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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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@roland I’m fine with dlc. I’ll buy it if it adds to the game. There still developing a alpha. No need to mention dlc before the games release. The fun pimps seem to be good developers but nobody wants a call of duty situations. Games comes out and it was obvious that dlc was made prior to the release of the game.


They have not finished the content lock for the game so why mention dlc if something is planned for dlc fine but don’t tell us about it. I’d prefer if there time was spent finishing and fixing the game. Not thinking about what could be used for dlc later.

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All looks good. But I didn’t like the mention of dlc he made. Games not even finished so dlc should not even be in the thought process yet


If DLC wasn't even in their thought processes yet they would be the worst devs in history. DLC has probably been at least simmering in the back of their minds since 5 seconds after they reached their kick starter goal. If not before.

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@roland I’m fine with dlc. I’ll buy it if it adds to the game. There still developing a alpha. No need to mention dlc before the games release. The fun pimps seem to be good developers but nobody wants a call of duty situations. Games comes out and it was obvious that dlc was made prior to the release of the game.


They have not finished the content lock for the game so why mention dlc if something is planned for dlc fine but don’t tell us about it. I’d prefer if there time was spent finishing and fixing the game. Not thinking about what could be used for dlc later.


Oh I see. You are assuming that dlc means something extra you have to pay for. That isn't what Madmole is talking about. He isn't trying to gear up for selling us something additional. He is simply letting us know that more good stuff will be coming even though we are near the end of the alpha phase and near hitting the content lock for beta and the gold release. He's saying, "Don't worry, if ABC don't make it into A17 or A18 and then we shift into beta and then finish the game, ABC will still be coming post release."


If you don't like the letters dlc then substitute in pru. (post release update)

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Oh I see. You are assuming that dlc means something extra you have to pay for. That isn't what Madmole is talking about. He isn't trying to gear up for selling us something additional. He is simply letting us know that more good stuff will be coming even though we are near the end of the alpha phase and near hitting the content lock for beta and the gold release. He's saying, "Don't worry, if ABC don't make it into A17 or A18 and then we shift into beta and then finish the game, ABC will still be coming post release."


If you don't like the letters dlc then substitute in pru. (post release update)


I see nothing wrong with both types. Free DLC for stuff they wanted in the original but just had to put off and paid DLC for entirely new things. A new static map like Navezgane with an entire new storyline and set of quests? I'd pay for that.


Also, if I was TFP I would put out a DLC right now with a bigger backpack and sell it for 99.99 just to troll people. Of course there is a reason I'm not a businessman.

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Sticky arrows and distant tree rendering! I like it. Hopefully we'll be able to pick those arrows back up at some point.

And bring on the DLC! I'll pay for it. I bought this game for $10. I feel I still owe the Pimps for the 1000+ hours I've been entertained by this game.

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Also, if I was TFP I would put out a DLC right now with a bigger backpack and sell it for 99.99 just to troll people. Of course there is a reason I'm not a businessman.


BUT... there would be people that would actually try to pay for that while they are complaining about high prices and then they find out there is no store yet to buy the dlc. :)


i will not be answering the customer service line.

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I like all the new buffs in the items xml shown. The new spread multipliers and kick should make the bandits and npcs seem more realistic in combat rather than them all being 1st place competitive shooting athletes. We also got burst round count and rounds per minute, are those going to hint towards more ranged weapon variety? M16 maybe?


With the gun mods and buffs I hope there will be a new button map to toggle or someway to separately control a mod function. It would be nice if we could select between full auto and semi fire with a select fire mod, shoot grenades with a n00b tube, toggle a laser, activate a thermal scope, melee with a bayonet all with a push of a button.

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I remember someones said this games goes to hell


Well, he was absolutely right! This game leads straight to hell. Or where do you think you are going when you shoot human beings in the hundreds? Just because they have some customs you find alien and they don't conform to your narrow morale codex. Lets face it, you are a petty bourgeois who just can't handle the free-spirited nomads of 7D2D. :smile-new:

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Ah that's interesting, I'll have to check that out then. Never tried spawning some enemies by myself.


There's a few mods that have the bandits implemented but they will kill you fast if they get a whiff of you since there is no way to control their aim variability. They are basically walking turrets. Hense, why they are not in the game yet.

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Am I selfish or do I think that we should get the experimental A17 to speed up the release and find the bugs now rather than later (of course new ones could pop up)?


This would work if half the people who submitted bugs knew how to do simple things like wipe a game save or report properly. It would SLOW things down in my opinion.


MM, cheers to a great video and to also renewing my excitement for this update. A17 looks like a game changer, and yeah that has been overused for sure. But this IS indeed a game changer in every single way. Despite all these off topic arguments, in the end In Pimps We Trust good sir, and this only confirms that mantra as being one we should ALL properly believe in.


Just don't use words like Beta anymore ok? :D

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