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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Weapon idea's!


If you guys adding some new weapons in to the game, could you guys plz add some Machine Guns that are deployeble and tribods.


It don't have to be always weapons from the future maybe a little bit past.

For example MG42 its a ww2 German MG used by the whermacht, and i think alot of people more like ww2 weapons in a survival game then future weapons.

If i see the hunting rifle wich has 1 bullet reload, thats more a tank hunter rifle i has bigger bullets then is used in the game, so could it maybe changed by Kar98K also a German weapon that has 5 bullet clip, thats able to attached and distached scope's. If you guys could make some diffrents by chaging and adding some few weapons that would make the game more realistic like you guys want to, but it also would make the game better. And i have seen the bicycle and motorcycle new physics, thats alot better it make the game more fun to play.


Greeting from Fire


BTW: i play this game when it was on alpha 6 or 7 so plz make some diffrents.


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that's what the 3rd one was called dead matter lol, i am waiting for that one the city is in my province can not wait for it lol.


and it looks super polished already either way i can host both but take awhile to rack up 2500+ hours on it


sadly i think that game can derail 7dtd easy and it releases first quarter 2018,

and the best we can expect for 7dtd is late summer or winter and no patches at all till then.


just shows what can be done when people are dedicated and not lazy, i hate to say that but i read the reviews 7dtd is slow super slow for anything.


the other 2 are also unity and already look better then 7dtd.


people are right this game is probably gonna be dead soon the waits are just too long for a game that has been out for what 5 years now almost.

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Take your pick........


I think the LOOOOOOooong time btween releases is hurting the game...I know quite a few people who just stopped playing because of a variety of factors that haven't been fixed or implemented or dropped. They are tired of not having complete systems that work...temperature, AI, vehicles(minibike disappearances), etc. But mostly because of NO mid to late game challenge. They are tired of constantly starting over, everytime they get to a certain point in game. The proverbial wall. I agree with them. They have gone the way of Mods to prolong the gameplay, but it is getting to the same point there as well...thus they are leaving for other games..it sucks but that's life...If you are bored with a game...you move on. Many have come back after 1 or 2 alphas to see what improvements have been made only to get discouraged after they find out that some of the reasons they stopped playing are still in place. Temperature has been broken for 3-4 alphas and hasn't been touched since implementation. I have faith...but it is faltering....especially when you see games on the horizon or that are out, and putting out updates monthly or every few months compared to yearly.

For example, the game is being optimized for Unity 2017. Agreed..AWESOME for the game...however this will be the 2nd major optimization of the game, so basically a few things will be added however none of the bug/optimizatons of broken systems will be fixed. I know ..its an alpha. I have 2000+ hour in game and modding.I have played since A5 or A6..im still here , but some people don't have the same dedication or patience.


Put out a small patch halfway through the Alpha development....Put the new POIs out when done....throw people a bone...POI's are not affecting the new systems being worked on.


Many of the new games ARE NOT voxel based with a fully a destructible environment ...I get that...but the challenges are there..I would love to try a game with limited underground play and get larger hordes...an option...people want options and challenges.


Its not the game..but it's the game.








completely agree with you

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Thats it lol what kinda guppycurian forum whore are you :p


i have double that and probably twice the noobycurian game whore your are >:)


2,601 hrs on record

last played on 8 Dec

7 Days to Die


I checked, I'm at 1847, and truthfully probably half is prefabbing, not playing... yeh yeh, it's probably why I'm not as good as you guys. =)

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don;t get me wrong i love the game but it scares me when you see the what i will call the old lion vs the young lion coming out.

but time will tell, 2.5 million copies is alot i know from my own gaming group at least 100+ can no longer play the game and they are not even looking into those issues yet.


i really hope these new guys are the new blood this game needs someone to actually work on it like a job and not when you feel like it.

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Take your pick........snip


Got caught up on your enjoyable links, I found this Cronenberg-esque morsel..




- - - updated - - -


In regards to the rest, I can see everyone's point and passion for this game. For me, I'm not minding the wait to the finish line.

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people are right this game is probably gonna be dead soon the waits are just too long for a game that has been out for what 5 years now almost.



People been saying this over a year now and it hasn't yet so go figure. Plus technically the game isn't out yet it is just playable while in development. 5 years isn't really that long for a game in development. I know games that take 6-8 years in development and they are a huge company with way more people working on it but the difference is they don't let you play while working on the game so you don't hear about the game until they get closer to a release date.

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Ignore those that try to attempt to force an update. Take your time and keep doing what ya doing.


All this Google search nonsense and streamers going elsewhere. Let them lol. Google search is just that nothing to worry bout.


If a17 takes 2 years to get out and we have all these goodies and additions then so be it lol. The game will still be great.


Ignore the attempts of blackmail/hissy fits false stats etc. Those whom don't know or understand the processes should learn, not complain. Or simply go make their own game and see what it really is like.


A16 is fine and works great.....


I remember when people where whining bout alphas being released buggy lol. And those complaining that TFP shouldn't release buggy releases are also some of those whom complaining bout the Iength of time it takes to release a not so buggy alpha.


I agree with rdunham3 statement to. Sorry but I have no issues with how long a alpha takes. You all whine about the game needing new content etc etc. Yet TFP work on this stuff and extra and ya all still find a way to whine bout stuff. Whine about the ai being crap well they are working on it. One simply does not click their fingers and the stuff appears lol...

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Lol maybe a pre requisite of joining the forum a huge thread with every question and every answer lol So they don't repeat it a zillion times......


Maybe a separate sticky thread for just Alpha 17 Q&A should be started the same time this thread is? Probably won't stop any one but might thin it out.


This release would include AI? (Bandits and survivors)


No, but you can get them in some mods.

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