting a coat on will, of course, now accelerate my body temperature from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds flat)


bring gun molds back, and take all vehicles out of the game. put worldgen back to a11 worldgen because it was the best, bring back caves and bears in caves, take out mocap because it's too hard for me to hit anything with the zombies meandering around, thank you


If so I think I may be elected prime minister of the forum stalking clan.


Sorry Art, I think eido's gonna get a LOT more votes...


(eido - did you do that by memory?! rofl... now we need a gate to go with each one...)

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:first: LIKE


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Mr. Mad Mole, when is it possible the water collector from the rain, the pipes to deliver water to the base and ressurect crops ?


Do not forget to place the back packs and perks, if player is heavier the stamina will drain more faster instead less items on back pack.


If I can build clothes for the player, why I can't build a better back pack to place it on my player and have more room ? Please solve that please.


Repply ASAP


Keep up the good work


:first: LIKE

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Enough HP bar talk, can we PLEASE get an official update on the new Stagg and Doe


Happily married with 2 small children. They live in rural Montana now on a small farm where they raise chickens and plant fields of fresh vegetables.


And have finally collected enough gun parts to handle those pesky humans that keep trashing their garden. Although the world gets really strange when there gets to be too many veggies....

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I partially read a book on Quantum Mechanics that he contributed on called: "The Dreams That Stuff Is Made Of".

I couldn't have made a better title for Quantum Mechanics, where an 8 dimensional universe is whats real and everything else might not be anything but shadows (My location description is accurate in QM). One can say that QM is where science meets something that could be called spiritual.


It makes me want to run for Einstein's relativity theories where time is flexible, but it's there at least. QM: "Time is for punks".


His thoughts were mostly well beyond me as I don't completely even have my mind around Einsteins stuff.


Try to find The Tao of Physics. That was a good one directly relating physics to Eastern Religions/Philosophy.

Dear Roland: You could have truncated the response to "SYNTAX." That would at least point them in the right direction to more effectively communicating.


Dear Skullpoker: You could start your own website devoted to helping non-English speakers how to more effectively communicate. Here we forgive and go with the gist.


Dear Roland: That's called "English as a Second Language", and people get paid for it, so I'm obviously not going to give it away for free on a website. Less than three


Dear Skullpoker: I agree with you completely. This is a website and stop giving it away for free on this website. That is all.

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