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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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This is wrong. Nobody gets it tomorrow. My hope is the guy misunderstood in translating my emails from English into German. I'll have to contact him when I get the chance....


Or he'll be contacting me wondering where his access password is...lol


why does he get it?

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Come on man, don't let your guard downs. Been a developer I don't really agree with you. Though I don't deny that there won't be a bug. But when I recreate some piece of code then it fix all basic bugs we had in past like fix 100s of them and create new 10-20s of them. But these 10-20 are more logic one that were not visible because of previous 100s. That I do understand, but I won't say it is not stable in compare to old one. That is why you rewrite and upgrade it. To be more efficient.


Every programmer is different. What you did in the past does not apply to code you have never seen, in a version of the game you have never played, by programmers you have never met nor know their programming skills. The reality is A17e will have many bugs. Why? Because there are about 100 reported bugs in the code currently and they will not all be fixed by the time experimental is released. The point of experimental is to get feedback, polish and fix bugs.

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Personally I hope the current static distant POI system is just the first alpha implementation of a properly implemented system at some later point in time. Currently when you destroy buildings (even small ones) you still see them from far away, and it looks pretty ridiculous when you then get closer and the building suddenly vanishes. Changes to the real structures should be synchronized with the distant models.


Dynamic distant POIs (and player-built structures) are the way to go.


yeah happens a lot to me specially PVP sometimes when you destroy a POI you will see that the old destroyed house is still there inside your base honesly that sucks let hope they will may be change it in A18

i know how things like this are hard to make but i believe that TFP will be able to do anynthing they could btw Video ..Video ....Video ....Video ...Video ...Video

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Every programmer is different. What you did in the past does not apply to code you have never seen, in a version of the game you have never played, by programmers you have never met nor know their programming skills. The reality is A17e will have many bugs. Why? Because there are about 100 reported bugs in the code currently and they will not all be fixed by the time experimental is released. The point of experimental is to get feedback, polish and fix bugs.

:spy:Super Secret Video Feed of TFP in bug squishing action.


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Am I the only one that builds an urban zone, and destroys everything around me? I have one save where I'm about to take down the pharmaceutical tower because I built in an army barracks that spawned on the opposite corner. They render the distant POI at some point during the generation of the world, so there has to be a way to regenerate those things. Maybe make it update the models on exit, or on login, so you may have to deal with it for the current session, but the next time you log out, or in, it updates. I've done things like rebuild all the bridges in the south of navezgane, and renovate Departure one building at a time.


I have as well. I'll take up 'residence' in a town and fix all the broken things, mow (and sometimes level) all the lawns, make hills nicer, pick up all the trash, etc. I used to SCREAM when a wandering horde would come through and destroy a bunch of work, but I've gotten better at sensing when they appear and then it becomes some form of mini game. Kill them all before they break too much, or try to herd them into preconfigured places. (It's so funny how I used to think I could never get away from them, and now how much work it takes to actually hold ALL of their attentions...)


Wanderdog hordes don't even bother me much anymore (have even gotten used to no bark until right next to you) - including in a new game. Wolves and DireWolves on the other hand... (almost always get enough warning from bears as well.)

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I have as well. I'll take up 'residence' in a town and fix all the broken things, mow (and sometimes level) all the lawns, make hills nicer, pick up all the trash, etc. I used to SCREAM when a wandering horde would come through and destroy a bunch of work, but I've gotten better at sensing when they appear and then it becomes some form of mini game. Kill them all before they break too much, or try to herd them into preconfigured places. (It's so funny how I used to think I could never get away from them, and now how much work it takes to actually hold ALL of their attentions...)


Ohhhh, man. I wound up with a screamer showing up, then another. Wandering horde following right after, trialing screamers.. and it started to balloon into a chain of insanity while just trying to reload my turrets today.


Was fun though.

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A17 madmole let's play video here!


So companies are spending millions (literally) training people to watch for certain kinds of 'tells' before they click on something, and then you go and do this and cause all those millions to be 'wasted'.


I hope you are proud of yourself, sir.


Oh, wait...

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Ohhhh, man. I wound up with a screamer showing up, then another. Wandering horde following right after, trialing screamers.. and it started to balloon into a chain of insanity while just trying to reload my turrets today.


Was fun though.


I think it was early A15 (or was it 16? rofl), screamers had a bug (they would show up if you exhaled...) I setup a test to see how many I could have concurrently. I got to 15 (and there about 50 non-screamers) and the lag was way too horrible to play anymore. I wish I had taken a pic. (although it wouldn't be too hard to duplicate)

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Actually, it's a secret message that New Zealanders will get A17 before the rest of us!


Well, the opposite is sort of true. If A17 releases on a US Monday, it'll be Tuesday in NZ at that time, so we (yeah, I'm a kiwi) kinda get it a day later than the rest of you.

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