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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I don't understand the point in reaching for ultra-realism justifications for simple things, like not being able to open the map while driving. It's a videogame. There's a balance between realism and good gameplay features, being able to open the map while driving isn't going to break that balance. If anything you could still argue that it's similar to real life because it blocks your entire view and distracts your driving.


Players have also asked for a Pause Button in the past but I never put my 2 cents in. In real life you can not Pause a Z Attack but in Real Life I am playing a Video Game & in Real Life I can Pause every Video Game I Own except this one. Sometimes the phones rings during a Z Attack & I can not Pause so I Esc/Quit, might be the VA for one of my apts. again Real Life prevails. Sometimes one of my neighbors walks down to play Guitar & I would like to Pause it to answer the door then come back to the Game to get to a Quitting Location.

There's my 2 Cents on a Pause Button Request for A 17, a little late but I think I am on the right side of the Debate.

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Players have also asked for a Pause Button in the past but I never put my 2 cents in. In real life you can not Pause a Z Attack but in Real Life I am playing a Video Game & in Real Life I can Pause every Video Game I Own except this one. Sometimes the phones rings during a Z Attack & I can not Pause so I Esc/Quit, might be the VA for one of my apts. again Real Life prevails. Sometimes one of my neighbors walks down to play Guitar & I would like to Pause it to answer the door then come back to the Game to get to a Quitting Location.

There's my 2 Cents on a Pause Button Request for A 17, a little late but I think I am on the right side of the Debate.


You can pause in SP, which I think is just fine, but it's not a matter of realism vs gameplay for MP. On an online server you can't just pause the game whenever you want because then it would pause it for everyone else on the server.

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You can pause in SP, which I think is just fine, but it's not a matter of realism vs gameplay for MP. On an online server you can't just pause the game whenever you want because then it would pause it for everyone else on the server.


That makes sense, maybe that is why I never put my 2 Cents in, I did not know they added it to S/P. I have only been playing S/P for the Achievements & did not notice a Pause Option lately. It's my server, maybe I should just go into G/M or something so I do not Die.

Any Suggestions for a quick solution for things like the Phone or Front Door in M/P so you don't get chewed up by a Z?

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Here's a suggestion. Play it like Resident Evil (the original) where ammo was always so scarce that you had to evade and run and hurry and loot and then run and dodge and you only killed them if necessary.


that is what I do the first few days, Zombies are not my priority. But I have found that a club and juking (football term) on solo zombies are not bad if you have good health.


if you are in the desert you should get aloe and make cream and put that on your task bar.

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That makes sense, maybe that is why I never put my 2 Cents in, I did not know they added it to S/P. I have only been playing S/P for the Achievements & did not notice a Pause Option lately. It's my server, maybe I should just go into G/M or something so I do not Die.

Any Suggestions for a quick solution for things like the Phone or Front Door in M/P so you don't get chewed up by a Z?


Since Zombies like doors, I tent to not have a door below 4 blocks. I build a boring 6x6x5 high SOLID with a mine shaft down the middle. I put everything on top of that block and use frames and eventually bars to control zombies and shoot through.


to get up I use a ramp and eventually a drawbridge.


Make a roof out of upgraded wood frames and put a garden up there. that controls weather and keeps vultures at bay. it seems Vultures will not fly into your place.


a couple of rows of log spikes help with screamers if you want to avoid them. I like 2 rows of spikes around the base and two rows about 10-15 blocks out so that I Can control zombie pukers.

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Sitting in bike and watchin map is cool, but while driving through the map and have a map out .. how many hands do you have. Besides turn by turn nav is one thing, a map and a compass is another. Waypoints help a lot.



IMO 7DTD should look at doing something similar to Minecraft and not include a map feature until you get some Navigator Perk/skill. maybe something like getting to Level 5 and needing cloth/iron/electrical parts to make some sort of map/GPS device that lets you save waypoints.



making it tiered so you need to get higher in order to had complex map features that would also help with finding treasure and other resources. this would replace the treasure/map perk.

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That makes sense, maybe that is why I never put my 2 Cents in, I did not know they added it to S/P. I have only been playing S/P for the Achievements & did not notice a Pause Option lately. It's my server, maybe I should just go into G/M or something so I do not Die.

Any Suggestions for a quick solution for things like the Phone or Front Door in M/P so you don't get chewed up by a Z?


My only suggestion would be to run and log somewhere away from the zombies. Not really much to be done about it really, if it's a phone call then you can at least do that while initially answering the call.

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IMO 7DTD should look at doing something similar to Minecraft and not include a map feature until you get some Navigator Perk/skill. maybe something like getting to Level 5 and needing cloth/iron/electrical parts to make some sort of map/GPS device that lets you save waypoints.



making it tiered so you need to get higher in order to had complex map features that would also help with finding treasure and other resources. this would replace the treasure/map perk.


Saving waypoints is a bit crappy because some markers fade away with the distance growing. I agree there must be a way to know where is all this stuff on your map in some way. But why you need a gps is too much in survival postapocalyptic world. People survived hell and found new continents with a map and a compass. And no women on board.

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What if the map only popped open on screen when on the bike, if the bike is completely stopped?


very much agree here to. its ok to open map when fully stopped but please dont do it while driving.... it will give people the idea that its safe to do that in real life. :( whoa... NVM, hell people are doing it now.... i am too late.



true story - i did yell at a man one time for driving with the damn map open... he cussed me out and told me to mind my own business.... about 200 ft down the road he ran into a car stopped at the stop sign... i did run down to him and kindly reminded him that he should have listened to me.


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very much agree here to. its ok to open map when fully stopped but please dont do it while driving.... it will give people the idea that its safe to do that in real life. :( whoa... NVM, hell people are doing it now.... i am too late.



true story - i did yell at a man one time for driving with the damn map open... he cussed me out and told me to mind my own business.... about 200 ft down the road he ran into a car stopped at the stop sign... i did run down to him and kindly reminded him that he should have listened to me.


My driver instructor told me something that got stuck into my head for now 12 years - "If you wanna crash just distract, change stations or text. Your life is yours, but other`s lifes is theirs"


Binding a Tab key for example, while bike is stopped is cool option to bring a map on the screen.

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Saving waypoints is a bit crappy because some markers fade away with the distance growing. I agree there must be a way to know where is all this stuff on your map in some way. But why you need a gps is too much in survival postapocalyptic world. People survived hell and found new continents with a map and a compass. And no women on board.


You can use the track waypoint option to prevent them from fading away...

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Hey Roland, I have a good question, i did ask this a few pages back but madmoles video came out so i never heard anyone on the topic, if you guys do anymore skill reworks can i make a suggestion, the repairing perk, can we possibly make that into a skill out of 100, i feel it should be like that for the more you use it the better at repairing you get rather than 5 perks bought and your done, to make it worth while to repair more stuff for other than trading, why not make it so the higher the skill the less resources it takes to repair an item, could even contribute to repairing the base that is built, i think it would help with the immersion and skill point distribution. What do you think?


That is a Gazz question. Maybe he will chime in.

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"Removed player collision from yucca and aloe to improve travel"


How about those twigs? They are everywhere in forests and the player collide with them is fine, but at least make them breakable while driving. Forests are already very crowded with obstructions.


If they break when you hit them then most likely your bike will take damage. I would prefer that to just stay the way it is. The 4 wheel one might be different though who knows lol

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Since Zombies like doors, I tent to not have a door below 4 blocks. I build a boring 6x6x5 high SOLID with a mine shaft down the middle. I put everything on top of that block and use frames and eventually bars to control zombies and shoot through.


to get up I use a ramp and eventually a drawbridge.


Make a roof out of upgraded wood frames and put a garden up there. that controls weather and keeps vultures at bay. it seems Vultures will not fly into your place.


a couple of rows of log spikes help with screamers if you want to avoid them. I like 2 rows of spikes around the base and two rows about 10-15 blocks out so that I Can control zombie pukers.



Quote Originally Posted by spacepiggio View Post

That makes sense, maybe that is why I never put my 2 Cents in, I did not know they added it to S/P. I have only been playing S/P for the Achievements & did not notice a Pause Option lately. It's my server, maybe I should just go into G/M or something so I do not Die.

Any Suggestions for a quick solution for things like the Phone or Front Door in M/P so you don't get chewed up by a Z?


I think that spacepiggio was talking about when he was playing someone would call on his phone or knock on the door to his house. Or she, never know if the person is male or female by their handle.

For me, I have the phone near my computer desk and I can see who is calling, I just look at the name, let the machine pick it up and if I want to talk pick it up, if not, ignore it.

For the door, we are new to our neighborhood, so we don't have that many visitors, family is in other states. MP is a hard one because you can't pause the game so have to take the chance the zombies won't eat you while you go to answer the door; same with having to run to the bathroom I guess, hope you don't die in the process. I play single player and use the pause button, a lot. The ones who demand my attention are the family "children" our dogs. If I ignore the "monster" he just plops his head on my arm and I can't move it until I tell him okay, and then he raises it so I can give him the attention he wants. Not much help, sorry.

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They should enable the pause button on MP when there is only 1 player in the game.


...and as a bonus, enable a "global pause" just to piss off other players. =)


If the server is paused because of only one player, can a 2nd player log in? If yes, what happens to the first player that thinks they are paused. Thinking you are paused and then it going away is worse than not being able to do it in the first place.

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If the server is paused because of only one player, can a 2nd player log in? If yes, what happens to the first player that thinks they are paused. Thinking you are paused and then it going away is worse than not being able to do it in the first place.


Game stays paused. ...but really I just want that feature to cause rage.

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@MM/TFP - with the addition of loot palettes in in the video will we see a chance to loot containers in POIs to match the plastic wrap? possible the introduction of warehouses where said plastic wrapped palettes came from?


how about adding a dolly or fork lift so I can move said palettes?


It would be nice to use a hand truck to move your full chests as well. (Minecraft's Open Blocks mod has this. When moving a chest, your stamina goes to zero while moving for balance.)

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